internal void Configure(ClientBuildManager client)
            // Add a pending call to make sure our thread doesn't get killed

            try {
                _virtualPathProvider = new ClientVirtualPathProvider();

                _client = client;

                // Type description provider required for multitargeting compilation support in VS.
                if (_client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge != null)
                    TargetFrameworkUtil.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge = _client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge;

                // start watching for app domain unloading
                _onAppDomainUnload = new EventHandler(OnAppDomainUnload);
                Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload += _onAppDomainUnload;

                _buildManager = BuildManager.TheBuildManager;

                // Listen to appdomain shutdown.
                HttpRuntime.AppDomainShutdown += new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(this.OnAppDomainShutdown);
            finally {
        private void OnAppDomainUnload(Object unusedObject, EventArgs unusedEventArgs)
            Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload -= _onAppDomainUnload;

            if (_client != null) {
            _client = null;
 private static CommandHost CreateWorkerAppDomainWithHost(string virtualPath, string physicalPath, Type hostType)
     var clientBuildManager = new ClientBuildManager(virtualPath, physicalPath);
     // Fix for
     // By forcing the CBM to build App_Code, etc, we ensure that the ASP.NET BuildManager
     // is in a state where it can safely (i.e. in a multi-threaded safe way) process
     // multiple concurrent calls to "GetCompiledAssembly".
     return (CommandHost)clientBuildManager.CreateObject(hostType, false);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the path to ASPNETPOCs project so the ASPX can be found.
              var currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
              var appPhysicalSourceDir = Path.Combine(currentDir.Substring(0, currentDir.IndexOf("GetASPNETFileAsType")), "ASPNETPOCs");
              Console.WriteLine("appPhysicalSourceDir: {0}", appPhysicalSourceDir);

              // The virtual path is arbitrary unless you want to precompile a specific app.
              var appVirtualDir = "/GetASPNETFileAsType";
              ClientBuildManager manager = new ClientBuildManager(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir);

              // "GetCompiledType" will return null if the Type's dependencies can not be resolved.
              // This means the ASPNETPOCs project needs to be references so the ASPX's code behind class can be resolved.
              var pageType = manager.GetCompiledType("~/StripWhiteSpace/StripWhiteSpacePage.aspx");

              // Should return the Type that "~/StripWhiteSpace/StripWhiteSpacePage.aspx" was compiled to.
              Console.WriteLine("pageType: {0}", pageType);
              // Writes the location of the assembly the ASPX's class is in.
              Console.WriteLine("pageType.Assembly.Location: {0}", pageType.Assembly.Location);

              // Create an instance from the type. Since it is a Page, it will implement IHttpHandler.
              var handler = (IHttpHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(pageType);

              // This is where you can wire up any dependencies if you need to.

              // Setup the call context to process the page in.
              // The rendered page will be written to "Console.Out" in this case.
              // For unit testing you can use a StringWriter and then parse it with something like Html Agility Pack.
              var context = new HttpContext(new SimpleWorkerRequest(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir, "StripWhiteSpace/StripWhiteSpacePage.aspx", "", Console.Out));
              // The next line is necessary to avoid some null reference and parse exceptions.
              context.Request.Browser = new HttpBrowserCapabilities { Capabilities = new Hashtable { { "tables", "true" } } };

              // By default the response is buffered.
              // So either turn buffering off or make sure you call Flush.
              // Flush is called below.
              //context.Response.BufferOutput = false;

              // The following enables trace information to be written with the page and raises the "TraceFinished" event. The default is false.
              context.Trace.IsEnabled = true;
              context.Trace.TraceFinished += (sender, e) => {
            foreach(TraceContextRecord r in e.TraceRecords) {
              Console.WriteLine("Category: {0}, IsWarning: {1}, Message: {2}, ErrorInfo:{3}{4}", r.Category, r.IsWarning, r.Message, r.ErrorInfo == null ? "" : "\r\n", r.ErrorInfo);

              // Renders the page.

