        override public void decode(EndianBinaryReader binReader)
            actorId = binReader.ReadInt16();
            m_byte = binReader.ReadSByte();
            m_date = binReader.ReadDate();
            m_float = binReader.ReadFloat();
            testStruct = new sendLogin_testStructVO();
            var len_playerList = binReader.ReadUInt16();
            playerList = new sendLogin_playerListVO[len_playerList];
            for (int i = 0; i < len_playerList; i++)

            playerList[i] = new sendLogin_playerListVO();
        public static List<Joint> GetJoints(EndianBinaryReader reader, int numJoints)
            List<Joint> joints = new List<Joint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++)
                Joint joint = new Joint();
                joint.boneLength = -reader.ReadInt16();

                reader.Skip(2); // no effect on length, just padding

                joint.parentID = reader.ReadSByte();
                joint.x = reader.ReadSByte();
                joint.y = reader.ReadSByte();
                joint.z = reader.ReadSByte();
                joint.mode = reader.ReadSByte(); // does this matter?

                reader.Skip(0x01); // unknown
                reader.Skip(0x06); // always 0? padding?

            return joints;
        private static NullableVector4 ReadOPCode(EndianBinaryReader reader)
            byte op = reader.ReadByte();

            if (op == 0) return null; // return abort vector

            // results
            float? x = null, y = null, z = null, f = null;

            if ((op & 0xe0) > 0)
                // number of frames, byte case
                f = op & 0x1f;

                if (f == 0x1f)
                    f = 0x20 + reader.ReadByte();
                    f = 1 + f;
                // number of frames, half word case
                f = op & 0x3;

                if (f == 0x3)
                    f = 4 + reader.ReadByte();
                    f = 1 + f;

                // half word values
                reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Big;

                op = (byte)(op << 3);

                var h = reader.ReadInt16();

                if ((h & 0x4) > 0)
                    x = h >> 3;
                    op = (byte)(op & 0x60);

                    if ((h & 0x2) > 0)
                        y = reader.ReadInt16();
                        op = (byte)(op & 0xa0);

                    if ((h & 0x1) > 0)
                        z = reader.ReadInt16();
                        op = (byte)(op & 0xc0);

                else if ((h & 0x2) > 0)
                    y = h >> 3;
                    op = (byte)(op & 0xa0);

                    if ((h & 0x1) > 0)
                        z = reader.ReadInt16();
                        op = (byte)(op & 0xc0);
                else if ((h & 0x1) > 0)
                    z = h >> 3;
                    op = (byte)(op & 0xc0);

            // byte values (fallthrough)
            reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Little;

            if ((op & 0x80) > 0)
                x = reader.ReadSByte();

            if ((op & 0x40) > 0)
                y = reader.ReadSByte();

            if ((op & 0x20) > 0)
                z = reader.ReadSByte();

            return new NullableVector4(x, y, z, f);
        public static SEQ FromStream(EndianBinaryReader reader, ContentBase activeSHP)
            SHP targetSHP = (SHP)activeSHP;
                TODO: add lenght
            // base ptr needed because the SEQ could be embedded.
            uint ptrBase = (uint)reader.BaseStream.Position;

            byte numFrames = reader.ReadByte(); // total number of frames?

            var unknownPaddingValue1 = reader.ReadByte(); // padding
            //Trace.Assert(unknownPaddingValue1 == 0);

            byte numBones = reader.ReadByte();

            var unknownPaddingValue2 = reader.ReadByte(); // padding
            //Trace.Assert(unknownPaddingValue2 == 0);

            uint size = reader.ReadUInt32();

            var unknownPaddingValue3 = reader.ReadUInt32(); // unknown
            //Trace.Assert(unknownPaddingValue3 == 0);

            uint ptrFrames = (uint)reader.ReadUInt32() + 8; // pointer to the frames data section
            uint ptrSequence = ptrFrames + (uint)numFrames; // pointer to the sequence section

            // number of animations
            //                  length of all the headers   /   length of one animation header
            int numAnimations = (((int)ptrSequence - numFrames) - 16) / (numBones * 4 + 10);

            List<AnimationHeader> headers = new List<AnimationHeader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numAnimations; i++)
                AnimationHeader animHeader = new AnimationHeader
                    length = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    idOtherAnimation = reader.ReadSByte(), // the intial source animation. Used to get initial frames.
                    mode = reader.ReadByte(),
                    ptrLooping = reader.ReadUInt16(), // seems to point to a data block that controls looping
                    ptrTranslation = reader.ReadUInt16(), // points to a translation vector for the animated mesh (root motion?)
                    ptrMove = reader.ReadUInt16(), // points to a data block that controls movement (root motion?)

                    ptrBones = new ushort[numBones],

                // assign bone ptrs
                for (int p = 0; p < numBones; p++)
                    animHeader.ptrBones[p] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                for (int j = 0; j < numBones; j++)
                    var unknownBoneValues = reader.ReadUInt16(); //TODO: this is 0 for all SEQs?
                    //Trace.Assert(unknownBoneValues == 0); // will show if value is ever NOT zero


            // TODO: Never used!?
            sbyte[] frames = new sbyte[numFrames];
            for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
                frames[i] = reader.ReadSByte();

            // get source animation data from .SEQ
            List<Animation> animations = new List<Animation>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numAnimations; i++)
                Animation animation = new Animation();
                // seek translation data
                long seekTranslationPtr = (long)(headers[i].ptrTranslation + ptrSequence + ptrBase);
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(seekTranslationPtr, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Big; // this is code used in the opcode portion (machine code uses Big)
                Int16 x = reader.ReadInt16();
                Int16 y = reader.ReadInt16();
                Int16 z = reader.ReadInt16();
                reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Little;

