public virtual ISymbolScope GetScope(int offset) { SymScope scope = (SymScope)RootScope; if (scope != null) { return(scope.FindOffset(offset)); } else { return(null); } }
public int GetChildren(int cChildren, out int pcChildren, ISymUnmanagedScope[] children) { _scope.GetChildren(cChildren, out pcChildren, children); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pcChildren; i++) { children[i] = new SymScope(_reader, children[i]); } } return SymUnmanagedReaderExtensions.S_OK; }
public ISymbolScope[] GetChildren() { COMException Exception; int hr; uint i; int cChildren; IntPtr[] ChildrenPointers; SymScope[] Children; hr = SymScope_GetChildren(m_Scope, 0, out cChildren, null); if (hr < 0) { Exception = new COMException("Call to GetChildren failed.", hr); throw Exception; } ChildrenPointers = new IntPtr[cChildren]; Children = new SymScope[cChildren]; hr = SymScope_GetChildren(m_Scope, cChildren, out cChildren, ChildrenPointers); if (hr < 0) { Exception = new COMException("Call to GetChildren failed.", hr); throw Exception; } for (i = 0; i < cChildren; i++) { Children[i] = new SymScope(ChildrenPointers[i]); } return Children; }
public int GetRootScope(out ISymUnmanagedScope retVal) { _method.GetRootScope(out retVal); if (retVal != null) { retVal = new SymScope(_reader, retVal); } return SymUnmanagedReaderExtensions.S_OK; }