internal CompiledCommandParameter(MemberInfo member, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = string.Empty; this.typeName = string.Empty; this.argumentTransformationAttributes = new Collection<ArgumentTransformationAttribute>(); this.validationAttributes = new Collection<ValidateArgumentsAttribute>(); this.aliases = new Collection<string>(); if (member == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("member"); } = member.Name; this.declaringType = member.DeclaringType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { this.type = ((PropertyInfo) member).PropertyType; } else { if (member.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("member", "DiscoveryExceptions", "CompiledCommandParameterMemberMustBeFieldOrProperty", new object[0]); } this.type = ((FieldInfo) member).FieldType; } this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(this.type); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingReflection(member); }
internal CompiledCommandParameter(MemberInfo member, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = string.Empty; this.typeName = string.Empty; this.argumentTransformationAttributes = new Collection <ArgumentTransformationAttribute>(); this.validationAttributes = new Collection <ValidateArgumentsAttribute>(); this.aliases = new Collection <string>(); if (member == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("member"); } = member.Name; this.declaringType = member.DeclaringType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { this.type = ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType; } else { if (member.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("member", "DiscoveryExceptions", "CompiledCommandParameterMemberMustBeFieldOrProperty", new object[0]); } this.type = ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType; } this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(this.type); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingReflection(member); }
internal CompiledCommandParameter( RuntimeDefinedParameter runtimeDefinedParameter, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = runtimeDefinedParameter != null ? runtimeDefinedParameter.Name : throw CompiledCommandParameter.tracer.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(runtimeDefinedParameter)); this.type = runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingRuntimeDefinedParameter(runtimeDefinedParameter); }
internal CompiledCommandParameter(RuntimeDefinedParameter runtimeDefinedParameter, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = string.Empty; this.typeName = string.Empty; this.argumentTransformationAttributes = new Collection <ArgumentTransformationAttribute>(); this.validationAttributes = new Collection <ValidateArgumentsAttribute>(); this.aliases = new Collection <string>(); if (runtimeDefinedParameter == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("runtimeDefinedParameter"); } = runtimeDefinedParameter.Name; this.type = runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingRuntimeDefinedParameter(runtimeDefinedParameter); }
internal CompiledCommandParameter(RuntimeDefinedParameter runtimeDefinedParameter, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = string.Empty; this.typeName = string.Empty; this.argumentTransformationAttributes = new Collection<ArgumentTransformationAttribute>(); this.validationAttributes = new Collection<ValidateArgumentsAttribute>(); this.aliases = new Collection<string>(); if (runtimeDefinedParameter == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("runtimeDefinedParameter"); } = runtimeDefinedParameter.Name; this.type = runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(runtimeDefinedParameter.ParameterType); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingRuntimeDefinedParameter(runtimeDefinedParameter); }
internal CompiledCommandParameter(MemberInfo member, bool processingDynamicParameters) { = member != null ? member.Name : throw CompiledCommandParameter.tracer.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(member)); this.declaringType = member.DeclaringType; this.isDynamic = processingDynamicParameters; if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { this.type = ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType; } else if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field) { this.type = ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType; } else { ArgumentException argumentException = (ArgumentException)CompiledCommandParameter.tracer.NewArgumentException(nameof(member), "DiscoveryExceptions", "CompiledCommandParameterMemberMustBeFieldOrProperty"); CompiledCommandParameter.tracer.TraceException((Exception)argumentException); throw argumentException; } this.collectionTypeInformation = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(this.type); this.ConstructCompiledAttributesUsingReflection(member); }
internal object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData, bool bindingParameters, bool bindingScriptCmdlet) { if (_convertTypes == null) { return(inputData); } object result = inputData; try { for (int i = 0; i < _convertTypes.Length; i++) { if (bindingParameters) { // We should not be doing a conversion here if [ref] is the last type. // When [ref] appears in an argument list, it is used for checking only. // No Conversion should be done. if (_convertTypes[i].Equals(typeof(System.Management.Automation.PSReference))) { object temp; PSObject mshObject = result as PSObject; if (mshObject != null) { temp = mshObject.BaseObject; } else { temp = result; } PSReference reference = temp as PSReference; if (reference == null) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionReferenceTypeExpected", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.ReferenceTypeExpected); } } else { object temp; PSObject mshObject = result as PSObject; if (mshObject != null) { temp = mshObject.BaseObject; } else { temp = result; } // If a non-ref type is expected but currently passed in is a ref, do an implicit dereference. PSReference reference = temp as PSReference; if (reference != null) { result = reference.Value; } if (bindingScriptCmdlet && _convertTypes[i] == typeof(string)) { // Don't allow conversion from array to string in script w/ cmdlet binding. Allow // the conversion for ordinary script parameter binding for V1 compatibility. temp = PSObject.Base(result); if (temp != null && temp.GetType().IsArray) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastFromAnyTypeToString", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.InvalidCastCannotRetrieveString); } } } } //BUGBUG //NTRAID#Windows Out of Band Releases - 930116 - 03/14/06 //handling special case for boolean, switchparameter and Nullable<bool> //These parameter types will not be converted if the incoming value types are not //one of the accepted categories - $true/$false or numbers (0 or otherwise) if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(_convertTypes[i])) { CheckBoolValue(result, _convertTypes[i]); } if (bindingScriptCmdlet) { // Check for conversion to something like bool[] or ICollection<bool>, but only for cmdlet binding // to stay compatible with V1. ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInfo = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(_convertTypes[i]); if (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection && LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(collectionTypeInfo.ElementType)) { IList currentValueAsIList = ParameterBinderBase.GetIList(result); if (currentValueAsIList != null) { foreach (object val in currentValueAsIList) { CheckBoolValue(val, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType); } } else { CheckBoolValue(result, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType); } } } result = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(result, _convertTypes[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Do validation of invalid direct variable assignments which are allowed to // be used for parameters. // // Note - this is duplicated in ExecutionContext.cs as parameter binding for script cmdlets can avoid this code path. if ((!bindingScriptCmdlet) && (!bindingParameters)) { // ActionPreference of Suspend is not supported as a preference variable. We can only block "Suspend" // during variable assignment (here) - "Ignore" is blocked during variable retrieval. if (_convertTypes[i] == typeof(ActionPreference)) { ActionPreference resultPreference = (ActionPreference)result; if (resultPreference == ActionPreference.Suspend) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidActionPreference", null, ErrorPackage.UnsupportedPreferenceVariable, resultPreference); } } } } } catch (PSInvalidCastException e) { throw new ArgumentTransformationMetadataException(e.Message, e); } return(result); }
private object EncodeCollection(CommandParameterInternal argument, string parameterName, ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInformation, Type toType, object currentValue, bool coerceElementTypeIfNeeded, out bool coercionRequired) { object obj2 = null; coercionRequired = false; bindingTracer.WriteLine("Binding collection parameter {0}: argument type [{1}], parameter type [{2}], collection type {3}, element type [{4}], {5}", new object[] { parameterName, (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name, toType, collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType, collectionTypeInformation.ElementType, coerceElementTypeIfNeeded ? "coerceElementType" : "no coerceElementType" }); if (currentValue != null) { int length = 1; Type elementType = collectionTypeInformation.ElementType; IList iList = GetIList(currentValue); if (iList != null) { length = iList.Count; tracer.WriteLine("current value is an IList with {0} elements", new object[] { length }); bindingTracer.WriteLine("Arg is IList with {0} elements", new object[] { length }); } object obj3 = null; IList list2 = null; MethodInfo info = null; bool flag = toType == typeof(Array); if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { if (flag) { elementType = typeof(object); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Creating array with element type [{0}] and {1} elements", new object[] { elementType, length }); obj3 = list2 = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, length); } else { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.IList) && (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.ICollectionGeneric)) { return obj2; } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Creating collection [{0}]", new object[] { toType }); bool flag2 = false; Exception innerException = null; try { obj3 = Activator.CreateInstance(toType, BindingFlags.Default, null, new object[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { list2 = (IList) obj3; } else { Type type2 = collectionTypeInformation.ElementType; BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; Exception exception2 = null; try { info = toType.GetMethod("Add", bindingAttr, null, new Type[] { type2 }, null); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException exception3) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Ambiguous match to Add(T) for type " + toType.FullName + ": " + exception3.Message, new object[0]); exception2 = exception3; } catch (ArgumentException exception4) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("ArgumentException matching Add(T) for type " + toType.FullName + ": " + exception4.Message, new object[0]); exception2 = exception4; } if (null == info) { ParameterBindingException exception5 = new ParameterBindingException(exception2, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (currentValue == null) ? null : currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotExtractAddMethod", new object[] { (exception2 == null) ? "" : exception2.Message }); throw exception5; } } } catch (ArgumentException exception6) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception6; } catch (NotSupportedException exception7) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception7; } catch (TargetInvocationException exception8) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception8; } catch (MethodAccessException exception9) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception9; } catch (MemberAccessException exception10) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception10; } catch (InvalidComObjectException exception11) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception11; } catch (COMException exception12) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception12; } catch (TypeLoadException exception13) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception13; } if (flag2) { ParameterBindingException exception14 = new ParameterBindingException(innerException, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (obj2 == null) ? "null" : obj2, (innerException == null) ? "" : innerException.Message }); throw exception14; } } if (iList != null) { int num2 = 0; bindingTracer.WriteLine("Argument type {0} is IList", new object[] { currentValue.GetType() }); foreach (object obj4 in iList) { object obj5 = PSObject.Base(obj4); if (coerceElementTypeIfNeeded) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCE collection element from type {0} to type {1}", new object[] { (obj4 == null) ? "null" : obj4.GetType().Name, elementType }); obj5 = this.CoerceTypeAsNeeded(argument, parameterName, elementType, null, obj4); } else if ((null != elementType) && (obj5 != null)) { Type type = obj5.GetType(); Type c = elementType; if ((type != c) && !type.IsSubclassOf(c)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCION REQUIRED: Did not attempt to coerce collection element from type {0} to type {1}", new object[] { (obj4 == null) ? "null" : obj4.GetType().Name, elementType }); coercionRequired = true; break; } } try { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} to array position {1}", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name, num2 }); list2[num2++] = obj5; } else if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} via IList.Add", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name }); list2.Add(obj5); } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} via ICollection<T>::Add()", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name }); info.Invoke(obj3, new object[] { obj5 }); } } catch (Exception exception15) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception15); if ((exception15 is TargetInvocationException) && (exception15.InnerException != null)) { exception15 = exception15.InnerException; } ParameterBindingException exception16 = new ParameterBindingException(exception15, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (obj5 == null) ? null : obj5.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5, exception15.Message }); throw exception16; } } } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Argument type {0} is not IList, treating this as scalar", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); if (elementType != null) { if (coerceElementTypeIfNeeded) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Coercing scalar arg value to type {0}", new object[] { elementType }); currentValue = this.CoerceTypeAsNeeded(argument, parameterName, elementType, null, currentValue); } else { Type type5 = currentValue.GetType(); Type type6 = elementType; if ((type5 != type6) && !type5.IsSubclassOf(type6)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCION REQUIRED: Did not coerce scalar arg value to type {1}", new object[] { elementType }); coercionRequired = true; return obj2; } } } try { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} to array position {1}", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name, 0 }); list2[0] = currentValue; } else if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} via IList.Add", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); list2.Add(currentValue); } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} via ICollection<T>::Add()", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); info.Invoke(obj3, new object[] { currentValue }); } } catch (Exception exception17) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception17); if ((exception17 is TargetInvocationException) && (exception17.InnerException != null)) { exception17 = exception17.InnerException; } ParameterBindingException exception18 = new ParameterBindingException(exception17, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (currentValue == null) ? null : currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue, exception17.Message }); throw exception18; } } if (!coercionRequired) { obj2 = obj3; } } return obj2; }
