public void Store () { Properties props = new Properties(); props.Add ("foo", "this"); props.Add ("bar", "is"); props.Add ("baz", "it"); FileInfo file = new FileInfo ("properties.test"); try { // write 'em out with the specified header... using (Stream cout = file.OpenWrite ()) { props.Store (cout, "My Properties"); } } finally { try { file.Delete (); } catch (IOException) { } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length != 2) Console.WriteLine("Usage: <source folder> <destinaion file>"); var source = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); if (!source.Exists) throw new ApplicationException("Source folder does not exist"); var destination = new FileInfo(args[1]); if (destination.Exists) throw new ApplicationException("Destination already exists"); // mem-stream needs to be here for this to work? using (var destinationStream = destination.OpenWrite()) using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) using (var lz4Stream = new LZ4Stream(destinationStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true, true)) { using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(memStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true)) AddFilesToArchive(source, "", zipArchive); memStream.Position = 0; memStream.CopyTo(lz4Stream); } }
private void btn_del_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo("\\log.txt"); FileStream fs = finfo.OpenWrite(); for (int i = 0; i < 130; i++) { if (IsRefD(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBox1.Text))) { //�������洴�����ļ�������д������ StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs); //����д����������ʼλ��Ϊ�ļ�����ĩβ w.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); //д�롰Log Entry : �� w.Write("\nLog Entry : "); //д�뵱ǰϵͳʱ�䲢���� w.Write( "{0} {1} \r\n", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); //д����־���ݲ����� w.Write("found ! " + i); //д��----------------�������� w.Write("------------------\n"); //��ջ��������ݣ����ѻ���������д������� w.Flush(); //�ر�д������ w.Close(); return; } else MessageBox.Show("Not found !" + i); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { FileStream file = null; var fileinfo = new FileInfo("TextFile1.txt"); try { file = fileinfo.OpenWrite(); file.WriteByte(0xF); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Could not locate the file"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } finally { // Check for null because OpenWrite might have failed. if (file != null) { file.Close(); } } Console.ReadKey(); }
private NoSuchObjectDefinitionException Serialize(NoSuchObjectDefinitionException inputException) { NoSuchObjectDefinitionException deserializedException = null; string tempDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"); string tempFilename = tempDir + @"\foo.dat"; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(tempFilename); try { Stream outstream = file.OpenWrite(); new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(outstream, inputException); outstream.Flush(); outstream.Close(); Stream instream = file.OpenRead(); deserializedException = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(instream) as NoSuchObjectDefinitionException; instream.Close(); } finally { try { file.Delete(); } catch { } } return deserializedException; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Binary Writers / Readers *****\n"); // Open a binary writer for a file. FileInfo f = new FileInfo("BinFile.dat"); using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(f.OpenWrite())) { // Print out the type of BaseStream. // (System.IO.FileStream in this case). Console.WriteLine("Base stream is: {0}", bw.BaseStream); // Create some data to save in the file double aDouble = 1234.67; int anInt = 34567; string aString = "A, B, C"; // Write the data bw.Write(aDouble); bw.Write(anInt); bw.Write(aString); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); // Read the binary data from the stream. using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(f.OpenRead())) { Console.WriteLine(br.ReadDouble()); Console.WriteLine(br.ReadInt32()); Console.WriteLine(br.ReadString()); } Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// 生成bat文件,用於執行壓縮命令 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="excetion">異常信息</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CreateBat(ref string excetion, CompressEnum compressEnum = CompressEnum.NORMAL) { try { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fullExcuteBat); StringBuilder orderCmd = new StringBuilder("java -jar compiler.jar "); if (compressEnum == CompressEnum.WHITESPACE_ONLY) { orderCmd.Append(" --compilation_level WHITESPACE_ONLY "); } orderCmd.Append(" --js "); orderCmd.Append(this._tempFile); orderCmd.Append(" --js_output_file "); orderCmd.Append(this._compressFile); byte[] orderStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(orderCmd.ToString()); using (FileStream filestream = file.OpenWrite()) { filestream.Write(orderStream, 0, orderStream.Length); } } catch (Exception e) { excetion = e.Message; return false; } return true; }
