public static SelectList ToSelectList(this IEnumerable list, string selectedItem, string textFieldName, string valueFieldName, string captionName = "", string captionValue = "0") { SelectList selectList = new SelectList(list, valueFieldName, textFieldName, selectedItem); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captionName)) { var lst = selectList.ToList(); lst.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Text = captionName, Value = captionValue }); selectList = new SelectList(lst.ToList(), "Value", "Text"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedItem) && selectList.SelectedValue == null) { SelectListItem item = selectList.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.ToLower() == selectedItem.ToLower()); if (item != null && item.Value.ToLower() == selectedItem.ToLower()) { item.Selected = true; } } return selectList; }
public ActionResult Create() { User user = GetCurrentUser(); IEnumerable<User> _Users = GetMyUser(); SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME",user.USERID); var usersList = Users.ToList(); ViewBag.UserId = usersList; return View(new Order { CustomerStatus= "新签", Idea= "自选", Product= "仅百度", ShopStatus= "未跟进", OrderStatus= "开通" }); }
public ActionResult DeleteUser(string sms) { TempData["Msg"] = sms; var Roles = from d in objBs.tuserBs.GetAll() select d; var ddlUsers = new SelectList(Roles, "UserEmail", "UserEmail"); ViewBag.ddlUsers = ddlUsers.ToList(); return View(); }
public ActionResult datosEquipos(int equipo1) { var tel = (from e in db.Usuarios where e.equipo_id == equipo1 select e).Select(model => model.telefono); SelectList datos = new SelectList(tel.ToList(), "telefono"); return Json(datos.ToList()); }
public static SelectList GenericSelectList(AssetManagerContext db, Type entityType , string property, object selectedvalue) { var set = db.Set(entityType); var query = set.OrderBy(property) .Select("new(" + property + ")") .Distinct() ; SelectList selectlist = new SelectList(query, property, property, selectedvalue); string selected = selectedvalue.ToStringOrEmpty(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selected) && !selectlist.Contains(selectedvalue)) { List<SelectListItem> list = selectlist.ToList(); list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = selected, Value = selected }); list.Sort((x, y) => x.Text.CompareTo(y.Text)); selectlist = new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text", selectedvalue); } return selectlist; }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { ShopModel shopModel = new ShopModel(); Shop shopBaseInfo = shopModel.GetShop(id); UserModel userModel = new UserModel(); UserInfo userInfo = userModel.GetUserInfo(User.Identity.Name); if(userInfo.UserGradeCategory.GradeLevel != 9 && shopBaseInfo.CreateBy != userInfo.Id) return Redirect("/"); List<V_ShopDisheWithCategory> shopDisheWithCategory = shopModel.GetShopDishesWithCategory(id).OrderByDescending(r => r.DisheCategoryOrder).ToList(); var shopCategories = shopModel.GetShopCategories(); SelectList shopCategoryList = new SelectList(shopCategories, "Id", "Value"); List<SelectListItem> shopCategorySelectList = shopCategoryList.ToList(); for(int i = 0; i < shopCategorySelectList.Count; i++) if(shopCategorySelectList[i].Value == shopBaseInfo.CategoryId.ToString()) { shopCategorySelectList[i].Selected = true; break; } ViewBag.ShopCategorySelectList = shopCategorySelectList; BaseDataModel baseDataModel = new BaseDataModel(); var cityDistricts = baseDataModel.GetLocationsByParentId(214); ViewBag.CityDistrictSelectList = (new SelectList(cityDistricts, "Id", "Value")).ToList(); List<ServiceArea> shopServiceAraes = shopModel.GetShopServiceAreas(id).ToList() .Select(r => new ServiceArea() { Id = r.AreaId, ParentId = r.ParentId, Value = r.ServiceArea, AreaType = r.AreaType }).ToList(); ViewBag.ServiceAreaSelectList = shopServiceAraes; ViewBag.ShopDisheCategoryList = shopDisheWithCategory.GroupBy(r => new { r.CategoryId, r.CategoryValue }) .Select(r => new SelectListItem() { Value = r.Key.CategoryId.ToString(), Text = r.Key.CategoryValue }).ToList(); ViewBag.ShopLogo = Url.Content(shopImagePath + shopBaseInfo.Logo); ViewBag.OffsetTime = offsetTime; return View(new ShopDetailEditorModel(shopBaseInfo, shopDisheWithCategory)); }
