internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
     if (!(result is BuildResultCompiledTemplateType))
         base.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, hashCode, utcStart);
 internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
     if (!BuildResultCompiledType.UsesDelayLoadType(result))
         ICollection virtualPathDependencies = result.VirtualPathDependencies;
         CacheDependency dependencies = null;
         if (virtualPathDependencies != null)
             dependencies = result.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(virtualPathDependencies, utcStart);
             if (dependencies != null)
                 result.UsesCacheDependency = true;
         if (result.CacheToMemory)
             CacheItemPriority normal;
             BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase base2 = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
             if (((base2 != null) && (base2.ResultAssembly != null)) && !base2.UsesExistingAssembly)
                 string assemblyCacheKey = BuildResultCache.GetAssemblyCacheKey(base2.ResultAssembly);
                 Assembly assembly = (Assembly) this._cache.Get(assemblyCacheKey);
                 if (assembly == null)
                     this._cache.UtcInsert(assemblyCacheKey, base2.ResultAssembly, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);
                 CacheDependency dependency2 = new CacheDependency(0, null, new string[] { assemblyCacheKey });
                 if (dependencies != null)
                     AggregateCacheDependency dependency3 = new AggregateCacheDependency();
                     dependency3.Add(new CacheDependency[] { dependencies, dependency2 });
                     dependencies = dependency3;
                     dependencies = dependency2;
             string memoryCacheKey = GetMemoryCacheKey(cacheKey);
             if (result.IsUnloadable)
                 normal = CacheItemPriority.Normal;
                 normal = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable;
             CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback = null;
             if (result.ShutdownAppDomainOnChange || (result is BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase))
                 if (this._onRemoveCallback == null)
                     this._onRemoveCallback = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(this.OnCacheItemRemoved);
                 onRemoveCallback = this._onRemoveCallback;
             this._cache.UtcInsert(memoryCacheKey, result, dependencies, result.MemoryCacheExpiration, result.MemoryCacheSlidingExpiration, normal, onRemoveCallback);
 internal void SaveBuildResultToFile(string preservationFile, BuildResult result, long hashCode)
     this._writer = new XmlTextWriter(preservationFile, Encoding.UTF8);
         this._writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
         this._writer.Indentation = 4;
         this.SetAttribute("resultType", ((int) result.GetCode()).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
         if (result.VirtualPath != null)
             this.SetAttribute("virtualPath", result.VirtualPath.VirtualPathString);
         this.SetAttribute("hash", result.ComputeHashCode(hashCode).ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
         string virtualPathDependenciesHash = result.VirtualPathDependenciesHash;
         if (virtualPathDependenciesHash != null)
             this.SetAttribute("filehash", virtualPathDependenciesHash);
    internal void SaveBuildResultToFile(string preservationFile,
        BuildResult result, long hashCode) {

        _writer = new XmlTextWriter(preservationFile, Encoding.UTF8);

        try {
            _writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
            _writer.Indentation = 4;

            // <preserve assem="assemblyFile">

            // Save the type of BuildResult we're dealing with
            Debug.Assert(result.GetCode() != BuildResultTypeCode.Invalid); 
            SetAttribute("resultType", ((int)result.GetCode()).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            // Save the virtual path for this BuildResult
            if (result.VirtualPath != null)
                SetAttribute("virtualPath", result.VirtualPath.VirtualPathString);

            // Get the hash code of the BuildResult
            long hash = result.ComputeHashCode(hashCode);

            // The hash should always be valid if we got here.
            Debug.Assert(hash != 0, "hash != 0"); 

            // Save it to the preservation file
            SetAttribute("hash", hash.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            // Can be null if that's what the VirtualPathProvider returns
            string fileHash = result.VirtualPathDependenciesHash;
            if (fileHash != null)
                SetAttribute("filehash", fileHash);