private object CoerceTypeAsNeeded(CommandParameterInternal argument, string parameterName, Type toType, ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInfo, object currentValue) { if (argument == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("argument"); } if (toType == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("toType"); } if (collectionTypeInfo == null) { collectionTypeInfo = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(toType); } object result = currentValue; using (bindingTracer.TraceScope("COERCE arg to [{0}]", new object[] { toType })) { Type c = null; try { if (IsNullParameterValue(currentValue)) { return this.HandleNullParameterForSpecialTypes(argument, parameterName, toType, currentValue); } c = currentValue.GetType(); if (toType.IsAssignableFrom(c)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Parameter and arg types the same, no coercion is needed.", new object[0]); return currentValue; } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Trying to convert argument value from {0} to {1}", new object[] { c, toType }); if (toType == typeof(PSObject)) { if ((this.command != null) && (currentValue == this.command.CurrentPipelineObject.BaseObject)) { currentValue = this.command.CurrentPipelineObject; } bindingTracer.WriteLine("The parameter is of type [{0}] and the argument is an PSObject, so the parameter value is the argument value wrapped into an PSObject.", new object[] { toType }); return LanguagePrimitives.AsPSObjectOrNull(currentValue); } if ((toType == typeof(string)) && (c == typeof(PSObject))) { PSObject obj3 = (PSObject) currentValue; if (obj3 == AutomationNull.Value) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT a null PSObject to a null string.", new object[0]); return null; } } if (((toType == typeof(bool)) || (toType == typeof(SwitchParameter))) || (toType == typeof(bool?))) { Type type = null; if (c == typeof(PSObject)) { PSObject obj4 = (PSObject) currentValue; currentValue = obj4.BaseObject; if (currentValue is SwitchParameter) { SwitchParameter parameter = (SwitchParameter) currentValue; currentValue = parameter.IsPresent; } type = currentValue.GetType(); } else { type = c; } if (type == typeof(bool)) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return ParserOps.BoolToObject((bool) currentValue); } return new SwitchParameter((bool) currentValue); } if (type == typeof(int)) { if (((int) LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, typeof(int), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) != 0) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return ParserOps.BoolToObject(true); } return new SwitchParameter(true); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return ParserOps.BoolToObject(false); } return new SwitchParameter(false); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsNumeric(Type.GetTypeCode(type))) { double num = (double) LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, typeof(double), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (num == 0.0) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return ParserOps.BoolToObject(false); } return new SwitchParameter(false); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return ParserOps.BoolToObject(true); } return new SwitchParameter(true); } ParameterBindingException exception = new ParameterBindingException(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { type, "" }); throw exception; } if ((collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.ICollectionGeneric) || (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList)) { object obj5 = PSObject.Base(currentValue); if (obj5 != null) { ConversionRank conversionRank = LanguagePrimitives.GetConversionRank(obj5.GetType(), toType); if ((((conversionRank == ConversionRank.Constructor) || (conversionRank == ConversionRank.ImplicitCast)) || (conversionRank == ConversionRank.ExplicitCast)) && LanguagePrimitives.TryConvertTo(currentValue, toType, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, out result)) { return result; } } } if (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("ENCODING arg into collection", new object[0]); bool coercionRequired = false; return this.EncodeCollection(argument, parameterName, collectionTypeInfo, toType, currentValue, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType != null, out coercionRequired); } if (((((GetIList(currentValue) != null) && (toType != typeof(object))) && ((toType != typeof(PSObject)) && (toType != typeof(PSListModifier)))) && ((!toType.IsGenericType || (toType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(PSListModifier<>))) && (!toType.IsGenericType || (toType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(FlagsExpression<>))))) && !toType.IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT arg type to param type using LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo", new object[0]); bool flag2 = false; if (this.context.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage) { object obj6 = PSObject.Base(currentValue); bool flag3 = obj6 is PSObject; bool flag4 = (obj6 != null) && typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(obj6.GetType()); flag2 = ((((PSLanguageMode) this.Command.CommandInfo.DefiningLanguageMode) == PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage) && !flag3) && !flag4; } try { if (flag2) { this.context.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage; } result = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, toType, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); } finally { if (flag2) { this.context.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage; } } bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT SUCCESSFUL using LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo: [{0}]", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result.ToString() }); return result; } catch (NotSupportedException exception2) { bindingTracer.TraceError("ERROR: COERCE FAILED: arg [{0}] could not be converted to the parameter type [{1}]", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result, toType }); ParameterBindingException exception3 = new ParameterBindingException(exception2, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result, exception2.Message }); throw exception3; } catch (PSInvalidCastException exception4) { object[] args = new object[] { result ?? "null", toType }; bindingTracer.TraceError("ERROR: COERCE FAILED: arg [{0}] could not be converted to the parameter type [{1}]", args); ParameterBindingException exception5 = new ParameterBindingException(exception4, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage", new object[] { exception4.Message }); throw exception5; } } return result; }