public ActionResult Create(int i = 1) { ShopModel shopModel = new ShopModel(); var shopCategories = shopModel.GetShopCategories(); SelectList shopCategoryList = new SelectList(shopCategories, "Id", "Value"); List<SelectListItem> shopCategorySelectList = shopCategoryList.ToList(); ViewBag.ShopCategorySelectList = shopCategorySelectList; BaseDataModel baseDataModel = new BaseDataModel(); var cityDistricts = baseDataModel.GetLocationsByParentId(214); ViewBag.CityDistrictSelectList = (new SelectList(cityDistricts, "Id", "Value")).ToList(); ViewBag.ServiceAreaSelectList = new List<ServiceArea>(); ViewBag.ShopDisheCategoryList = new List<SelectListItem>(); ViewBag.ShopLogo = Url.Content("/Contents/ShopImages/shop_default_icon.png"); ViewBag.OffsetTime = offsetTime; return View("Edit"); }
public ActionResult CategoryCreate(int? Id, int? mesaj) { if (Session["user_id"] == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user_id"].ToString()); var u = db.dt_user.Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.ID == user_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (u == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); ViewBag.userName = + " " + u.surname; if (mesaj != null) TempData["mesaj"] = mesaj.ToString(); int companyId; if (Id == null) companyId = 0; else companyId = (int)Id; List<SelectListItem> list = TumSirket(companyId); int companyid; if (Id == null) companyid = Convert.ToInt32(list.ToList().First().Value); else companyid = companyId; List<SelectListItem> listCategory = new SelectList(db.dt_category.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.company_id == companyid), "ID", "name").ToList<SelectListItem>(); SelectListItem it = new SelectListItem(); it.Text = "Üst Kategori"; it.Value = "0"; listCategory.Add(it); ViewBag.company_id = list.ToList(); ViewBag.upCategoryID = listCategory.ToList(); return View(); }
/*----------Category data update,delete,select ---------Write 08.01.2013 ---------M.Emin Yalçın-----*/ public List<SelectListItem> TumSirket(int? Id) { List<SelectListItem> list = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname", Id).ToList<SelectListItem>(); return list.ToList(); }
public void SirketGoster(int Id, int parentId) { List<SelectListItem> list = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1 && a.ID != Id && a.parentID != Id), "ID", "companyname", parentId).ToList<SelectListItem>(); SelectListItem it = new SelectListItem(); it.Text = "Merkezi Şirket"; it.Value = "0"; list.Add(it); if (parentId == 0) list.Reverse(); ViewBag.companyId = list.ToList(); }
public ActionResult Index(string CorporationName,string DepartmentId, string Owner, string TelePhone, string MobilePhone, string StartTime, string EndTime, int? page) { IEnumerable<Department> _Departments = GetMyDepartmentList(); SelectList Departments = new SelectList(_Departments, "DEPARTMENTID", "DEPARTMENTNAME", DepartmentId); var DepartmentList = Departments.ToList(); if (_Departments.Count() > 1) { DepartmentList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Department = DepartmentList; IEnumerable<User> _Users = GetMyUser(DepartmentId); SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME", Owner); var usersList = Users.ToList(); if (_Users.Count() > 1) { usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Owner = usersList; ViewBag.CorporationNameParams = CorporationName; ViewBag.DepartmentIdParams = DepartmentId; ViewBag.UserIdParams = Owner; ViewBag.TelePhoneParams = TelePhone; ViewBag.MobilePhoneParams = MobilePhone; ViewBag.StartTimeParams = StartTime; ViewBag.EndTimeParams = EndTime; var orders = from item in db.Order select item; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CorporationName)) { orders = orders.Where(x => x.Customer.CorporationName.Contains(CorporationName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TelePhone)) { orders = orders.Where(x => x.Customer.Tel.Contains(TelePhone)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MobilePhone)) { orders = orders.Where(x => x.Customer.MobileTel.Contains(MobilePhone)); } long depId = Convert.ToInt64(DepartmentId); if (depId > 0) { orders = orders.Where(c => c.Customer.DepartmentID == depId); } if (Owner == null) { long id = GetCurrentUser().USERID; orders = orders.Where(x => x.UserId == id); } if (Owner != null && Owner != "0") { long userId = Convert.ToInt64(Owner); orders = orders.Where(x => x.UserId == userId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime)) { DateTime st = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(StartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); DateTime et = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(EndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); orders = orders.Where(x => x.CreateDate.Value >= st && x.CreateDate <= et); } orders = orders.OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateDate); int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(orders.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); //return View(new Person { Name = "Foo", Gender = "F", MaritalStatus = "M", Country = new string[] { "CN", "US","UK" } }); }
