// DSACryptoServiceProvider, as an AsymmetricAlgorithm, has to implement IDisposable.

        /// <include file='doc\DSACryptoServiceProvider.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="DSACryptoServiceProvider.Dispose"]/*' />
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (_KeyHandleProtector != null && !_KeyHandleProtector.IsClosed)
            if (_CSPHandleProtector != null && !_CSPHandleProtector.IsClosed)
        /// <include file='doc\cryptoapiTransform.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="CryptoAPITransform.Dispose"]/*' />
        void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                // we always want to clear out these items
                // clear out _rgbKey
                if (_rgbKey != null)
                    Array.Clear(_rgbKey, 0, _rgbKey.Length);
                    _rgbKey = null;
                if (IVValue != null)
                    Array.Clear(IVValue, 0, IVValue.Length);
                    IVValue = null;
                if (_depadBuffer != null)
                    Array.Clear(_depadBuffer, 0, _depadBuffer.Length);
                    _depadBuffer = null;

            if (_KeyHandleProtector != null && !_KeyHandleProtector.IsClosed)
            // Delete the temporary key container
            if (!_runningWin2KOrLaterCrypto)
                _DeleteKeyContainer(_parameters, _hCSP);
            if (_hCSP != IntPtr.Zero)
                _hCSP = IntPtr.Zero;