        static void Generate(string url, TextWriter writer)
            var cr = new ContractReference();
            cr.Url = url;

            var protocol = new DiscoveryClientProtocol();

            var wc = new WebClient();
            using (var stream = wc.OpenRead(cr.Url))
                protocol.Documents.Add(cr.Url, cr.ReadDocument(stream));

            var mset = ToMetadataSet(protocol);

            var importer = new WsdlImporter(mset);
            var xsdImporter = new XsdDataContractImporter();
            var options = new ImportOptions();
            xsdImporter.Options = options;
            importer.State.Add(typeof(XsdDataContractImporter), xsdImporter);

            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();

            CodeCompileUnit ccu = new CodeCompileUnit();
            CodeNamespace cns = new CodeNamespace("TestNamespace");

            var generator = new ServiceContractGenerator(ccu);

            foreach (var cd in contracts)

            var provider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, writer, null);
        static void GenerateVBCodeForService(Uri metadataAddress, string outputFile)
            MetadataExchangeClient mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(metadataAddress, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
              mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;
              MetadataSet metaDocs = mexClient.GetMetadata();

              WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(metaDocs);
              ServiceContractGenerator generator = new ServiceContractGenerator();

              System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
              foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
              if (generator.Errors.Count != 0)
            throw new ApplicationException("There were errors during code compilation.");

              // Write the code dom.
              System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions options = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions();
              options.BracingStyle = "C";
              System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VB");
              System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter textWriter = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter(new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputFile));
              codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(generator.TargetCompileUnit, textWriter, options);
		private static void GenerateCodeDomTree(WsdlImporter wsdlImporter, ServiceContractGenerator contractGenerator)
			Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();
			Collection<Binding> bindings = wsdlImporter.ImportAllBindings();
			ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();

			if (wsdlImporter.Errors.Any(e => !e.IsWarning))
				throw new CodeGenerationException(wsdlImporter.Errors);

			foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
				//TODO:Alex:Make the naming scheme customisable.
				contract.Name = "I" + contract.Name.Replace("Interface", string.Empty);

			foreach (Binding binding in bindings)
				string bindingSectionName, configurationName;
				contractGenerator.GenerateBinding(binding, out bindingSectionName, out configurationName);

			foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
				ChannelEndpointElement channelElement;
				contractGenerator.GenerateServiceEndpoint(endpoint, out channelElement);
        public ServiceMetadataInformation ImportMetadata(Collection<MetadataSection> metadataCollection, MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode formatMode)
            CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();
            CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = m_CodeDomProviderFactory.CreateProvider();

            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(new MetadataSet(metadataCollection));
            switch (formatMode)
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.DataContractSerializer:
                    AddStateForDataContractSerializerImport(importer, formatMode, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.XmlSerializer:
                    AddStateForXmlSerializerImport(importer, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.Auto:
                    AddStateForDataContractSerializerImport(importer, formatMode, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                    AddStateForXmlSerializerImport(importer, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);

            if (!importer.State.ContainsKey(typeof(WrappedOptions)))
                importer.State.Add(typeof(WrappedOptions), new WrappedOptions
                    WrappedFlag = false

            Collection<Binding> bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();
            Collection<MetadataConversionError> importErrors = importer.Errors;

            bool success = true;
            if (importErrors != null)
                foreach (MetadataConversionError error in importErrors)
                    if (!error.IsWarning)
                        success = false;
            if (!success)
                //TODO: Throw exception
               return new ServiceMetadataInformation(codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider)
                   Bindings = bindings,
                   Contracts = contracts,
                   Endpoints = endpoints
        public CodeCompileUnit GenerateCodeFromImportedContracts(WsdlImporter importer)
            var generator = new ServiceContractGenerator();

            var contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            foreach (var contract in contracts)
            if (generator.Errors.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("There were errors during code compilation.");
            var targetCompileUnit = generator.TargetCompileUnit;
            return targetCompileUnit;
        public WebService(string path)
            var metadataAddress = new EndpointAddress(path);
            var mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;

            var metadata = mexClient.GetMetadata(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            var metadataSet = new MetadataSet(metadata.MetadataSections);

            var importer = new WsdlImporter(metadataSet);

            AllWsdlDocuments = importer.WsdlDocuments;
            AllContracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            AllBindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            AllEndpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();

		public static CodeCompileUnit Import (MetadataSet metadata, ImportOptions options)
			var importer = new WsdlImporter (metadata);
			var xsdImporter = new XsdDataContractImporter ();
			xsdImporter.Options = options;
			importer.State.Add (typeof(XsdDataContractImporter), xsdImporter);
			var contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts ();
			CodeCompileUnit ccu = new CodeCompileUnit ();
			var generator = new ServiceContractGenerator (ccu);

			if (contracts.Count != 1)
				throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (
					"Metadata import failed: found {0} contracts.", contracts.Count));
			var contract = contracts.First ();
			generator.GenerateServiceContractType (contract);
			return ccu;
 private void ImportMetadata(WsdlImporter wsdlImporter,
     out ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints, 
     out Collection<System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding> bindings, 
     out Collection<ContractDescription> contracts)
     endpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();
     bindings = wsdlImporter.ImportAllBindings();
     contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();
		void Run (string [] args)
			co.ProcessArgs (args);
			if (co.RemainingArguments.Length == 0) {
				co.DoHelp ();
			if (!co.NoLogo)
				co.ShowBanner ();