public List<SelectListItem> GetCategory(int? categoryId, int companyId) { List<SelectListItem> list = new SelectList(db.dt_category.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.company_id == companyId && a.upCategoryID != categoryId && a.ID != categoryId), "ID", "name", categoryId).ToList<SelectListItem>(); return list.ToList(); }
public ActionResult Statics(StaticsSearchParams param) { ViewBag.IsRole = IsRole; User Current = GetCurrentUser(); var statusSelectList = GetStatusList(param.Status).ToList(); statusSelectList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "" }); ViewBag.Status = statusSelectList; //IEnumerable<User> _Users = GetMyUser(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Owner)) { param.Owner = Current.USERID.ToString(); } IEnumerable<Department> _Departments = GetMyDepartmentList(); SelectList Departments = new SelectList(_Departments, "DEPARTMENTID", "DEPARTMENTNAME", param.DepartmentId); var DepartmentList = Departments.ToList(); if (_Departments.Count() > 1) { DepartmentList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Department = DepartmentList; IEnumerable<User> _Users = GetMyUser(param.DepartmentId); SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME", param.Owner); var usersList = Users.ToList(); if (_Users.Count() > 1) { usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Owner = usersList; //SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME", param.Owner); //var usersList = Users.ToList(); //if (_Users.Count() > 1) //{ // usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); //} //ViewBag.Owner = usersList; ViewBag.NextContractStartTimeParams = param.NextContractStartTime; ViewBag.NextContractEndTimeParams = param.NextContractEndTime; ViewBag.CreateDateStartTimeParams = param.CreateDateStartTime; ViewBag.CreateDateEndTimeParams = param.CreateDateEndTime; string sql = @"select U.USERNAME, [Status],COUNT(0) Total from [dbo].[Customer] as c inner join [dbo].[User] as u on c.[Owner]=u.USERID where [PoolStatus]=1 {0} group by U.USERNAME, [Status] order by u.username,[Status],total desc"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Status) && param.Status != "0") { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[Status]='{0}' ", param.Status); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Owner) && param.Owner != "0") { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[Owner]={0} ", param.Owner); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.NextContractStartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.NextContractEndTime)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[NextContactTime] >='{0} 00:00:00' and c.[NextContactTime]<='{1} 23:59:59' ", Convert.ToDateTime(param.NextContractStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(param.NextContractEndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.CreateDateStartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.CreateDateEndTime)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[CreateDate] >='{0} 00:00:00' and c.[CreateDate]<='{1} 23:59:59' ", Convert.ToDateTime(param.CreateDateStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(param.CreateDateEndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (Current.Role.ROLENAME == "销售经理") { //仅能看部门内数据 sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[DepartmentID]={0} ", Current.DEPARTMENTID); } else if (Current.Role.ROLENAME == "高级销售经理-群总" || Current.Role.ROLENAME == "销售总监" || Current.Role.ROLENAME == "高级管理员") { long depId = Convert.ToInt64(param.DepartmentId); if (depId > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[DepartmentID]={0} ", param.DepartmentId); } else { long currentUid = Current.USERID; var authDeps = from auth in db.Authority where auth.UserId == currentUid select auth.DepartmentId; if (authDeps.Count() > 0) { StringBuilder sbDepIds = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in authDeps) { if(sbDepIds.Length==0) { sbDepIds.Append(item); } else { sbDepIds.Append("," + item); } } sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[DepartmentID] in ({0}) ", sbDepIds.ToString()); } } } else { sb.AppendFormat(" and c.[DepartmentID]={0} ", Current.DEPARTMENTID); } sql = string.Format(sql, sb.ToString()); var RecordItem = db.Database.SqlQuery<Statics>(sql, new object[]{}); string sumSQL = @"select U.USERNAME,COUNT(0) Total from [dbo].[Customer] as c inner join [dbo].[User] as u on c.[Owner]=u.USERID where [PoolStatus]=1 {0} group by U.USERNAME order by u.username,total desc"; sumSQL = string.Format(sumSQL, sb.ToString()); var RecordTotal = db.Database.SqlQuery<Statics>(sumSQL, new object[] { }); CRMStatics items = new CRMStatics() { RecordItem = RecordItem, RecordTotal = RecordTotal }; return View(items); }
