internal MethodResponse(IMethodCallMessage msg, CADMethodReturnMessage retmsg) { _callMsg = msg; _methodBase = msg.MethodBase; //_typeName = msg.TypeName; _uri = msg.Uri; _methodName = msg.MethodName; // Get unmarshalled arguments ArrayList args = retmsg.GetArguments(); _exception = retmsg.GetException(args); _returnValue = retmsg.GetReturnValue(args); _args = retmsg.GetArgs(args); _callContext = retmsg.GetLogicalCallContext(args); if (_callContext == null) { _callContext = new LogicalCallContext(); } if (retmsg.PropertiesCount > 0) { CADMessageBase.UnmarshalProperties(Properties, retmsg.PropertiesCount, args); } }
public IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg) { try { LogicalCallContext oldcctx = Message.PropagateCallContextFromMessageToThread(msg); if (this._delegate != null) { this._delegate(); } else { CallBackHelper @object = new CallBackHelper(this._eeData, true, this._targetDomainID); CrossContextDelegate crossContextDelegate = new CrossContextDelegate(@object.Func); crossContextDelegate(); } Message.PropagateCallContextFromThreadToMessage(msg, oldcctx); } catch (Exception e) { ReturnMessage returnMessage = new ReturnMessage(e, new ErrorMessage()); returnMessage.SetLogicalCallContext((LogicalCallContext)msg.Properties[Message.CallContextKey]); return(returnMessage); } return(this); }
public void Read(__BinaryParser input) { this.messageEnum = (MessageEnum) input.ReadInt32(); if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.NoReturnValue)) { this.returnValue = null; } else if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ReturnValueVoid)) { this.returnValue = instanceOfVoid; } else if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ReturnValueInline)) { this.returnValue = IOUtil.ReadWithCode(input); } if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ContextInline)) { this.scallContext = (string) IOUtil.ReadWithCode(input); LogicalCallContext context = new LogicalCallContext { RemotingData = { LogicalCallID = this.scallContext } }; this.callContext = context; } if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ArgsInline)) { this.args = IOUtil.ReadArgs(input); } }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated public static Header[] GetHeaders() { // Header is mutable, so we need to get these from a mutable ExecutionContext LogicalCallContext lcc = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext().LogicalCallContext; return(lcc.InternalGetHeaders()); } // GetHeaders
internal static LogicalCallContext CreateLogicalCallContext(bool createEmpty) { LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = null; if (CallContext.datastore != null) { foreach (object obj in CallContext.datastore) { DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)obj; if (dictionaryEntry.Value is ILogicalThreadAffinative) { if (logicalCallContext == null) { logicalCallContext = new LogicalCallContext(); } logicalCallContext.SetData((string)dictionaryEntry.Key, dictionaryEntry.Value); } } } if (logicalCallContext == null && createEmpty) { return(new LogicalCallContext()); } return(logicalCallContext); }
internal MethodCall(object handlerObject, BinaryMethodCallMessage smuggledMsg) { if (handlerObject != null) { this.uri = handlerObject as string; if (this.uri == null) { MarshalByRefObject marshalByRefObject = handlerObject as MarshalByRefObject; if (marshalByRefObject != null) { bool fServer; this.srvID = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(marshalByRefObject, out fServer) as ServerIdentity; this.uri = this.srvID.URI; } } } this.typeName = smuggledMsg.TypeName; this.methodName = smuggledMsg.MethodName; this.methodSignature = (Type[])smuggledMsg.MethodSignature; this.args = smuggledMsg.Args; this.instArgs = smuggledMsg.InstantiationArgs; this.callContext = smuggledMsg.LogicalCallContext; this.ResolveMethod(); if (!smuggledMsg.HasProperties) { return; } smuggledMsg.PopulateMessageProperties(this.Properties); }
internal LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext callCtx) { LogicalCallContext callContext = this._callContext; this._callContext = callCtx; return(callContext); }
