CreateSocket() public static method

public static CreateSocket ( AddressFamily addressFamily, SocketType socketType, ProtocolType protocolType, SafeCloseSocket &socket ) : SocketError
addressFamily AddressFamily
socketType SocketType
protocolType ProtocolType
socket SafeCloseSocket
return SocketError
        public void CompletionCallback(IntPtr acceptedFileDescriptor, byte[] socketAddress, int socketAddressLen, SocketError errorCode)
            _buffer   = null;
            _numBytes = 0;

            if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                Internals.SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress = IPEndPointExtensions.Serialize(_listenSocket._rightEndPoint);
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(socketAddress, 0, remoteSocketAddress.Buffer, 0, socketAddressLen);

                _acceptedSocket = _listenSocket.CreateAcceptSocket(

            base.CompletionCallback(0, errorCode);
        internal SocketError ReplaceHandle()
            // Copy out values from key options. The copied values should be kept in sync with the
            // handling in SafeCloseSocket.TrackOption.  Note that we copy these values out first, before
            // we change _handle, so that we can use the helpers on Socket which internally access _handle.
            // Then once _handle is switched to the new one, we can call the setters to propagate the retrieved
            // values back out to the new underlying socket.
            bool         broadcast = false, dontFragment = false, noDelay = false;
            int          receiveSize = -1, receiveTimeout = -1, sendSize = -1, sendTimeout = -1;
            short        ttl    = -1;
            LingerOption linger = null;

            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.DontFragment))
                dontFragment = DontFragment;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.EnableBroadcast))
                broadcast = EnableBroadcast;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.LingerState))
                linger = LingerState;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.NoDelay))
                noDelay = NoDelay;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.ReceiveBufferSize))
                receiveSize = ReceiveBufferSize;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.ReceiveTimeout))
                receiveTimeout = ReceiveTimeout;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.SendBufferSize))
                sendSize = SendBufferSize;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.SendTimeout))
                sendTimeout = SendTimeout;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.Ttl))
                ttl = Ttl;

            // Then replace the handle with a new one
            SafeCloseSocket oldHandle = _handle;
            SocketError     errorCode = SocketPal.CreateSocket(_addressFamily, _socketType, _protocolType, out _handle);

            if (errorCode != SocketError.Success)

            // And put back the copied settings.  For DualMode, we use the value stored in the _handle
            // rather than querying the socket itself, as on Unix stacks binding a dual-mode socket to
            // an IPv6 address may cause the IPv6Only setting to revert to true.
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.DualMode))
                DualMode = _handle.DualMode;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.DontFragment))
                DontFragment = dontFragment;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.EnableBroadcast))
                EnableBroadcast = broadcast;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.LingerState))
                LingerState = linger;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.NoDelay))
                NoDelay = noDelay;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.ReceiveBufferSize))
                ReceiveBufferSize = receiveSize;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.ReceiveTimeout))
                ReceiveTimeout = receiveTimeout;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.SendBufferSize))
                SendBufferSize = sendSize;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.SendTimeout))
                SendTimeout = sendTimeout;
            if (_handle.IsTrackedOption(TrackedSocketOptions.Ttl))
                Ttl = ttl;
