public static void DrawArrow(this FakeGraphics.FakeGraphics g, Pen pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Pen p = (Pen)pen.Clone(); p.StartCap = LineCap.Round; p.EndCap = LineCap.Flat; g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2); p.Width = 5; p.EndCap = LineCap.ArrowAnchor; int xx=x2, yy=y2; if (x1 == x2) { if (y1 > y2) yy += 5; else yy -= 5; } else { if (x1 > x2) xx += 5; else xx -= 5; } g.DrawLine(p, xx, yy, x2, y2); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ColorizationStyle class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newFixationPen">The new fixation pen to set.</param> /// <param name="newConnectionPen">The new fixation connection pen to set.</param> /// <param name="newFont">The new font to set.</param> /// <param name="newFontColor">The new font color to set.</param> public ColorizationStyle(Pen newFixationPen, Pen newConnectionPen, Font newFont, Color newFontColor) { this.fixationPen = (Pen)newFixationPen.Clone(); this.connectionPen = (Pen)newConnectionPen.Clone(); this.font = (Font)newFont.Clone(); this.fontColor = newFontColor; }
public GestureThumbnail(PointF[] Points, Size Size, bool WithArrow) { _Points = Points; _Size = Size; _DrawingPen = new Pen(Properties.Settings.Default.MiniViewColor, 3); _DrawingPen.StartCap = _DrawingPen.EndCap = LineCap.Round; _ArrowPen = _DrawingPen.Clone() as Pen; // Create new large arrow cap AdjustableArrowCap arrowCap = new AdjustableArrowCap(3, 3, true); arrowCap.BaseCap = LineCap.Square; _ArrowPen.CustomEndCap = arrowCap; _WithArrow = WithArrow; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newFont">Font for text</param> /// <param name="newFontColor">Color for text</param> /// <param name="newBounds">Bounds of element</param> /// <param name="newStyleGroup">Group Enumeration, <see cref="VGStyleGroup"/></param> /// <param name="newName">Name of Element</param> /// <param name="newElementGroup">Element group description</param> public VGElement( ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, Font newFont, Color newFontColor, RectangleF newBounds, VGStyleGroup newStyleGroup, string newName, string newElementGroup) { this.InitStandards(); this.styleGroup = newStyleGroup; = newName; this.elementGroup = newElementGroup; this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); this.Font = newFont == null ? null : (Font)newFont.Clone(); this.FontColor = newFontColor; this.Bounds = newBounds; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newBounds">Bounds of element</param> public VGElement(ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, RectangleF newBounds) { this.InitStandards(); this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); this.Bounds = newBounds; }
/// <summary> /// The constructor for the RenderThread. Sets up the private members /// of the class, but DOES NOT start the rendering process. /// </summary> /// @param metrics The MapMetrics object for this Map /// @param features The VectorFeature array /// @param type The type of shapefile we're going to draw /// @param beginning The array index of the VectorFeature to begin drawing with /// @param ending The array index of the VectorFeature to end drawing with /// @param pen The pen to draw the features with /// @param brush The brush to fill the features with public RenderThread( MapMetrics metrics, VectorFeature[] features, ShapeType type, int beginning, int ending, Pen pen, Brush brush ) { _mapMetrics = metrics; _features = features; _shapeType = type; _beginningFeature = beginning; _endingFeature = ending; _pen = (Pen) pen.Clone(); _brush = (Brush) brush.Clone(); _gr = Graphics.FromImage( _mapMetrics.Canvas ); }
public void Clone () { using (Pen p = new Pen (Brushes.Red)) { using (Pen clone = (Pen) p.Clone ()) { Check (clone); } } }
private void DrawLineShadowed(Graphics g, Pen pen, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, bool flipShadow) { var shadowPen = (Pen)pen.Clone(); shadowPen.Color = Settings.ShadowsColor; if (!flipShadow) { g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1); g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 + 2, x2 + 1, y2 + 2); g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 + 3, x2 + 1, y2 + 3); g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2); } else { g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 - 1, x2 + 1, y2 - 1); g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 - 2, x2 + 1, y2 - 2); g.DrawLine(shadowPen, x1 + 1, y1 - 3, x2 + 1, y2 - 3); g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2); } }