            // </preserve>

        catch {

            // If an exception occurs during the writing of the xml file, clean it up

 internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
     if (result.CacheToDisk)
         if (HostingEnvironment.ShutdownInitiated)
             BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase base2 = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
             if (base2 != null)
             string preservedDataFileName = this.GetPreservedDataFileName(cacheKey);
             new PreservationFileWriter(this.PrecompilationMode).SaveBuildResultToFile(preservedDataFileName, result, hashCode);
 internal BuildDependencySet(BuildResult result) {
     _result = result;
 internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
                                         long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
     // Nothing to cache to disk if the app is already precompiled
 static internal bool UsesDelayLoadType(BuildResult result) {
     BuildResultCompiledType buildResultCompiledType = result as BuildResultCompiledType;
     if (buildResultCompiledType != null) {
         return buildResultCompiledType.IsDelayLoadType;
     else {
         return false;
        internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
                                                long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
            ICollection virtualDependencies = result.VirtualPathDependencies;

            Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding cache " + cacheKey + " in the memory cache");

            CacheDependency cacheDependency = null;

            if (virtualDependencies != null)
                cacheDependency = result.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(virtualDependencies, utcStart);

                // If we got a cache dependency, remember that in the BuildResult
                if (cacheDependency != null)
                    result.UsesCacheDependency = true;

            // If it should not be cached to memory, leave it alone
            if (!result.CacheToMemory)

            if (BuildResultCompiledType.UsesDelayLoadType(result))
                // If the result is delaying loading of assembly, then don't cache
                // to avoid having to load the assembly.

            BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;

            if (compiledResult != null && compiledResult.ResultAssembly != null && !compiledResult.UsesExistingAssembly)
                // Insert a new cache entry using the assembly path as the key
                string   assemblyKey = GetAssemblyCacheKey(compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
                Assembly a           = (Assembly)HttpRuntime.Cache.InternalCache.Get(assemblyKey);
                if (a == null)
                    Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding marker cache entry " + compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
                    // VSWhidbey 500049 - add as NotRemovable to prevent the assembly from being prematurely deleted
                    HttpRuntime.Cache.InternalCache.Insert(assemblyKey, compiledResult.ResultAssembly, null);
                    Debug.Assert(a == compiledResult.ResultAssembly);

                // Now create a dependency based on that key. This way, by removing that key, we are able to
                // remove all the pages that live in that assembly from the cache.
                CacheDependency assemblyCacheDependency = new CacheDependency(0, null, new string[] { assemblyKey });

                if (cacheDependency != null)
                    // We can't share the same CacheDependency, since we don't want the UtcStart
                    // behavior for the assembly.  Use an Aggregate to put the two together.
                    AggregateCacheDependency tmpDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();
                    tmpDependency.Add(new CacheDependency[] { cacheDependency, assemblyCacheDependency });
                    cacheDependency = tmpDependency;
                    cacheDependency = assemblyCacheDependency;

            string key = GetMemoryCacheKey(cacheKey);

            // Only allow the cache item to expire if the result can be unloaded.  Otherwise,
            // we may as well cache it forever (e.g. for Assemblies and Types).
            CacheItemPriority cachePriority;

            if (result.IsUnloadable)
                cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
                cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable;

            CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback = null;

            // If the appdomain needs to be shut down when the item becomes invalid, register
            // a callback to do the shutdown.
            if (result.ShutdownAppDomainOnChange || result is BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase)
                // Create the delegate on demand
                if (_onRemoveCallback == null)
                    _onRemoveCallback = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(OnCacheItemRemoved);

                onRemoveCallback = _onRemoveCallback;