                // TODO: implement move

                // set base animation

                if (headers[i].idOtherAnimation != -1)
                    // TODO: FIX THIS
                    // should store other animation inside as base
                    // I assume it only references animations that
                    // have been constructed first otherwise it will hold a dead copy.
                    // animation.baseAnimation = animations[i];

                // read base pose and keyframes
                animation.poses = new Vector3[numBones];
                animation.keyframes = new List<NullableVector4>[numBones];
                for (int k = 0; k < numBones; k++)
                    animation.keyframes[k] = new List<NullableVector4>();

                    // read pose
                    long seekBonePtr = (long)(headers[i].ptrBones[k] + ptrSequence + ptrBase);
                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(seekBonePtr, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Big; // machine code uses Big
                    Int16 rx = reader.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ry = reader.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 rz = reader.ReadInt16();
                    reader.CurrentEndian = Endian.Little;

                    animation.poses[k] = new Vector3(rx, ry, rz);

                    // read keyframe
                    float? f = 0;

                    while (true)
                        // this could be optimized using out values and an advanced way of recording and reading frames
                        NullableVector4 op = ReadOPCode(reader);
                        if (op == null) break;

                        f += op.W;


                        if (f >= headers[i].length - 1) break;

            // build useable animation data
            for (int a = 0; a < numAnimations; a++)
                // rotation bones
                for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++)
                    List<NullableVector4> keyframes = animations[a].keyframes[i];
                    Vector3 pose = animations[a].poses[i];

                    // multiplication by two at 0xad25c, 0xad274, 0xad28c
                    // value * (180f / uint16.max);
                    float rx = pose.X * 2;
                    float ry = pose.Y * 2;
                    float rz = pose.Z * 2;

                    List<Keyframe> keys = new List<Keyframe>();
                    float t = 0;

                    for (var j = 0; j < keyframes.Count; j++)
                        NullableVector4 keyframe = keyframes[j];

                        float f = (float)keyframe.W;

                        t += f;
                        if (keyframe.X == null) keyframe.X = keyframes[j - 1].X;
                        if (keyframe.Y == null) keyframe.Y = keyframes[j - 1].Y;
                        if (keyframe.Z == null) keyframe.Z = keyframes[j - 1].Z;

                        rx += (float)keyframe.X * f;
                        ry += (float)keyframe.Y * f;
                        rz += (float)keyframe.Z * f;

                        Quaternion q = VSTools.Rot2Quat(rx * VSTools.Rot13ToRad, ry * VSTools.Rot13ToRad, rz * VSTools.Rot13ToRad);

                        Keyframe key = new Keyframe();
                        key.Time = t * VSTools.TimeScale;
                        key.Rotation = q;

                // root's translation bone
                List<Keyframe> rootKey = new List<Keyframe>();
                rootKey.Add(new Keyframe());

                // translation bones
                for (int t = 1; t < numBones; t++)
                    List<Keyframe> transBone = new List<Keyframe>();
                    Keyframe key = new Keyframe();
                    key.Position = new Vector3(targetSHP.joints[t].boneLength, 0, 0);

                if (headers[a].idOtherAnimation != -1)
                    animations[a].baseAnimation = animations[headers[a].idOtherAnimation];
            return new SEQ(animations);
        public void Read(Stream inStream, MesgDefinition defnMesg)
            inStream.Position = 1;
             EndianBinaryReader mesgReader = new EndianBinaryReader(inStream, defnMesg.IsBigEndian);

             LocalNum = defnMesg.LocalMesgNum;

             foreach (FieldDefinition fieldDef in defnMesg.GetFields())
            // It's possible the field type found in the field definition may
            // not agree with the type defined in the profile.  The profile
            // type will be preferred for decode.
            Field field = GetField(fieldDef.Num);
            if (field == null)
               // We normally won't have fields attached to our skeleton message,
               // as we add values we need to add the fields too based on the mesg,field
               // combo in the profile.  Must derive from the profile so the scale etc
               // is correct
               field = new Field(Profile.GetMesg(this.Num).GetField(fieldDef.Num));
               if (field.Num == Fit.FieldNumInvalid)
                  // If there was no info in the profile the FieldNum will get set to invalid
                  // so preserve the unknown fields info while we know it
                  field.Num = fieldDef.Num;
                  field.Type = fieldDef.Type;

            object value;

            // strings may be an array and are of variable length
            if ((field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask) == Fit.String)
               List<byte> utf8Bytes = new List<byte>();
               byte b = new byte();

               for (int i=0; i<fieldDef.Size; i++)
                  b = mesgReader.ReadByte();
                  if (b == 0x00)
               if (utf8Bytes.Count != 0)
               int numElements = (int)fieldDef.Size / Fit.BaseType[field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask].size;
               for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++)
                  switch (field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask)
                     case Fit.Enum:
                     case Fit.Byte:
                     case Fit.UInt8:
                     case Fit.UInt8z:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadByte();

                     case Fit.SInt8:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadSByte();

                     case Fit.SInt16:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadInt16();

                     case Fit.UInt16:
                     case Fit.UInt16z:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadUInt16();

                     case Fit.SInt32:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadInt32();

                     case Fit.UInt32:
                     case Fit.UInt32z:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadUInt32();

                     case Fit.Float32:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadSingle();

                     case Fit.Float64:
                        value = mesgReader.ReadDouble();

                        value = mesgReader.ReadBytes(fieldDef.Size);
                  field.SetRawValue(i, value);