文件: Decoder.cs 项目: Casidi/GARbro
 bool ParseSegmentHeader(BitReader br)
     m_segment_hdr.UseSegment = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
     if (m_segment_hdr.UseSegment)
         m_segment_hdr.UpdateMap = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
         if (0 != br.GetNextBit())
         {   // update data
             m_segment_hdr.AbsoluteDelta = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
             for (int s = 0; s < NumMbSegments; ++s)
                 m_segment_hdr.Quantizer[s] = (byte)(br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (7) : 0);
             for (int s = 0; s < NumMbSegments; ++s)
                 m_segment_hdr.FilterStrength[s] = (byte)(br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (6) : 0);
         if (m_segment_hdr.UpdateMap)
             for (int s = 0; s < TreeProbs; ++s)
                 m_proba.Segments[s] = (byte)(br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetBits (8) : 255);
         m_segment_hdr.UpdateMap = false;
     return !br.Eof;
文件: Decoder.cs 项目: Casidi/GARbro
        void ParseQuant(BitReader br)
            int base_q0 = br.GetBits (7);
            int dqy1_dc = br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (4) : 0;
            int dqy2_dc = br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (4) : 0;
            int dqy2_ac = br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (4) : 0;
            int dquv_dc = br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (4) : 0;
            int dquv_ac = br.GetNextBit() != 0 ? br.GetSignedValue (4) : 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumMbSegments; ++i)
                int q;
                if (m_segment_hdr.UseSegment)
                    q = m_segment_hdr.Quantizer[i];
                    if (!m_segment_hdr.AbsoluteDelta)
                        q += base_q0;
                else if (i > 0)
                    m_dqm[i] = m_dqm[0];
                    q = base_q0;
                var m = m_dqm[i];
                m.y1_mat[0] = kDcTable[Clip (q + dqy1_dc, 127)];
                m.y1_mat[1] = kAcTable[Clip (q + 0,       127)];

                m.y2_mat[0] = kDcTable[Clip (q + dqy2_dc, 127)] * 2;
                // For all x in [0..284], x*155/100 is bitwise equal to (x*101581) >> 16.
                // The smallest precision for that is '(x*6349) >> 12' but 16 is a good
                // word size.
                m.y2_mat[1] = (kAcTable[Clip (q + dqy2_ac, 127)] * 101581) >> 16;
                if (m.y2_mat[1] < 8) m.y2_mat[1] = 8;

                m.uv_mat[0] = kDcTable[Clip (q + dquv_dc, 117)];
                m.uv_mat[1] = kAcTable[Clip (q + dquv_ac, 127)];

                m.uv_quant = q + dquv_ac;   // for dithering strength evaluation
文件: Decoder.cs 项目: Casidi/GARbro
 bool ParseFilterHeader(BitReader br)
     m_filter_hdr.Simple     = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
     m_filter_hdr.Level      = br.GetBits (6);
     m_filter_hdr.Sharpness  = br.GetBits (3);
     m_filter_hdr.UseLfDelta = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
     if (m_filter_hdr.UseLfDelta)
         if (0 != br.GetNextBit())
         {   // update lf-delta?
             for (int i = 0; i < NumRefLfDeltas; ++i)
                 if (0 != br.GetNextBit())
                     m_filter_hdr.RefLfDelta[i] = br.GetSignedValue (6);
             for (int i = 0; i < NumModeLfDeltas; ++i)
                 if (0 != br.GetNextBit())
                     m_filter_hdr.ModeLfDelta[i] = br.GetSignedValue (6);
     m_filter_type = (0 == m_filter_hdr.Level) ? 0 : m_filter_hdr.Simple ? 1 : 2;
     return !br.Eof;
文件: Decoder.cs 项目: Casidi/GARbro
 void ParseProba(BitReader br)
     for (int t = 0; t < NumTypes; ++t)
         for (int b = 0; b < NumBands; ++b)
         for (int c = 0; c < NumCtx; ++c)
         for (int p = 0; p < NumProbas; ++p)
             int v = br.GetBit (CoeffsUpdateProba[t,b,c,p]) != 0 ?
                 br.GetBits (8) : CoeffsProba0[t,b,c,p];
             m_proba.Bands[t,b].Probas[c][p] = (byte)v;
         for (int b = 0; b < 16 + 1; ++b)
             m_proba.BandsPtr[t][b] = m_proba.Bands[t,kBands[b]];
     m_use_skip_proba = br.GetNextBit() != 0;
     if (m_use_skip_proba)
         m_skip_p = br.GetBits (8);
文件: Decoder.cs 项目: Casidi/GARbro
        void GetHeaders()
            int chunk_size = m_info.DataSize;

            int bits = ReadInt24();
            chunk_size -= 3;
            m_frame_header.KeyFrame     = 0 == (bits & 1);
            m_frame_header.Profile      = (bits >> 1) & 7;
            m_frame_header.Show         = 0 != (bits & (1u << 4));
            m_frame_header.PartitionLength = bits >> 5;
            if (m_frame_header.Profile > 3)
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Incorrect keyframe parameters.");
            if (!m_frame_header.Show)
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Frame not displayable.");

            if (m_frame_header.KeyFrame)
                // Paragraph 9.2
                if (!CheckSignature())
                    throw new InvalidFormatException ("Bad code word");
                ushort w = m_input.ReadUInt16();
                ushort h = m_input.ReadUInt16();
                m_pic_hdr.Width = (ushort)(w & 0x3fff);
                m_pic_hdr.XScale = (byte)(w >> 14);   // ratio: 1, 5/4 5/3 or 2
                m_pic_hdr.Height = (ushort)(h & 0x3fff);
                m_pic_hdr.YScale = (byte)(h >> 14);
                chunk_size -= 7;

                mb_w_ = (m_pic_hdr.Width + 15) >> 4;
                mb_h_ = (m_pic_hdr.Height + 15) >> 4;

                // Setup default output area (can be later modified during m_io.setup())
                m_io.width = m_pic_hdr.Width;
                m_io.height = m_pic_hdr.Height;

                m_io.mb_w = m_io.width;
                m_io.mb_h = m_io.height;


            if (m_frame_header.PartitionLength > chunk_size)
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("bad partition length");

            m_br = new BitReader (m_input, m_frame_header.PartitionLength);
            chunk_size -= m_frame_header.PartitionLength;

            if (m_frame_header.KeyFrame)
                m_pic_hdr.Colorspace = (byte)m_br.GetNextBit();
                m_pic_hdr.ClampType  = (byte)m_br.GetNextBit();
            if (!ParseSegmentHeader (m_br))
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Cannot parse segment header");
            // Filter specs
            if (!ParseFilterHeader (m_br))
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Cannot parse filter header");

            if (!ParsePartitions (m_br, chunk_size))
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Cannot parse partitions");

            for (int i = 0; i < m_dqm.Length; ++i)
                m_dqm[i] = new QuantMatrix();

            // quantizer change
            ParseQuant (m_br);

            // Frame buffer marking
            if (!m_frame_header.KeyFrame)
                throw new InvalidFormatException ("Not a key frame");

            m_br.GetNextBit();   // ignore the value of update_proba_
            ParseProba (m_br);