            HttpRuntime.Cache.InternalCache.Insert(key, result, new CacheInsertOptions()
                Dependencies       = cacheDependency,
                AbsoluteExpiration = result.MemoryCacheExpiration,
                SlidingExpiration  = result.MemoryCacheSlidingExpiration,
                Priority           = cachePriority,
                OnRemovedCallback  = onRemoveCallback
 internal abstract void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
                                         long hashCode, DateTime utcStart);
 internal void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart) {
     CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, 0 /*hashCode*/, utcStart);
 internal abstract void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
     long hashCode, DateTime utcStart);
 internal void SetBuildResultDependencies(BuildResult result)
 internal static bool UsesDelayLoadType(BuildResult result)
     BuildResultCompiledType type = result as BuildResultCompiledType;
     return ((type != null) && type.IsDelayLoadType);
 internal BuildDependencySet(BuildResult result)
     this._result = result;
        private BuildResult ReadFileInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, string preservationFile, long hashCode, bool ensureIsUpToDate)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            // Get the root element, and make sure it's what we expect
            _root = doc.DocumentElement;
            Debug.Assert(_root != null && _root.Name == "preserve", "_root != null && _root.Name == \"preserve\"");
            if (_root == null || _root.Name != "preserve")

            // Get the type of the BuildResult preserved in this file
            string resultTypeCodeString        = GetAttribute("resultType");
            BuildResultTypeCode resultTypeCode = (BuildResultTypeCode)Int32.Parse(
                resultTypeCodeString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Get the config path that affects this BuildResult if one wasn't passed in.
            // Note that the passed in path may be different with Sharepoint-like ghosting (VSWhidbey 343230)
            if (virtualPath == null)
                virtualPath = VirtualPath.Create(GetAttribute("virtualPath"));

            long   savedHash     = 0;
            string savedFileHash = null;

            // Ignore dependencies in precompilation mode
            if (!_precompilationMode)
                // Read the saved hash from the preservation file
                string hashString = GetAttribute("hash");
                Debug.Assert(hashString != null, "hashString != null");
                if (hashString == null)

                // Parse the saved hash string as an hex int
                savedHash = Int64.Parse(hashString, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Read the saved file hash from the preservation file.  This is the hash the represents
                // the state of all the virtual files that the build result depends on.
                savedFileHash = GetAttribute("filehash");

            // Create the BuildResult accordingly
            BuildResult result = BuildResult.CreateBuildResultFromCode(resultTypeCode, virtualPath);

            // Ignore dependencies in precompilation mode
            if (!_precompilationMode)
                if (_sourceDependencies != null)

                result.VirtualPathDependenciesHash = savedFileHash;

                // Check if the build result is up to date
                bool outOfDate = false;
                if (!result.IsUpToDate(virtualPath, ensureIsUpToDate))
                    Debug.Trace("PreservationFileReader", Path.GetFileName(preservationFile) +
                                " is out of date (IsUpToDate==false)");

                    outOfDate = true;
                    // The virtual paths hash code was up to date, so check the
                    // other hash code.

                    // Get the current hash code
                    long currentHash = result.ComputeHashCode(hashCode);

                    // If the hash doesn't match, the preserved data is out of date
                    if (currentHash == 0 || currentHash != savedHash)
                        outOfDate = true;
                        Debug.Trace("PreservationFileReader", Path.GetFileName(preservationFile) +
                                    " is out of date (ComputeHashCode)");

                if (outOfDate)
                    bool gotLock = false;
                    try {
                        // We need to delete the preservation file together with the assemblies/pdbs
                        // under the same lock so to avoid bad interleaving where one process
                        // deletes the .compiled file that another process just created, orphaning
                        // the files generated by the other process.
                        // (Dev10
                        CompilationLock.GetLock(ref gotLock);

                        // Give the BuildResult a chance to do some cleanup

                        // The preservation file is not useable, so delete it
                    finally {
                        // Always release the mutex if we had taken it
                        if (gotLock)

            // Ask the BuildResult to read the data it needs

        private void AddBuildProviders(bool retryIfDeletionHappens)

            foreach (VirtualFile vfile in _vdir.Files)
                // If it's already built and up to date, skip it
                BuildResult result = null;
                try {
                    result = BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultFromCache(vfile.VirtualPathObject);
                catch {
                    // Ignore the cached error in batch compilation mode, since we want to compile
                    // as many files as possible.
                    // But don't ignore it in CBM or precompile cases, since we always want to try
                    // to compile everything that had failed before.
                    if (!BuildManager.PerformingPrecompilation)
                        // Skip it if an exception occurs (e.g. if a compile error was cached for it)

                if (result != null)