              // Flush the response. You either need this line or "context.Response.BufferOutput = false;" above.

        public Type CompilePage(string path)
            var c = new System.Web.Compilation.ClientBuildManager(@"/",
            new System.Web.Compilation.ClientBuildManagerParameter() { PrecompilationFlags = System.Web.Compilation.PrecompilationFlags.ForceDebug });

              var returnType = c.GetCompiledType(path);

              return returnType;
 internal void Configure(ClientBuildManager client)
         this._virtualPathProvider = new ClientVirtualPathProvider();
         this._client = client;
         if (this._client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge != null)
             TargetFrameworkUtil.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge = this._client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge;
         this._onAppDomainUnload = new EventHandler(this.OnAppDomainUnload);
         Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload += this._onAppDomainUnload;
         this._buildManager = BuildManager.TheBuildManager;
         HttpRuntime.AppDomainShutdown += new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(this.OnAppDomainShutdown);
 internal void Configure(ClientBuildManager client)
         this._virtualPathProvider = new ClientVirtualPathProvider();
         this._client = client;
         if (this._client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge != null)
             TargetFrameworkUtil.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge = this._client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge;
         this._onAppDomainUnload = new EventHandler(this.OnAppDomainUnload);
         Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload += this._onAppDomainUnload;
         this._buildManager             = BuildManager.TheBuildManager;
         HttpRuntime.AppDomainShutdown += new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(this.OnAppDomainShutdown);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the client proxies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method validates the presence of the necessary input server assemblies and
        /// then invokes the code generation logic to create a file containing the client
        /// proxies for the discovered server's Business Objects.  If the file already exists
        /// and is newer than the inputs, this method does nothing.
        /// <para>In all success paths, the client proxy file will be added to the list of generated
        /// files so the custom targets file can add them to the @Compile collection.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        internal void GenerateClientProxies()
            IEnumerable<string> assemblies = this.GetServerAssemblies();
            IEnumerable<string> references = this.GetReferenceAssemblies();

            // We will load all input and reference assemblies
            IEnumerable<string> assembliesToLoad = assemblies.Concat(references);

            // It is a failure if any of the reference assemblies are missing
            if (!this.EnsureAssembliesExist(references))

            // Obtain the name of the output assembly from the server project
            // (it is currently a collection to be consistent with MSBuild item collections).
            // If there is no output assembly, log a warning.
            // We consider this non-fatal because an Intellisense build can trivially
            // encounter this immediately after creating a new Open Ria Services application
            string assemblyFile = assemblies.FirstOrDefault();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyFile) || !File.Exists(assemblyFile))
                string serverProjectFile = Path.GetFileName(this.ServerProjectPath);
                this.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_No_Input_Assemblies, serverProjectFile));

            // Make it an absolute path and append the language-specific extension
            string generatedFileName = Path.Combine(this.GeneratedCodePath, this.GenerateProxyFileName(assemblyFile));

            // We maintain cached lists of references we used in prior builds.
            // Determine whether our current inputs are different from the last build that generated code.
            bool serverReferencesChanged = this.HaveReferencesChanged(this.ServerReferenceListPath(), assembliesToLoad, this.ServerProjectDirectory);
            bool clientReferencesChanged = this.HaveReferencesChanged(this.ClientReferenceListPath(), this.ClientReferenceAssembliesNormalized, this.ClientProjectDirectory);

            // Any change in the assembly references for either client or server are grounds to re-gen code.
            // Developer note -- we use the fact that the inputs have changed to trigger the full code-gen pass.
            bool needToGenerate = serverReferencesChanged || clientReferencesChanged;

            // Also trigger code-gen if the generated file is absent or empty.
            // Technically, the reference-change test is enough, but experience has shown users
            // manually delete the GeneratedCode folder and expect the next build to recreate it.
            // Therefore, its absence always triggers a code-gen pass, even though this has the
            // negative perf impact of causing a full code gen pass everytime until errors have been
            // resolved.
            if (!needToGenerate)
                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(generatedFileName);
                bool fileExists = fileInfo.Exists;
                needToGenerate = (!fileExists || (fileInfo.Length == 0));

                // If we determine the generated
                // file has been touched since we last analyzed our server references, it is an indication
                // the user modified the generated file.  So force a code gen and
                // force a rewrite of the server reference file to short circuit this same code next build.
                if (!needToGenerate && fileExists && File.Exists(this.ServerReferenceListPath()))
                    if (File.GetLastWriteTime(generatedFileName) > File.GetLastWriteTime(this.ServerReferenceListPath()))
                        needToGenerate = true;
                        serverReferencesChanged = true;

            // If we need to generate the file, do that now
            if (needToGenerate)
                // Warn the user if the server assembly has no PDB

                string generatedFileContent = string.Empty;