public ActionResult Register(string sms) { TempData["Msg"] = sms; var Roles = from d in objBs.roleBs.GetAll() select d; var ddlRoles = new SelectList(Roles, "RoleId", "RoleDesc"); ViewBag.ddlRoles = ddlRoles.ToList(); return View(); }
public ActionResult Week(string CorporationName, string fromType, string Owner, string status, string NextContractStartTime, string NextContractEndTime, int? page) { InitPageSize(); var sourceFromList = GetSourceFrom(fromType).ToList(); var statusSelectList = GetStatusList(status).ToList(); sourceFromList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "" }); statusSelectList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "" }); ViewBag.SourceFrom = sourceFromList; ViewBag.Status = statusSelectList; IEnumerable<User> _Users = GetMyUser(); SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME", Owner); var usersList = Users.ToList(); if (_Users.Count() > 1) { usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Owner = usersList; ViewBag.CorporationNameParams = CorporationName; ViewBag.UserIdParams = Owner; ViewBag.fromTypeParams = fromType; ViewBag.StatusParams = status; ViewBag.NextContractStartTimeParams = NextContractStartTime; ViewBag.NextContractEndTimeParams = NextContractEndTime; DateTime beginDate; DateTime endDate; DateTime nowDate = DateTime.Now; beginDate = nowDate.Date.AddDays(1 - Convert.ToInt32(nowDate.DayOfWeek.ToString("d"))); endDate = beginDate.Date.AddDays(7).AddSeconds(-1); var customers = from item in db.Customer where item.PoolStatus.Value == privateTag && item.CreateDate.Value >= beginDate && item.CreateDate.Value <= endDate select item; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CorporationName)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.CorporationName.Contains(CorporationName)); } if (Owner == null) { long id = GetCurrentUser().USERID; customers = customers.Where(x => x.Owner == id); } if (Owner != null && Owner != "0") { long userId = Convert.ToInt64(Owner); customers = customers.Where(x => x.Owner == userId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromType)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.SourseFrom == fromType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.Status == status); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextContractStartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextContractEndTime)) { DateTime st = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(NextContractStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); DateTime et = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(NextContractEndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); customers = customers.Where(x => x.NextContactTime.Value >= st && x.NextContactTime <= et); } //过滤角色数据 customers = Filter(customers); customers = customers.OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateDate); int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(customers.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
public ActionResult Index(string CorporationName,string fromType,string DepartmentId,string Owner,string status,string NextContractStartTime,string NextContractEndTime,string TelePhone,string MobilePhone,string UpdateStartTime,string UpdateEndTime,int? page) { InitPageSize(); ViewBag.IsRole = IsRole; var sourceFromList = GetSourceFrom(fromType).ToList(); var statusSelectList = GetStatusList(status).ToList(); sourceFromList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "" }); statusSelectList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "" }); ViewBag.SourceFrom = sourceFromList; ViewBag.Status = statusSelectList; IEnumerable<Department> _Departments = GetMyDepartmentList(); SelectList Departments = new SelectList(_Departments, "DEPARTMENTID", "DEPARTMENTNAME", DepartmentId); var DepartmentList = Departments.ToList(); if (_Departments.Count() > 1) { DepartmentList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Department = DepartmentList; IEnumerable<User> _Users=GetMyUser(DepartmentId); SelectList Users = new SelectList(_Users, "USERID", "USERNAME", Owner); var usersList = Users.ToList(); if (_Users.Count() > 1) { usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "全部", Value = "0" }); } ViewBag.Owner = usersList; ViewBag.CorporationNameParams = CorporationName; ViewBag.DepartmentIdParams = DepartmentId; ViewBag.UserIdParams = Owner; ViewBag.fromTypeParams = fromType; ViewBag.StatusParams = status; ViewBag.NextContractStartTimeParams = NextContractStartTime; ViewBag.NextContractEndTimeParams = NextContractEndTime; ViewBag.TelePhoneParams = TelePhone; ViewBag.MobilePhoneParams = MobilePhone; ViewBag.UpdateStartTimeParams = UpdateStartTime; ViewBag.UpdateEndTimeParams = UpdateEndTime; var customers = from item in db.Customer where item.PoolStatus.Value==privateTag select item; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CorporationName)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.CorporationName.Contains(CorporationName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TelePhone)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.Tel.Contains(TelePhone)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MobilePhone)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.MobileTel.Contains(MobilePhone)); } long depId = Convert.ToInt64(DepartmentId); if (depId > 0) { customers = customers.Where(c => c.DepartmentID == depId); } if (Owner == null) { long id=GetCurrentUser().USERID; customers = customers.Where(x => x.Owner == id); } if (Owner != null && Owner != "0") { long userId = Convert.ToInt64(Owner); customers = customers.Where(x => x.Owner == userId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromType)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.SourseFrom == fromType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { customers = customers.Where(x => x.Status == status); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextContractStartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextContractEndTime)) { DateTime st = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(NextContractStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); DateTime et = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(NextContractEndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); customers = customers.Where(x => x.NextContactTime.Value >= st && x.NextContactTime <= et); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdateStartTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdateEndTime)) { DateTime st = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(UpdateStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); DateTime et = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(UpdateEndTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); customers = customers.Where(x => x.LastModify.Value >= st && x.LastModify <= et); } //过滤角色数据 customers =Filter(customers); customers = customers.OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateDate); int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(customers.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
public ActionResult BatchOperation(string CustomerIds) { ViewBag.CustomerIds = CustomerIds; User currentUser = GetCurrentUser(); var statusSelectList = GetStatusList(string.Empty).ToList(); statusSelectList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "" }); ViewBag.Status = statusSelectList; SelectList Users = new SelectList(GetMyUser(), "USERID", "USERNAME", currentUser.USERID); var usersList = Users.ToList(); usersList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "0" }); ViewBag.Owner = usersList; ViewBag.NextContractTimeParams = null; return View(); }
public ActionResult CategoryCreate() { var user = db.dt_user.FirstOrDefault(); if (Session["personel_id"] == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); else { int personel_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["personel_id"]); user = db.dt_user.Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.ID == personel_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); ViewBag.userName = + " " + user.surname; } List<SelectListItem> listCategory = new SelectList(db.dt_category.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.company_id == user.company_id), "ID", "name").ToList<SelectListItem>(); SelectListItem it = new SelectListItem(); it.Text = "Üst Kategori"; it.Value = "0"; listCategory.Add(it); ViewBag.upCategoryID = listCategory.ToList(); return View(); }