			CodeCompileUnit ccu = new CodeCompileUnit ();
			CodeNamespace cns = new CodeNamespace (co.Namespace);
			ccu.Namespaces.Add (cns);

			generator = new ServiceContractGenerator (ccu);
			generator.Options = GetGenerationOption ();
			generator.Options |=ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ChannelInterface;

			code_provider = GetCodeProvider ();
			MetadataSet metadata = null;

			// For now only assemblyPath is supported.
			foreach (string arg in co.RemainingArguments) {
				Uri uri = null;
				if (Uri.TryCreate (arg, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) {
					metadata = ResolveWithDisco (arg);
					if (metadata == null)
						metadata = ResolveWithWSMex (arg);


				FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (arg);
				if (!fi.Exists)
				switch (fi.Extension) {
				case ".exe":
				case ".dll":
					GenerateContractType (fi.FullName);
					throw new NotSupportedException ("Not supported file extension: " + fi.Extension);

			if (metadata == null)
			List<IWsdlImportExtension> list = new List<IWsdlImportExtension> ();
			list.Add (new TransportBindingElementImporter ());
			//list.Add (new DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter ());
			list.Add (new XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter ());

			//WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter (metadata, null, list);
			WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter (metadata);
			//ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();

			Console.WriteLine ("Generating files..");
			/*foreach (ServiceEndpoint se in endpoints)
				generator.GenerateServiceContractType (se.Contract);*/

			Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts ();
			foreach (ContractDescription cd in contracts)
				generator.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);

			/*if (cns.Types.Count == 0) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Argument assemblies have no types.");
				Environment.Exit (1);

			//FIXME: Generate .config 

			Console.WriteLine (GetOutputFilename ());
			using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText (GetOutputFilename ())) {
				code_provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (ccu, w, null);
        static void GenerateVBCodeForService(EndpointAddress metadataAddress, string outputFile)
          MetadataExchangeClient mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(metadataAddress);
          mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;
          MetadataSet metaDocs = mexClient.GetMetadata();

          WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(metaDocs);
          ServiceContractGenerator generator = new ServiceContractGenerator();

          // Uncomment the following code if you are going to do your work programmatically rather than add 
          // the WsdlDocumentationImporters through a configuration file. 
          // The following code inserts the custom WSDL programmatically adding the custom WsdlImporter without
          // removing the other importers already in the collection.
          System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IWsdlImportExtension> exts = importer.WsdlExtensions;
          System.Collections.Generic.List<IWsdlImportExtension> newExts = new System.Collections.Generic.List<IWsdlImportExtension>();
          foreach (IWsdlImportExtension ext in exts)
          newExts.Add(new WsdlDocumentationImporter());
          importer = new WsdlImporter(newExts.ToArray(), metaDocs.MetadataSections);

          System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
          foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
          if (generator.Errors.Count != 0)
            throw new ApplicationException("There were errors during code compilation.");

          // Write the code dom.
          System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions options = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions();
          options.BracingStyle = "C";
          System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VB");
          System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter textWriter = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter(new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputFile));
          codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(generator.TargetCompileUnit, textWriter, options);
        private void ImportMetadata()
            this.codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();

            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(new MetadataSet(metadataCollection));

            this.bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            this.contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            this.endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();
            this.importWarnings = importer.Errors;

            bool success = true;
            if (this.importWarnings != null)
                foreach (MetadataConversionError error in this.importWarnings)
                    if (!error.IsWarning)
                        success = false;

            if (!success)
                DynamicProxyException exception = new DynamicProxyException(
                exception.MetadataImportErrors = this.importWarnings;
                throw exception;
		protected override string CreateProxyFile (DotNetProject dotNetProject, FilePath basePath, string proxyNamespace, string referenceName)
			CodeCompileUnit ccu = new CodeCompileUnit ();
			CodeNamespace cns = new CodeNamespace (proxyNamespace);
			ccu.Namespaces.Add (cns);
			bool targetMoonlight = dotNetProject.TargetFramework.Id.StartsWith ("SL");
			bool targetMonoTouch = dotNetProject.TargetFramework.Id.StartsWith ("IPhone");
			ServiceContractGenerator generator = new ServiceContractGenerator (ccu);
			generator.Options = ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ChannelInterface | ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ClientClass;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateAsynchronousMethods)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.AsynchronousMethods;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateInternalTypes)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.InternalTypes;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateMessageContracts)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.TypedMessages;
//			if (targetMoonlight || targetMonoTouch)
//				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.EventBasedAsynchronousMethods;
			MetadataSet mset;
			if (protocol != null)
				mset = ToMetadataSet (protocol);
				mset = metadata;