public void DrawVectorReal(Graphics gdi, Pen pen, int x1, int y1, double vx, double vy, double lenscale) { Vector3 uv = new Vector3(vx, vy, 0); double len = uv.Length(); uv.Normalize(); uv = uv * lenscale; Pen myPen = (Pen)pen.Clone(); myPen.Width = (float)(len/4); if (myPen.Width > 6) myPen.Width = 6; DrawLine(gdi, myPen, x1, y1, x1 + (int)(uv.x / 1.8), y1 + (int)(uv.y/ 1.8)); // DrawLine(gdi, myPen, x1, y1, x1 + (int)(uv.x), y1 + (int)(uv.y )); if (Math.Abs(vy) < 0.0000001) vy = 0.001; { double x2 = 1; double y2 = -(vx * x2) / vy; Vector3 p = new Vector3(x2, y2, 0); p.Normalize(); p = p * (lenscale / 2); Vector3 av = uv / 1.8; int ax = x1 + (int)av.x; int ay = y1 + (int)av.y; Vector3 p1 = p / 1.5; Vector3 p2 = -p1; // gdi.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, ax + (int)p1.x, ay + (int)p1.y); // gdi.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, ax + (int)p2.x, ay + (int)p2.y); int sx1 = ax + (int)p1.x; int sy1 = ay + (int)p1.y; int sx2 = ax + (int)p2.x; int sy2 = ay + (int)p2.y; //gdi.DrawLine(pen, sx1, sy1, x1 + (int)uv.x, y1 + (int)uv.y); //gdi.DrawLine(pen, sx2, sy2, x1 + (int)uv.x, y1 + (int)uv.y); //gdi.DrawLine(pen, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2); GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); path.AddLines(new Point[] { new Point(startx + sx1, starty - sy1), new Point(startx + sx2, starty - sy2), new Point(startx + x1 + (int)uv.x, starty - (y1 + (int)uv.y)), }); path.CloseFigure(); // gdi.DrawPath(Brushes.Red, path); gdi.DrawPath(Pens.Red, path); } }
private void InitializePen() { _drawingPen = new Pen(AppConfig.VisualFeedbackColor, AppConfig.VisualFeedbackWidth * _screenDpi); _drawingPen.StartCap = _drawingPen.EndCap = LineCap.Round; _drawingPen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; _shadowPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 0, 0), (_drawingPen.Width + 4f)) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _dirtyMarkerPen = (Pen)_shadowPen.Clone(); _dirtyMarkerPen.Width *= 1.5f; }
/// <summary> /// Рисует линии координатных осей с насечками. /// А также внешнюю окантовку графика (с насечками +)) /// </summary> private void DrawCoordinates(Graphics G, Pen Pe, PointF Zero, PointF Left, PointF Right, PointF Up, PointF Down, double kx, double ky) { G.DrawLine(Pe, Left, Right); // Рисуем ось X G.DrawLine(Pe, Down, Up); // Рисуем ось Y PointF DownLeft = new PointF(Left.X, Down.Y); PointF DownRight = new PointF(Right.X, Down.Y); PointF UpLeft = new PointF(Left.X, Up.Y); PointF UpRight = new PointF(Right.X, Up.Y); // --- Рисуем контур Pen temp = (Pen)Pe.Clone(); temp.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, Pe.Color); temp.Width = 2; G.DrawLine(temp, DownLeft, UpLeft); G.DrawLine(temp, UpLeft, UpRight); G.DrawLine(temp, UpRight, DownRight); G.DrawLine(temp, DownRight, DownLeft); decimal i; decimal leftX = (decimal)Left.X; decimal rightX = (decimal)Right.X; decimal downY = (decimal)Down.Y; decimal upY = (decimal)Up.Y; // ---- насечки for (i = leftX; i <= rightX + 1; i += (decimal)(Step1 * kx)) { G.DrawLine(Pe, new PointF((float)i, Zero.Y - 3), new PointF((float)i, Zero.Y + 3)); // насечка на оси G.DrawLine(Pe, new PointF((float)i, DownLeft.Y - 6), new PointF((float)i, DownLeft.Y)); // насечка на границе } for (i = downY; i >= upY - 1; i -= (decimal)(Step2 * ky)) { G.DrawLine(Pe, new PointF(Zero.X - 3, (float)i), new PointF(Zero.X + 3, (float)i)); G.DrawLine(Pe, new PointF(DownLeft.X, (float)i), new PointF(DownLeft.X + 6, (float)i)); // насечка на границе } }