                // We override the default parameter to ask for ForceDebug, otherwise the PDB is not copied.
                ClientBuildManagerParameter cbmParameter = new ClientBuildManagerParameter()
                    PrecompilationFlags = PrecompilationFlags.ForceDebug,

                string sourceDir = this.ServerProjectDirectory;
                string targetDir = null;

                using (ClientBuildManager cbm = new ClientBuildManager(/* appVDir */ "/", sourceDir, targetDir, cbmParameter))
                    // Capture the list of assemblies to load into an array to marshal across AppDomains
                    string[] assembliesToLoadArray = assembliesToLoad.ToArray();

                    // Create the list of options we will pass to the generator.
                    // This instance is serializable and can cross AppDomains
                    ClientCodeGenerationOptions options = new ClientCodeGenerationOptions()
                        Language = this.Language,
                        ClientFrameworkPath = this.ClientFrameworkPath,
                        ClientRootNamespace = this.ClientProjectRootNamespace,
                        ServerRootNamespace = this.ServerProjectRootNameSpace,
                        ClientProjectPath = this.ClientProjectPath,
                        ServerProjectPath = this.ServerProjectPath,
                        IsApplicationContextGenerationEnabled = this.IsClientApplicationAsBool,
                        UseFullTypeNames = this.UseFullTypeNamesAsBool,
                        ClientProjectTargetPlatform = this.ClientTargetPlatform,

                    // The other AppDomain gets a logger that will log back to this AppDomain
                    CrossAppDomainLogger logger = new CrossAppDomainLogger((ILoggingService)this);

                    // Compose the parameters we will pass to the other AppDomain to create the SharedCodeService
                    SharedCodeServiceParameters sharedCodeServiceParameters = this.CreateSharedCodeServiceParameters(assembliesToLoadArray);

                    // Surface a HttpRuntime initialization error that would otherwise manifest as a NullReferenceException
                    // This can occur when the build environment is configured incorrectly
                    if (System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.InitializationException != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(

                    // Create the "dispatcher" in the 2nd AppDomain.
                    // This object will find and invoke the appropriate code generator
                    using (ClientCodeGenerationDispatcher dispatcher = (ClientCodeGenerationDispatcher)cbm.CreateObject(typeof(ClientCodeGenerationDispatcher), false))
                        // Transfer control to the dispatcher in the 2nd AppDomain to locate and invoke
                        // the appropriate code generator.
                        generatedFileContent = dispatcher.GenerateCode(options, sharedCodeServiceParameters, logger, this.CodeGeneratorName);

                // Tell the user where we are writing the generated code
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedFileContent))
                    this.LogMessage(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Writing_Generated_Code, generatedFileName));

                // If VS is hosting us, write to its TextBuffer, else simply write to disk
                // If the file is empty, delete it.
                this.WriteOrDeleteFileToVS(generatedFileName, generatedFileContent, /*forceWriteToFile*/ false);
                // Log a message telling user we are skipping code gen because the inputs are older than the generated code
                this.LogMessage(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_Skipping_CodeGen, generatedFileName));

            // We unconditionally declare the file was generated if it exists
            // on disk after this method finishes, even if it was not modified.
            // This permits the targets file to add it to the @COMPILE collection.
            // This also prevents adding it to the list if it was deleted above
            if (File.Exists(generatedFileName))

            // Write out reference lists if they have changed
            if (serverReferencesChanged)
                this.WriteReferenceList(this.ServerReferenceListPath(), assembliesToLoad, this.ServerProjectDirectory);

            if (clientReferencesChanged)
                this.WriteReferenceList(this.ClientReferenceListPath(), this.ClientReferenceAssembliesNormalized, this.ClientProjectDirectory);

 private void OnAppDomainUnload(object unusedObject, EventArgs unusedEventArgs)
     Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload -= this._onAppDomainUnload;
     if (this._client != null)
         this._client = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of IDisposable.Dispose to handle implementation details of dispose
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose()

            if (this._businessLogicModel  != null)
                catch (System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException)
                    // This condition is unlikely but possible if the 2nd AppDomain
                    // is torn down independently.  There is nothing we can do here,
                    // as it is not a user error.  We catch and ignore solely to
                    // prevent the wizard from showing a fatal error the user does
                    // not understand.
                this._businessLogicModel = null;

            IDisposable disposable = this._clientBuildManager as IDisposable;
            if (disposable != null)
            this._clientBuildManager = null;
    internal void Configure(ClientBuildManager client) {

        // Add a pending call to make sure our thread doesn't get killed

        try {
            _virtualPathProvider = new ClientVirtualPathProvider();

            _client = client;