internal static LogicalCallContext CreateLogicalCallContext(bool createEmpty) { LogicalCallContext ctx = null; if (datastore != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in datastore) { if (entry.Value is ILogicalThreadAffinative) { if (ctx == null) { ctx = new LogicalCallContext(); } ctx.SetData((string)entry.Key, entry.Value); } } } if (ctx == null && createEmpty) { return(new LogicalCallContext()); } else { return(ctx); } }
internal MethodResponse(IMethodCallMessage msg, Object handlerObject, BinaryMethodReturnMessage smuggledMrm) { if (msg != null) { _methodBase = (MethodBase)msg.MethodBase; // _methodCache = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(MI); _methodName = msg.MethodName; _uri = msg.Uri; // _typeName = msg.TypeName; // if (_methodCache.IsOverloaded()) // _methodSignature = (Type[])msg.MethodSignature; // argCount = _methodCache.Parameters.Length; } _returnValue = smuggledMrm.ReturnValue; _args = smuggledMrm.Args; _exception = smuggledMrm.Exception; _callContext = smuggledMrm.LogicalCallContext; if (smuggledMrm.HasProperties) { smuggledMrm.PopulateMessageProperties(Properties); } }
private SmuggledMethodCallMessage(IMethodCallMessage mcm) { this._uri = mcm.Uri; this._methodName = mcm.MethodName; this._typeName = mcm.TypeName; ArrayList arrayList = null; IInternalMessage internalMessage = mcm as IInternalMessage; if (internalMessage == null || internalMessage.HasProperties()) { this._propertyCount = MessageSmuggler.StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage(mcm, ref arrayList); } if (mcm.MethodBase.IsGenericMethod) { Type[] genericArguments = mcm.MethodBase.GetGenericArguments(); if (genericArguments != null && genericArguments.Length != 0) { if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(); } this._instantiation = new MessageSmuggler.SerializedArg(arrayList.Count); arrayList.Add(genericArguments); } } if (RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(mcm)) { if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(); } this._methodSignature = new MessageSmuggler.SerializedArg(arrayList.Count); arrayList.Add(mcm.MethodSignature); } LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = mcm.LogicalCallContext; if (logicalCallContext == null) { this._callContext = null; } else if (logicalCallContext.HasInfo) { if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(); } this._callContext = new MessageSmuggler.SerializedArg(arrayList.Count); arrayList.Add(logicalCallContext); } else { this._callContext = logicalCallContext.RemotingData.LogicalCallID; } this._args = MessageSmuggler.FixupArgs(mcm.Args, ref arrayList); if (arrayList != null) { MemoryStream memoryStream = CrossAppDomainSerializer.SerializeMessageParts(arrayList); this._serializedArgs = memoryStream.GetBuffer(); } }
internal ADAsyncWorkItem(IMessage reqMsg, IMessageSink nextSink, IMessageSink replySink) { this._reqMsg = reqMsg; this._nextSink = nextSink; this._replySink = replySink; this._callCtx = CallContext.GetLogicalCallContext(); }
internal MethodResponse(IMethodCallMessage msg, object handlerObject, BinaryMethodReturnMessage smuggledMrm) { if (msg != null) { this.MI = msg.MethodBase; this._methodCache = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(this.MI); this.methodName = msg.MethodName; this.uri = msg.Uri; this.typeName = msg.TypeName; if (this._methodCache.IsOverloaded()) { this.methodSignature = (Type[])msg.MethodSignature; } this.argCount = this._methodCache.Parameters.Length; } this.retVal = smuggledMrm.ReturnValue; this.outArgs = smuggledMrm.Args; this.fault = smuggledMrm.Exception; this.callContext = smuggledMrm.LogicalCallContext; if (smuggledMrm.HasProperties) { smuggledMrm.PopulateMessageProperties(this.Properties); } this.fSoap = false; }
// Token: 0x06005A8B RID: 23179 RVA: 0x0013D2C0 File Offset: 0x0013B4C0 internal LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext ctx) { LogicalCallContext result = this.callContext; this.callContext = ctx; return(result); }
public IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg) { try { LogicalCallContext thread = Message.PropagateCallContextFromMessageToThread(msg); if (this._delegate != null) { this._delegate(); } else { new CrossContextDelegate(new CallBackHelper(this._eeData, true, this._targetDomainID).Func)(); } Message.PropagateCallContextFromThreadToMessage(msg, thread); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessage errorMessage = new ErrorMessage(); ReturnMessage returnMessage = new ReturnMessage(ex, (IMethodCallMessage)errorMessage); LogicalCallContext ctx = (LogicalCallContext)msg.Properties[(object)Message.CallContextKey]; returnMessage.SetLogicalCallContext(ctx); return((IMessage)returnMessage); } return((IMessage)this); }