private void DrawCanvas(Graphics g, SizeF windowSize, float scale) { g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; windowSize = ClipSize(windowSize); var mat = new Matrix(); //mat.Scale(0.5f, 0.5f); mat.Translate(windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height); g.Transform = mat; _canvasMatrix = mat.Clone(); _canvasMatrix.Invert(); _drawRectangle = new RectangleF(-(float)windowSize.Width, -(float)windowSize.Height, (float)windowSize.Width * 2, (float)windowSize.Height * 2); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, _drawRectangle.X, _drawRectangle.Y, _drawRectangle.Width, _drawRectangle.Height); if (_geometry == null) return; foreach (var geo in _geometry) { try { foreach (var point in geo.PointsToDraw) { var pos = point.ToPointF(); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(geo.Color.ToColor()); PointF posWindow = pos.Scale(windowSize); var size = (float)geo.Size * scale; g.FillEllipse(brush, (posWindow.X - size / 2), (posWindow.Y - size / 2), size, size); } foreach (var spline in geo.LinesToDraw) { var size = (float)geo.Size * scale; Pen pen = new Pen(geo.Color.ToColor(), (float)size / 2); Pen penDashed = pen.Clone() as Pen; penDashed.DashPattern = new float[] { 0.5f, 0.5f }; penDashed.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; Brush brush = new SolidBrush(geo.Color.ToColor()); g.DrawBezier(pen, spline.PosA.ToPointF().Scale(windowSize), spline.PosB.ToPointF().Scale(windowSize), spline.PosC.ToPointF().Scale(windowSize), spline.PosD.ToPointF().Scale(windowSize)); } foreach (var text in geo.TextToDraw) { var size = (float)geo.Size * scale; Brush brush = Brushes.Black; Font font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)size); var posWindow = (text.Position.ToPointF().Scale(windowSize)); g.DrawString(text.Text, font, brush, posWindow); } //var renderer = RendererStorage.GetRenderer(geo); //if (renderer == null) // continue; //renderer.Draw(geo,g, windowSize, scale); } catch (Exception ex) { InterAppComunication.ReportError("Problem drawing " + geo.ToString(), ex); } } }
private void InitDefaultProperties() { //defaults ShowCommandName = true; ShowPath = true; ViewFadeOut = true; _pathMaxPointCount = (int)(256 * _dpiFactor); const float widthBase = 2f; #region init pens _mainPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 200, 100), widthBase * _dpiFactor) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _middleBtnPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 20, 150, 200), widthBase * _dpiFactor) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _borderPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(220, 255, 255, 255), (widthBase + 2.5f) * _dpiFactor) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _alternativePen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 120, 20), widthBase * _dpiFactor) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _shadowPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 0, 0), (widthBase + 4f) * _dpiFactor) { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }; _shadowPenWidth = _shadowPen.Width; _dirtyMarkerPen = (Pen) _shadowPen.Clone(); _dirtyMarkerPen.Width *= 1.5f; #endregion }
// Select a pen into the toolkit graphics object. private void SelectPen(Pen pen) { if(pen == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pen"); } if(graphics == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("graphics"); } Pen penNew = pen; if( transform != null ) { // calculation new pen size, if a transformation is set // using the workaround for Font scaling float penWidth = pen.Width; float newWidth = transform.TransformFontSize(penWidth); if( penWidth != newWidth ) { penNew = (Pen) pen.Clone(); penNew.Width = newWidth; } } IToolkitPen tpen = penNew.GetPen(graphics.Toolkit); if(penNew.PenType == PenType.SolidColor) { tpen.Select(graphics); } else { IToolkitBrush tbrush = penNew.Brush.GetBrush(graphics.Toolkit); tpen.Select(graphics, tbrush); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundingRectX"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="boundingRectY"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="boundingRectWidth"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="boundingRectHeight"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Height of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to paint the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used for slice rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeColorType"> /// Edge color style used for slice rendering. /// </param> public PieSlice(float boundingRectX, float boundingRectY, float boundingRectWidth, float boundingRectHeight, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType) : this() { // set some persistent values m_actualStartAngle = startAngle; m_actualSweepAngle = sweepAngle; m_surfaceColor = surfaceColor; m_shadowStyle = shadowStyle; m_edgeColorType = edgeColorType; // create pens for rendering Color edgeLineColor = EdgeColor.GetRenderingColor(edgeColorType, surfaceColor); using (Pen pen = new Pen(edgeLineColor)) { pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; m_pen = (Pen)pen.Clone(); } InitializePieSlice(boundingRectX, boundingRectY, boundingRectWidth, boundingRectHeight, sliceHeight); }