internal object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData, bool bindingParameters, bool bindingScriptCmdlet) { if (this._convertTypes == null) { return inputData; } object obj2 = inputData; try { for (int i = 0; i < this._convertTypes.Length; i++) { if (bindingParameters) { if (this._convertTypes[i].Equals(typeof(PSReference))) { object baseObject; PSObject obj4 = obj2 as PSObject; if (obj4 != null) { baseObject = obj4.BaseObject; } else { baseObject = obj2; } if (!(baseObject is PSReference)) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionReferenceTypeExpected", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.ReferenceTypeExpected, new object[0]); } } else { object obj5; PSObject obj6 = obj2 as PSObject; if (obj6 != null) { obj5 = obj6.BaseObject; } else { obj5 = obj2; } PSReference reference2 = obj5 as PSReference; if (reference2 != null) { obj2 = reference2.Value; } if (bindingScriptCmdlet && (this._convertTypes[i] == typeof(string))) { obj5 = PSObject.Base(obj2); if ((obj5 != null) && obj5.GetType().IsArray) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastFromAnyTypeToString", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.InvalidCastCannotRetrieveString, new object[0]); } } } } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(this._convertTypes[i])) { CheckBoolValue(obj2, this._convertTypes[i]); } if (bindingScriptCmdlet) { ParameterCollectionTypeInformation information = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(this._convertTypes[i]); if ((information.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection) && LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(information.ElementType)) { IList iList = ParameterBinderBase.GetIList(obj2); if (iList != null) { foreach (object obj7 in iList) { CheckBoolValue(obj7, information.ElementType); } } else { CheckBoolValue(obj2, information.ElementType); } } } obj2 = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(obj2, this._convertTypes[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } catch (PSInvalidCastException exception) { throw new ArgumentTransformationMetadataException(exception.Message, exception); } return obj2; }
internal object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData, bool bindingParameters, bool bindingScriptCmdlet) { if (this._convertTypes == null) { return(inputData); } object obj2 = inputData; try { for (int i = 0; i < this._convertTypes.Length; i++) { if (bindingParameters) { if (this._convertTypes[i].Equals(typeof(PSReference))) { object baseObject; PSObject obj4 = obj2 as PSObject; if (obj4 != null) { baseObject = obj4.BaseObject; } else { baseObject = obj2; } if (!(baseObject is PSReference)) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionReferenceTypeExpected", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.ReferenceTypeExpected, new object[0]); } } else { object obj5; PSObject obj6 = obj2 as PSObject; if (obj6 != null) { obj5 = obj6.BaseObject; } else { obj5 = obj2; } PSReference reference2 = obj5 as PSReference; if (reference2 != null) { obj2 = reference2.Value; } if (bindingScriptCmdlet && (this._convertTypes[i] == typeof(string))) { obj5 = PSObject.Base(obj2); if ((obj5 != null) && obj5.GetType().IsArray) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastFromAnyTypeToString", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.InvalidCastCannotRetrieveString, new object[0]); } } } } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(this._convertTypes[i])) { CheckBoolValue(obj2, this._convertTypes[i]); } if (bindingScriptCmdlet) { ParameterCollectionTypeInformation information = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(this._convertTypes[i]); if ((information.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection) && LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(information.ElementType)) { IList iList = ParameterBinderBase.GetIList(obj2); if (iList != null) { foreach (object obj7 in iList) { CheckBoolValue(obj7, information.ElementType); } } else { CheckBoolValue(obj2, information.ElementType); } } } obj2 = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(obj2, this._convertTypes[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } catch (PSInvalidCastException exception) { throw new ArgumentTransformationMetadataException(exception.Message, exception); } return(obj2); }
internal object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData, bool bindingParameters, bool bindingScriptCmdlet) { if (_convertTypes == null) return inputData; object result = inputData; try { for (int i = 0; i < _convertTypes.Length; i++) { if (bindingParameters) { // We should not be doing a conversion here if [ref] is the last type. // When [ref] appears in an argument list, it is used for checking only. // No Conversion should be done. if (_convertTypes[i].Equals(typeof(System.Management.Automation.PSReference))) { object temp; PSObject mshObject = result as PSObject; if (mshObject != null) temp = mshObject.BaseObject; else temp = result; PSReference reference = temp as PSReference; if (reference == null) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionReferenceTypeExpected", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.ReferenceTypeExpected); } } else { object temp; PSObject mshObject = result as PSObject; if (mshObject != null) temp = mshObject.BaseObject; else temp = result; // If a non-ref type is expected but currently passed in is a ref, do an implicit dereference. PSReference reference = temp as PSReference; if (reference != null) { result = reference.Value; } if (bindingScriptCmdlet && _convertTypes[i] == typeof(string)) { // Don't allow conversion from array to string in script w/ cmdlet binding. Allow // the conversion for ordinary script parameter binding for V1 compatibility. temp = PSObject.Base(result); if (temp != null && temp.GetType().IsArray) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastFromAnyTypeToString", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.InvalidCastCannotRetrieveString); } } } } //BUGBUG //NTRAID#Windows Out of Band Releases - 930116 - 03/14/06 //handling special case for boolean, switchparameter and Nullable<bool> //These parameter types will not be converted if the incoming value types are not //one of the accepted categories - $true/$false or numbers (0 or otherwise) if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(_convertTypes[i])) { CheckBoolValue(result, _convertTypes[i]); } if (bindingScriptCmdlet) { // Check for conversion to something like bool[] or ICollection<bool>, but only for cmdlet binding // to stay compatible with V1. ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInfo = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(_convertTypes[i]); if (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection && LanguagePrimitives.IsBoolOrSwitchParameterType(collectionTypeInfo.ElementType)) { IList currentValueAsIList = ParameterBinderBase.GetIList(result); if (currentValueAsIList != null) { foreach (object val in currentValueAsIList) { CheckBoolValue(val, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType); } } else { CheckBoolValue(result, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType); } } } result = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(result, _convertTypes[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Do validation of invalid direct variable assignments which are allowed to // be used for parameters. // // Note - this is duplicated in ExecutionContext.cs as parameter binding for script cmdlets can avoid this code path. if ((!bindingScriptCmdlet) && (!bindingParameters)) { // ActionPreference of Suspend is not supported as a preference variable. We can only block "Suspend" // during variable assignment (here) - "Ignore" is blocked during variable retrieval. if (_convertTypes[i] == typeof(ActionPreference)) { ActionPreference resultPreference = (ActionPreference)result; if (resultPreference == ActionPreference.Suspend) { throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidActionPreference", null, ErrorPackage.UnsupportedPreferenceVariable, resultPreference); } } } } } catch (PSInvalidCastException e) { throw new ArgumentTransformationMetadataException(e.Message, e); } return result; }
private object EncodeCollection(CommandParameterInternal argument, string parameterName, ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInformation, Type toType, object currentValue, bool coerceElementTypeIfNeeded, out bool coercionRequired) { object obj2 = null; coercionRequired = false; bindingTracer.WriteLine("Binding collection parameter {0}: argument type [{1}], parameter type [{2}], collection type {3}, element type [{4}], {5}", new object[] { parameterName, (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name, toType, collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType, collectionTypeInformation.ElementType, coerceElementTypeIfNeeded ? "coerceElementType" : "no coerceElementType" }); if (currentValue != null) { int length = 1; Type elementType = collectionTypeInformation.ElementType; IList iList = GetIList(currentValue); if (iList != null) { length = iList.Count; tracer.WriteLine("current value is an IList with {0} elements", new object[] { length }); bindingTracer.WriteLine("Arg is IList with {0} elements", new object[] { length }); } object obj3 = null; IList list2 = null; MethodInfo info = null; bool flag = toType == typeof(Array); if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { if (flag) { elementType = typeof(object); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Creating array with element type [{0}] and {1} elements", new object[] { elementType, length }); obj3 = list2 = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, length); } else { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.IList) && (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.ICollectionGeneric)) { return(obj2); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Creating collection [{0}]", new object[] { toType }); bool flag2 = false; Exception innerException = null; try { obj3 = Activator.CreateInstance(toType, BindingFlags.Default, null, new object[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { list2 = (IList)obj3; } else { Type type2 = collectionTypeInformation.ElementType; BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; Exception exception2 = null; try { info = toType.GetMethod("Add", bindingAttr, null, new Type[] { type2 }, null); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException exception3) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Ambiguous match to Add(T) for type " + toType.FullName + ": " + exception3.Message, new object[0]); exception2 = exception3; } catch (ArgumentException exception4) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("ArgumentException matching Add(T) for type " + toType.FullName + ": " + exception4.Message, new object[0]); exception2 = exception4; } if (null == info) { ParameterBindingException exception5 = new ParameterBindingException(exception2, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (currentValue == null) ? null : currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotExtractAddMethod", new object[] { (exception2 == null) ? "" : exception2.Message }); throw exception5; } } } catch (ArgumentException exception6) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception6; } catch (NotSupportedException exception7) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception7; } catch (TargetInvocationException exception8) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception8; } catch (MethodAccessException