                BuildProvider buildProvider = BuildManager.CreateBuildProvider(vfile.VirtualPathObject,
                                                                               _compConfig, _referencedAssemblies, false /*failIfUnknown*/);

                // Non-supported file type
                if (buildProvider == null)

                // IgnoreFileBuildProvider's should never be created
                Debug.Assert(!(buildProvider is IgnoreFileBuildProvider));

                _buildProviders[vfile.VirtualPath] = buildProvider;

            // If an assembly had to be deleted/renamed as a result of calling GetVPathBuildResultFromCache,
            // me way need to run the AddBuildProviders logic again.  The reason is that as a result of
            // deleting the assembly, we may have invalidated other BuildResult that we had earlier found
            // to be up to date (VSWhidbey 269297)
            if (DiskBuildResultCache.InUseAssemblyWasDeleted)

                // Only retry if we're doing precompilation.  For standard batching, we can live
                // with the fact that not everything will be built after we're done (and we want to
                // be done as quickly as possible since the user is waiting).
                if (retryIfDeletionHappens && BuildManager.PerformingPrecompilation)
                    Debug.Trace("WebDirectoryBatchCompiler", "Rerunning AddBuildProviders for '" +
                                _vdir.VirtualPath + "' because an assembly was out of date.");

                    // Pass false for retryIfDeletionHappens to make sure we don't get in an
                    // infinite recursion.
                    AddBuildProviders(false /*retryIfDeletionHappens*/);
        internal static bool UsesDelayLoadType(BuildResult result)
            BuildResultCompiledType type = result as BuildResultCompiledType;

            return((type != null) && type.IsDelayLoadType);
 internal void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart)
     this.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, 0L, utcStart);
    internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
        long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {

        // Nothing to cache to disk if the app is already precompiled
 internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, long hashCode, DateTime utcStart)
    internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
        long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {

        ICollection virtualDependencies = result.VirtualPathDependencies;

        Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding cache " + cacheKey + " in the memory cache");

        CacheDependency cacheDependency = null;

        if (virtualDependencies != null) {
            cacheDependency = result.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(virtualDependencies, utcStart);

            // If we got a cache dependency, remember that in the BuildResult
            if (cacheDependency != null)
                result.UsesCacheDependency = true;

        // If it should not be cached to memory, leave it alone
        if (!result.CacheToMemory) {

        if (BuildResultCompiledType.UsesDelayLoadType(result)) {
            // If the result is delaying loading of assembly, then don't cache
            // to avoid having to load the assembly.

        BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
        if (compiledResult != null && compiledResult.ResultAssembly != null && !compiledResult.UsesExistingAssembly) {

            // Insert a new cache entry using the assembly path as the key
            string assemblyKey = GetAssemblyCacheKey(compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
            Assembly a = (Assembly)_cache.Get(assemblyKey);
            if (a == null) {
                Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding marker cache entry " + compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
                // VSWhidbey 500049 - add as NotRemovable to prevent the assembly from being prematurely deleted
                _cache.UtcInsert(assemblyKey, compiledResult.ResultAssembly,
            else {
                Debug.Assert(a == compiledResult.ResultAssembly);

            // Now create a dependency based on that key. This way, by removing that key, we are able to
            // remove all the pages that live in that assembly from the cache.
            CacheDependency assemblyCacheDependency = new CacheDependency(0, null, new string[] { assemblyKey });

            if (cacheDependency != null) {
                // We can't share the same CacheDependency, since we don't want the UtcStart
                // behavior for the assembly.  Use an Aggregate to put the two together.
                AggregateCacheDependency tmpDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();
                tmpDependency.Add(new CacheDependency[] { cacheDependency, assemblyCacheDependency });
                cacheDependency = tmpDependency;
            else {
                cacheDependency = assemblyCacheDependency;

        string key = GetMemoryCacheKey(cacheKey);

