private PropertyHolder(string name, IExpandoProperty parent, DispIdAttribute dispIdAttribute, ValueHolder value) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = dispIdAttribute; _parent = parent; _defaultValue = value; }
internal AxPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor baseProp, AxHost owner) : base(baseProp) { this.updateAttrs = new ArrayList(); this.baseProp = baseProp; this.owner = owner; this.dispid = (DispIdAttribute) baseProp.Attributes[typeof(DispIdAttribute)]; if (this.dispid != null) { if (!this.IsBrowsable && !this.IsReadOnly) { Guid propertyPage = this.GetPropertyPage(this.dispid.Value); if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(propertyPage)) { this.AddAttribute(new BrowsableAttribute(true)); } } CategoryAttribute categoryForDispid = owner.GetCategoryForDispid(this.dispid.Value); if (categoryForDispid != null) { this.AddAttribute(categoryForDispid); } if (this.PropertyType.GUID.Equals(AxHost.dataSource_Guid)) { this.SetFlag(8, true); } } }
internal AxPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor baseProp, AxHost owner) : base(baseProp) { this.baseProp = baseProp; this.owner = owner; // Get the category for this dispid. // dispid = (DispIdAttribute)baseProp.Attributes[typeof(DispIdAttribute)]; if (dispid != null) { // Look to see if this property has a property page. // If it does, then it needs to be Browsable(true). // if (!this.IsBrowsable && !this.IsReadOnly) { Guid g = GetPropertyPage(dispid.Value); if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(g)) { Debug.WriteLineIf(AxPropTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Making property: " + this.Name + " browsable because we found an property page."); AddAttribute(new BrowsableAttribute(true)); } } // Use the CategoryAttribute provided by the OCX. // CategoryAttribute cat = owner.GetCategoryForDispid(dispid.Value); if (cat != null) { AddAttribute(cat); } // Check to see if this a DataSource property. // If it is, we can always get and set the value of this property. // if (this.PropertyType.GUID.Equals(dataSource_Guid)) { SetFlag(FlagIgnoreCanAccessProperties, true); } } }
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { DispIdAttribute[] attribs = new DispIdAttribute[1]; attribs[0] = new DispIdAttribute(_dispId); return attribs; }
internal MethodHolder(string name, Delegate target, int dispId) { _name = name; _target = target; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(dispId); }
public MethodHolder(string name, Delegate target) { _name = name; _target = target; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(DispidGenerator.Take()); }
public MethodHolder(string name) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(DispidGenerator.Take()); }
public static void Ctor_Value(int dispId) { var attribute = new DispIdAttribute(dispId); Assert.Equal(dispId, attribute.Value); }
private FieldHolder(string name, DispIdAttribute dispIdAttribute, ValueHolder value) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = dispIdAttribute; _defaultValue = value; }
public FieldHolder(string name, int dispId) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(dispId); }
public PropertyHolder(string name, int dispId) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(dispId); }
public PropertyHolder(string name, IExpandoProperty parent) { _name = name; _dispidAttr = new DispIdAttribute(DispidGenerator.Take()); _parent = parent; }