internal LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext ctx) { LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = this.callContext; this.callContext = ctx; return(logicalCallContext); }
internal virtual void InitMethodProperty(string key, object value) { switch (key) { case "__TypeName": this._typeName = (string)value; return; case "__MethodName": this._methodName = (string)value; return; case "__MethodSignature": this._methodSignature = (Type[])value; return; case "__Args": this._args = (object[])value; return; case "__CallContext": this._callContext = (LogicalCallContext)value; return; case "__Uri": this._uri = (string)value; return; case "__GenericArguments": this._genericArguments = (Type[])value; return; } this.Properties[key] = value; }
private void FillHeaders(Header[] h, bool bFromHeaderHandler) { if (h == null) { return; } if (bFromHeaderHandler && this.fSoap) { for (int index = 0; index < h.Length; ++index) { Header header = h[index]; if (header.HeaderNamespace == "") { this.FillHeader(header.Name, header.Value); } else { this.FillHeader(LogicalCallContext.GetPropertyKeyForHeader(header), (object)header); } } } else { for (int index = 0; index < h.Length; ++index) { this.FillHeader(h[index].Name, h[index].Value); } } }
public ExecutionContext CreateCopy() { if (!this.isNewCapture) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_CannotCopyUsedContext")); } ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext { isNewCapture = true, _syncContext = (this._syncContext == null) ? null : this._syncContext.CreateCopy(), _hostExecutionContext = (this._hostExecutionContext == null) ? null : this._hostExecutionContext.CreateCopy() }; if (this._securityContext != null) { context._securityContext = this._securityContext.CreateCopy(); context._securityContext.ExecutionContext = context; } if (this._logicalCallContext != null) { System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = this.LogicalCallContext; context.LogicalCallContext = (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext)logicalCallContext.Clone(); } if (this._illogicalCallContext != null) { System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IllogicalCallContext illogicalCallContext = this.IllogicalCallContext; context.IllogicalCallContext = (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IllogicalCallContext)illogicalCallContext.Clone(); } return(context); }
internal static ExecutionContext Capture(ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) { if (IsFlowSuppressed()) { return(null); } ExecutionContext executionContextNoCreate = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetExecutionContextNoCreate(); ExecutionContext context2 = new ExecutionContext { isNewCapture = true, SecurityContext = System.Security.SecurityContext.Capture(executionContextNoCreate, ref stackMark) }; if (context2.SecurityContext != null) { context2.SecurityContext.ExecutionContext = context2; } context2._hostExecutionContext = HostExecutionContextManager.CaptureHostExecutionContext(); if (executionContextNoCreate != null) { context2._syncContext = (executionContextNoCreate._syncContext == null) ? null : executionContextNoCreate._syncContext.CreateCopy(); if (executionContextNoCreate._logicalCallContext != null) { System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = executionContextNoCreate.LogicalCallContext; context2.LogicalCallContext = (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext)logicalCallContext.Clone(); } } return(context2); }
private void FillHeaders(Header[] h, bool bFromHeaderHandler) { if (h == null) { return; } if (bFromHeaderHandler && this.fSoap) { foreach (Header header in h) { if (header.HeaderNamespace == "") { this.FillHeader(header.Name, header.Value); } else { string propertyKeyForHeader = LogicalCallContext.GetPropertyKeyForHeader(header); this.FillHeader(propertyKeyForHeader, header); } } return; } for (int j = 0; j < h.Length; j++) { this.FillHeader(h[j].Name, h[j].Value); } }
