private void AddEventDescriptor(EventAttribute eventAttribute) { if ((this.m_eventData == null) || (this.m_eventData.Length <= eventAttribute.EventId)) { EventData[] destinationArray = new EventData[this.m_eventData.Length + 0x10]; Array.Copy(this.m_eventData, destinationArray, this.m_eventData.Length); this.m_eventData = destinationArray; } this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor = new EventDescriptorInternal(eventAttribute.EventId, eventAttribute.Version, (byte) eventAttribute.Channel, (byte) eventAttribute.Level, (byte) eventAttribute.Opcode, (int) eventAttribute.Task, (long) eventAttribute.Keywords); this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].CaptureStack = eventAttribute.CaptureStack; this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Message = eventAttribute.Message; }
private void AddEventDescriptor(EventAttribute eventAttribute) { if ((this.m_eventData == null) || (this.m_eventData.Length <= eventAttribute.EventId)) { EventData[] destinationArray = new EventData[this.m_eventData.Length + 0x10]; Array.Copy(this.m_eventData, destinationArray, this.m_eventData.Length); this.m_eventData = destinationArray; } this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor = new EventDescriptorInternal(eventAttribute.EventId, eventAttribute.Version, (byte)eventAttribute.Channel, (byte)eventAttribute.Level, (byte)eventAttribute.Opcode, (int)eventAttribute.Task, (long)eventAttribute.Keywords); this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].CaptureStack = eventAttribute.CaptureStack; this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Message = eventAttribute.Message; }
private void DebugCheckEvent(MethodInfo method, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { int helperCallFirstArg = GetHelperCallFirstArg(method); if ((helperCallFirstArg >= 0) && (eventAttribute.EventId != helperCallFirstArg)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "Error: event ", method.Name, " is given event ID ", eventAttribute.EventId, " but ", helperCallFirstArg, " was passed to the helper." })); } if ((eventAttribute.EventId < this.m_eventData.Length) && (this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor.EventId != 0)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "Event ", method.Name, " has ID ", eventAttribute.EventId, " which is the same as a previously defined event." })); } if (this.m_eventsByName == null) { this.m_eventsByName = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } if (this.m_eventsByName.ContainsKey(method.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Event name " + method.Name + " used more than once. If you wish to overload a method, the overloaded method should have a [Event(-1)] attribute to indicate the method should not have associated meta-data."); } this.m_eventsByName[method.Name] = method.Name; }
public void StartEvent(string eventName, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { this.templateName = eventName + "Args"; this.numParams = 0;" <event name=\"").Append(eventName).Append("\"").Append(" value=\"").Append(eventAttribute.EventId).Append("\"").Append(" version=\"").Append(eventAttribute.Version).Append("\"").Append(" level=\"").Append(GetLevelName(eventAttribute.Level)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Keywords != EventKeywords.None) {" keywords=\"").Append(this.GetKeywords((ulong)eventAttribute.Keywords, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Opcode != EventOpcode.Info) {" opcode=\"").Append(this.GetOpcodeName(eventAttribute.Opcode, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Task != EventTask.None) {" task=\"").Append(this.GetTaskName(eventAttribute.Task, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Channel != EventChannel.Default) {" channel=\"").Append(this.GetChannelName(eventAttribute.Channel, eventName)).Append("\""); } }
private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName) { Type type = base.GetType(); MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); EventAttribute attribute = new EventAttribute(0); int num = 1; this.m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length]; ManifestBuilder builder = new ManifestBuilder(this.Name, this.Guid, providerDllName); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); if (fields.Length > 0) { foreach (FieldInfo info in fields) { Type fieldType = info.FieldType; if (fieldType == typeof(EventOpcode)) { builder.AddOpcode(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventTask)) { builder.AddTask(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventKeywords)) { builder.AddKeyword(info.Name, (ulong)((long)info.GetRawConstantValue())); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventChannel)) { builder.AddChannel(info.Name, (int)info.GetRawConstantValue()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo element = methods[i]; ParameterInfo[] parameters = element.GetParameters(); EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(EventAttribute), false); if (element.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { if ((eventAttribute != null) && this.DoDebugChecks()) { throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + element.Name + " which does not return 'void'"); } } else { if (!element.IsVirtual && !element.IsStatic) { if (eventAttribute == null) { if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null) { goto Label_0297; } attribute.EventId = num; attribute.Opcode = EventOpcode.Info; attribute.Task = EventTask.None; eventAttribute = attribute; } else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal."); } num++; if ((eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info) && (eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None)) { eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode)(10 + eventAttribute.EventId); } builder.StartEvent(element.Name, eventAttribute); for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++) { builder.AddEventParameter(parameters[j].ParameterType, parameters[j].Name); } builder.EndEvent(); if (this.DoDebugChecks()) { this.DebugCheckEvent(element, eventAttribute); } this.AddEventDescriptor(eventAttribute); } Label_0297 :; } } this.TrimEventDescriptors(); this.m_eventsByName = null; return(builder.CreateManifest()); }