        // Only allow the cache item to expire if the result can be unloaded.  Otherwise,
        // we may as well cache it forever (e.g. for Assemblies and Types).
        CacheItemPriority cachePriority;
        if (result.IsUnloadable)
            cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
            cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable;

        CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback = null;

        // If the appdomain needs to be shut down when the item becomes invalid, register
        // a callback to do the shutdown.
        if (result.ShutdownAppDomainOnChange || result is BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase) {

            // Create the delegate on demand
            if (_onRemoveCallback == null)
                _onRemoveCallback = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(OnCacheItemRemoved);

            onRemoveCallback = _onRemoveCallback;

        _cache.UtcInsert(key, result, cacheDependency,
        private BuildResult PostProcessFoundBuildResult(BuildResult result, bool keyFromVPP, VirtualPath virtualPath) {

            // Check that the virtual path in the result matches the passed in
            // virtualPath (VSWhidbey 516641).  But skip this check in case the key came from
            // calling VirtualPathProvider.GetCacheKey, as it may legitimately not match.
            if (!keyFromVPP) {
                if (virtualPath != null && virtualPath != result.VirtualPath) {
                    return null;

            // If what we found in the cache is a CompileError, rethrow the exception
            if (result is BuildResultCompileError) {
                // Report the cached error from Callback interface.
                HttpCompileException compileException = ((BuildResultCompileError)result).CompileException;

                // But don't report it if we're doing precompilation, as that would cause it to be
                // reported twice because we always try to compile everything that has failed
                // before (VSWhidbey 525414)
                if (!PerformingPrecompilation) {

                throw compileException;

            return result;
    internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
        long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {

        // If it should not be cached to disk, leave it alone
        if (!result.CacheToDisk)

        // VSWhidbey 564168 don't save to disk if already shutting down, otherwise we might
        // be persisting assembly that was compiled with obsolete references.
        // Since we are shutting down and not creating any cache, delete the compiled result 
        // as it will not be used in future.
        if (HostingEnvironment.ShutdownInitiated) {
            BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
            if (compiledResult != null)

        string preservationFile = GetPreservedDataFileName(cacheKey);
        PreservationFileWriter pfw = new PreservationFileWriter(PrecompilationMode);

        pfw.SaveBuildResultToFile(preservationFile, result, hashCode);
        private bool CacheVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath,
            BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart) {

            string cacheKey = GetCacheKeyFromVirtualPath(virtualPath);
            return CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart);
    internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
        long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {

        // Don't create preservation files in bin for pages in the updatable model,
        // because we turn them into a v1 style code behind, which works as a result of
        // having the aspx file point to the bin class via an inherits attribute.
        if (result is BuildResultCompiledTemplateType)

        base.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, hashCode, utcStart);
        private bool CacheBuildResultInternal(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
            long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {

            // Before caching it, make sure the hash has been computed

            for (int i = 0; i < _caches.Length; i++) {
                _caches[i].CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, hashCode, utcStart);

            // If we find that it's no longer valid after caching it, remove it from the cache (VSWhidbey 578372)
            if (!TimeStampChecker.CheckFilesStillValid(cacheKey, result.VirtualPathDependencies)) {
                _memoryCache.RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependencies(result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase);
                return false;

            return true;
        [global::Umbraco.Web.WebApi.UmbracoAuthorize] // can use Umbraco's
        public HttpResponseMessage BuildModels()
                // the UmbracoAuthorize attribute validates the current user
                // the UmbracoAuthorizedApiController would in addition check for .Disabled and .NoConsole
                // but to do it it relies on internal methods so we have to do it here explicitely