			CodeDomProvider code_provider = GetProvider (dotNetProject);
			List<IWsdlImportExtension> list = new List<IWsdlImportExtension> ();
			list.Add (new TransportBindingElementImporter ());
			list.Add (new XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter ());
			WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter (mset);
			Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts ();
			foreach (ContractDescription cd in contracts) {
				cd.Namespace = proxyNamespace;
				if (targetMoonlight || targetMonoTouch) {
					var moonctx = new MoonlightChannelBaseContext ();
					cd.Behaviors.Add (new MoonlightChannelBaseContractExtension (moonctx, targetMonoTouch));
					foreach (var od in cd.Operations)
						od.Behaviors.Add (new MoonlightChannelBaseOperationExtension (moonctx, targetMonoTouch));
					generator.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);
					moonctx.Fixup ();
					generator.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);
			string fileSpec = Path.Combine (basePath, referenceName + "." + code_provider.FileExtension);
			using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText (fileSpec)) {
				code_provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (ccu, w, null);
			return fileSpec;
        // Code to generate the proxy
        public static string GenerateCSCodeForService(string gennamespace, EndpointAddress metadataAddress)
            var mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;

            var metadata = mexClient.GetMetadata(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            var metadataSet = new MetadataSet(metadata.MetadataSections);

            var importer = new WsdlImporter(metadataSet);

            var importAllContracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            var codeDomProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
            var output = new StringWriter();
            return string.Empty;
            //return codeDomExperiment(gennamespace, codeDomProvider, output, importAllContracts);
            //            var generator = new ServiceContractGenerator();
            //            generator.Options = ServiceContractGenerationOptions.TypedMessages
            //                //| ServiceContractGenerationOptions.AsynchronousMethods
            //                //| ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ClientClass
            //                //| ServiceContractGenerationOptions.EventBasedAsynchronousMethods
            //                //| ServiceContractGenerationOptions.InternalTypes
            //                ;
            //            // This line enables a namespace wrapping all classes
            //            generator.NamespaceMappings.Add("*", gennamespace);
            //            //generator.NamespaceMappings.Add("?", gennamespace); // Contract descript namespace?
            //            importer.State.Remove(typeof (XsdDataContractExporter)); // This doesn't do anything in the sample
            //            var importer2 = new XsdDataContractImporter();
            //            var options2 = new ImportOptions();
            //            options2.EnableDataBinding = true; // HERE we implement INotifyPropertyChanged
            //            options2.GenerateInternal = false; // Control if class is internal
            //            importer2.Options = options2;
            //            importer2.Options.Namespaces.Add("*", gennamespace);
            //            // Not used in sample but presumably allows array types to be mapped to a specific ienumerable<>
            //            importer2.Options.ReferencedCollectionTypes.Add(typeof (ObservableCollection<>));
            //            // Here we override the default importer with our own,
            //            importer.State.Add(typeof (XsdDataContractImporter), importer2);
            //            Collection<ContractDescription> collection = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            //            importer.ImportAllEndpoints();
            //            foreach (ContractDescription description in collection)
            //            {
            //                generator.GenerateServiceContractType(description);
            //            }
            //            if (generator.Errors.Count != 0)
            //            {
            //                generator.Errors.ToList().ForEach(
            //                    mce => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", mce.IsWarning ? "Warning" : "Error", mce.Message));
            //                throw new Exception("There were errors during code compilation.");
            //            }
            //            //new WcfSilverlightCodeGenerationExtension().ClientGenerated(generator);
            //            var options = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
            //            var provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");
            //            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            //            var sw = new StringWriter(sb);
            //            using (var writer = new IndentedTextWriter(sw))
            //            {
            //                provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(generator.TargetCompileUnit, writer, options);
            //            }
            //            return sb.ToString();
        public AppDMoviesWSAutoDiscovery(string webserviceBindingUri, string interfaceContractName)
            // Define the metadata address, contract name, operation name, and parameters.
            // You can choose between MEX endpoint and HTTP GET by changing the address and enum value.
            Uri mexAddress = new Uri(webserviceBindingUri);
            // For MEX endpoints use a MEX address and a mexMode of .MetadataExchange
            MetadataExchangeClientMode mexMode = MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet;
            string contractName = interfaceContractName;