private SmuggledMethodCallMessage(IMethodCallMessage mcm) { _uri = mcm.Uri; _methodName = mcm.MethodName; _typeName = mcm.TypeName; ArrayList argsToSerialize = null; IInternalMessage iim = mcm as IInternalMessage; // user properties (everything but special entries) if ((iim == null) || iim.HasProperties()) { _propertyCount = StoreUserPropertiesForMethodMessage(mcm, ref argsToSerialize); } // handle method signature if (RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(mcm)) { if (argsToSerialize == null) { argsToSerialize = new ArrayList(); } _methodSignature = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); argsToSerialize.Add(mcm.MethodSignature); } // handle call context LogicalCallContext lcc = mcm.LogicalCallContext; if (lcc == null) { _callContext = null; } else if (lcc.HasInfo) { if (argsToSerialize == null) { argsToSerialize = new ArrayList(); } _callContext = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); argsToSerialize.Add(lcc); } else { // just smuggle the call id string _callContext = lcc.RemotingData.LogicalCallID; } _args = FixupArgs(mcm.Args, ref argsToSerialize); if (argsToSerialize != null) { //MemoryStream argStm = CrossAppDomainSerializer.SerializeMessageParts(argsToSerialize, out _serializerSmuggledArgs); MemoryStream argStm = CrossAppDomainSerializer.SerializeMessageParts(argsToSerialize); _serializedArgs = argStm.GetBuffer(); } } // SmuggledMethodCallMessage
internal MethodResponse(object returnValue, object[] outArgs, LogicalCallContext callCtx, IMethodCallMessage msg) { this._callMsg = msg; this._uri = msg.Uri; this._exception = null; this._returnValue = returnValue; this._args = outArgs; }
internal LogicalCallContext GetLogicalCallContext() { if (this.callContext == null) { this.callContext = new LogicalCallContext(); } return(this.callContext); }
internal AsyncWorkItem(IMessage reqMsg, IMessageSink replySink, Context oldCtx, ServerIdentity srvID) { this._reqMsg = reqMsg; this._replySink = replySink; this._oldCtx = oldCtx; this._callCtx = CallContext.GetLogicalCallContext(); this._srvID = srvID; }
internal LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext ctx) { if (this._message != null) { return(this._message.SetLogicalCallContext(ctx)); } throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_InternalState")); }
// Sets the given logical call context object on the thread. // Returns the previous one. internal static LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext( LogicalCallContext callCtx) { ExecutionContext ec = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext(); LogicalCallContext prev = ec.LogicalCallContext; ec.LogicalCallContext = callCtx; return prev; }
// Token: 0x06005B8F RID: 23439 RVA: 0x001404CC File Offset: 0x0013E6CC internal static LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext callCtx) { ExecutionContext mutableExecutionContext = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext(); LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext = mutableExecutionContext.LogicalCallContext; mutableExecutionContext.LogicalCallContext = callCtx; return(logicalCallContext); }
/// <summary> /// Extracts and interprets fields from "IMessage" /// /// Samle IMassage when the method "ToString" is called: /// msg.Properties["__Uri"] /// null /// object /// msg.Properties["__MethodName"] /// "ToString" /// object {string} /// msg.Properties["__MethodSignature"] /// {System.Type[0]} /// object {System.Type[]} /// msg.Properties["__TypeName"] /// "System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" /// object {string} /// msg.Properties["__Args"] /// {object[0]} /// object {object[]} /// msg.Properties["__CallContext"] /// {System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext} /// object {System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext} /// Type.GetType((string)msg.Properties["__TypeName"]) == typeof(object) /// true /// bool /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> public MessageMethodInvocation(IMessage msg) : base(msg.Properties["__TypeName"] as string, msg.Properties["__MethodName"] as string, msg.Properties["__MethodSignature"] as Type[], msg.Properties["__Args"] as object[]) { _message = msg; _callContext = _message.Properties["__CallContext"] as LogicalCallContext; }
public ReturnMessage(Object ret, Object[] outArgs, int outArgsCount, LogicalCallContext callCtx, IMethodCallMessage mcm) { this.ret = ret; this.outArgs = outArgs; this.outArgsCount = outArgsCount; this.callCtx = callCtx; this.mcm = mcm; }