private void DrawColorTheme(ref Graphics g, Theme _Theme, Matrix mTransMatrix, RectangleF CurExt) { Legend _Legend; Shape _Shape; //Polygon : Polyline : Point int i; int j; GraphicsPath gpShp = new GraphicsPath(); GraphicsPath gpSelShp = new GraphicsPath(); StringFormat _StringFormat = new StringFormat(); _StringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; _StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; _StringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip; bool BaseLyrVisibility = false; //*** Set an array of brush based on current theme legend items Brush[] BrLegend = new Brush[_Theme.Legends.Count]; for (i = 0; i <= _Theme.Legends.Count - 1; i++) { _Legend = _Theme.Legends[i]; if (_Legend.FillStyle == FillStyle.Solid) { BrLegend[i] = new SolidBrush(_Legend.Color); } else if (_Legend.FillStyle == FillStyle.Transparent) { BrLegend[i] = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent); } else { BrLegend[i] = new HatchBrush((HatchStyle)_Legend.FillStyle, _Legend.Color, Color.Transparent); } } Pen PnTheme = new Pen(_Theme.BorderColor, _Theme.BorderWidth); Pen BorderHighlight = new Pen(_Theme.BorderColor, _Theme.BorderWidth + 0.7F); BorderHighlight.Alignment = PenAlignment.Inset; BorderHighlight.DashStyle = _Theme.BorderStyle; if (_Theme.BorderWidth == 0) PnTheme.Color = Color.Transparent; //??? Strange that setting Pen width = 0 gives effect of Pen width 1. So this workaround PnTheme.DashStyle = _Theme.BorderStyle; HatchBrush BrSelection = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent40, m_SelectionColor, Color.Transparent); Pen PnSelection = new Pen(m_SelectionColor); //*** If lyr exists in theme.Layervisibility collection foreach (Layer Lyr in Layers) { //Traverse Layers collection { if (Lyr.Extent.IntersectsWith(CurExt) || CurExt.Contains(Lyr.Extent) || Lyr.Extent.Contains(CurExt)) { // Render layer only if it lies within current map extent if (_Theme.Type == ThemeType.Color) { if (_Theme.LayerVisibility[Lyr.ID] == null) BaseLyrVisibility = false; else BaseLyrVisibility = (bool)_Theme.LayerVisibility[Lyr.ID]; } else if (_Theme.Type == ThemeType.Hatch) { BaseLyrVisibility = Lyr.Visible; } Hashtable ht = Lyr.GetRecords(Lyr.LayerPath + "\\" + Lyr.ID); IDictionaryEnumerator dicEnumerator = ht.GetEnumerator(); if (Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.Polygon & BaseLyrVisibility == true) { while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; if (_Shape.Extent.IntersectsWith(CurExt)) { //Render shape only if it lies within current map extent gpShp.Reset(); for (j = 0; j <= _Shape.Parts.Count - 1; j++) { gpShp.AddPolygon((PointF[])_Shape.Parts[j]); } gpShp.Transform(mTransMatrix); if (_Theme.AreaIndexes.ContainsKey(_Shape.AreaId)) { if (_Theme.MultiLegend == true) { { switch (_Theme.MultiLegendCriteria) { case "SRC": if (_Theme.MultiLegendCol.ContainsKey(((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).Source)) { //TODO Optimize SolidBrush g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(((Legends)_Theme.MultiLegendCol[((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).Source])[(int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo].Color), gpShp); } break; case "SGP": if (_Theme.MultiLegendCol.ContainsKey(((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).Subgroup)) { g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(((Legends)_Theme.MultiLegendCol[((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).Subgroup])[(int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo].Color), gpShp); } break; default: if (_Theme.MultiLegendCol.ContainsKey(((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).MDFldVal[_Theme.MultiLegendCriteria])) { g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(((Legends)_Theme.MultiLegendCol[((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).MDFldVal[_Theme.MultiLegendCriteria]])[(int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo].Color), gpShp); } break; } } } else { g.FillPath(BrLegend[(int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo], gpShp); } } else { g.FillPath(BrLegend[BrLegend.Length - 1], gpShp); } try { //- Draw Specified Area's polygon to hightlight with different border if (_Shape.AreaId == this.AreaIDToHighlight) { g.DrawPath(BorderHighlight, gpShp); } else { //- Draw Area polygon Path g.DrawPath(PnTheme, gpShp); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Console.Write(ex.Message) '??? AFRERI Eritria problem } //*** Draw Base layer selection if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) g.FillPath(BrSelection, gpShp); //-Exist Drawing Function if (_Shape.AreaId == this.AreaIDToHighlight) { break; } } } //Traverse Shapes } else if (((Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolygonFeature & BaseLyrVisibility == true) | ((Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolygonCustom | Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolygonBuffer) & Lyr.Visible == true)) & _Theme.Type == ThemeType.Color) { Pen PnLayer = new Pen(Lyr.BorderColor, Lyr.BorderSize); if (Lyr.BorderSize == 0) PnLayer.Color = Color.Transparent; //??? Strange that setting Pen width = 0 gives effect of Pen width 1. So this workaround PnLayer.DashStyle = Lyr.BorderStyle; Brush BrLayer; if (Lyr.FillStyle == FillStyle.Solid) { BrLayer = new SolidBrush(Lyr.FillColor); } else if (Lyr.FillStyle == FillStyle.Transparent) { BrLayer = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent); } else { BrLayer = new HatchBrush((HatchStyle)Lyr.FillStyle, Lyr.FillColor, Color.Transparent); } gpShp.Reset(); gpShp.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; gpSelShp.Reset(); gpSelShp.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; if (_Shape.Extent.IntersectsWith(CurExt)) { for (j = 0; j <= _Shape.Parts.Count - 1; j++) { try { gpShp.AddPolygon((PointF[])_Shape.Parts[j]); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) gpSelShp.AddPolygon((PointF[])_Shape.Parts[j]); } } } gpShp.Transform(mTransMatrix); g.FillPath(BrLayer, gpShp); try { g.DrawPath(PnLayer, gpShp); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); //??? AFRERI Eritria problem } if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Count > 0) { gpSelShp.Transform(mTransMatrix); g.FillPath(BrSelection, gpSelShp); } BrLayer.Dispose(); PnLayer.Dispose(); } else if (Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolyLine & BaseLyrVisibility == true & _Theme.Type == ThemeType.Color) { Pen PnLegend = new Pen(Lyr.BorderColor, Lyr.BorderSize); PnLegend.DashStyle = Lyr.BorderStyle; while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; gpShp.Reset(); for (j = 0; j <= _Shape.Parts.Count - 1; j++) { gpShp.StartFigure(); gpShp.AddLines((PointF[])_Shape.Parts[j]); } gpShp.Transform(mTransMatrix); PnLegend.Color = _Theme.Legends[(int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo].Color; g.DrawPath(PnLegend, gpShp); } PnLegend.Dispose(); } else if (((Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolyLineFeature & BaseLyrVisibility == true) | (Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PolyLineCustom & Lyr.Visible == true)) & _Theme.Type == ThemeType.Color) { gpShp.Reset(); while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; for (j = 0; j <= _Shape.Parts.Count - 1; j++) { gpShp.StartFigure(); gpShp.AddLines((PointF[])_Shape.Parts[j]); } } Pen PnLayer = new Pen(Lyr.BorderColor, Lyr.BorderSize); PnLayer.DashStyle = Lyr.BorderStyle; gpShp.Transform(mTransMatrix); g.DrawPath(PnLayer, gpShp); PnLayer.Dispose(); } else if (Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.Point & BaseLyrVisibility == true) { g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; { PointF[] Pt = new PointF[1]; int LegendItemIndex; int[] MarkerSize = new int[_Theme.Legends.Count]; //PtSize based on Legend item char[] MarkerChar = new char[_Theme.Legends.Count]; Font[] MarkerFont = new Font[_Theme.Legends.Count]; Pen PnCross = (Pen)PnTheme.Clone(); for (i = 0; i <= _Theme.Legends.Count - 1; i++) { _Legend = _Theme.Legends[i]; MarkerSize[i] = _Legend.MarkerSize; MarkerChar[i] = _Legend.MarkerChar; MarkerFont[i] = _Legend.MarkerFont; if (_Legend.MarkerType == MarkerStyle.Cross) PnCross.Color = _Legend.Color; } while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; //*** BugFix 