public static Task<FileInfo> DownloadFile(DirectoryInfo tempDir, Uri distributiveUri) { var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, distributiveUri); return httpClient .SendAsync(requestMessage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead) .ContinueWith( getDistributiveTask => { var response = getDistributiveTask.Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var downloadingFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}.zip", Guid.NewGuid(), distributiveUri.Segments.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty); var tempFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, downloadingFileName)); var tempFileWriteStream = tempFile.OpenWrite(); return response.Content .CopyToAsync(tempFileWriteStream) .ContinueWith( copyTask => { copyTask.Wait(); // ensuring exception propagated (is it nessesary?) tempFileWriteStream.Close(); return tempFile; }); }) .Unwrap() .ContinueWith( downloadTask => { httpClient.Dispose(); return downloadTask.Result; }); }
public void WriteLogFile(string input) { //定义文件信息对象 FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(path); //判断文件是否存在以及是否大于2K if (finfo.Exists && finfo.Length>2048) { finfo.Delete(); } //创建只写文件流 using (FileStream fs = finfo.OpenWrite()) { //根据上面创建的文件流创建写数据流 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); //设置写数据流的起始位置为文件流的末尾 sw.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); //写入“Log Entry : ” sw.Write("\nLog Entry : "); //写入当前系统时间并换行 sw.Write("{0} {1} \r\n", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); //写入日志内容并换行 sw.Write(input + "\r\n"); //写入------------------------------------“并换行 sw.Write("------------------------------------\r\n"); //清空缓冲区内容,并把缓冲区内容写入基础流 sw.Flush(); //关闭写数据流 sw.Close(); } }
public static void Serialize(FileInfo file, Action<GenericWriter> serializer) { file.Refresh(); if (file.Directory != null && !file.Directory.Exists) { file.Directory.Create(); } if (!file.Exists) { file.Create().Close(); } file.Refresh(); using (var fs = file.OpenWrite()) { var writer = new BinaryFileWriter(fs, true); try { serializer(writer); } finally { writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } } }
private void ChangePassButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var passStream = new FileInfo("C:\\Users\\Public\\pass.config"); var passReader = new BinaryReader(passStream.OpenRead(), Encoding.Default); string realPass = passReader.ReadString(); passReader.Close(); if (oldPassBox.Password == realPass) { if (newPassBox.Password.Length >= 5 && (newPassBox.Password == newRPassBox.Password)) { realPass = newPassBox.Password; var passWriter = new BinaryWriter(passStream.OpenWrite(), Encoding.Default); passWriter.Write(realPass); } else if (newPassBox.Password.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Длина пароля меньше 5 символов. Для надежности задайте более длинный пароль"); } else MessageBox.Show("Введенные пароли не совпадают, попробуйте снова"); } else MessageBox.Show("Старый пароль введен неверно"); File.SetAttributes("C:\\Users\\Public\\pass.config", FileAttributes.Hidden); }
public async Task GenerateAudioAsync(VideoInfo video, System.IO.FileInfo Audiofile, AudioEncodingEnum AudioEncoding = AudioEncodingEnum.mp3, SoundTypeEnum Channels = SoundTypeEnum.Stereo, int AudioBitRate = 128, int AudioFrequency = 44100) { if (Audiofile.Exists) { Audiofile.Delete(); } var FNWE = video.File.FileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Audio"; var TempDirectory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(video.File.Directory.FullName + @"\.Temp\" + DateTime.Now.Year + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("00")); if (!TempDirectory.Exists) { TempDirectory.Create(); } System.IO.FileInfo TempLogFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(TempDirectory.FullName + @"\" + FNWE + ".log"); if (TempLogFile.Exists) { TempLogFile.Delete(); } _logger.LogDebug("Grabbing Audio"); var LogData = await RunFFMpegAsync("-i \"" + video.File.FullName + "\" -vn -acodec " + AudioEncoding.AudioFormat() + " -ab " + AudioBitRate + "k -ac " + System.Convert.ToInt32(Channels) + " -ar " + AudioFrequency + " -y \"" + Audiofile.FullName + "\""); var SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TempLogFile.OpenWrite()); SW.Write(LogData); SW.Close(); if (EncodingState == EncodingStateEnum.Not_Encoding) { throw new Exception("No audio was encoded.\n\r" + LogData); } _logger.LogDebug("Audio Grabbed"); Audiofile.Refresh(); }
public async Task GenerateImageAsync(VideoInfo video, System.IO.FileInfo ImageFile, int Width, int Height) { if (ImageFile.Exists) { ImageFile.Delete(); } var FNWE = video.File.FileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Image"; var TempDirectory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(video.File.Directory.FullName + @"\.Temp\" + DateTime.Now.Year + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("00")); if (!TempDirectory.Exists) { TempDirectory.Create(); } System.IO.FileInfo TempLogFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(TempDirectory.FullName + @"\" + FNWE + ".log"); if (TempLogFile.Exists) { TempLogFile.Delete(); } _logger.LogDebug("Grabbing Image"); var LogData = await RunFFMpegAsync("-i \"" + video.File.FullName + "\" -an -ss 00:00:07 -an -s " + Width + "x" + Height + " -r 1 -vframes 1 -f image2 -y \"" + ImageFile.FullName + "\""); var SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TempLogFile.OpenWrite()); SW.Write(LogData); SW.Close(); _logger.LogDebug("Image Grabbed"); ImageFile.Refresh(); }