            //string creditcard, string expiry, string cvv

            // Get the metadata file from the service.
            MetadataExchangeClient mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(mexAddress, mexMode);
            mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;
            MetadataSet metaSet = mexClient.GetMetadata();

            // Import all contracts and endpoints
            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(metaSet);
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            ServiceEndpointCollection allEndpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();

            // Generate type information for each contract
            ServiceContractGenerator generator = new ServiceContractGenerator();
            var endpointsForContracts = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint>>();

            foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
                // Keep a list of each contract's endpoints
                endpointsForContracts[contract.Name] = allEndpoints.Where(
                    se => se.Contract.Name == contract.Name).ToList();

            if (generator.Errors.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("There were errors during code compilation.");

            // Generate a code file for the contracts
            CodeGeneratorOptions options = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
            options.BracingStyle = "C";
            CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");

            // Compile the code file to an in-memory assembly
            // Don't forget to add all WCF-related assemblies as references
            CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(
                new string[] {
                    "System.dll", "System.ServiceModel.dll",
                    "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll" });
            compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = true;

            CompilerResults results = codeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(compilerParameters, generator.TargetCompileUnit);
            if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new Exception("There were errors during generated code compilation");
                // Find the proxy type that was generated for the specified contract
                // (identified by a class that implements the contract and ICommunicationObject)
                Type[] mytypes = results.CompiledAssembly.GetTypes();

                Type clientProxyType = mytypes.First(
                    t => t.IsClass &&
                        t.GetInterface(contractName) != null &&
                        t.GetInterface(typeof(ICommunicationObject).Name) != null);

                // Get the first service endpoint for the contract
                ServiceEndpoint se = endpointsForContracts[contractName].First();

                // Create an instance of the proxy
                // Pass the endpoint's binding and address as parameters
                // to the ctor
                proxyinstance = results.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(
                    new object[] { se.Binding, se.Address },
                    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, null);
		protected override string CreateProxyFile (DotNetProject dotNetProject, FilePath basePath, string proxyNamespace, string referenceName)
			var ccu = new CodeCompileUnit ();
			var cns = new CodeNamespace (proxyNamespace);
			ccu.Namespaces.Add (cns);
			bool targetMoonlight = dotNetProject.TargetFramework.Id.Identifier == ("Silverlight");
			bool targetMonoTouch = dotNetProject.TargetFramework.Id.Identifier == ("MonoTouch");
			bool targetMonoDroid = dotNetProject.TargetFramework.Id.Identifier == ("MonoDroid");
			bool targetCoreClr = targetMoonlight || targetMonoDroid || targetMonoTouch;
			bool generateSyncMethods = targetMonoDroid | targetMonoTouch;
			var generator = new ServiceContractGenerator (ccu);
			generator.Options = ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ChannelInterface | ServiceContractGenerationOptions.ClientClass;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateAsynchronousMethods || targetCoreClr)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.AsynchronousMethods;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateEventBasedAsynchronousMethods)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.EventBasedAsynchronousMethods;
#if NET_4_5
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateTaskBasedAsynchronousMethod)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.TaskBasedAsynchronousMethod;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateInternalTypes)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.InternalTypes;
			if (refGroup.ClientOptions.GenerateMessageContracts)
				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.TypedMessages;
//			if (targetMoonlight || targetMonoTouch)
//				generator.Options |= ServiceContractGenerationOptions.EventBasedAsynchronousMethods;
			MetadataSet mset;
			mset = protocol != null ? ToMetadataSet (protocol) : metadata;

			CodeDomProvider code_provider = GetProvider (dotNetProject);
			var list = new List<IWsdlImportExtension> ();
			list.Add (new TransportBindingElementImporter ());
			list.Add (new XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter ());
			var importer = new WsdlImporter (mset);
			try {
				ConfigureImporter (importer);
			} catch {

			Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts ();
			foreach (ContractDescription cd in contracts) {
				cd.Namespace = proxyNamespace;
				if (targetCoreClr) {
					var moonctx = new MoonlightChannelBaseContext ();
					cd.Behaviors.Add (new MoonlightChannelBaseContractExtension (moonctx, generateSyncMethods));
					foreach (var od in cd.Operations)
						od.Behaviors.Add (new MoonlightChannelBaseOperationExtension (moonctx, generateSyncMethods));
					generator.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);
					moonctx.Fixup ();
					generator.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);
			string fileSpec = Path.Combine (basePath, referenceName + "." + code_provider.FileExtension);
			using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText (fileSpec)) {
				code_provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (ccu, w, null);
			return fileSpec;
		public void ImportXmlTypes ()
			// part of bug #670945
			var mset = new MetadataSet ();
			WSServiceDescription sd = null;

			sd = WSServiceDescription.Read (XmlReader.Create ("Test/XmlFiles/670945.wsdl"));
			mset.MetadataSections.Add (new MetadataSection () {
				Dialect = MetadataSection.ServiceDescriptionDialect,
				Metadata = sd });

