        internal bool Tokenize(TokenType TokenMask, out TokenType tokenType, out int tokenValue, ref FormatProvider.__DTString str)
            tokenType = TokenType.UnknownToken;
            tokenValue = 0;

            TokenHashValue value;
            Contract.Assert(str.Index < str.Value.Length, "DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize(): start < value.Length");

            char ch = str.m_current;
            bool isLetter = Char.IsLetter(ch);
            if (isLetter)
                ch = this.Culture.TextInfo.ToLower(ch);
                if (IsHebrewChar(ch) && TokenMask == TokenType.RegularTokenMask)
                    bool badFormat;
                    if (TryParseHebrewNumber(ref str, out badFormat, out tokenValue))
                        if (badFormat)
                            tokenType = TokenType.UnknownToken;
                            return (false);
                        // This is a Hebrew number.
                        // Do nothing here.  TryParseHebrewNumber() will update token accordingly.
                        tokenType = TokenType.HebrewNumber;
                        return (true);

            int hashcode = ch % TOKEN_HASH_SIZE;
            int hashProbe = 1 + ch % SECOND_PRIME;
            int remaining = str.len - str.Index;
            int i = 0;

            TokenHashValue[] hashTable = _dtfiTokenHash;
            if (hashTable == null)
                hashTable = CreateTokenHashTable();
                value = hashTable[hashcode];
                if (value == null)
                    // Not found.
                // Check this value has the right category (regular token or separator token) that we are looking for.
                if (((int)value.tokenType & (int)TokenMask) > 0 && value.tokenString.Length <= remaining)
                    if (this.Culture.CompareInfo.Compare(str.Value, str.Index, value.tokenString.Length, value.tokenString, 0, value.tokenString.Length, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0)
                        if (isLetter)
                            // If this token starts with a letter, make sure that we won't allow partial match.  So you can't tokenize "MarchWed" separately.
                            int nextCharIndex;
                            if ((nextCharIndex = str.Index + value.tokenString.Length) < str.len)
                                // Check word boundary.  The next character should NOT be a letter.
                                char nextCh = str.Value[nextCharIndex];
                                if (Char.IsLetter(nextCh))
                                    return (false);
                        tokenType = value.tokenType & TokenMask;
                        tokenValue = value.tokenValue;
                        return (true);
                    else if (value.tokenType == TokenType.MonthToken && HasSpacesInMonthNames)
                        // For month token, we will match the month names which have spaces.
                        int matchStrLen = 0;
                        if (str.MatchSpecifiedWords(value.tokenString, true, ref matchStrLen))
                            tokenType = value.tokenType & TokenMask;
                            tokenValue = value.tokenValue;
                            return (true);
                    else if (value.tokenType == TokenType.DayOfWeekToken && HasSpacesInDayNames)
                        // For month token, we will match the month names which have spaces.
                        int matchStrLen = 0;
                        if (str.MatchSpecifiedWords(value.tokenString, true, ref matchStrLen))
                            tokenType = value.tokenType & TokenMask;
                            tokenValue = value.tokenValue;
                            return (true);
                hashcode += hashProbe;
                if (hashcode >= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE) hashcode -= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE;
            } while (i < TOKEN_HASH_SIZE);

            return (false);
        // Actions:
        // Try to parse the current word to see if it is a Hebrew number.
        // Tokens will be updated accordingly.
        // This is called by the Lexer of DateTime.Parse().
        // Unlike most of the functions in this class, the return value indicates
        // whether or not it started to parse. The badFormat parameter indicates
        // if parsing began, but the format was bad.

        private static bool TryParseHebrewNumber(
            ref FormatProvider.__DTString str,
            out Boolean badFormat,
            out int number)
            number = -1;
            badFormat = false;

            int i = str.Index;
            if (!HebrewNumber.IsDigit(str.Value[i]))
                // If the current character is not a Hebrew digit, just return false.
                // There is no chance that we can parse a valid Hebrew number from here.
                return (false);
            // The current character is a Hebrew digit.  Try to parse this word as a Hebrew number.
            HebrewNumberParsingContext context = new HebrewNumberParsingContext(0);
            HebrewNumberParsingState state;

                state = HebrewNumber.ParseByChar(str.Value[i++], ref context);
                switch (state)
                    case HebrewNumberParsingState.InvalidHebrewNumber:    // Not a valid Hebrew number.
                    case HebrewNumberParsingState.NotHebrewDigit:         // The current character is not a Hebrew digit character.
                        // Break out so that we don't continue to try parse this as a Hebrew number.
                        return (false);
            } while (i < str.Value.Length && (state != HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber));

            // When we are here, we are either at the end of the string, or we find a valid Hebrew number.
            Contract.Assert(state == HebrewNumberParsingState.ContinueParsing || state == HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber,
                "Invalid returned state from HebrewNumber.ParseByChar()");

            if (state != HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber)
                // We reach end of the string but we can't find a terminal state in parsing Hebrew number.
                return (false);

            // We have found a valid Hebrew number.  Update the index.
            str.Advance(i - str.Index);

            // Get the final Hebrew number value from the HebrewNumberParsingContext.
            number = context.result;

            return (true);