public string ProxyResource(Uri uri) { if (_tempFileMap.ContainsKey(uri)) { return _tempFileMap[uri]; } StreamResourceInfo streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(uri); if (streamInfo != null) { string strUri = uri.AbsolutePath; String tempFile = NewFilename(strUri.Substring(strUri.LastIndexOf("."))); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(tempFile); Logger.Debug("Creating temp file {0} from resource {1}", tempFile, uri.AbsolutePath); using(streamInfo.Stream) { using(Stream dest = file.OpenWrite()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytes; while((bytes = streamInfo.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { dest.Write(buffer, 0, bytes); } } } _tempFileMap[uri] = tempFile; return tempFile; } return null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Employee empl = new Employee("Müller", 28, 1, 10000, "ssn-0001"); // Save it with a BinaryFormatter FileInfo f = new FileInfo(@"L7U2_EmployeeBin.txt"); using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(f.OpenWrite())) { bw.Write(empl.Age); bw.Write(empl.ID); bw.Write(empl.Name); bw.Write(empl.Pay); bw.Write(empl.SocialSecurityNumber); } // Save it with a SoapFormatter using (FileStream str = File.Create("L7U2_EmployeeSoap.txt")) { SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); sf.Serialize(str, empl); } // Save it with a XmlSerializer XmlSerializer SerializerObj = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Employee)); TextWriter WriteFileStream = new StreamWriter(@"L7U2_EmployeeXml.txt"); SerializerObj.Serialize(WriteFileStream, empl); WriteFileStream.Close(); }
private static void ExtractFileFromAssembly(Assembly currentAssembly, string resourceName, string saveAsName) { FileInfo fileInfoOutputFile = new FileInfo(saveAsName); //CHECK IF FILE EXISTS AND DO SOMETHING DEPENDING ON YOUR NEEDS if (fileInfoOutputFile.Exists) { } FileStream streamToOutputFile = fileInfoOutputFile.OpenWrite(); //GET THE STREAM TO THE RESOURCES Stream streamToResourceFile = currentAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName); //--------------------------------- //SAVE TO DISK OPERATION //--------------------------------- const int size = 4096; byte[] bytes = new byte[4096]; int numBytes; while ((numBytes = streamToResourceFile.Read(bytes, 0, size)) > 0) { streamToOutputFile.Write(bytes, 0, numBytes); } streamToOutputFile.Close(); streamToResourceFile.Close(); if (!File.Exists(saveAsName)) { MessageBox.Show("Not found " + saveAsName); } }
/// <summary> /// Copy the specified file. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="source">The file to copy.</param> /// <param name="target">The target of the copy.</param> public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo target) { try { var buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; // open the files before the copy FileStream ins0 = source.OpenRead(); target.Delete(); FileStream xout = target.OpenWrite(); // perform the copy int packetSize = 0; while (packetSize != -1) { packetSize = ins0.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (packetSize != -1) { xout.Write(buffer, 0, packetSize); } } // close the files after the copy ins0.Close(); xout.Close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EncogError(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the tests. /// </summary> public static void Test() { TagsTableCollectionIndex index = new TagsTableCollectionIndex(); // first fill the index. ITagCollectionIndexTests.FillIndex(index, 100000); // serialize the index. FileInfo testFile = new FileInfo(@"test.file"); testFile.Delete(); Stream writeStream = testFile.OpenWrite(); OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("Blocked", System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "Serializing blocked file...."); TagIndexSerializer.SerializeBlocks(writeStream, index, 100); writeStream.Flush(); writeStream.Dispose(); OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("Blocked", System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, string.Format("Serialized file: {0}KB", testFile.Length / 1024)); // deserialize the index. Stream readStream = testFile.OpenRead(); ITagsCollectionIndexReadonly readOnlyIndex = TagIndexSerializer.DeserializeBlocks(readStream); // test access. OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("Blocked", System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "Started testing random access...."); ITagCollectionIndexTests.TestRandomAccess("Blocked", readOnlyIndex, 1000); readStream.Dispose(); testFile.Delete(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { try { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); int days = (args.Length > 1) ? int.Parse(args[1]) : 30; PurgeFiles(dir, days); } catch (Exception ex) { // tell anybody listening that we exited with an error Environment.ExitCode = 1; FileInfo errLog = new FileInfo(GetCurDir() + "\\LFP_error.log"); FileStream fs = errLog.OpenWrite(); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); sw.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); sw.Close(); fs.Close(); } Application.Exit(); } else { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new WinMain(args)); } }