            // Type description provider required for multitargeting compilation support in VS.
            if (_client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge != null) {
                TargetFrameworkUtil.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge = _client.CBMTypeDescriptionProviderBridge;

            // start watching for app domain unloading
            _onAppDomainUnload = new EventHandler(OnAppDomainUnload);
            Thread.GetDomain().DomainUnload += _onAppDomainUnload;

            _buildManager = BuildManager.TheBuildManager;

            // Listen to appdomain shutdown.
            HttpRuntime.AppDomainShutdown += new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(this.OnAppDomainShutdown);
        finally {
    public string GetXomlContent(string pageName, string pagePath)
        var buildManager = new System.Web.Compilation.ClientBuildManager(AppVirtualDir, AppPhysicalTargetDir);
        var obj = new JObject();
        obj["controls"] = new JArray();
        using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(pagePath, true))
            var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
            System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(content);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement xeRoot = doc.DocumentElement;

            JObject main = new JObject();
            main["type"] = "mainProperty";
            JObject mainPropertoes = new JObject();
            mainPropertoes["total"] = 14;
            mainPropertoes["rows"] = new JArray();
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "Description", xeRoot.Attributes["Description"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "EEPAlias", xeRoot.Attributes["EEPAlias"].Value, "dbalias"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "ExpTime", xeRoot.Attributes["ExpTime"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "ExpTimeField", xeRoot.Attributes["ExpTimeField"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "FormName", xeRoot.Attributes["FormName"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "Keys", xeRoot.Attributes["Keys"].Value, "collection", "Srvtools.KeyItem", "KeyFields", "KeyName"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "NotifySendMail", xeRoot.Attributes["NotifySendMail"].Value, "checkbox"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "OrgKind", xeRoot.Attributes["OrgKind"].Value, "orgkind"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "PresentFields", xeRoot.Attributes["PresentFields"].Value, "collection", "Srvtools.KeyItem", "PresentFields", "PresentField"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "SkipForSameUser", xeRoot.Attributes["SkipForSameUser"].Value, "checkbox"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "TableName", xeRoot.Attributes["TableName"].Value, "tablename"));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "TimeUnit", xeRoot.Attributes["TimeUnit"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "UrgentTime", xeRoot.Attributes["UrgentTime"].Value));
            (mainPropertoes["rows"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowProperty("Infolight", "WebFormName", xeRoot.Attributes["WebFormName"].Value, "webformname"));
            main["properties"] = mainPropertoes;
            (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(main);

            String postfix = "_node_flow_" + pageName;
            JObject flowstart = new JObject();
            flowstart["type"] = "flowstart";
            flowstart["id"] = "start_node" + postfix;
            flowstart["name"] = "start";
            flowstart["row"] = 0;
            (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(flowstart);
            JObject currentObject = flowstart;

            currentObject = CreateFlow(obj, xeRoot.ChildNodes, currentObject, postfix);

            JObject flowend = new JObject();
            flowend["type"] = "flowend";
            flowend["id"] = "end_node" + postfix;
            flowend["name"] = "end";
            flowend["row"] = 0;
            (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(flowend);
            (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(CreateFlowLine(currentObject["id"].ToString(), flowend["id"].ToString(), "sl"));

        var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
        return json;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the integrity of the <see cref="OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Server.DomainService"/>s exposed by the target Web Application
        /// in a separate <see cref="AppDomain"/>
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateDomainServices()
            IEnumerable<string> assemblies =
                new[] { this.GetFileName(this.Assembly) } .Concat(
                this.ReferenceAssemblies.Select(i => this.GetFileName(i)));


            using (ClientBuildManager cbm = new ClientBuildManager(/* appVirtualDir */ "/", this.ProjectDirectory))
                // Surface a HttpRuntime initialization error that would otherwise manifest as a NullReferenceException
                // This can occur when the build environment is configured incorrectly
                if (System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.InitializationException != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(

                using (DomainServiceValidator validator = (DomainServiceValidator)cbm.CreateObject(typeof(DomainServiceValidator), false))
                    // Transfer control to Web Application AppDomain to invoke the validator
                    validator.Validate(assemblies.ToArray(), this.LoggingService);
 public ClientBuildManagerWrapper(string webApplicationName, string webApplicationPhysicalPath, string preCompileOutputpath, ClientBuildManagerParameter parameter)
     _buildManager = new ClientBuildManager(webApplicationName, webApplicationPhysicalPath, preCompileOutputpath, parameter);
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            _excludedVirtualPaths = new List <string>();

            bool nologo = false;

            try {
                // Get the proper line length based on the Console window settings.
                // This can fail in some cases, so ignore errors, and stay with the default
                maxLineLength = Console.BufferWidth;
            catch { }