public Switcher (ExecutionContext ec) { = ec; this._lcc = ec._lcc; this._suppressFlow = ec._suppressFlow; this._capture = ec._capture; this.local_data = ec.local_data; this.copy_on_write = ec.CopyOnWrite; }
public static void LogicalSetData(String name, Object data) { IllogicalCallContext ilcc = Thread.CurrentThread.GetIllogicalCallContext(); ilcc.FreeNamedDataSlot(name); LogicalCallContext lcc = Thread.CurrentThread.GetLogicalCallContext(); lcc.SetData(name, data); }
internal static void UpdateCurrentCallContext(LogicalCallContext ctx) { Hashtable data = ctx.Datastore; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in data) { SetData((string)entry.Key, entry.Value); } }
// Sets the given logical call context object on the thread. // Returns the previous one. internal static LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext( LogicalCallContext callCtx) { ExecutionContext ec = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext(); LogicalCallContext prev = ec.LogicalCallContext; ec.LogicalCallContext = callCtx; return(prev); }
internal static LogicalCallContext SetLogicalCallContext(LogicalCallContext callCtx) { ExecutionContext executionContext = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext(); LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext1 = executionContext.LogicalCallContext; LogicalCallContext logicalCallContext2 = callCtx; executionContext.LogicalCallContext = logicalCallContext2; return(logicalCallContext1); }
public ReturnMessage (Exception e, IMethodCallMessage mcm) { _exception = e; if (mcm != null) { _methodBase = mcm.MethodBase; _callCtx = mcm.LogicalCallContext; } _args = new object[0]; // .NET does this }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage" /> class.</summary> /// <param name="e">The exception that was thrown during execution of the remotely called method. </param> /// <param name="mcm">An <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage" /> with which to create an instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage" /> class. </param> public ReturnMessage(Exception e, IMethodCallMessage mcm) { this._exception = e; if (mcm != null) { this._methodBase = mcm.MethodBase; this._callCtx = mcm.LogicalCallContext; } this._args = new object[0]; }
internal static void UpdateCurrentCallContext(LogicalCallContext ctx) { Hashtable hashtable = ctx.Datastore; foreach (object obj in hashtable) { DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)obj; CallContext.SetData((string)dictionaryEntry.Key, dictionaryEntry.Value); } }
private ExecutionContext (ExecutionContext ec) { #if !MOBILE if (ec._sc != null) _sc = new SecurityContext (ec._sc); #endif if (ec._lcc != null) _lcc = (LogicalCallContext) ec._lcc.Clone (); _suppressFlow = ec._suppressFlow; _capture = true; }
private ExecutionContext(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { SerializationInfoEnumerator enumerator = info.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (enumerator.Name.Equals("LogicalCallContext")) { this._logicalCallContext = (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext) enumerator.Value; } } this.Thread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread; }
internal MethodResponse(IMethodReturnMessage mrm) { outArgs = mrm.OutArgs; methodName = mrm.MethodName; typeName = mrm.TypeName; uri = mrm.Uri; hasVarArgs = mrm.HasVarArgs; context = mrm.LogicalCallContext; method = mrm.MethodBase; exception = mrm.Exception; returnValue = mrm.ReturnValue; }
internal MethodMessage(Type interfaceType, string methodName, object[] args, string identity, bool responseRequired) { this.interfaceType = interfaceType; this.methodName = methodName; this.args = args; this.callContext = GetLogicalCallContext(); if (responseRequired) { this.returnValueSignalEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } this.PopulateIdentity(this.callContext, identity); this.Clone(); }
public ReturnMessage (object ret, object [] outArgs, int outArgsCount, LogicalCallContext callCtx, IMethodCallMessage mcm) { // outArgCount tells how many values of outArgs are valid _returnValue = ret; _args = outArgs; _callCtx = callCtx; if (mcm != null) { _uri = mcm.Uri; _methodBase = mcm.MethodBase; } if (_args == null) _args = new object [outArgsCount]; }
