/// <summary>Initializes the list.</summary> override public void Initialize() { lock (syncLock) { base.Initialize(); hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); workingNodes = new List <HashTreeNode>(); } }
public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { HashAlgorithm algorithm = (HashAlgorithm)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(this.HashNameValue); byte[] counter = new byte[4]; byte[] dst = new byte[cbReturn]; uint num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; i += algorithm.Hash.Length) { Utils.ConvertIntToByteArray(num++, ref counter); algorithm.TransformBlock(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length, rgbSeed, 0); algorithm.TransformFinalBlock(counter, 0, 4); byte[] hash = algorithm.Hash; algorithm.Initialize(); if ((dst.Length - i) > hash.Length) { Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, dst, i, hash.Length); } else { Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, dst, i, dst.Length - i); } } return(dst); }
protected int StartTests(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] input, byte[] result) { try { byte[] ch = hash.ComputeHash(input, 0, input.Length); if (!ArrayEquals(ch, result)) AddError("HB-ST1"); } catch { AddError("HB-ST2"); } try { // feed input byte-by-byte for(int i = 0; i < input.Length - 1; i++) { hash.TransformBlock(input, i, 1, input, i); } if (input.Length > 0) hash.TransformFinalBlock(input, input.Length - 1, 1); else hash.TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, 0); if (!ArrayEquals(hash.Hash, result)) { AddError("HB-ST3"); Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(input)); } } catch { AddError("HB-ST4"); } finally { hash.Initialize(); } return 4; }
/// <summary>用指定长度的指定随机种子生成并返回掩码。</summary> /// <returns>长度等于 <paramref name="cbReturn" /> 参数的随机生成的掩码。</returns> /// <param name="rgbSeed">用于计算掩码的随机种子。</param> /// <param name="cbReturn">生成的掩码的长度(以字节为单位)。</param> public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithm)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(this.HashNameValue); byte[] counter = new byte[4]; byte[] numArray = new byte[cbReturn]; uint num = 0; int dstOffset = 0; while (dstOffset < numArray.Length) { Utils.ConvertIntToByteArray(num++, ref counter); hashAlgorithm.TransformBlock(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length, rgbSeed, 0); hashAlgorithm.TransformFinalBlock(counter, 0, 4); byte[] hash = hashAlgorithm.Hash; hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); if (numArray.Length - dstOffset > hash.Length) { Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)hash, 0, (Array)numArray, dstOffset, hash.Length); } else { Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)hash, 0, (Array)numArray, dstOffset, numArray.Length - dstOffset); } dstOffset += hashAlgorithm.Hash.Length; } return(numArray); }
/// <summary>Generates and returns a mask from the specified random seed of the specified length.</summary> /// <param name="rgbSeed">The random seed to use for computing the mask. </param> /// <param name="cbReturn">The length of the generated mask in bytes. </param> /// <returns>A randomly generated mask whose length is equal to the <paramref name="cbReturn" /> parameter.</returns> // Token: 0x06002244 RID: 8772 RVA: 0x000790F8 File Offset: 0x000772F8 public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithm)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(this.HashNameValue); byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[4]; byte[] array = new byte[cbReturn]; uint num = 0U; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += hashAlgorithm.Hash.Length) { Utils.ConvertIntToByteArray(num++, ref inputBuffer); hashAlgorithm.TransformBlock(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length, rgbSeed, 0); hashAlgorithm.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, 0, 4); byte[] hash = hashAlgorithm.Hash; hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); if (array.Length - i > hash.Length) { Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, array, i, hash.Length); } else { Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, array, i, array.Length - i); } } return(array); }