			var imp = new WsdlImporter (mset);
			var sec = imp.ImportAllContracts ();
			// FIXME: examine resulting operations.
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the specified url points to the load balancing service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceUrl">Url to check for service presence.</param>
        /// <returns>true if and only if the <paramref name="serviceUrl"/>
        /// points to the load balancing service.</returns>
        public static bool HasLoadBalanceService(string serviceUrl)
            var hasService = false;

                var metadataUri = new Uri(serviceUrl + "?wsdl");
                var mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(
                var metadataRetrievalWrapper = new RetriableInvocationWrapper(
                var metaDocs = metadataRetrievalWrapper.Invoke(
                    () => mexClient.GetMetadata());
                var importer = new WsdlImporter(metaDocs);
                var contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
                foreach (var contract in contracts)
                    if (string.Equals(
                        hasService = true;
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!ServiceHelper.IsCommunicationError(e))


            return hasService;
        /// <summary>
        /// compile our wsdl file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="astrWebServiceURI"></param>
        /// <param name="astrUsername"></param>
        /// <param name="astrPassword"></param>
        /// <param name="astrMethod"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private compiledAssembly generateCompiledAssembly(string astrWebServiceURI, string astrUsername, string astrPassword, string astrMethod)
            CompilerResults result = null;

            // Define the WSDL Get address, contract name and parameters, with this we can extract WSDL details any time
            //Uri address = new Uri("http://ifbenp.indfish.co.nz:16201/mws-ws/services/Vessel?wsdl"); //("http://localhost:64508/Service1.svc?wsdl");
            Uri address = new Uri(astrWebServiceURI);
            // For HttpGet endpoints use a Service WSDL address a mexMode of .HttpGet and for MEX endpoints use a MEX address and a mexMode of .MetadataExchange
            MetadataExchangeClientMode mexMode = MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet;

            // Get the metadata file from the service.
            MetadataExchangeClient metadataExchangeClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(address, mexMode);
            metadataExchangeClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;

            //One can also provide credentials if service needs that by the help following two lines.
            ICredentials networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(astrUsername, astrPassword, "");
            metadataExchangeClient.HttpCredentials = networkCredential;

            //Gets the meta data information of the service.
            MetadataSet metadataSet = metadataExchangeClient.GetMetadata();

            // Import all contracts and endpoints.
            WsdlImporter wsdlImporter = new WsdlImporter(metadataSet);

            //Import all contracts.
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();

            //Import all end points.
            ServiceEndpointCollection allEndpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();

            // Generate type information for each contract.
            ServiceContractGenerator serviceContractGenerator = new ServiceContractGenerator();

            //Dictinary has been defined to keep all the contract endpoints present, contract name is key of the dictionary item.
            var endpointsForContracts = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint>>();

            string contractName = null;

            foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
                // Keep a list of each contract's endpoints.
                endpointsForContracts[contract.Name] = allEndpoints.Where(ep => ep.Contract.Name == contract.Name).ToList();
                contractName = contract.Name;

            // Generate a code file for the contracts.
            CodeGeneratorOptions codeGeneratorOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
            codeGeneratorOptions.BracingStyle = "C";

            // Create Compiler instance of a specified language.
            CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");

            // Adding WCF-related assemblies references as copiler parameters, so as to do the compilation of particular service contract.
            CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(new string[] { "System.dll", "System.ServiceModel.dll", "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll" });
            compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = true;

            //Gets the compiled assembly.
            result = codeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(compilerParameters, serviceContractGenerator.TargetCompileUnit);

            object proxyInstance = null;

            if (result.Errors.Count <= 0)

                // Find the proxy type that was generated for the specified contract (identified by a class that implements the contract and ICommunicationbject - this is contract
                //implemented by all the communication oriented objects).
                Type proxyType = result.CompiledAssembly.GetTypes().First(t => t.IsClass && t.GetInterface(contractName) != null &&
                    t.GetInterface(typeof(ICommunicationObject).Name) != null);

                // Now we get the first service endpoint for the particular contract.
                ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = endpointsForContracts[contractName].First();

                BasicHttpBinding newBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

                newBinding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
                newBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
                newBinding.Security.Transport.ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.None;
                newBinding.Security.Message.AlgorithmSuite = System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Default;

                newBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName;

                serviceEndpoint.Binding = newBinding;

                // Create an instance of the proxy by passing the endpoint binding and address as parameters.
                proxyInstance = result.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(proxyType.Name, false, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                    new object[] { serviceEndpoint.Binding, serviceEndpoint.Address }, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, null);