                // was doing it using legacy User class, now using new API class

                //var user = umbraco.BusinessLogic.User.GetCurrent();
                var user = UmbracoContext.Security.CurrentUser;
                //if (user.Disabled || user.NoConsole)
                if (!user.IsApproved && user.IsLockedOut)
                    return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                //if (user.Applications.All(x => x.alias != "developer"))
                if (!user.AllowedSections.Contains("developer"))
                    return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

                if (!Config.EnableAppDataModels && !Config.EnableAppCodeModels && !Config.EnableDllModels)
                    var result2 = new BuildResult { Success = false, Message = "Models generation is not enabled." };
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result2, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);

                var appData = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data");
                if (appData == null)
                    throw new Exception("Panic: appData is null.");

                var appCode = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Code");
                if (appCode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Panic: appCode is null.");

                var bin = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/bin");
                if (bin== null)
                    throw new Exception("Panic: bin is null.");

                // EnableDllModels will recycle the app domain - but this request will end properly
                GenerateModels(appData, Config.EnableDllModels ? bin : null);

                // will recycle the app domain - but this request will end properly
                if (Config.EnableAppCodeModels)

                var result = new BuildResult {Success = true};
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);

            catch (Exception e)
                var message = string.Format("{0}: {1}\r\n{2}", e.GetType().FullName, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                var result = new BuildResult { Success = false, Message = message };
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);
 internal void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart)
     CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, 0 /*hashCode*/, utcStart);
        internal static bool CacheVPathBuildResult(VirtualPath virtualPath,
            BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart) {

            return _theBuildManager.CacheVPathBuildResultInternal(virtualPath, result, utcStart);
    internal void SetBuildResultDependencies(BuildResult result) {

 internal static bool CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart) {
     return _theBuildManager.CacheBuildResultInternal(cacheKey, result, 0 /*hashCode*/, utcStart);
 internal void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart)
     this.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, 0L, utcStart);
     * Add a BuildResult's source dependencies to our own source dependencies
    internal void AddBuildResultDependency(BuildResult result) {

        // Add one direct dependency
        if (_pageParserFilter != null)

        if (result.VirtualPathDependencies == null)

        foreach (string virtualPath in result.VirtualPathDependencies) {

            // Add one dependency for each file (to include direct and indirect)
            if (_pageParserFilter != null)

        internal static Assembly GetCodeDirectoryAssembly(VirtualPath virtualDir,
                                                          CodeDirectoryType dirType, string assemblyName,
                                                          StringSet excludedSubdirectories, bool isDirectoryAllowed)
            string physicalDir = virtualDir.MapPath();

            if (!isDirectoryAllowed)
                // The directory should never exist in a precompiled app
                if (Directory.Exists(physicalDir))
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Bar_dir_in_precompiled_app, virtualDir));

            bool supportLocalization = IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(dirType);

            // Determine the proper cache key based on the type of directory we're processing
            string cacheKey = assemblyName;

            // Try the cache first
            BuildResult result         = BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey);
            Assembly    resultAssembly = null;

            // If it's cached, just return it
            if (result != null)
                // It should always be a BuildResultCompiledAssembly, though if there is
                // a VirtualPathProvider doing very bad things, it may not (VSWhidbey 341701)
                Debug.Assert(result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly);
                if (result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly)
                    // If it's the main code assembly, keep track of it so we can later call
                    // the AppInitialize method
                    if (result is BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)
                        Debug.Assert(dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode);
                        Debug.Assert(_mainCodeBuildResult == null);
                        _mainCodeBuildResult = (BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)result;

                    resultAssembly = ((BuildResultCompiledAssembly)result).ResultAssembly;

                    if (!supportLocalization)

                    // We found a preserved resource assembly.  However, we may not be done,
                    // as the culture specific files may have changed.