private void DebugCheckEvent(MethodInfo method, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { int eventArg = GetHelperCallFirstArg(method); if (eventArg >= 0 && eventAttribute.EventId != eventArg) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: event " + method.Name + " is given event ID " + eventAttribute.EventId + " but " + eventArg + " was passed to the helper."); } if (eventAttribute.EventId < m_eventData.Length && m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor.EventId != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Event " + method.Name + " has ID " + eventAttribute.EventId + " which is the same as a previously defined event."); } if (m_eventsByName == null) m_eventsByName = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (m_eventsByName.ContainsKey(method.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Event name " + method.Name + " used more than once. " + "If you wish to overload a method, the overloaded method should have a " + "[Event(-1)] attribute to indicate the method should not have associated meta-data."); m_eventsByName[method.Name] = method.Name; }
private void AddEventDescriptor(EventAttribute eventAttribute) { if (m_eventData == null || m_eventData.Length <= eventAttribute.EventId) { EventData[] newValues = new EventData[m_eventData.Length + 16]; Array.Copy(m_eventData, newValues, m_eventData.Length); m_eventData = newValues; } m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor = new EventDescriptorInternal( eventAttribute.EventId, eventAttribute.Version, (byte)eventAttribute.Channel, (byte)eventAttribute.Level, (byte)eventAttribute.Opcode, (int)eventAttribute.Task, (long)eventAttribute.Keywords); m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].CaptureStack = eventAttribute.CaptureStack; m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Message = eventAttribute.Message; }
private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName) { Type providerType = this.GetType(); MethodInfo[] methods = providerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); EventAttribute defaultEventAttribute = new EventAttribute(0); int eventId = 1; // The number given to an event that does not have a explicitly given ID. m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length]; ManifestBuilder manifest = new ManifestBuilder(Name, Guid, providerDllName); // Collect task, opcode, keyword and channel information FieldInfo[] staticFields = providerType.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (staticFields.Length > 0) { foreach (FieldInfo staticField in staticFields) { Type staticFieldType = staticField.FieldType; if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventOpcode)) manifest.AddOpcode(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventTask)) manifest.AddTask(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventKeywords)) manifest.AddKeyword(staticField.Name, (ulong)(long)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); else if (staticFieldType == typeof(EventChannel)) manifest.AddChannel(staticField.Name, (int)staticField.GetRawConstantValue()); } } for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo method = methods[i]; ParameterInfo[] args = method.GetParameters(); // Get the EventDescriptorInternal (from the Custom attributes) EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, typeof(EventAttribute), false); // Methods that don't return void can't be events. if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { if (eventAttribute != null && DoDebugChecks()) throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + method.Name + " which does not return 'void'"); continue; } if (method.IsVirtual || method.IsStatic) { continue; } if (eventAttribute == null) { // If we explictly mark the method as not being an event, then honor that. if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null) continue; defaultEventAttribute.EventId = eventId; defaultEventAttribute.Opcode = EventOpcode.Info; defaultEventAttribute.Task = EventTask.None; eventAttribute = defaultEventAttribute; } else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0) throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal."); eventId++; if (eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info && eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None) eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode)(10 + eventAttribute.EventId); manifest.StartEvent(method.Name, eventAttribute); for (int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < args.Length; fieldIdx++) manifest.AddEventParameter(args[fieldIdx].ParameterType, args[fieldIdx].Name); manifest.EndEvent(); if (DoDebugChecks()) DebugCheckEvent(method, eventAttribute); AddEventDescriptor(eventAttribute); } TrimEventDescriptors(); m_eventsByName = null; return manifest.CreateManifest(); }