public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { using (HashAlgorithm hasher = CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(_hashNameValue) as HashAlgorithm) { if (hasher is null) { throw new CryptographicException(SR.Format(SR.Cryptography_UnknownHashAlgorithm, _hashNameValue)); } byte[] rgbCounter = new byte[4]; byte[] rgbT = new byte[cbReturn]; uint counter = 0; for (int ib = 0; ib < rgbT.Length;) { // Increment counter -- up to 2^32 * sizeof(Hash) Helpers.ConvertIntToByteArray(counter++, rgbCounter); hasher.TransformBlock(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length, rgbSeed, 0); hasher.TransformFinalBlock(rgbCounter, 0, 4); byte[] hash = hasher.Hash; hasher.Initialize(); Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, rgbT, ib, Math.Min(rgbT.Length - ib, hash.Length)); ib += hasher.Hash.Length; } return(rgbT); } }
internal byte[] GetDigestedBytes(HashAlgorithm hash) { this.m_c14nDoc.WriteHash(hash, DocPosition.BeforeRootElement, this.m_ancMgr); hash.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[0], 0, 0); byte[] buffer = (byte[]) hash.Hash.Clone(); hash.Initialize(); return buffer; }
public void FIPS186_b(string testName, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] input, byte[] result) { byte[] output = hash.ComputeHash (input, 0, input.Length); Assert.AreEqual (result, output, testName + ".b.1"); Assert.AreEqual (result, hash.Hash, testName + ".b.2"); // required or next operation will still return old hash hash.Initialize (); }
public void FIPS186_d(string testName, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] input, byte[] result) { hash.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, input.Length); // LAMESPEC or FIXME: TransformFinalBlock doesn't return HashValue ! // AssertEquals( testName + ".d.1", result, output ); Assert.AreEqual (result, hash.Hash, testName + ".d"); // required or next operation will still return old hash hash.Initialize (); }
public void FIPS186_c(string testName, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] input, byte[] result) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (input); byte[] output = hash.ComputeHash (ms); Assert.AreEqual (result, output, testName + ".c.1"); Assert.AreEqual (result, hash.Hash, testName + ".c.2"); // required or next operation will still return old hash hash.Initialize (); }
private byte[] ComputeBaseValue() { _hash.Initialize(); _hash.TransformBlock(_password, 0, _password.Length, _password, 0); if (_salt != null) { _hash.TransformBlock(_salt, 0, _salt.Length, _salt, 0); } _hash.TransformFinalBlock(EmptyArray <Byte> .Value, 0, 0); _baseValue = _hash.Hash; _hash.Initialize(); for (int i = 1; i < (_iterations - 1); i++) { _hash.ComputeHash(_baseValue); _baseValue = _hash.Hash; } return(_baseValue); }
/// <summary> /// Computes the Sha1 hash value for the specified byte array. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The byte-array to compute the hash value for.</param> /// <returns>The computed hash value.</returns> public static byte[] ComputeSha1Hash(byte[] input) { byte[] hash = null; using (HashAlgorithm sha1 = new HashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmType.SHA1)) { sha1.Initialize(); hash = sha1.ComputeHash(input); } return hash; }
// Generate a mask using a specific set and byte count. // // This implementation is based on the description in PKCS #1 v2.1. // ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-1/pkcs-1v2-1.pdf public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { // Validate the parameters. if (rgbSeed == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbSeed"); } else if (cbReturn < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("cbReturn", _("ArgRange_NonNegative")); } // Create the final mask buffer. byte[] mask = new byte [cbReturn]; // Create the hash algorithm instance. HashAlgorithm alg = HashAlgorithm.Create(hashName); // Create the mask. byte[] numbuf = new byte [4]; byte[] hash; int hashSize = alg.HashSize; int count = 0; int index = 0; while (index < cbReturn) { numbuf[0] = (byte)(count >> 24); numbuf[1] = (byte)(count >> 16); numbuf[2] = (byte)(count >> 8); numbuf[3] = (byte)count; alg.InternalHashCore(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length); alg.InternalHashCore(numbuf, 0, 4); hash = alg.InternalHashFinal(); if (hashSize <= (cbReturn - index)) { Array.Copy(hash, 0, mask, index, hashSize); } else { Array.Copy(hash, 0, mask, index, cbReturn - index); } Array.Clear(hash, 0, hash.Length); alg.Initialize(); ++count; index += hashSize; } Array.Clear(numbuf, 0, numbuf.Length); // The mask has been generated. return(null); }
protected override byte[] HashFinal() { if (_disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("HMAC"); } State = 0; Block.Final(); byte[] intermediate = _algo.Hash; byte[] buf = KeySetup(Key, 0x5C); _algo.Initialize(); _algo.TransformBlock(buf, 0, buf.Length, buf, 0); _algo.TransformFinalBlock(intermediate, 0, intermediate.Length); byte[] hash = _algo.Hash; _algo.Initialize(); // zeroize sensitive data Array.Clear(buf, 0, buf.Length); Array.Clear(intermediate, 0, intermediate.Length); return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new checksum object. /// </summary> /// <param name="alg">The checksumming algorithm to use.</param> public Checksum(Algorithm alg) { switch (alg) { case Algorithm.SHA0: hash = new SHA0(); break; case Algorithm.SHA1: hash = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA1"); break; case Algorithm.MD5: hash = HashAlgorithm.Create("MD5"); break; } hash.Initialize(); this.alg = alg; }
public override byte[] GenerateMask(byte[] rgbSeed, int cbReturn) { using (HashAlgorithm hasher = SHA1.Create()) { byte[] rgbCounter = new byte[4]; byte[] rgbT = new byte[cbReturn]; uint counter = 0; for (int ib = 0; ib < rgbT.Length;) { // Increment counter -- up to 2^32 * sizeof(Hash) Helpers.ConvertIntToByteArray(counter++, rgbCounter); hasher.TransformBlock(rgbSeed, 0, rgbSeed.Length, rgbSeed, 0); hasher.TransformFinalBlock(rgbCounter, 0, 4); byte[] hash = hasher.Hash; hasher.Initialize(); Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, rgbT, ib, Math.Min(rgbT.Length - ib, hash.Length)); ib += hasher.Hash.Length; } return(rgbT); } }
public static bool TestComputeHash(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] data, byte[] digest) { hash.Initialize(); if (!CompareBytes(hash.ComputeHash(data), digest)) { Log.Comment("ComputeHash test failed"); return false; } return true; }
// tests a hash algorithm instance public static bool TestHash(HashAlgorithm hash) { bool bRes = true; // decide on the number of passes int nPasses = m_Rnd.Next(MAX_PASSES) + 1; Log.Comment("Doing " + nPasses + " passes..."); while (0 != nPasses--) { // init the hash object hash.Initialize(); // create a random data blob int nSize = m_Rnd.Next(MAX_SIZE); byte[] abBlob = new byte[nSize]; Log.Comment("Test buffer size is " + nSize); // first try ComputeHash byte[] hash1 = hash.ComputeHash(abBlob); // Log.Comment("Hash1:"); // PrintByteArray(hash1); // now try stream hash.Initialize(); byte[] hash2 = hash.TransformFinalBlock(abBlob, 0, abBlob.Length); //CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(CryptoStream.Null, hash, CryptoStreamMode.Write); //cs.Write(abBlob, 0, abBlob.Length); //cs.Close(); //byte[] hash2 = hash.Hash; // Log.Comment("Hash2:"); // PrintByteArray(hash2); if (Compare(hash1, hash2)) { Log.Comment(" OK."); } else { bRes = false; Log.Comment(" FAILED. Hashes are different."); } } return bRes; }
public MyRSA() { m_hasher = MySHA256.Create(); m_hasher.Initialize(); }