04 July 2006 Base point layer missing data rendered with 1st legend information if (_Theme.AreaIndexes.ContainsKey(_Shape.AreaId)) { LegendItemIndex = (int)((AreaInfo)_Theme.AreaIndexes[_Shape.AreaId]).RenderingInfo; } else { LegendItemIndex = _Theme.Legends.Count - 1; } Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); switch (_Theme.Legends[LegendItemIndex].MarkerType) { case MarkerStyle.Circle: g.FillEllipse(BrLegend[LegendItemIndex], (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); g.DrawEllipse(PnTheme, (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) g.FillEllipse(BrSelection, (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); break; case MarkerStyle.Square: g.FillRectangle(BrLegend[LegendItemIndex], (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); g.DrawRectangle(PnTheme, (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) g.FillRectangle(BrSelection, (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex], MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); break; case MarkerStyle.Triangle: //*** 1.Equilateral triangle with altitude = MarkerSize(LegendItemIndex) 2.Equilateral triangle with sides = MarkerSize(LegendItemIndex) PointF[] Vertex = new PointF[3]; int PtSize; PtSize = (int)(Math.Sqrt(3) / 4 * MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex]); Vertex[0] = new PointF(Pt[0].X - PtSize, Pt[0].Y + PtSize); //altitude = PtSize 'Vertex(0) = New PointF(pt(0).X - PtSize / 2, pt(0).Y + PtSize / 2) 'side = PtSize Vertex[1] = new PointF(Pt[0].X + PtSize, Pt[0].Y + PtSize); //altitude = PtSize 'Vertex(1) = New PointF(pt(0).X + PtSize / 2, pt(0).Y + PtSize / 2) 'side = PtSize Vertex[2] = new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y - PtSize); g.FillPolygon(BrLegend[LegendItemIndex], Vertex); g.DrawPolygon(PnTheme, Vertex); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) g.FillPolygon(BrSelection, Vertex); Vertex = null; break; case MarkerStyle.Cross: g.DrawLine(PnCross, (int)Pt[0].X - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y, (int)Pt[0].X + MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y); g.DrawLine(PnCross, (int)Pt[0].X, (int)Pt[0].Y + MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2, (int)Pt[0].X, (int)Pt[0].Y - MarkerSize[LegendItemIndex] / 2); break; case MarkerStyle.Custom: g.DrawString(MarkerChar[LegendItemIndex].ToString(), MarkerFont[LegendItemIndex], BrLegend[LegendItemIndex], Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y, _StringFormat); break; } } for (i = 0; i <= MarkerFont.Length - 1; i++) { MarkerFont[i].Dispose(); } Pt = null; PnCross.Dispose(); } g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; } else if (((Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PointFeature & BaseLyrVisibility == true) | (Lyr.LayerType == ShapeType.PointCustom & Lyr.Visible == true)) & _Theme.Type == ThemeType.Color) { g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; Pen PnLayer = new Pen(Lyr.FillColor, 0.01F); Brush BrLayer = new SolidBrush(Lyr.FillColor); PointF[] Pt = new PointF[1]; int PtSize = Lyr.MarkerSize; // CInt((_Layer.MarkerSize * m_FullExtent.Width) / (8 * m_CurrentExtent.Width)) gpShp.Reset(); gpSelShp.Reset(); if (Lyr.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Circle) { while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) { gpSelShp.AddEllipse((int)Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2, PtSize, PtSize); } else { gpShp.AddEllipse((int)Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, (int)Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2, PtSize, PtSize); } } } else if (Lyr.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Square) { while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) { gpSelShp.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2, PtSize, PtSize)); } else { gpShp.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2, PtSize, PtSize)); } } } else if (Lyr.