                PropertyInfo clientCredentials = proxyType.GetProperty("ClientCredentials");
                if(null != clientCredentials)
                    ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
                    credentials.UserName.UserName = astrUsername;
                    credentials.UserName.Password = astrPassword;

                    object objCredentials = clientCredentials.GetValue(proxyInstance);
                    credentials = objCredentials as ClientCredentials;

                    if (null != credentials)
                        credentials.UserName.Password = astrPassword;
                        credentials.UserName.UserName = astrUsername;

            compiledAssembly finalResults = new compiledAssembly() { compilerResults = result, instantiatedObject = proxyInstance };

            return (finalResults);
        protected void btnFetchRequests_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtRequest.Text = string.Empty;
            txtResponse.Text = string.Empty;
            string wsdlUrl = txtUrl.Text;
            if (wsdlUrl != null && wsdlUrl != string.Empty && wsdlUrl.IndexOf("wsdl") != -1)// && ValidateRequestURL())
                lblWarning.Visible = false;
                    WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
                    binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647;
                    MetadataExchangeClient metClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(binding);
                    metClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;
                    MetadataSet metSet = metClient.GetMetadata(new Uri(wsdlUrl), MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
                    WsdlImporter wsdlImporter = new WsdlImporter(metSet);
                    CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();
                    ServiceContractGenerator generator = new ServiceContractGenerator(codeCompileUnit);

                    Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();
                    ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();

                    List<string> opsList = new List<string>();
                    string serviceName = string.Empty;
                    string nameSpace = string.Empty;

                    foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
                        foreach (OperationDescription op in contract.Operations)
                        serviceName = contract.Name;
                        nameSpace = contract.Namespace;
                    ddlOperations.DataSource = opsList;
                    ddlOperations.Visible = true;
                    lblOperations.Visible = true;

                    ViewState.Add("ServiceName", serviceName);
                    ViewState.Add("Namespace", nameSpace);

                    CodeDomProvider provider1 = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
                    StringWriter ws = new StringWriter();
                    provider1.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(codeCompileUnit, ws, new CodeGeneratorOptions());

                    string serverRoot = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerRoot"];
                    string[] assemblyNames = new string[] { "System.Configuration.dll", "System.Xml.dll", Server.MapPath( serverRoot + "bin/") + "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll",
                        "System.dll", "System.Web.Services.dll", "System.Data.dll", Server.MapPath( serverRoot + "bin/") + "System.ServiceModel.dll" };
                    CompilerParameters options = new CompilerParameters(assemblyNames);
                    options.WarningLevel = 0;
                    options.GenerateInMemory = true;

                    string sourceCode = ws.ToString();
                    CompilerResults results = provider1.CompileAssemblyFromSource(options, sourceCode);

                    if (!results.Errors.HasErrors)
                        Assembly compiledAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
                        Type objClientType = compiledAssembly.GetType(serviceName);

                        foreach (MethodInfo minfo in objClientType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                            if (nameSpace != null && nameSpace != string.Empty)
                                sb.Append("<" + minfo.Name + " xmlns=\"" + nameSpace + "\">");
                                sb.Append("<" + minfo.Name + ">");

                            ParameterInfo[] paramInfos = minfo.GetParameters();
                            if (paramInfos != null && paramInfos.Length > 0)
                                foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramInfos)
                                    ConstructorInfo cons = param.ParameterType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
                                    if (cons != null)
                                        if (param.ParameterType.IsSerializable)
                                            sb.Append("<" + param.Name + ">");
                                            object obj = cons.Invoke(new object[] { });
                                            LoadPropertyMembers(obj, sb, compiledAssembly);
                                            sb.Append("</" + param.Name + ">");
                                            object obj = cons.Invoke(new object[] { });
                                            LoadPropertyMembers(obj, sb, compiledAssembly);

                                        if (param.ParameterType.IsEnum)
                                            sb.Append("<" + param.Name + ">");
                                            object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(compiledAssembly.GetType(param.ParameterType.FullName));
                                            sb.Append("</" + param.Name + ">");
                                        else if (param.ParameterType.IsValueType)
                                            sb.Append("<" + param.Name + ">");
                                            switch (param.ParameterType.Name)
                                                case "Int16":
                                                case "Int32":
                                                case "Int64":
                                                case "Double":
                                                case "Decimal":

                                                case "Boolean":

                                                case "DateTime":
                                            sb.Append("</" + param.Name + ">");
                                        else if (param.ParameterType.IsArray)
                                            sb.Append("<" + param.Name + ">");
                                            string propName = param.ParameterType.Name;
                                            propName = propName.Replace("[]", string.Empty);
                                            sb.Append("<" + propName + ">");
                                            sb.Append("</" + propName + ">");
                                            sb.Append("</" + param.Name + ">");
                                            sb.Append("<" + param.Name + ">");
                                            sb.Append("</" + param.Name + ">");
                            sb.Append("</" + minfo.Name + ">");

                            string data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"><soap:Body>";
                            data += sb.ToString();
                            data += "</soap:Body></soap:Envelope>";

