        public void Discover()
            BindingInfo bnd = (BindingInfo)type_info.Bindings [0];

            DiscoveryClientProtocol discoverer = new DiscoveryClientProtocol();


            foreach (object info in discoverer.AdditionalInformation)
                System.Web.Services.Discovery.SoapBinding sb = info as System.Web.Services.Discovery.SoapBinding;
                if (sb != null && sb.Binding.Name == bnd.Name && sb.Binding.Namespace == bnd.Namespace)
                    Url = sb.Address;

            string msg = string.Format(
                "The binding named '{0}' from namespace '{1}' was not found in the discovery document at '{2}'",
                bnd.Name, bnd.Namespace, Url);

            throw new Exception(msg);
		bool ImportBindingContent (ServiceDescription desc, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
			serviceDescription = desc;
			// Look for an unused name
			int n=0;
			string name = binfo.Name;
			bool found;
				found = false;
				foreach (Binding bi in desc.Bindings)
					if (bi.Name == name) { found = true; n++; name = binfo.Name+n; break; }
			while (found);
			// Create the binding
			binding = new Binding ();
			binding.Name = name;
			binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName (binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
			if (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute != null && binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.EmitConformanceClaims) {
				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
				XmlElement docElement = doc.CreateElement ("wsdl", "documentation", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/");
				XmlElement claimsElement = doc.CreateElement ("wsi", "Claim", "http://ws-i.org/schemas/conformanceClaim/");
				claimsElement.Attributes.Append (doc.CreateAttribute ("conformsTo")).Value = "http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1";
				docElement.AppendChild (claimsElement);
				binding.DocumentationElement = docElement;
			portType = new PortType ();
			portType.Name = binding.Name;

			BeginClass ();

			foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
				reflector.ReflectionContext = this;
				reflector.ReflectDescription ();

			foreach (MethodStubInfo method in typeInfo.Methods)
				methodStubInfo = method;
				string metBinding = ReflectMethodBinding ();
				if (typeInfo.GetBinding (metBinding) != binfo) continue;
				operation = new Operation ();
				operation.Name = method.OperationName;
				operation.Documentation = method.MethodAttribute.Description;

				// FIXME: SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 should share
				// the same message definitions.

				inputMessage = new Message ();
				inputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "In";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (inputMessage);
				outputMessage = new Message ();
				outputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "Out";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (outputMessage);

				OperationInput inOp = new OperationInput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) inOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (inOp);
				inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (inputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				OperationOutput outOp = new OperationOutput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) outOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (outOp);
				outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (outputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				portType.Operations.Add (operation);
				ImportOperationBinding ();
				if (!ReflectMethod ()) {
					// (It is somewhat hacky) If we don't
					// add input/output Messages, update
					// portType/input/@message and
					// porttype/output/@message.
					Message dupIn = Parent.MappedMessagesIn [method.MethodInfo];
					ServiceDescription.Messages.Remove (inputMessage);
					inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (dupIn.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
					Message dupOut = Parent.MappedMessagesOut [method.MethodInfo];
					ServiceDescription.Messages.Remove (outputMessage);
					outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (dupOut.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);

				foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
					reflector.ReflectionContext = this;
					reflector.ReflectMethod ();
			EndClass ();
			if (portType.Operations.Count > 0)
				desc.Bindings.Add (binding);
				desc.PortTypes.Add (portType);
				return true;
				return false;
		void ImportBinding (ServiceDescription desc, Service service, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
			port = new Port ();
			port.Name = portNames.AddUnique (binfo.Name, port);
			bool bindingFull = true;

			if (binfo.Namespace != desc.TargetNamespace)
				if (binfo.Location == null || binfo.Location == string.Empty)
					ServiceDescription newDesc = new ServiceDescription();
					newDesc.TargetNamespace = binfo.Namespace;
					newDesc.Name = binfo.Name;
					bindingFull = ImportBindingContent (newDesc, typeInfo, url, binfo);
					if (bindingFull) {
						int id = ServiceDescriptions.Add (newDesc);
						AddImport (desc, binfo.Namespace, GetWsdlUrl (url,id));
				else {
					AddImport (desc, binfo.Namespace, binfo.Location);
					bindingFull = true;
				bindingFull = ImportBindingContent (desc, typeInfo, url, binfo);
			if (bindingFull)
				port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName (binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
				int n = 0;
				string name = binfo.Name; 
				bool found;
				do {