byte[] Crypt(byte[] key, byte[] salt, int rounds, HashAlgorithm A) { byte[] P = null, S = null, H = null, I = null; try { A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, key); AddToDigest(A, salt); AddToDigest(A, key); FinishDigest(A); I = (byte[])A.Hash.Clone(); A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, key); AddToDigest(A, salt); AddToDigestRolling(A, I, 0, I.Length, key.Length); int length = key.Length; for (int i = 0; i < 31 && length != 0; i++) { AddToDigest(A, (length & (1 << i)) != 0 ? I : key); length &= ~(1 << i); } FinishDigest(A); H = (byte[])A.Hash.Clone(); A.Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) { AddToDigest(A, key); } FinishDigest(A); P = new byte[key.Length]; CopyRolling(A.Hash, 0, A.Hash.Length, P); A.Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < 16 + H[0]; i++) { AddToDigest(A, salt); } FinishDigest(A); S = new byte[salt.Length]; CopyRolling(A.Hash, 0, A.Hash.Length, S); for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { A.Initialize(); if ((i & 1) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, P); } if ((i & 1) == 0) { AddToDigest(A, H); } if ((i % 3) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, S); } if ((i % 7) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, P); } if ((i & 1) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, H); } if ((i & 1) == 0) { AddToDigest(A, P); } FinishDigest(A); Array.Copy(A.Hash, H, H.Length); } byte[] crypt = new byte[H.Length]; int[] permutation = GetCryptPermutation(); for (int i = 0; i < crypt.Length; i++) { crypt[i] = H[permutation[i]]; } return crypt; } finally { A.Clear(); Security.Clear(P); Security.Clear(S); Security.Clear(H); Security.Clear(I); } }
public (SM2DeriveBytes?Key, byte[] Verifier, byte[] PeerVerifier) DeriveKey( EcPoint peerPubKey, EcPoint peerR, ReadOnlySpan <byte> peerIdent) { if (!_ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.ValidatePoint(peerPubKey)) { throw new CryptographicException(); } if (!_ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.ValidatePoint(peerR)) { throw new CryptographicException(); } var pkBytes = (_ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.BitLength + 7) / 8; var zPeer = SM2.ZValue(_ephemeralKey.Param, _hash, peerIdent, peerPubKey); var w = _ephemeralKey.Param.BitLength; if (_ephemeralKey.Param.N.IsPowerOfTwo) { w -= 1; } w = (ushort)((w >> 1) + (w & 1) - 1); var w2 = (BigInteger)1 << w; var x2 = w2 + (_ephemeralKey.Q.X & (w2 - 1)); var t = (_privateKey + x2 * _ephemeralKey.D) % _ephemeralKey.Param.N; var x1 = w2 + (peerR.X & (w2 - 1)); var vi = _ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.MultiplyAndAdd(1, peerPubKey, x1, peerR, _rng); var v = _ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.ToAffine(_ephemeralKey.Param.Curve.Multiply(_ephemeralKey.Param.H * t, vi, _rng)); if (v.Inf) { return(null, null !, null !); } var za = _responder ? zPeer : _zValue; var zb = _responder ? _zValue : zPeer; var zl = za.Length + zb.Length; var key = new byte[pkBytes * 2 + zl]; var xv = v.X.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes); var yv = v.Y.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes); xv.CopyTo(key, 0); yv.CopyTo(key, pkBytes); za.CopyTo(key, pkBytes * 2); zb.CopyTo(key, pkBytes * 2 + za.Length); var kdf = new SM2DeriveBytes(key, _hash); var ra = _responder ? peerR : _ephemeralKey.Q; var rb = _responder ? _ephemeralKey.Q : peerR; #if NETSTANDARD2_0 || NETSTANDARD2_1 _hash.Initialize(); _hash.TransformBlock(xv, 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(za, 0, za.Length, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(zb, 0, zb.Length, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(ra.X.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes), 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(ra.Y.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes), 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(rb.X.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes), 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformFinalBlock(rb.Y.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes), 0, pkBytes); var si = _hash.Hash; _hash.Initialize(); key[0] = 2; _hash.TransformBlock(key, 0, 1, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(yv, 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformFinalBlock(si, 0, si.Length); var sb = _hash.Hash; _hash.Initialize(); key[0] = 3; _hash.TransformBlock(key, 0, 1, null, 0); _hash.TransformBlock(yv, 0, pkBytes, null, 0); _hash.TransformFinalBlock(si, 0, si.Length); var sa = _hash.Hash; #else var sib = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(pkBytes * 5 + zl); xv.CopyTo(sib, 0); za.CopyTo(sib, pkBytes); zb.CopyTo(sib, pkBytes + za.Length); ra.X.