// Reads attributes specific to the GNU format. // Throws if any conversion fails. private void ReadGnuAttributes(Span <byte> buffer) { // Convert byte arrays int aTime = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.ATime, FieldLengths.ATime)); _aTime = TarHelpers.GetDateTimeFromSecondsSinceEpoch(aTime); int cTime = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.CTime, FieldLengths.CTime)); _cTime = TarHelpers.GetDateTimeFromSecondsSinceEpoch(cTime); // TODO: Read the bytes of the currently unsupported GNU fields, in case user wants to write this entry into another GNU archive, they need to be preserved. https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68230 }
// Reads the attributes shared by the POSIX and GNU formats. // Throws if converting the bytes to their expected data type fails. private void ReadPosixAndGnuSharedAttributes(Span <byte> buffer) { // Convert the byte arrays _uName = TarHelpers.GetTrimmedAsciiString(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.UName, FieldLengths.UName)); _gName = TarHelpers.GetTrimmedAsciiString(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.GName, FieldLengths.GName)); // DevMajor and DevMinor only have values with character devices and block devices. // For all other typeflags, the values in these fields are irrelevant. if (_typeFlag is TarEntryType.CharacterDevice or TarEntryType.BlockDevice) { // Major number for a character device or block device entry. _devMajor = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.DevMajor, FieldLengths.DevMajor)); // Minor number for a character device or block device entry. _devMinor = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.DevMinor, FieldLengths.DevMinor)); } }
// Attempts to read the fields shared by all formats and stores them in their expected data type. // Throws if any data type conversion fails. // Returns true on success, false if checksum is zero. private bool TryReadCommonAttributes(Span <byte> buffer) { // Start by collecting fields that need special checks that return early when data is wrong // Empty checksum means this is an invalid (all blank) entry, finish early Span <byte> spanChecksum = buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Checksum, FieldLengths.Checksum); if (TarHelpers.IsAllNullBytes(spanChecksum)) { return(false); } _checksum = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(spanChecksum); // Zero checksum means the whole header is empty if (_checksum == 0) { return(false); } _size = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Size, FieldLengths.Size)); if (_size < 0) { throw new FormatException(string.Format(SR.TarSizeFieldNegative, _name)); } // Continue with the rest of the fields that require no special checks _name = TarHelpers.GetTrimmedUtf8String(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Name, FieldLengths.Name)); _mode = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Mode, FieldLengths.Mode)); _uid = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Uid, FieldLengths.Uid)); _gid = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.Gid, FieldLengths.Gid)); int mTime = TarHelpers.GetTenBaseNumberFromOctalAsciiChars(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.MTime, FieldLengths.MTime)); _mTime = TarHelpers.GetDateTimeFromSecondsSinceEpoch(mTime); _typeFlag = (TarEntryType)buffer[FieldLocations.TypeFlag]; _linkName = TarHelpers.GetTrimmedUtf8String(buffer.Slice(FieldLocations.LinkName, FieldLengths.LinkName)); if (_format == TarFormat.Unknown) { _format = _typeFlag switch { TarEntryType.ExtendedAttributes or TarEntryType.GlobalExtendedAttributes => TarFormat.Pax, TarEntryType.DirectoryList or TarEntryType.LongLink or TarEntryType.LongPath or TarEntryType.MultiVolume or TarEntryType.RenamedOrSymlinked or TarEntryType.SparseFile or TarEntryType.TapeVolume => TarFormat.Gnu, // V7 is the only one that uses 'V7RegularFile'. TarEntryType.V7RegularFile => TarFormat.V7, // We can quickly determine the *minimum* possible format if the entry type // is the POSIX 'RegularFile', although later we could upgrade it to PAX or GNU _ => (_typeFlag == TarEntryType.RegularFile) ? TarFormat.Ustar : TarFormat.V7 }; } return(true); }