					found = false;
					foreach (Port p in service.Ports)
						if (p.Name == name) { found = true; n++; name = binfo.Name + n; break; }
				while (found);
				port.Name = name;
				service.Ports.Add (port);

			if (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute != null && binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.ConformsTo != WsiProfiles.None && String.IsNullOrEmpty (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.Name)) {
				BasicProfileViolationCollection violations = new BasicProfileViolationCollection ();
				desc.Types.Schemas.Add (Schemas);
				ServiceDescriptionCollection col = new ServiceDescriptionCollection ();
				col.Add (desc);
				ConformanceCheckContext ctx = new ConformanceCheckContext (col, violations);
				ctx.ServiceDescription = desc;
				ConformanceChecker[] checkers = WebServicesInteroperability.GetCheckers (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.ConformsTo);
				foreach (ConformanceChecker checker in checkers) {
					ctx.Checker = checker;
					WebServicesInteroperability.Check (ctx, checker, binding);
					if (violations.Count > 0)
						throw new InvalidOperationException (violations [0].ToString ());
		internal void AddBindingAt (int pos, BindingInfo info)
			bindings.Insert (pos, info);
		internal void AddBinding (BindingInfo info)
			bindings.Add (info);
        // Constructor
        public SoapMethodStubInfo(TypeStubInfo typeStub, LogicalMethodInfo source, object kind, XmlReflectionImporter xmlImporter, SoapReflectionImporter soapImporter)
            : base(typeStub, source)
            SoapTypeStubInfo    parent      = (SoapTypeStubInfo)typeStub;
            XmlElementAttribute optional_ns = null;

            if (kind == null)
                Use               = parent.LogicalType.BindingUse;
                RequestName       = "";
                RequestNamespace  = "";
                ResponseName      = "";
                ResponseNamespace = "";
                ParameterStyle    = parent.ParameterStyle;
                SoapBindingStyle  = parent.SoapBindingStyle;
                OneWay            = false;
// disabled (see bug #332150)
//#if NET_2_0
//				if (parent.Type != source.DeclaringType)
//					Binding = source.DeclaringType.Name + parent.ProtocolName;
            else if (kind is SoapDocumentMethodAttribute)
                SoapDocumentMethodAttribute dma = (SoapDocumentMethodAttribute)kind;

                Use = dma.Use;
                if (Use == SoapBindingUse.Default)
                    if (parent.SoapBindingStyle == SoapBindingStyle.Document)
                        Use = parent.LogicalType.BindingUse;
                        Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal;

                Action            = dma.Action;
                Binding           = dma.Binding;
                RequestName       = dma.RequestElementName;
                RequestNamespace  = dma.RequestNamespace;
                ResponseName      = dma.ResponseElementName;
                ResponseNamespace = dma.ResponseNamespace;
                ParameterStyle    = dma.ParameterStyle;
                if (ParameterStyle == SoapParameterStyle.Default)
                    ParameterStyle = parent.ParameterStyle;
                OneWay           = dma.OneWay;
                SoapBindingStyle = SoapBindingStyle.Document;
                SoapRpcMethodAttribute rma = (SoapRpcMethodAttribute)kind;
                Use = SoapBindingUse.Encoded;                   // RPC always use encoded

                Action = rma.Action;
                if (Action != null && Action.Length == 0)
                    Action = null;
                Binding = rma.Binding;

                // When using RPC, MS.NET seems to ignore RequestElementName and
                // MessageName, and it always uses the method name
                RequestName  = source.Name;
                ResponseName = source.Name + "Response";
//				RequestName = rma.RequestElementName;
//				ResponseName = rma.ResponseElementName;
                RequestNamespace  = rma.RequestNamespace;
                ResponseNamespace = rma.ResponseNamespace;
                ParameterStyle    = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped;
                OneWay            = rma.OneWay;
                SoapBindingStyle  = SoapBindingStyle.Rpc;