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes).CopyTo(sib, zl + pkBytes); ra.Y.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes).CopyTo(sib, zl + pkBytes * 2); rb.X.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes).CopyTo(sib, zl + pkBytes * 3); rb.Y.ToByteArrayUBe(pkBytes).CopyTo(sib, zl + pkBytes * 4); var si = _hash.ComputeHash(sib, 0, pkBytes * 5 + zl); ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(sib); var sbb = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(pkBytes + si.Length + 1); yv.CopyTo(sbb, 1); si.CopyTo(sbb, pkBytes + 1); sbb[0] = 2; var sb = _hash.ComputeHash(sbb, 0, pkBytes + si.Length + 1); sbb[0] = 3; var sa = _hash.ComputeHash(sbb, 0, pkBytes + si.Length + 1); ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(sbb); #endif return(kdf, _responder ? sb : sa, _responder ? sa : sb); }
byte[] Crypt(byte[] key, byte[] salt, int rounds, HashAlgorithm A) { byte[] H = null; try { A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, salt); AddToDigest(A, key); FinishDigest(A); H = (byte[])A.Hash.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < (1 << rounds); i++) { A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, H); AddToDigest(A, key); FinishDigest(A); Array.Copy(A.Hash, H, H.Length); } return (byte[])H.Clone(); } finally { A.Clear(); Security.Clear(H); } }
static string SaltedCrypt(HashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] password, byte[] salt) { // If we're under the hash length, assume we only have the salt. int hashLength = algorithm.HashSize / 8; int saltOffset = salt.Length < hashLength ? 0 : hashLength; int saltLength = salt.Length - saltOffset; byte[] saltedHash = new byte[hashLength + saltLength]; try { algorithm.Initialize(); algorithm.TransformBlock(password, 0, password.Length, password, 0); algorithm.TransformBlock(salt, saltOffset, saltLength, salt, saltOffset); algorithm.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[0], 0, 0); Array.Copy(algorithm.Hash, saltedHash, hashLength); Array.Copy(salt, saltOffset, saltedHash, hashLength, saltLength); string crypt = Convert.ToBase64String(saltedHash); return crypt; } finally { algorithm.Clear(); Security.Clear(saltedHash); } }
public static bool TestSingleBlock(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] data, byte[] digest) { hash.Initialize(); hash.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length); if (!CompareBytes(hash.Hash, digest)) { Log.Comment("SingleBlock test failed"); return false; } return true; }
public Hashing(HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm) { _hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm; _hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); }
public void FIPS186_e(string testName, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] input, byte[] result) { byte[] copy = new byte [input.Length]; for (int i=0; i < input.Length - 1; i++) hash.TransformBlock (input, i, 1, copy, i); hash.TransformFinalBlock (input, input.Length - 1, 1); // LAMESPEC or FIXME: TransformFinalBlock doesn't return HashValue ! // AssertEquals (testName + ".e.1", result, output); Assert.AreEqual (result, hash.Hash, testName + ".e"); // required or next operation will still return old hash hash.Initialize (); }
private static byte[] HashStream(HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Stream s) { s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // reset algorithm hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(s); }
public HashWriter(): base(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) { hash = SHA1.Create(); hash.Initialize(); }