public void StartEvent(string eventName, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { Contract.Assert(numParams == 0); Contract.Assert(templateName == null); templateName = eventName + "Args"; numParams = 0; events.Append(" <event name=\"").Append(eventName).Append("\""). // Append(" symbol=\"").Append(eventName).Append("\""). // Symbols have to be unique across all items (opcodes, tasks ...) // Append(" value=\"").Append(eventAttribute.EventId).Append("\""). Append(" version=\"").Append(eventAttribute.Version).Append("\""). Append(" level=\"").Append(GetLevelName(eventAttribute.Level)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Keywords != 0) events.Append(" keywords=\"").Append(GetKeywords((ulong)eventAttribute.Keywords, eventName)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Opcode != 0) events.Append(" opcode=\"").Append(GetOpcodeName(eventAttribute.Opcode, eventName)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Task != 0) events.Append(" task=\"").Append(GetTaskName(eventAttribute.Task, eventName)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Channel != 0) events.Append(" channel=\"").Append(GetChannelName(eventAttribute.Channel, eventName)).Append("\""); }
public void StartEvent(string eventName, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { this.templateName = eventName + "Args"; this.numParams = 0;" <event name=\"").Append(eventName).Append("\"").Append(" value=\"").Append(eventAttribute.EventId).Append("\"").Append(" version=\"").Append(eventAttribute.Version).Append("\"").Append(" level=\"").Append(GetLevelName(eventAttribute.Level)).Append("\""); if (eventAttribute.Keywords != EventKeywords.None) {" keywords=\"").Append(this.GetKeywords((ulong) eventAttribute.Keywords, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Opcode != EventOpcode.Info) {" opcode=\"").Append(this.GetOpcodeName(eventAttribute.Opcode, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Task != EventTask.None) {" task=\"").Append(this.GetTaskName(eventAttribute.Task, eventName)).Append("\""); } if (eventAttribute.Channel != EventChannel.Default) {" channel=\"").Append(this.GetChannelName(eventAttribute.Channel, eventName)).Append("\""); } }
private byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors(string providerDllName) { Type type = base.GetType(); MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); EventAttribute attribute = new EventAttribute(0); int num = 1; this.m_eventData = new EventData[methods.Length]; ManifestBuilder builder = new ManifestBuilder(this.Name, this.Guid, providerDllName); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); if (fields.Length > 0) { foreach (FieldInfo info in fields) { Type fieldType = info.FieldType; if (fieldType == typeof(EventOpcode)) { builder.AddOpcode(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventTask)) { builder.AddTask(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventKeywords)) { builder.AddKeyword(info.Name, (ulong) ((long) info.GetRawConstantValue())); } else if (fieldType == typeof(EventChannel)) { builder.AddChannel(info.Name, (int) info.GetRawConstantValue()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo element = methods[i]; ParameterInfo[] parameters = element.GetParameters(); EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(EventAttribute), false); if (element.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { if ((eventAttribute != null) && this.DoDebugChecks()) { throw new ArgumentException("Event attribute placed on method " + element.Name + " which does not return 'void'"); } } else { if (!element.IsVirtual && !element.IsStatic) { if (eventAttribute == null) { if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(NonEventAttribute), false) != null) { goto Label_0297; } attribute.EventId = num; attribute.Opcode = EventOpcode.Info; attribute.Task = EventTask.None; eventAttribute = attribute; } else if (eventAttribute.EventId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Event IDs <= 0 are illegal."); } num++; if ((eventAttribute.Opcode == EventOpcode.Info) && (eventAttribute.Task == EventTask.None)) { eventAttribute.Opcode = (EventOpcode) (10 + eventAttribute.EventId); } builder.StartEvent(element.Name, eventAttribute); for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++) { builder.AddEventParameter(parameters[j].ParameterType, parameters[j].Name); } builder.EndEvent(); if (this.DoDebugChecks()) { this.DebugCheckEvent(element, eventAttribute); } this.AddEventDescriptor(eventAttribute); } Label_0297:; } } this.TrimEventDescriptors(); this.m_eventsByName = null; return builder.CreateManifest(); }
private void DebugCheckEvent(MethodInfo method, EventAttribute eventAttribute) { int helperCallFirstArg = GetHelperCallFirstArg(method); if ((helperCallFirstArg >= 0) && (eventAttribute.EventId != helperCallFirstArg)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "Error: event ", method.Name, " is given event ID ", eventAttribute.EventId, " but ", helperCallFirstArg, " was passed to the helper." })); } if ((eventAttribute.EventId < this.m_eventData.Length) && (this.m_eventData[eventAttribute.EventId].Descriptor.EventId != 0)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "Event ", method.Name, " has ID ", eventAttribute.EventId, " which is the same as a previously defined event." })); } if (this.m_eventsByName == null) { this.m_eventsByName = new Dictionary<string, string>(); } if (this.m_eventsByName.ContainsKey(method.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Event name " + method.Name + " used more than once. If you wish to overload a method, the overloaded method should have a [Event(-1)] attribute to indicate the method should not have associated meta-data."); } this.m_eventsByName[method.Name] = method.Name; }