                // For RPC calls, make all arguments be part of the empty namespace
                optional_ns           = new XmlElementAttribute();
                optional_ns.Namespace = "";

            if (OneWay)
                if (source.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                    throw new Exception("OneWay methods should not have a return value.");
                if (source.OutParameters.Length != 0)
                    throw new Exception("OneWay methods should not have out/ref parameters.");

            BindingInfo binfo = parent.GetBinding(Binding);

            if (binfo == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Type '" + parent.Type + "' is missing WebServiceBinding attribute that defines a binding named '" + Binding + "'.");

            string serviceNamespace = binfo.Namespace;

            if (RequestNamespace == "")
                RequestNamespace = parent.LogicalType.GetWebServiceNamespace(serviceNamespace, Use);
            if (ResponseNamespace == "")
                ResponseNamespace = parent.LogicalType.GetWebServiceNamespace(serviceNamespace, Use);
            if (RequestName == "")
                RequestName = Name;
            if (ResponseName == "")
                ResponseName = Name + "Response";
            if (Action == null)
                Action = serviceNamespace.EndsWith("/") ? (serviceNamespace + Name) : (serviceNamespace + "/" + Name);

            bool hasWrappingElem = (ParameterStyle == SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped);
            bool writeAccessors  = (SoapBindingStyle == SoapBindingStyle.Rpc);

            XmlReflectionMember [] in_members  = BuildRequestReflectionMembers(optional_ns);
            XmlReflectionMember [] out_members = BuildResponseReflectionMembers(optional_ns);

            if (Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal)
                InputMembersMapping  = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping(RequestName, RequestNamespace, in_members, hasWrappingElem);
                OutputMembersMapping = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping(ResponseName, ResponseNamespace, out_members, hasWrappingElem);
                InputMembersMapping  = soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping(RequestName, RequestNamespace, in_members, hasWrappingElem, writeAccessors);
                OutputMembersMapping = soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping(ResponseName, ResponseNamespace, out_members, hasWrappingElem, writeAccessors);

            requestSerializerId  = parent.RegisterSerializer(InputMembersMapping);
            responseSerializerId = parent.RegisterSerializer(OutputMembersMapping);

            object[]  o               = source.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapHeaderAttribute));
            ArrayList allHeaderList   = new ArrayList(o.Length);
            ArrayList inHeaderList    = new ArrayList(o.Length);
            ArrayList outHeaderList   = new ArrayList(o.Length);
            ArrayList faultHeaderList = new ArrayList();

            SoapHeaderDirection unknownHeaderDirections = (SoapHeaderDirection)0;

            for (int i = 0; i < o.Length; i++)
                SoapHeaderAttribute att  = (SoapHeaderAttribute)o[i];
                MemberInfo[]        mems = source.DeclaringType.GetMember(att.MemberName);
                if (mems.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Member " + att.MemberName + " not found in class " + source.DeclaringType.FullName + ".");

                HeaderInfo header = new HeaderInfo(mems[0], att);
                if (!header.Custom)
                    if ((header.Direction & SoapHeaderDirection.In) != 0)
                    if ((header.Direction & SoapHeaderDirection.Out) != 0)
                    if ((header.Direction & SoapHeaderDirection.Fault) != 0)
                    unknownHeaderDirections |= header.Direction;

            Headers = (HeaderInfo[])allHeaderList.ToArray(typeof(HeaderInfo));

            if (inHeaderList.Count > 0 || (unknownHeaderDirections & SoapHeaderDirection.In) != 0)
                InHeaders = (HeaderInfo[])inHeaderList.ToArray(typeof(HeaderInfo));
                XmlReflectionMember[] members = BuildHeadersReflectionMembers(InHeaders);

                if (Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal)
                    InputHeaderMembersMapping = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false);
                    InputHeaderMembersMapping = soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false, false);

                requestHeadersSerializerId = parent.RegisterSerializer(InputHeaderMembersMapping);