internal void Read(__BinaryParser input) { this.messageEnum = (MessageEnum) input.ReadInt32(); this.methodName = (string) IOUtil.ReadWithCode(input); this.typeName = (string) IOUtil.ReadWithCode(input); if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ContextInline)) { this.scallContext = (string) IOUtil.ReadWithCode(input); LogicalCallContext context = new LogicalCallContext { RemotingData = { LogicalCallID = this.scallContext } }; this.callContext = context; } if (IOUtil.FlagTest(this.messageEnum, MessageEnum.ArgsInline)) { this.args = IOUtil.ReadArgs(input); } }
internal MethodCall (CADMethodCallMessage msg) { _uri = string.Copy (msg.Uri); // Get unmarshalled arguments ArrayList args = msg.GetArguments (); _args = msg.GetArgs (args); _callContext = msg.GetLogicalCallContext (args); if (_callContext == null) _callContext = new LogicalCallContext (); _methodBase = msg.GetMethod (); Init(); if (msg.PropertiesCount > 0) CADMessageBase.UnmarshalProperties (Properties, msg.PropertiesCount, args); }
private void SerializeContextElements(CdrOutputStream targetStream, LogicalCallContext callContext, Serializer contextElementSer) { // if no context elements specified, don't serialise a context sequence. if (m_contextElementKeys.Length > 0) { string[] contextSeq = new string[m_contextElementKeys.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < m_contextElementKeys.Length; i++) { string contextKey = m_contextElementKeys[i]; contextSeq[i * 2] = contextKey; if (callContext.GetData(contextKey) != null) { contextSeq[i * 2 + 1] = callContext.GetData(contextKey).ToString(); } else { contextSeq[i * 2 + 1] = ""; } } contextElementSer.Serialize(contextSeq, targetStream); } }
internal BinaryMethodCallMessage(String uri, String methodName, String typeName, Object[] args, Object methodSignature, LogicalCallContext callContext, Object[] properties) { _methodName = methodName; _typeName = typeName; //_uri = uri; if (args == null) args = new Object[0]; _inargs = args; _args = args; _methodSignature = methodSignature; if (callContext == null) _logicalCallContext = new LogicalCallContext(); else _logicalCallContext = callContext; _properties = properties; }
internal BinaryMethodReturnMessage(object returnValue, object[] args, System.Exception e, System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext callContext, object[] properties) { this._returnValue = returnValue; if (args == null) { args = new object[0]; } this._outargs = args; this._args = args; this._exception = e; if (callContext == null) { this._logicalCallContext = new System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext(); } else { this._logicalCallContext = callContext; } this._properties = properties; }
public object Clone() { LogicalCallContext context = new LogicalCallContext(); if (this.m_RemotingData != null) { context.m_RemotingData = (CallContextRemotingData) this.m_RemotingData.Clone(); } if (this.m_SecurityData != null) { context.m_SecurityData = (CallContextSecurityData) this.m_SecurityData.Clone(); } if (this.m_HostContext != null) { context.m_HostContext = this.m_HostContext; } if (this.HasUserData) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.m_Datastore.GetEnumerator(); if (this.m_IsCorrelationMgr) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { string key = (string) enumerator.Key; if (key.Equals("System.Diagnostics.Trace.CorrelationManagerSlot")) { context.Datastore[key] = ((ICloneable) enumerator.Value).Clone(); } else { context.Datastore[key] = enumerator.Value; } } return context; } while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { context.Datastore[(string) enumerator.Key] = enumerator.Value; } } return context; }
internal BinaryMethodCallMessage(string uri, string methodName, string typeName, Type[] instArgs, object[] args, object methodSignature, System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext callContext, object[] properties) { this._methodName = methodName; this._typeName = typeName; if (args == null) { args = new object[0]; } this._inargs = args; this._args = args; this._instArgs = instArgs; this._methodSignature = methodSignature; if (callContext == null) { this._logicalCallContext = new System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext(); } else { this._logicalCallContext = callContext; } this._properties = properties; }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal void Merge(LogicalCallContext lc) { // we ignore the RemotingData & SecurityData // and only merge the user sections of the two call contexts // the idea being that if the original call had any // identity/remoting callID that should remain unchanged // If we have a non-null callContext and it is not the same // as the one on the current thread (can happen in x-context async) // and there is any userData in the callContext, do the merge if ((lc != null) && (this != lc) && lc.HasUserData) { IDictionaryEnumerator de = lc.Datastore.GetEnumerator(); while (de.MoveNext()) { Datastore[(String)de.Key] = de.Value; } } }