private void ReemplazarRutasArchivoEnDestino(string RutaDestino, FileInfo file, bool reemplazar) { DirectoryInfo destino = new DirectoryInfo(RutaDestino); var newfile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(destino.FullName, file.Name)); using (Stream stream = newfile.OpenWrite()) using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file.FullName)) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { ReglasDeReemplazo replaceArrumacos = new ReglasDeReemplazo(_nuevoPath); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in replaceArrumacos.Reglas) { if(reemplazar) line = line.Replace(item.Key, item.Value); } writer.WriteLine(line); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo("BinFile.dat"); using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(f.OpenWrite())) { Console.WriteLine("Base stream is: {0}", bw.BaseStream); double aDouble = 1234.67; int anInt = 34567; string aString = "A, B, C"; bw.Write(aDouble); bw.Write(anInt); bw.Write(aString); } using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(f.OpenRead())) { Console.WriteLine(br.ReadDouble()); Console.WriteLine(br.ReadInt32()); Console.WriteLine(br.ReadString()); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void WriteTo(FileInfo file) { using (var w = new StreamWriter(file.OpenWrite())) { w.Write("This information is very important!"); } }
public void CreateFileTest() { FileInfo fileToUpload = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); FileInfo downloadedFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); // Set the file size using (var fstream = fileToUpload.OpenWrite()) { fstream.SetLength(1024 * 1024 * 1); } dynamic ynode = (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(yamlOptions) as dynamic); IClient sc = Blobstore.CreateClient("simple", ynode["blobstore"]["options"]); string objectId = sc.Create(fileToUpload); sc.Get(objectId, downloadedFile); Assert.IsTrue(fileToUpload.Length == downloadedFile.Length); fileToUpload.Delete(); downloadedFile.Delete(); //sc.Delete(objectId); }
public void JsonFileReaderTest() { // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute var exampleFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "file-reader-test.json"); var exampleFile = new FileInfo(exampleFilePath); if (exampleFile.Exists) exampleFile.Delete(); FileStream fileStream = null; try { fileStream = exampleFile.OpenWrite(); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { fileStream = null; writer.Write(Settings); } var reader = new JsonFileSettingsReader(); reader.SetPath(exampleFilePath); var result = reader.Read<ExampleSettings>(); result.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(settingsExepted); } finally { fileStream?.Dispose(); } }
public void Dump() { try { var schema = this.CurrentSchema; ContentRepository.ChangeProblems.Do(cp => schema.ApplyProblem(this.LastSchema, cp)); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Paths.AppDataPath + "\\ContentSchema"); if (!di.Exists) di.Create(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Paths.AppDataPath + "\\ContentSchema\\LastSchema.json"); var sz = new JsonSerializer(); sz.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; using (var stream = fi.OpenWrite()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) using (var jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(writer)) { sz.Serialize(writer, schema); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error creating content schema module dump: ", ex); } }
// yuehan start: 保存 baml 到 xaml 文件 public override bool Save(DecompilerTextView textView) { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = Path.GetFileName(DecompilerTextView.CleanUpName(base.Text as string)); dlg.FileName = Regex.Replace(dlg.FileName, @"\.baml$", ".xaml", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { // 反编译 baml 文件 var baml = this.Data; var asm = this.Ancestors().OfType<AssemblyTreeNode>().FirstOrDefault().LoadedAssembly; baml.Position = 0; var doc = LoadIntoDocument(asm.GetAssemblyResolver(), asm.AssemblyDefinition, baml); var xaml = doc.ToString(); // 保存 xaml FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(dlg.FileName); if (fi.Exists) fi.Delete(); using (var fs = fi.OpenWrite()) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) { sw.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); sw.Write(xaml); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } } return true; }