            if (outHeaderList.Count > 0 || (unknownHeaderDirections & SoapHeaderDirection.Out) != 0)
                OutHeaders = (HeaderInfo[])outHeaderList.ToArray(typeof(HeaderInfo));
                XmlReflectionMember[] members = BuildHeadersReflectionMembers(OutHeaders);

                if (Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal)
                    OutputHeaderMembersMapping = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false);
                    OutputHeaderMembersMapping = soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false, false);

                responseHeadersSerializerId = parent.RegisterSerializer(OutputHeaderMembersMapping);

            if (faultHeaderList.Count > 0 || (unknownHeaderDirections & SoapHeaderDirection.Fault) != 0)
                FaultHeaders = (HeaderInfo[])faultHeaderList.ToArray(typeof(HeaderInfo));
                XmlReflectionMember[] members = BuildHeadersReflectionMembers(FaultHeaders);

                if (Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal)
                    FaultHeaderMembersMapping = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false);
                    FaultHeaderMembersMapping = soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping("", RequestNamespace, members, false, false);

                faultHeadersSerializerId = parent.RegisterSerializer(FaultHeaderMembersMapping);

            SoapExtensions = SoapExtension.GetMethodExtensions(source);
 internal void AddBindingAt(int pos, BindingInfo info)
     bindings.Insert(pos, info);
 internal void AddBinding(BindingInfo info)
		public TypeStubInfo (LogicalTypeInfo logicalTypeInfo)
			this.logicalType = logicalTypeInfo;

			defaultBinding = logicalType.WebServiceName + ProtocolName;
			BindingInfo binfo = new BindingInfo (defaultBinding, logicalType.WebServiceNamespace);
			Bindings.Add (binfo);
		bool ImportBindingContent (ServiceDescription desc, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
			serviceDescription = desc;
			// Look for an unused name
			int n=0;
			string name = binfo.Name;
			bool found;
				found = false;
				foreach (Binding bi in desc.Bindings)
					if (bi.Name == name) { found = true; n++; name = binfo.Name+n; break; }
			while (found);
			// Create the binding
			binding = new Binding ();
			binding.Name = name;
			binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName (binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
			portType = new PortType ();
			portType.Name = binding.Name;

			BeginClass ();
			foreach (MethodStubInfo method in typeInfo.Methods)
				methodStubInfo = method;
				string metBinding = ReflectMethodBinding ();
				if (typeInfo.GetBinding (metBinding) != binfo) continue;
				operation = new Operation ();
				operation.Name = method.OperationName;
				operation.Documentation = method.MethodAttribute.Description;
				inputMessage = new Message ();
				inputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "In";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (inputMessage);
				outputMessage = new Message ();
				outputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "Out";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (outputMessage);

				OperationInput inOp = new OperationInput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) inOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (inOp);
				inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (inputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				OperationOutput outOp = new OperationOutput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) outOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (outOp);
				outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (outputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				portType.Operations.Add (operation);
				ImportOperationBinding ();
				ReflectMethod ();
				foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
					reflector.ReflectionContext = this;
					reflector.ReflectMethod ();
			EndClass ();
			if (portType.Operations.Count > 0)
				desc.Bindings.Add (binding);
				desc.PortTypes.Add (portType);
				return true;
				return false;
		void ImportBinding (ServiceDescription desc, Service service, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
			port = new Port ();
			port.Name = portNames.AddUnique (binfo.Name, port);
			bool bindingFull = true;

			if (binfo.Namespace != desc.TargetNamespace)
				if (binfo.Location == null || binfo.Location == string.Empty)
					ServiceDescription newDesc = new ServiceDescription();
					newDesc.TargetNamespace = binfo.Namespace;
					newDesc.Name = binfo.Name;
					bindingFull = ImportBindingContent (newDesc, typeInfo, url, binfo);
					if (bindingFull) {
						int id = ServiceDescriptions.Add (newDesc);
						AddImport (desc, binfo.Namespace, GetWsdlUrl (url,id));
				else {
					AddImport (desc, binfo.Namespace, binfo.Location);
					bindingFull = true;
				bindingFull = ImportBindingContent (desc, typeInfo, url, binfo);
			if (bindingFull)
				port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName (binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
				service.Ports.Add (port);