//private bool VerifySignature (ASN1 cs, byte[] calculatedMessageDigest, string hashName) private bool VerifySignature (PKCS7.SignedData sd, byte[] calculatedMessageDigest, HashAlgorithm ha) { string contentType = null; ASN1 messageDigest = null; // string spcStatementType = null; // string spcSpOpusInfo = null; for (int i=0; i < sd.SignerInfo.AuthenticatedAttributes.Count; i++) { ASN1 attr = (ASN1) sd.SignerInfo.AuthenticatedAttributes [i]; string oid = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr[0]); switch (oid) { case "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3": // contentType contentType = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr[1][0]); break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4": // messageDigest messageDigest = attr[1][0]; break; case "": // spcStatementType (Microsoft code signing) // possible values // - individualCodeSigning (1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 1 21) // - commercialCodeSigning (1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 1 22) // spcStatementType = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr[1][0][0]); break; case "": // spcSpOpusInfo (Microsoft code signing) /* try { spcSpOpusInfo = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (attr[1][0][0][0].Value); } catch (NullReferenceException) { spcSpOpusInfo = null; }*/ break; default: break; } } if (contentType != spcIndirectDataContext) return false; // verify message digest if (messageDigest == null) return false; if (!messageDigest.CompareValue (calculatedMessageDigest)) return false; // verify signature string hashOID = CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID (ha.ToString ()); // change to SET OF (not [0]) as per PKCS #7 1.5 ASN1 aa = new ASN1 (0x31); foreach (ASN1 a in sd.SignerInfo.AuthenticatedAttributes) aa.Add (a); ha.Initialize (); byte[] p7hash = ha.ComputeHash (aa.GetBytes ()); byte[] signature = sd.SignerInfo.Signature; // we need to find the specified certificate string issuer = sd.SignerInfo.IssuerName; byte[] serial = sd.SignerInfo.SerialNumber; foreach (X509Certificate x509 in coll) { if (CompareIssuerSerial (issuer, serial, x509)) { // don't verify is key size don't match if (x509.PublicKey.Length > (signature.Length >> 3)) { RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider) x509.RSA; if (rsa.VerifyHash (p7hash, hashOID, signature)) { signerChain.LoadCertificates (coll); trustedRoot = signerChain.Build (x509); signingCertificate = x509; break; } } } } for (int i=0; i < sd.SignerInfo.UnauthenticatedAttributes.Count; i++) { ASN1 attr = (ASN1) sd.SignerInfo.UnauthenticatedAttributes [i]; string oid = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr [0]); switch (oid) { case PKCS7.Oid.countersignature: // SEQUENCE { // OBJECT IDENTIFIER // countersignature (1 2 840 113549 1 9 6) // SET { PKCS7.SignerInfo cs = new PKCS7.SignerInfo (attr [1]); trustedTimestampRoot = VerifyCounterSignature (cs, signature); break; default: // we don't support other unauthenticated attributes break; } } return (trustedRoot && trustedTimestampRoot); }
// Get the pseudo-random key bytes. public override byte[] GetBytes(int cb) { // Initialize the pseudo-random generator. if (hashAlgorithm == null) { if (strHashName == null) { strHashName = "MD5"; } hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create(strHashName); blockNum = 1; size = hashAlgorithm.HashSize; posn = size; } // Allocate the result array and then fill it. byte[] result = new byte [cb]; int index = 0; int templen; while (cb > 0) { // Copy existing data from the previous block. if (posn < size) { templen = (size - posn); if (cb < templen) { templen = cb; } Array.Copy(block, posn, result, index, templen); cb -= templen; index -= templen; posn = size; if (cb <= 0) { break; } } // Generate a new block using the hash algorithm. if (strPassword != null) { byte[] pwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strPassword); hashAlgorithm.InternalHashCore(pwd, 0, pwd.Length); Array.Clear(pwd, 0, pwd.Length); } if (rgbSalt != null) { hashAlgorithm.InternalHashCore (rgbSalt, 0, rgbSalt.Length); } byte[] numbuf = new byte [4]; numbuf[0] = (byte)(blockNum >> 24); numbuf[1] = (byte)(blockNum >> 16); numbuf[2] = (byte)(blockNum >> 8); numbuf[3] = (byte)blockNum; hashAlgorithm.InternalHashCore(numbuf, 0, 