/*----------Hata data update,delete,select ---------Write 10.01.2013 ---------M.Emin Yalçın-----*/ public ActionResult ErrorShow(int? companyId, int? userId, int? mesaj) { if (Session["user_id"] == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); int user_id1 = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user_id"].ToString()); var u = db.dt_user.Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.ID == user_id1).FirstOrDefault(); if (u == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); ViewBag.userName = + " " + u.surname; if (mesaj != null) TempData["mesaj"] = mesaj.ToString(); int company_id = 0; int user_id = 0; List<SelectListItem> listCompany; List<SelectListItem> listUser; if (companyId == null) { listCompany = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname").ToList<SelectListItem>(); if (userId == null) { listUser = new SelectList(db.dt_user.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.company_id == Convert.ToInt32(listCompany.ToList().First().Value) && a.unvan_id != 1), "ID", "name").ToList<SelectListItem>(); company_id = Convert.ToInt32(listCompany.ToList().First().Value); user_id = Convert.ToInt32(listUser.ToList().First().Value); } else { user_id = (int)userId; listUser = new SelectList(db.dt_user.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.unvan_id != 1 && a.company_id == company_id), "ID", "name", userId).ToList<SelectListItem>(); } } else { company_id = (int)companyId; listCompany = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname", companyId).ToList<SelectListItem>(); if (userId == null) { listUser = new SelectList(db.dt_user.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.company_id == Convert.ToInt32(company_id) && a.unvan_id != 1), "ID", "name").ToList<SelectListItem>(); user_id = Convert.ToInt32(listUser.ToList().First().Value); } else { user_id = (int)userId; listUser = new SelectList(db.dt_user.ToList().Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.unvan_id != 1 && a.company_id == company_id), "ID", "name", userId).ToList<SelectListItem>(); } } var error = from er in db.dt_error join cat in db.dt_category on er.category_id equals cat.ID join us in db.dt_user on er.user_id equals us.ID join com in db.dt_company on us.company_id equals com.ID where er.user_id == user_id && us.company_id == company_id && er.state == 1 select new error { ID = er.ID, name = er.errorName, errorKod = er.errorKod, keyWords = er.errorKeys, content = er.errorContent, user =, category =, company = com.companyname, date = }; ViewBag.companyId = listCompany.ToList(); ViewBag.userId = listUser.ToList(); return View(error.ToList()); }
public static ICollection<SelectListItem> AccountClasses() { var EntityState = new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(AccountClasses)).Cast<AccountClasses>().Select(v => new SelectListItem { Text = v.ToString(), Value = ((int)v).ToString() }).ToList(), "Value", "Text"); return EntityState.ToList(); }
/*----------Personel data update,delete,select ---------Write 09.01.2013 ---------M.Emin Yalçın-----*/ public ActionResult PersonelShow(int? Id, int? mesaj) { if (Session["user_id"] == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user_id"].ToString()); var u = db.dt_user.Where(a => a.state == 1 && a.ID == user_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (u == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Home"); ViewBag.userName = + " " + u.surname; if (mesaj != null) TempData["mesaj"] = mesaj.ToString(); int companyid; List<SelectListItem> listCompany; if (Id == null) { listCompany = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname").ToList<SelectListItem>(); companyid = Convert.ToInt32(listCompany.ToList().First().Value); } else { listCompany = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname", Id).ToList<SelectListItem>(); companyid = Convert.ToInt32(Id); } ViewBag.companyId = listCompany; var personel = from per in db.dt_user join com in db.dt_company on per.company_id equals com.ID join tit in db.lu_unvan on per.unvan_id equals tit.ID where per.company_id == companyid && per.state == 1 && per.unvan_id != 1 select new personel { Id = per.ID, name =, surname = per.surname, Company = com.companyname, state = per.state, title =, nationality = per.nationality, password = per.password, userName = per.username, adress = per.adress }; return View(personel.ToList()); }
private SelectList AddFirstItem(SelectList list) { List<SelectListItem> _list = list.ToList(); _list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Value = "-2", Text = "All" }); return new SelectList((IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)_list, "Value", "Text"); }
public void SirketGoster() { List<SelectListItem> list = new SelectList(db.dt_company.ToList().Where(a => == 1), "ID", "companyname").ToList<SelectListItem>(); SelectListItem it = new SelectListItem(); it.Text = "Merkezi Şirket"; it.Value = "0"; list.Add(it); ViewBag.companyId = list.ToList(); }