            // Set the console app's UI culture (VSWhidbey 316444)

            // First, check if there is a -nologo switch
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                string currentSwitch = args[i].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (currentSwitch == "-nologo" || currentSwitch == "/nologo")
                    nologo = true;

            if (!nologo)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CompilerResources.brand_text, ThisAssembly.InformationalVersion));

            if (args.Length == 0)

            if (!ValidateArgs(args))

            try {
                // ClientBuildManager automatically detects vpath vs mbpath
                if (_sourceVirtualDir == null)
                    _sourceVirtualDir = _metabasePath;

                ClientBuildManagerParameter parameter = new ClientBuildManagerParameter();
                parameter.PrecompilationFlags    = _precompilationFlags;
                parameter.StrongNameKeyFile      = _keyFile;
                parameter.StrongNameKeyContainer = _keyContainer;

                _client = new ClientBuildManager(_sourceVirtualDir, _sourcePhysicalDir,
                                                 _targetPhysicalDir, parameter);

                _client.PrecompileApplication(new CBMCallback());

                // Return 0 when successful
            catch (FileLoadException e) {
                // If the assembly fails to be loaded because of strong name verification,
                // return a better error message.
                if ((_precompilationFlags & PrecompilationFlags.DelaySign) != 0)
                    PropertyInfo pInfo = typeof(FileLoadException).GetProperty("HResult",
                                                                               BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    MethodInfo methodInfo = pInfo.GetGetMethod(true /*nonPublic*/);
                    uint       hresult    = (uint)(int)methodInfo.Invoke(e, null);

                    if (hresult == 0x8013141A)
                        DumpErrors(new FileLoadException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CompilerResources.Strongname_failure, e.FileName), e.FileName, e));

            catch (Exception e) {

            // Some exception happened, so return 1
 public void Execute()
     var c = new System.Web.Compilation.ClientBuildManager(@"/", WebApplicationRootFolder, TargetFolder);
    public string GetPageContent(string pageName, string pagePath)
        var buildManager = new System.Web.Compilation.ClientBuildManager(AppVirtualDir, AppPhysicalTargetDir);
            var obj = new JObject();
            using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(pagePath, true))
                var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                var startIndex = content.IndexOf("<script>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (startIndex > 0)
                    startIndex += 8;
                    var endIndex = content.IndexOf("</script>", startIndex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (endIndex > startIndex)
                        var script = content.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                        obj["script"] = script;
                        content = content.Replace(script, string.Empty);
                        using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(pagePath, false, new UTF8Encoding(true)))
            obj["controls"] = new JArray();
            var pageType = buildManager.GetCompiledType(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.aspx", AppVirtualDir, Folder, pageName));
            var page = Activator.CreateInstance(pageType) as Page;
            var buildControlMethod = pageType.GetMethod("__BuildControlTree", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            buildControlMethod.Invoke(page, new object[] { page });

            foreach (var control in page.Controls)
                if (control.GetType().Namespace == Namespace)
                    if (FilteredControls.Contains(control.GetType().FullName))
                    var objControl = GetItemProperties(control);
                    (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(objControl);
                else if (control is System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm)
                    foreach (var childControl in (control as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm).Controls)
                        if (childControl.GetType().Namespace == Namespace)
                            if (FilteredControls.Contains(childControl.GetType().FullName))
                            var objControl = GetItemProperties(childControl);
                            (obj["controls"] as JArray).Add(objControl);

            var code = new StringBuilder();
            using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(string.Format("{0}.cs", pagePath), true))
                var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                var medthods = pageType.BaseType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                foreach (var method in medthods)
                    if (FilteredMethods.Contains(method.Name))
                    var match = Regex.Match(content, string.Format(@"{0}\s*\(.*\)", method.Name));
                    if (match.Success)
                        var startIndex = content.LastIndexOf("\n", match.Index);
                        startIndex += 1;

                        var bracket = 0;
                        var quot = 0;
                        for (int i = match.Index; i < content.Length; i++)
                            if (content[i] == '"')
                            if (quot % 2 == 0)
                                if (content[i] == '{')
                                else if (content[i] == '}')
                                    if (bracket == 0)
                                        code.AppendLine(content.Substring(startIndex, i + 1 - startIndex));

            obj["code"] = code.ToString(); ;
            var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
            return json;