4); Array.Clear(numbuf, 0, numbuf.Length); byte[] lastHash = hashAlgorithm.InternalHashFinal(); hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); templen = iterations; byte[] temphash; while (templen > 1) { hashAlgorithm.InternalHashCore (lastHash, 0, lastHash.Length); temphash = hashAlgorithm.InternalHashFinal(); hashAlgorithm.Initialize(); for (int tempindex = 0; tempindex < lastHash.Length; ++tempindex) { lastHash[tempindex] ^= temphash[tempindex]; } Array.Clear(temphash, 0, temphash.Length); --templen; } if (block != null) { Array.Clear(block, 0, block.Length); } block = lastHash; ++blockNum; posn = 0; } // Return the result array to the caller. return(result); }
byte[] Crypt(byte[] key, byte[] salt, byte[] prefix, HashAlgorithm A) { byte[] H = null, I = null; try { A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, key); AddToDigest(A, salt); AddToDigest(A, key); FinishDigest(A); I = (byte[])A.Hash.Clone(); A.Initialize(); AddToDigest(A, key); AddToDigest(A, prefix); AddToDigest(A, salt); AddToDigestRolling(A, I, 0, I.Length, key.Length); int length = key.Length; for (int i = 0; i < 31 && length != 0; i++) { AddToDigest(A, new[] { (length & (1 << i)) != 0 ? (byte)0 : key[0] }); length &= ~(1 << i); } FinishDigest(A); H = (byte[])A.Hash.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { A.Initialize(); if ((i & 1) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, key); } if ((i & 1) == 0) { AddToDigest(A, H); } if ((i % 3) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, salt); } if ((i % 7) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, key); } if ((i & 1) != 0) { AddToDigest(A, H); } if ((i & 1) == 0) { AddToDigest(A, key); } FinishDigest(A); Array.Copy(A.Hash, H, H.Length); } byte[] crypt = new byte[H.Length]; int[] permutation = new[] { 11, 4, 10, 5, 3, 9, 15, 2, 8, 14, 1, 7, 13, 0, 6, 12 }; Array.Reverse(permutation); for (int i = 0; i < crypt.Length; i++) { crypt[i] = H[permutation[i]]; } return crypt; } finally { A.Clear(); Security.Clear(H); Security.Clear(I); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public override void Initialize() { _h1.Initialize(); _h2.Initialize(); _bhashing = false; }
public static bool TestMultiBlock(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] data, byte[] digest) { int pos = 0; hash.Initialize(); while (data.Length - pos >= 1) pos += hash.TransformBlock(data, pos, 1, data, pos); hash.TransformFinalBlock(data, pos, data.Length - pos); if (!CompareBytes(hash.Hash, digest)) { Log.Comment("MultiBlock test failed"); return false; } return true; }
// Generate the hash value for this assembly using a given algorith. public byte[] GenerateHash(HashAlgorithm hashAlg) { if(hashAlg == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("hashAlg"); } byte[] rawData = RawData; if(rawData == null) { return null; } hashAlg.Initialize(); return hashAlg.ComputeHash(rawData); }
public override void Initialize() { m_hash1.Initialize(); m_hash2.Initialize(); m_hashing = false; }
public static bool CompareHashes(HashAlgorithm algorithm1, HashAlgorithm algorithm2, byte[] data) { algorithm1.Initialize(); algorithm2.Initialize(); byte[] hash1 = algorithm1.ComputeHash(data); byte[] hash2 = algorithm2.ComputeHash(data); if (!CompareBytes(hash1, hash2)) { Log.Comment("ERROR - HASH VALUE MISCOMPARISON!\n"); Log.Comment("Algorithm 1 : " + algorithm1.ToString()); Log.Comment("Algorithm 2 : " + algorithm2.ToString()); Log.Comment("Data: " + ByteArrayToString(data)); return false; } return true; }
private byte[] TransformByCryptoStream(HashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] bytes) { algorithm.Initialize(); return TransformByCryptoStream((ICryptoTransform)algorithm, bytes); }
static string UnsaltedCrypt(HashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] password) { try { algorithm.Initialize(); algorithm.TransformBlock(password, 0, password.Length, password, 0); algorithm.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[0], 0, 0); string crypt = Convert.ToBase64String(algorithm.Hash); return crypt; } finally { algorithm.Clear(); } }