                    // But don't make any further checks if the directory is not allowed (precomp secenario).
                    // In that case, we should always return the assembly (VSWhidbey 533498)
                    if (!isDirectoryAllowed)

                    BuildResultResourceAssembly buildResultResAssembly = (BuildResultResourceAssembly)result;

                    string newResourcesDependenciesHash = HashCodeCombiner.GetDirectoryHash(virtualDir);

                    // If the resources hash (which includes satellites) is up to date, we're done
                    if (newResourcesDependenciesHash == buildResultResAssembly.ResourcesDependenciesHash)

            // If app was precompiled, don't attempt compilation
            if (!isDirectoryAllowed)

            // Check whether the virtual dir is mapped to a different application,
            // which we don't support (VSWhidbey 218603).  But don't do this for LocalResource (VSWhidbey 237935)
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources && !StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(physicalDir, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal))
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Virtual_codedir, virtualDir.VirtualPathString));

            // If the directory doesn't exist, we may be done
            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalDir))
                // We're definitely done if it's not the main code dir
                if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)

                // If it is the main code dir, we're only done is there is no profile to compile
                // since the profice gets built as part of the main assembly.
                if (!ProfileBuildProvider.HasCompilableProfile)

            // Otherwise, compile it


            DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

            CodeDirectoryCompiler cdc = new CodeDirectoryCompiler(virtualDir,
                                                                  dirType, excludedSubdirectories);

            string outputAssemblyName = null;

            if (resultAssembly != null)
                // If resultAssembly is not null, we are in the case where we just need to build
                // the localized resx file in a resources dir (local or global)
                outputAssemblyName = resultAssembly.GetName().Name;
                cdc._onlyBuildLocalizedResources = true;
                outputAssemblyName = BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(assemblyName);

            BuildProvidersCompiler bpc =
                new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, supportLocalization, outputAssemblyName);

            cdc._bpc = bpc;

            // Find all the build provider we want to compile from the code directory

            // Give them to the BuildProvidersCompiler

            // Compile them into an assembly
            CompilerResults results = bpc.PerformBuild();

            // Did we just compile something?
            if (results != null)
                Debug.Assert(result == null);
                Debug.Assert(resultAssembly == null);

                // If there is already a loaded module with the same path, try to wait for it to be unloaded.
                // Otherwise, we would end up loading this old assembly instead of the new one (VSWhidbey 554697)
                DateTime waitLimit = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(3000);
                for (;;)
                    IntPtr hModule = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(results.PathToAssembly);
                    if (hModule == IntPtr.Zero)

                    Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", results.PathToAssembly + " is already loaded. Waiting a bit");


                    // Stop trying if the timeout was reached
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > waitLimit)
                        Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", "Timeout waiting for old assembly to unload: " + results.PathToAssembly);
                        throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Assembly_already_loaded, results.PathToAssembly));

                resultAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly;

            // It is possible that there was nothing to compile (and we're not in the
            // satellite resources case)
            if (resultAssembly == null)

            // For the main code directory, use a special BuildResult that takes care of
            // calling AppInitialize if it finds one
            if (dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)
                // Keep track of it so we can later call the AppInitialize method
                _mainCodeBuildResult = new BuildResultMainCodeAssembly(resultAssembly);

                result = _mainCodeBuildResult;
            else if (supportLocalization)
                result = new BuildResultResourceAssembly(resultAssembly);
                result = new BuildResultCompiledAssembly(resultAssembly);

            result.VirtualPath = virtualDir;

            // If compilations are optimized, we need to include the right dependencies, since we can no longer
            // rely on everything getting wiped out when something in App_Code changes.
            // But don't do this for local resources, since they have their own special way of
            // dealing with dependencies (in BuildResultResourceAssembly.ComputeSourceDependenciesHashCode).
            // It's crucial *not* to do it as it triggers a tricky infinite recursion due to the fact
            // that GetBuildResultFromCacheInternal calls EnsureFirstTimeDirectoryInitForDependencies if
            // there is at least one dependency
            if (BuildManager.OptimizeCompilations && dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                result.AddVirtualPathDependencies(new SingleObjectCollection(virtualDir.AppRelativeVirtualPathString));

            // Top level assembly should not be cached to memory.  But LocalResources are *not*
            // top level files, and do benefit from memory caching
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                result.CacheToMemory = false;

            // Cache it for next time
            BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart);