exception9) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception9; } catch (MemberAccessException exception10) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception10; } catch (InvalidComObjectException exception11) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception11; } catch (COMException exception12) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception12; } catch (TypeLoadException exception13) { flag2 = true; innerException = exception13; } if (flag2) { ParameterBindingException exception14 = new ParameterBindingException(innerException, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (obj2 == null) ? "null" : obj2, (innerException == null) ? "" : innerException.Message }); throw exception14; } } if (iList != null) { int num2 = 0; bindingTracer.WriteLine("Argument type {0} is IList", new object[] { currentValue.GetType() }); foreach (object obj4 in iList) { object obj5 = PSObject.Base(obj4); if (coerceElementTypeIfNeeded) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCE collection element from type {0} to type {1}", new object[] { (obj4 == null) ? "null" : obj4.GetType().Name, elementType }); obj5 = this.CoerceTypeAsNeeded(argument, parameterName, elementType, null, obj4); } else if ((null != elementType) && (obj5 != null)) { Type type = obj5.GetType(); Type c = elementType; if ((type != c) && !type.IsSubclassOf(c)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCION REQUIRED: Did not attempt to coerce collection element from type {0} to type {1}", new object[] { (obj4 == null) ? "null" : obj4.GetType().Name, elementType }); coercionRequired = true; break; } } try { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} to array position {1}", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name, num2 }); list2[num2++] = obj5; } else if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} via IList.Add", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name }); list2.Add(obj5); } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding element of type {0} via ICollection<T>::Add()", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5.GetType().Name }); info.Invoke(obj3, new object[] { obj5 }); } } catch (Exception exception15) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception15); if ((exception15 is TargetInvocationException) && (exception15.InnerException != null)) { exception15 = exception15.InnerException; } ParameterBindingException exception16 = new ParameterBindingException(exception15, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (obj5 == null) ? null : obj5.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (obj5 == null) ? "null" : obj5, exception15.Message }); throw exception16; } } } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Argument type {0} is not IList, treating this as scalar", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); if (elementType != null) { if (coerceElementTypeIfNeeded) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Coercing scalar arg value to type {0}", new object[] { elementType }); currentValue = this.CoerceTypeAsNeeded(argument, parameterName, elementType, null, currentValue); } else { Type type5 = currentValue.GetType(); Type type6 = elementType; if ((type5 != type6) && !type5.IsSubclassOf(type6)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("COERCION REQUIRED: Did not coerce scalar arg value to type {1}", new object[] { elementType }); coercionRequired = true; return(obj2); } } } try { if ((collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.Array) || flag) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} to array position {1}", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name, 0 }); list2[0] = currentValue; } else if (collectionTypeInformation.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} via IList.Add", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); list2.Add(currentValue); } else { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Adding scalar element of type {0} via ICollection<T>::Add()", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.GetType().Name }); info.Invoke(obj3, new object[] { currentValue }); } } catch (Exception exception17) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception17); if ((exception17 is TargetInvocationException) && (exception17.InnerException != null)) { exception17 = exception17.InnerException; } ParameterBindingException exception18 = new ParameterBindingException(exception17, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, (currentValue == null) ? null : currentValue.GetType(), "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue, exception17.Message }); throw exception18; } } if (!coercionRequired) { obj2 = obj3; } } return(obj2); }
private object CoerceTypeAsNeeded(CommandParameterInternal argument, string parameterName, Type toType, ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInfo, object currentValue) { if (argument == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("argument"); } if (toType == null) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("toType"); } if (collectionTypeInfo == null) { collectionTypeInfo = new ParameterCollectionTypeInformation(toType); } object result = currentValue; using (bindingTracer.TraceScope("COERCE arg to [{0}]", new object[] { toType })) { Type c = null; try { if (IsNullParameterValue(currentValue)) { return(this.HandleNullParameterForSpecialTypes(argument, parameterName, toType, currentValue)); } c = currentValue.GetType(); if (toType.IsAssignableFrom(c)) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("Parameter and arg types the same, no coercion is needed.", new object[0]); return(currentValue); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("Trying to convert argument value from {0} to {1}", new object[] { c, toType }); if (toType == typeof(PSObject)) { if ((this.command != null) && (currentValue == this.command.CurrentPipelineObject.BaseObject)) { currentValue = this.command.CurrentPipelineObject; } bindingTracer.WriteLine("The parameter is of type [{0}] and the argument is an PSObject, so the parameter value is the argument value wrapped into an PSObject.", new object[] { toType }); return(LanguagePrimitives.AsPSObjectOrNull(currentValue)); } if ((toType == typeof(string)) && (c == typeof(PSObject))) { PSObject obj3 = (PSObject)currentValue; if (obj3 == AutomationNull.Value) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT a null PSObject to a null string.", new object[0]); return(null); } } if (((toType == typeof(bool)) || (toType == typeof(SwitchParameter))) || (toType == typeof(bool?))) { Type type = null; if (c == typeof(PSObject)) { PSObject obj4 = (PSObject)currentValue; currentValue = obj4.BaseObject; if (currentValue is SwitchParameter) { SwitchParameter parameter = (SwitchParameter)currentValue; currentValue = parameter.IsPresent; } type = currentValue.GetType(); } else { type = c; } if (type == typeof(bool)) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return(ParserOps.BoolToObject((bool)currentValue)); } return(new SwitchParameter((bool)currentValue)); } if (type == typeof(int)) { if (((int)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, typeof(int), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) != 0) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return(ParserOps.BoolToObject(true)); } return(new SwitchParameter(true)); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return(ParserOps.BoolToObject(false)); } return(new SwitchParameter(false)); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsNumeric(Type.GetTypeCode(type))) { double num = (double)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, typeof(double), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (num == 0.0) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return(ParserOps.BoolToObject(false)); } return(new SwitchParameter(false)); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(toType)) { return(ParserOps.BoolToObject(true)); } return(new SwitchParameter(true)); } ParameterBindingException exception = new ParameterBindingException(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { type, "" }); throw exception; } if ((collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.ICollectionGeneric) || (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType == ParameterCollectionType.IList)) { object obj5 = PSObject.Base(currentValue); if (obj5 != null) { ConversionRank conversionRank = LanguagePrimitives.GetConversionRank(obj5.GetType(), toType); if ((((conversionRank == ConversionRank.Constructor) || (conversionRank == ConversionRank.ImplicitCast)) || (conversionRank == ConversionRank.ExplicitCast)) && LanguagePrimitives.TryConvertTo(currentValue, toType, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, out result)) { return(result); } } } if (collectionTypeInfo.ParameterCollectionType != ParameterCollectionType.NotCollection) { bindingTracer.WriteLine("ENCODING arg into collection", new object[0]); bool coercionRequired = false; return(this.EncodeCollection(argument, parameterName, collectionTypeInfo, toType, currentValue, collectionTypeInfo.ElementType != null, out coercionRequired)); } if (((((GetIList(currentValue) != null) && (toType != typeof(object))) && ((toType != typeof(PSObject)) && (toType != typeof(PSListModifier)))) && ((!toType.IsGenericType || (toType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(PSListModifier <>))) && (!toType.IsGenericType || (toType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(FlagsExpression <>))))) && !toType.IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT arg type to param type using LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo", new object[0]); bool flag2 = false; if (this.context.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage) { object obj6 = PSObject.Base(currentValue); bool flag3 = obj6 is PSObject; bool flag4 = (obj6 != null) && typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(obj6.GetType()); flag2 = ((((PSLanguageMode)this.Command.CommandInfo.DefiningLanguageMode) == PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage) && !flag3) && !flag4; } try { if (flag2) { this.context.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage; } result = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(currentValue, toType, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); } finally { if (flag2) { this.context.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage; } } bindingTracer.WriteLine("CONVERT SUCCESSFUL using LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo: [{0}]", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result.ToString() }); return(result); } catch (NotSupportedException exception2) { bindingTracer.TraceError("ERROR: COERCE FAILED: arg [{0}] could not be converted to the parameter type [{1}]", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result, toType }); ParameterBindingException exception3 = new ParameterBindingException(exception2, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgument", new object[] { (result == null) ? "null" : result, exception2.Message }); throw exception3; } catch (PSInvalidCastException exception4) { object[] args = new object[] { result ?? "null", toType }; bindingTracer.TraceError("ERROR: COERCE FAILED: arg [{0}] could not be converted to the parameter type [{1}]", args); ParameterBindingException exception5 = new ParameterBindingException(exception4, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this.InvocationInfo, this.GetErrorExtent(argument), parameterName, toType, c, "ParameterBinderStrings", "CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage", new object[] { exception4.Message }); throw exception5; } } return(result); }