public static void saveHtmldoc(string name, string path , string htmlSource, string description) { path = "c:"; try { ///指定要生成的HTML文件 string fname = path + "//" + name+"--" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyymmddhhmmss") + ".html"; ///创建文件信息对象 FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(fname); ///以打开或者写入的形式创建文件流 using(FileStream fs = finfo.OpenWrite()) { ///根据上面创建的文件流创建写数据流 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs,System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); ///把新的内容写到创建的HTML页面中 sw.WriteLine(htmlSource); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } } catch(Exception err) { AllForms.m_frmLog.AppendToLog("tsFile_ItemClicked\r\n" + err.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var outputFile = new FileInfo("db_management.dat"); if (outputFile.Exists) outputFile.Delete(); using (var fileStream = outputFile.OpenWrite()) { using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { using (var dbContext = new TaskManagementContext()) { foreach (var task in dbContext.Tasks.Where(t => t.Employee.Login != "slawek")) { var dbManagementRow = new DbManagementRow { Employee = task.Employee.Login, Area = task.Area.Name.GetEnum<AreaName>() }; foreach (var taskSkill in task.TaskSkills) dbManagementRow.CheckValue(taskSkill.Skill.Name); streamWriter.WriteLine(dbManagementRow.ToString()); } } } } }
private void Render(JavaContext context, string templateName) { var template = templateLoader.Load(templateName); Enforce.IsNotNull(template, string.Format("No template for '{0}' found!", templateName)); template.Add("context", context); var tweakMap = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); var tweakValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(GeneratorTweak)); foreach (var tweak in tweakValues) { tweakMap.Add(tweak.ToString(), config.ContainsTweak((GeneratorTweak)tweak)); } template.Add("tweaks", tweakMap); var packages = context.JavaPackage.Split('.'); DirectoryInfo folder = outputFolder; foreach (string pkg in packages) { folder = folder.CreateSubdirectory(pkg); } var file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(folder.FullName, context.JavaName + ".java")); using (Stream stream = file.OpenWrite()) using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { template.Write(new AutoIndentWriter(writer)); writer.Flush(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a file from a list of strings; each string is placed on a line in the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="TempFileName">Name of response file</param> /// <param name="Lines">List of lines to write to the response file</param> public static string Create(string TempFileName, List<string> Lines) { FileInfo TempFileInfo = new FileInfo( TempFileName ); DirectoryInfo TempFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo( TempFileInfo.DirectoryName ); // Delete the existing file if it exists if( TempFileInfo.Exists ) { TempFileInfo.IsReadOnly = false; TempFileInfo.Delete(); TempFileInfo.Refresh(); } // Create the folder if it doesn't exist if( !TempFolderInfo.Exists ) { // Create the TempFolderInfo.Create(); TempFolderInfo.Refresh(); } using( FileStream Writer = TempFileInfo.OpenWrite() ) { using( StreamWriter TextWriter = new StreamWriter( Writer ) ) { Lines.ForEach( x => TextWriter.WriteLine( x ) ); } } return TempFileName; }
/// <summary> /// Tests preprocessing data from a PBF file. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="pbfFile"></param> public static void TestSerialization(string name, string pbfFile) { FileInfo testFile = new FileInfo(string.Format(@".\TestFiles\{0}", pbfFile)); Stream stream = testFile.OpenRead(); PBFOsmStreamSource source = new PBFOsmStreamSource(stream); FileInfo testOutputFile = new FileInfo(@"test.routing"); testOutputFile.Delete(); Stream writeStream = testOutputFile.OpenWrite(); CHEdgeGraphFileStreamTarget target = new CHEdgeGraphFileStreamTarget(writeStream, Vehicle.Car); target.RegisterSource(source); PerformanceInfoConsumer performanceInfo = new PerformanceInfoConsumer("CHSerializer"); performanceInfo.Start(); performanceInfo.Report("Pulling from {0}...", testFile.Name); var data = CHEdgeGraphOsmStreamTarget.Preprocess( source, new OsmRoutingInterpreter(), Vehicle.Car); TagsCollectionBase metaData = new TagsCollection(); metaData.Add("some_key", "some_value"); var routingSerializer = new CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer(true); routingSerializer.Serialize(writeStream, data, metaData); stream.Dispose(); writeStream.Dispose(); OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("CHSerializer", OsmSharp.Logging.TraceEventType.Information, string.Format("Serialized file: {0}KB", testOutputFile.Length / 1024)); performanceInfo.Stop(); }
public void Upload(byte[] mp3FileData) { currentFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), random.Next() + ".mp3")); FileStream fs = currentFile.OpenWrite(); fs.Write(mp3FileData, 0, mp3FileData.Length); fs.Close(); }
static public void WriteFile(string filename, byte[] dataText) { try { System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); FileStream fs = finfo.OpenWrite(); fs.Write(dataText, 0, dataText.Length); fs.Close(); return; } catch (Exception) { return; } }