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Triangle) { //*** 1.Equilateral triangle with altitude = PtSize 2.Equilateral triangle with sides = PtSize PointF[] Vertex = new PointF[3]; PtSize = (int)(Math.Sqrt(3) / 4 * PtSize); while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); Vertex[0] = new PointF(Pt[0].X - PtSize, Pt[0].Y + PtSize); //altitude = PtSize 'Vertex(0) = New PointF(pt(0).X - PtSize / 2, pt(0).Y + PtSize / 2) 'side = PtSize Vertex[1] = new PointF(Pt[0].X + PtSize, Pt[0].Y + PtSize); //altitude = PtSize 'Vertex(1) = New PointF(pt(0).X + PtSize / 2, pt(0).Y + PtSize / 2) 'side = PtSize Vertex[2] = new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y - PtSize); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) { gpSelShp.AddPolygon(Vertex); } else { gpShp.AddPolygon(Vertex); } } Vertex = null; } else if (Lyr.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Cross) { while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) { gpSelShp.AddLine(new PointF(Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y), new PointF(Pt[0].X + PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y)); gpSelShp.CloseFigure(); gpSelShp.AddLine(new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y + PtSize / 2), new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2)); gpSelShp.CloseFigure(); } else { gpShp.AddLine(new PointF(Pt[0].X - PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y), new PointF(Pt[0].X + PtSize / 2, Pt[0].Y)); gpShp.CloseFigure(); gpShp.AddLine(new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y + PtSize / 2), new PointF(Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y - PtSize / 2)); gpShp.CloseFigure(); } } } else if (Lyr.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Custom) { Font _MFnt = new Font(Lyr.MarkerFont.FontFamily, PtSize); while (dicEnumerator.MoveNext()) { //*** Traverse Shapes _Shape = (Shape)dicEnumerator.Value; Pt[0] = (PointF)_Shape.Parts[0]; mTransMatrix.TransformPoints(Pt); if (Lyr.SelectedArea.Contains(_Shape.AreaId)) { g.DrawString(Lyr.MarkerChar.ToString(), _MFnt, BrSelection, Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y, _StringFormat); } else { g.DrawString(Lyr.MarkerChar.ToString(), _MFnt, BrLayer, Pt[0].X, Pt[0].Y, _StringFormat); } } _MFnt.Dispose(); } g.FillPath(BrLayer, gpShp); g.DrawPath(PnLayer, gpShp); g.FillPath(BrSelection, gpSelShp); g.DrawPath(PnSelection, gpSelShp); Pt = null; PnLayer.Dispose(); BrLayer.Dispose(); g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; } ht = null; } } //Lyr = null; } //Traverse Layers collection _Shape = null; for (i = 0; i <= BrLegend.Length - 1; i++) { BrLegend[i].Dispose(); } PnTheme.Dispose(); BorderHighlight.Dispose(); BrSelection.Dispose(); PnSelection.Dispose(); _StringFormat.Dispose(); gpSelShp.Dispose(); gpShp.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newBrush">Brush for text and fills</param> /// <param name="newBounds">Bounds of element</param> /// <param name="newStyleGroup">Group Enumeration, <see cref="VGStyleGroup"/></param> /// <param name="newName">Name of Element</param> /// <param name="newElementGroup">Element group description</param> public VGElement( ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, Brush newBrush, RectangleF newBounds, VGStyleGroup newStyleGroup, string newName, string newElementGroup) { this.InitStandards(); this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); this.Brush = newBrush == null ? null : (Brush)newBrush.Clone(); this.Bounds = newBounds; this.styleGroup = newStyleGroup; = newName; this.elementGroup = newElementGroup; this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; }
public void setPen(Pen pen) { this.pen = (Pen)pen.Clone(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newBrush">Brush for text and fills</param> /// <param name="newFont">Font for text</param> /// <param name="newFontColor">Color for text</param> /// <param name="newBounds">Bounds of element</param> /// <param name="newStyleGroup">Group Enumeration, <see cref="VGStyleGroup"/></param> /// <param name="newName">Name of Element</param> /// <param name="newElementGroup">Element group description</param> /// <param name="newSound">The <see cref="AudioFile"/> to play with this element.