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // overrides public transparent member public Object Clone() { LogicalCallContext lc = new LogicalCallContext(); if (m_RemotingData != null) lc.m_RemotingData = (CallContextRemotingData)m_RemotingData.Clone(); if (m_SecurityData != null) lc.m_SecurityData = (CallContextSecurityData)m_SecurityData.Clone(); if (m_HostContext != null) lc.m_HostContext = m_HostContext; lc.m_IsCorrelationMgr = m_IsCorrelationMgr; if (HasUserData) { IDictionaryEnumerator de = m_Datastore.GetEnumerator(); if (!m_IsCorrelationMgr) { while (de.MoveNext()) { lc.Datastore[(String)de.Key] = de.Value; } } else { while (de.MoveNext()) { String key = (String)de.Key; // Deep clone "System.Diagnostics.Trace.CorrelationManagerSlot" if (key.Equals(s_CorrelationMgrSlotName)) { lc.Datastore[key] = ((ICloneable)de.Value).Clone(); } else lc.Datastore[key] = de.Value; } } } return lc; }
public Reader(LogicalCallContext ctx) { m_ctx = ctx; }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal WorkItem(IMessage reqMsg, IMessageSink nextSink, IMessageSink replySink) { _reqMsg = reqMsg; _replyMsg = null; _nextSink = nextSink; _replySink = replySink; _ctx = Thread.CurrentContext; _callCtx = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext().LogicalCallContext; //DBGDBG //_thread = Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(); }
internal void SerializeRequestArgs(string idlMethodName, object[] arguments, CdrOutputStream targetStream, LogicalCallContext context) { ArgumentsMapping mapping = GetArgumentsMapping(idlMethodName); mapping.SerializeRequestArgs(arguments, targetStream, context, m_contextElementSer); }
internal void SerializeRequestArgs(object[] arguments, CdrOutputStream targetStream, LogicalCallContext context, Serializer contextElementSer) { for (int actualParamNr = 0; actualParamNr < arguments.Length; actualParamNr++) { ArgumentMapping paramInfo = m_arguments[actualParamNr]; // iterate through the parameters, nonOut and nonRetval params are serialised for a request if (paramInfo.IsInArg() || paramInfo.IsRefArg()) { paramInfo.Serialize(targetStream, arguments[actualParamNr]); } // move to next parameter // out-args are also part of the arguments array -> move to next for those whithout doing something } SerializeContextElements(targetStream, context, contextElementSer); }
internal void Merge(LogicalCallContext lc) { if (((lc != null) && (this != lc)) && lc.HasUserData) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = lc.Datastore.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { this.Datastore[(string) enumerator.Key] = enumerator.Value; } } }
internal virtual void SetSpecialProperty(String name, Object value) { switch(name) { case "__Uri": Uri = (String)value; break; case "__CallContext": context = (LogicalCallContext)value; break; } }
private ExecutionContext(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { SerializationInfoEnumerator e = info.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Name.Equals("LogicalCallContext")) { _logicalCallContext = (LogicalCallContext) e.Value; } } this.Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; } // ObjRef .ctor
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void PreserveThreadPrincipalIfNecessary( LogicalCallContext messageCallContext, LogicalCallContext threadCallContext) { BCLDebug.Assert(messageCallContext != null, "message should always have a call context"); if (threadCallContext != null) { if (messageCallContext.Principal == null) { IPrincipal currentPrincipal = threadCallContext.Principal; if (currentPrincipal != null) { messageCallContext.Principal = currentPrincipal; } } } } // PreserveThreadPrincipalIfNecessary