                            ViewState.Add(minfo.Name + "Request", data);
                        txtRequest.Text = IndentXMLString(ViewState[ddlOperations.SelectedValue + "Request"].ToString());
                        lblWarning.Text = "There was an error in loading XML requests from the assembly." + "\n" +
                            "You can still provide XML request by copy and pasting it in the Request textbox.";
                        lblWarning.Visible = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblWarning.Text = "Following error occured. " + ex.Message;
                    lblWarning.Visible = true;
                lblWarning.Text = "Service URL is either empty or incorrect. Please provide a URL with \"wsdl\" extension. Example: http://servicename.com/service.svc?wsdl";
                lblWarning.Visible = true;
                lblWarning.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                txtRequest.Text = string.Empty;
                txtResponse.Text = string.Empty;
        public static void GenerateProxyAssembly(string url, string guid, bool fromUi = false)
            TestSuite suite = TestPackage.Suites.Find(s => s.Guid == guid);

            if (suite == null && fromUi)
                suite = new TestSuite()
                    ServiceUrl = url,
                    BaseUrl = url,
                    Wsdl = url + "?wsdl",
                    Guid = guid
                url = suite.Wsdl;

            StreamReader lResponseStream = GetHttpWebResponse(url);

            XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader(lResponseStream);

            //read the downloaded WSDL file
            ServiceDescription desc = ServiceDescription.Read(xmlreader);

            MetadataSection section = MetadataSection.CreateFromServiceDescription(desc);
            MetadataSet metaDocs = new MetadataSet(new[] { section });
            WsdlImporter wsdlimporter = new WsdlImporter(metaDocs);

            //Add any imported files
            foreach (XmlSchema wsdlSchema in desc.Types.Schemas)
                foreach (XmlSchemaObject externalSchema in wsdlSchema.Includes)
                    var import = externalSchema as XmlSchemaImport;
                    if (import != null)
                        if (suite != null)
                            Uri baseUri = new Uri(suite.BaseUrl);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(import.SchemaLocation)) continue;
                            Uri schemaUri = new Uri(baseUri, import.SchemaLocation);
                            StreamReader sr = GetHttpWebResponse(schemaUri.ToString());
                            XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(sr, null);

            //Additional check in case some services do not generate end points using generator
            for (int w = 0; w < wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments.Count; w++)
                for (int se = 0; se < wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services.Count; se++)
                    for (int po = 0; po < wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports.Count; po++)
                        // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
                        for (int ext = 0; ext < wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po].Extensions.Count; ext++)

                            switch (wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po].Extensions[ext].GetType().Name)
                                case "SoapAddressBinding":
                                    _endPointUrls.Add(((wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po])).Binding.Name, ((SoapAddressBinding)(wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po].Extensions[ext])).Location);
                                    if (suite != null &&
                                case "Soap12AddressBinding":
                                    _endPointUrls.Add(((wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po])).Binding.Name, ((SoapAddressBinding)(wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[w].Services[se].Ports[po].Extensions[ext])).Location);
                                    if (suite != null &&
                                        if (((SoapAddressBinding)
                                case "XmlElement":

            foreach (Import import in wsdlimporter.WsdlDocuments[0].Imports)
                GenerateProxyAssembly(import.Location, guid);

            XsdDataContractImporter xsd = new XsdDataContractImporter
                Options = new ImportOptions
                    ImportXmlType = true,
                    GenerateSerializable = true
            xsd.Options.ReferencedTypes.Add(typeof(KeyValuePair<string, string>));
            xsd.Options.ReferencedTypes.Add(typeof(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>));

            wsdlimporter.State.Add(typeof(XsdDataContractImporter), xsd);

            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = wsdlimporter.ImportAllContracts();
            ServiceEndpointCollection allEndpoints = wsdlimporter.ImportAllEndpoints();
            // Generate type information for each contract.
            ServiceContractGenerator serviceContractGenerator = new ServiceContractGenerator();

            foreach (var contract in contracts)
                // Keep a list of each contract's endpoints.
                if (suite != null)
                    if (suite.EndpointsForContracts == null)
                        suite.EndpointsForContracts = new Dictionary<string, List<EndpointsForContractsClass>>();
                    suite.EndpointsForContracts[contract.Name] =
                        allEndpoints.Where(ep => ep.Contract.Name == contract.Name)
                            .Select(ep => new EndpointsForContractsClass()
                                Uri = ep.Address.Uri.ToString(),
                                Binding = ep.Binding

            if (serviceContractGenerator.Errors.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("There were errors during code compilation.");

            //Initialize the CODE DOM tree in which we will import the ServiceDescriptionImporter
            CodeNamespace nm = new CodeNamespace();
            CodeCompileUnit unit = new CodeCompileUnit();

