public MFTestResults RegExpTest_0_PrecompiledMatch()
            bool testResult = false;

                Log.Comment("Pre-compiled regular expression \"a*b\"");
                char[] re1instructions =
                    (char)0x007c, (char)0x0000, (char)0x001a, (char)0x007c, (char)0x0000, (char)0x000d, (char)0x0041,
                    (char)0x0001, (char)0x0004, (char)0x0061, (char)0x007c, (char)0x0000, (char)0x0003, (char)0x0047,
                    (char)0x0000, (char)0xfff6, (char)0x007c, (char)0x0000, (char)0x0003, (char)0x004e, (char)0x0000,
                    (char)0x0003, (char)0x0041, (char)0x0001, (char)0x0004, (char)0x0062, (char)0x0045, (char)0x0000,

                //need to make internals visible to
                RegexProgram re1 = new RegexProgram(re1instructions);                

                // Simple test of pre-compiled regular expressions
                Regex r = new Regex(re1);

                Log.Comment("Matching Precompiled Expression a*b");                
                testResult = r.IsMatch("aaab");
                Log.Comment("aaab = " + testResult);
                TestTestsHelper.ShowParens(ref r);
                if (!testResult)
                    Log.Comment("\"aaab\" doesn't match to precompiled \"a*b\"");                    

                testResult = r.IsMatch("b");
                Log.Comment("b = " + testResult);
                TestTestsHelper.ShowParens(ref r);
                if (!testResult)
                    Log.Comment("\"b\" doesn't match to precompiled \"a*b\"");

                testResult = r.IsMatch("c");
                Log.Comment("c = " + testResult);
                TestTestsHelper.ShowParens(ref r);
                if (testResult)
                    Log.Comment("\"c\" matches to precompiled \"a*b\"");
                    testResult = false;

                testResult = r.IsMatch("ccccaaaaab");
                Log.Comment("ccccaaaaab = " + testResult);
                TestTestsHelper.ShowParens(ref r);
                if (!testResult)
                    Log.Comment("\"ccccaaaaab\" doesn't match to precompiled \"a*b\"");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Exception("Unexpected Exception", ex);
                testResult = false;

            return (testResult ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles a regular expression pattern into a program runnable by the pattern matcher class 'RE'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pattern">Regular expression pattern to compile</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal RegexProgram Compile(String pattern)
            //Check if the pattersn is already compiled
            if (Regex.CacheSize > 0 && Regex.Cache.Contains(pattern))
                foreach (RegexProgram regexProgram in Regex.Cache.ToArray())
                    if (regexProgram.Pattern.Equals(pattern)) return regexProgram;
                throw new Exception("Cache Error RegexCompiler.cs Compile Method");
                //Maintain CacheSize Requirement
                if (Regex.CacheSize > 0 && Regex.Cache.Count >= Regex.CacheSize) Regex.Cache.Pop();

                // Initialize variables for compilation
                this.pattern = pattern;                         // Save pattern in instance variable
                len = pattern.Length;                         // Precompute pattern Length for speed
                idx = 0;                                        // Set parsing index to the first character
                lenInstruction = 0;                             // Set emitted instruction count to zero
                parens = 1;                                     // Set paren level to 1 (the implicit outer parens)

                // Initialize pass by reference flags value
                int[] flags = { NODE_TOPLEVEL };

                // Parse expression

                // Should be at end of input
                if (idx != len)
                    if (pattern[idx] == OpCode.Close) SyntaxError("Unmatched close paren");
                    SyntaxError("Unexpected input remains");

                //Compile the result

                char[] ins = new char[lenInstruction];
                System.Array.Copy(instruction, 0, ins, 0, lenInstruction);
                //ins.CopyTo(instruction, 0);

                RegexProgram result = new RegexProgram(parens, ins, pattern);
                //If caching is enabled add the pattern to the cache
                //Should probably check for the Compiled Flag before putting it in
                if (Regex.CacheSize > 0 && ! Regex.Cache.Contains(pattern))
                return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal use only.
 /// Construct a matcher for a pre-compiled regular expression from program
 /// (bytecode) data. Internal use only
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="program">Compiled regular expression program</param>
 internal Regex(RegexProgram program)
     : this(program, RegexOptions.None) { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Main application entrypoint.
        /// Might make this have methods and be a class rathern the a program...
        /// Then the class can Serialise and Deserialiaze the Regexps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg">Command line arguments</param>
        static public void Main(String[] arg)
            // Create a compiler object
            RegexCompiler r = new RegexCompiler();

            // Print usage if arguments are incorrect
            if (arg.Length <= 0 || arg.Length % 2 != 0)
                Debug.Print("Usage: recompile <patternname> <pattern>");

            // Loop through arguments, compiling each
            for (int i = 0, end = arg.Length; i < end; i += 2)
                    // Compile regular expression
                    String name         = arg[i];
                    String pattern      = arg[i + 1];
                    String instructions = name + "Instructions";

                    // Output program as a nice, formatted char array
                    Debug.Print("\n    // Pre-compiled regular expression '" + pattern + "'\n"
                                + "    private static  char[] " + instructions + " = \n    {");

                    // Compile program for pattern
                    RegexProgram program = r.Compile(pattern);

                    // Number of columns in output
                    int numColumns = 7;

                    // Loop through program
                    char[] p = program.Instructions;
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.Length; j++)
                        // End of column?
                        if ((j % numColumns) == 0)
                            Debug.Print("\n        ");

                        // Print char as padded hex number
                        String hex = (0).ToHexString();

                        while (hex.Length < 4)
                            hex = "0" + hex;

                        Debug.Print("0x" + hex + ", ");

                    // End of program block
                    Debug.Print("\n    };");
                    Debug.Print("\n    private static  REProgram " + name + " = new REProgram(" + instructions + ");");
                catch (RegexpSyntaxException e)
                    Debug.Print("Syntax error in expression \"" + arg[i] + "\": " + e.ToString());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Print("Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal use only.
 /// Construct a matcher for a pre-compiled regular expression from program
 /// bytecode) data.  Permits special flags to be passed in to modify matching
 /// behaviour.
 /// RegexOptions.Normal              // Normal (case-sensitive) matching
 /// RegexOptions.CaseIndependant     // Case folded comparisons
 /// RegexOptions.Multiline           // Newline matches as BOL/EOL
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="program">Compiled regular expression program (see RECompiler)</param>
 /// <param name="matchFlags">One or more of the MatchOptions</param>
 internal Regex(RegexProgram program, RegexOptions matchFlags)
     Program = program;
     Options = matchFlags;