</param> public VGElement( ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, Brush newBrush, Font newFont, Color newFontColor, RectangleF newBounds, VGStyleGroup newStyleGroup, string newName, string newElementGroup, AudioFile newSound) { this.InitStandards(); this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); this.Brush = newBrush == null ? null : (Brush)newBrush.Clone(); this.Bounds = newBounds; this.styleGroup = newStyleGroup; = newName; this.elementGroup = newElementGroup; this.Font = newFont == null ? null : (Font)newFont.Clone(); this.FontColor = newFontColor; this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; if (newSound != null) { this.Sound = (AudioFile)newSound.Clone(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw a selectionborder around the freehand path /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"></param> /// <param name="linePen"></param> protected void DrawSelectionBorder(Graphics graphics, Pen linePen) { using (Pen selectionPen = (Pen) linePen.Clone()) { using (GraphicsPath selectionPath = (GraphicsPath) freehandPath.Clone()) { selectionPen.Width += 5; selectionPen.Color = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.LightSeaGreen); graphics.DrawPath(selectionPen, selectionPath); selectionPath.Widen(selectionPen); selectionPen.DashPattern = new float[]{2,2}; selectionPen.Color = Color.LightSeaGreen; selectionPen.Width = 1; graphics.DrawPath(selectionPen, selectionPath); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newBrush">Brush for fills</param> public VGElement(ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, Brush newBrush) { this.InitStandards(); this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); this.Brush = newBrush == null ? null : (Brush)newBrush.Clone(); }
public void Brush_Dispose () { using (Pen p = new Pen (Brushes.Red, 2.5f)) { // are we getting the original brush ? Brush b1 = p.Brush; b1.Dispose (); Check (p); using (Pen clone = (Pen) p.Clone ()) { Check (clone); } Assert.IsFalse (Object.ReferenceEquals (b1, p.Brush), "Brush"); // nope :) } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the VGElement class. /// </summary> /// <param name="newShapeDrawAction">Drawing action: Edge, Fill, Both</param> /// <param name="newPen">Pen for edges</param> /// <param name="newStyleGroup">Group Enumeration, <see cref="VGStyleGroup"/></param> /// <param name="newName">Name of Element</param> /// <param name="newElementGroup">Element group description</param> public VGElement( ShapeDrawAction newShapeDrawAction, Pen newPen, VGStyleGroup newStyleGroup, string newName, string newElementGroup) { this.InitStandards(); this.styleGroup = newStyleGroup; = newName; this.elementGroup = newElementGroup; this.shapeDrawAction = newShapeDrawAction; this.pen = newPen == null ? null : (Pen)newPen.Clone(); }
/// <summary> /// Create CanvasRenderingContext. Graphics and Bitmap passed into constructor should be related to each other /// </summary> /// <param name="s">Graphics object to get resolution and size data from</param> /// <param name="stroke">initial Pen configuration</param> /// <param name="fill">initial Brush configuration</param> /// <param name="visible">determing is this object be visible inside container</param> public CanvasRenderingContext2D(Graphics s, Bitmap bitmap, Pen stroke, IFill fill, bool visible) { var width = (int) s.VisibleClipBounds.Width; var height = (int) s.VisibleClipBounds.Height; _visible = visible; SetLineConfig(stroke); surface = s; _surfaceBitmap = bitmap; _stroke = stroke; _fill = fill; SetDefaultValues(); //TODO: investigate how can we get all data from fill and stroke to CanvasRenderingContext2D properties //or just avoid such parameters in constructor strokeStyle = "rgba(" + stroke.Color.R + "," + stroke.Color.G + "," + stroke.Color.B + "," + stroke.Color.A + ")"; fillStyle = "rgba(" + fill.color.R + "," + fill.color.G + "," + fill.color.B + "," + fill.color.A + ")"; _initialConfig = new CanvasConfig(stroke.Clone() as Pen, fill.Clone() as Fill); OnPartialDraw += CanvasRenderingContext2D_OnPartialDraw; }
void CheckMethods (Pen pen, String tag) { // Try modifying a SystemPen by calling methods. // ArgumentException must be thrown in some cases. /* try { // NotImplemented pen.SetLineCap (LineCap.Flat, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Triangle); Assert.Fail (tag + "#1: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert.IsTrue (tag + "#1", true); } */ pen.ResetTransform (); pen.RotateTransform (90); pen.ScaleTransform (2, 1); pen.TranslateTransform (10, 20); pen.MultiplyTransform (new Matrix ()); pen.Clone (); try { pen.Dispose (); Assert.Fail (tag + "#8: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert.IsTrue (true, tag + "#8"); } }