            CodeDomProvider compiler = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");
            // include the assembly references needed to compile
            var references = new[] { "System.Web.Services.dll", "System.Xml.dll", "System.ServiceModel.dll", "System.configuration.dll", "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll" };
            var parameters = new CompilerParameters(references) { GenerateInMemory = true };
            var results = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromDom(parameters, serviceContractGenerator.TargetCompileUnit);

            if (results.Errors.Cast<CompilerError>().Any())
                throw new Exception("Compilation Error Creating Assembly");

            // all done....
            if (_assembly.ContainsKey(guid))
                _assembly[guid] = results.CompiledAssembly;
                _assembly.Add(guid, results.CompiledAssembly);

            if (_serviceInterface.ContainsKey(guid))
                _serviceInterface[guid] = _assembly[guid].GetTypes()[0];
                _serviceInterface.Add(guid, _assembly[guid].GetTypes()[0]);
        private void AssertMetadataForWsHttp(MetadataSet metadata)
            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(metadata);
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            Collection<Binding> bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();

            Assert.IsTrue(metadata.MetadataSections.Count == 4 || metadata.MetadataSections.Count == 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, importer.Errors.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, contracts.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, bindings.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, endpoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("IMyService", contracts[0].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(WSHttpBinding), bindings[0].GetType());
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a WSDL importer, a set of metadata files and a compile unit, import the metadata
        /// files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importer"></param>
        /// <param name="compileUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="generationErrors">
        /// Errors encountered whie importing the model. Any new errors will be appended to this list.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceEndpointList">List of endpoints imported</param>
        /// <param name="bindingCollection">The collection of bindings imported</param>
        /// <param name="contractCollection">The collection of contracts imported</param>
        protected static void ImportWCFModel(WsdlImporter importer,
                                          System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit,
                                          IList<ProxyGenerationError> generationErrors,
                                          out List<ServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpointList,
                                          out IEnumerable<System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding> bindingCollection,
                                          out IEnumerable<ContractDescription> contractCollection)
            // We want to remove soap1.2 endpoints for ASMX references, but we can't use the "normal" way 
            // of using a IWsdlImportExtension to do so since BeforeImport is called too late (DevDiv 7857)
            // If DevDiv 7857 is fixed, we can remove the following two lines and instead add the 
            // AsmxEndpointPickerExtension to the importer's wsdl import extensions...
            IWsdlImportExtension asmxFixerUpper = new AsmxEndpointPickerExtension();
            asmxFixerUpper.BeforeImport(importer.WsdlDocuments, null, null);

            // NOTE: we should import Endpoint before Contracts, otherwise some information (related to binding) will be lost in the model (devdiv: 22396)
            serviceEndpointList = new List<ServiceEndpoint>();

            // First we import all the endpoints (ports). This is required so that any WsdlImportExtension's BeforeImport
            // gets called before we actually try to import anything from the WSDL object model. 
            // If we don't do this, we run into problems if any wsdl import extensions want to delete a specific port
            // and this port happens to be the first port we try to import (you can't interrupt the import)

            // We need to go through each endpoint element and "re-import" it in order to get the mapping
            // between the wsdlPort and the ServiceEndpoint... Importing the same endpoint twice is a no-op
            // as far as the endpoint collection is concerned - it is simply a hashtable lookup to retreive 
            // the already generated information...
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription wsdlServiceDescription in importer.WsdlDocuments)
                foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Service wsdlService in wsdlServiceDescription.Services)
                    foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Port servicePort in wsdlService.Ports)
                            ServiceEndpoint newEndpoint = importer.ImportEndpoint(servicePort);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            // Invalid operation exceptions should already be in the errors collection for the importer, so we don't
                            // need to add another generationError. The most probable cause for this is that the we failed to import 
                            // the endpoint...
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        { // It is bad, because WsdlImporter.WsdlImportException is a private class
                            generationErrors.Add(new ProxyGenerationError(ProxyGenerationError.GeneratorState.GenerateCode, wsdlServiceDescription.RetrievalUrl, ex));

            bindingCollection = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bindingCollection != null, "The importer should never return a NULL binding collection!");

            contractCollection = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(contractCollection != null, "The importer should never return a NULL contract collection!");

            foreach (MetadataConversionError error in importer.Errors)
                generationErrors.Add(new ProxyGenerationError(error));
		public void ImportMethodWithDateTime ()
			var ms = GetMetadataSetFromWsdl ("Test/Resources/DateTime.wsdl");
			var imp = new WsdlImporter (ms);
			var cg = new ServiceContractGenerator ();
			var cd = imp.ImportAllContracts () [0];
			cg.GenerateServiceContractType (cd);
			var sw = new StringWriter ();
			new CSharpCodeProvider ().GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (
				cg.TargetCompileUnit, sw, null);
			// sort of hacky test
			Assert.IsTrue (sw.ToString ().IndexOf ("System.DateTime GetDate") > 0, "#1");