void CollectEventLogs(string logFileCollectionPath = "")
            var els = new EventLogSession();

            // this query gets the last 7 days of events
            string q = "<QueryList>" +
                            "<Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"Application\">" +
                                "<Select Path=\"Application\">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 604800000]]]</Select>" +
                            "</Query>" +
            els.ExportLogAndMessages("Application", PathType.LogName, q, Path.Combine(logFileCollectionPath + "\\Application.evtx"), false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            // this query gets the last 7 days of events
            q = "<QueryList>" +
                            "<Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"System\">" +
                                "<Select Path=\"System\">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 604800000]]]</Select>" +
                            "</Query>" +
            els.ExportLogAndMessages("System", PathType.LogName, q, Path.Combine(logFileCollectionPath + "\\System.evtx"), false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int exitCode = 0;
            String logPath = "Application";
            String query = "*/System[Level <= 3 and Level >= 1]"; // XPath selecting all events of level warning or higher.
            String targetFile = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\\export.evtx");
            String targetFileWithMessages = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\\exportWithMessages.evtx");

                // Parse the command line.
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    if (args[0] == "/?" || args[0] == "-?")
                        Console.WriteLine("Usage: LogManagement [<logname> [<exportFile> [<exportFileWithMessages>]]]\n" +
                                          "<logname> is the name of an existing event log.\n" +
                                          "When <logname> is not specified, Application is assumed.\n" +
                                          "EXAMPLE: LogManagement Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational archive.evtx archiveWithMessages.evtx\n");
                        logPath = args[0];
                        if (args.Length > 1)
                            targetFile = args[1];
                        if (args.Length > 2)
                            targetFileWithMessages = args[2];

                // Get log information.
                EventLogSession session = new EventLogSession();
                EventLogInformation logInfo = session.GetLogInformation(logPath, PathType.LogName);
                Console.WriteLine("The {0} log contains {1} events.", logPath, logInfo.RecordCount );

                // Export selected events from a log to a file.
                if (File.Exists(targetFile))
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not export log {0}: file {1} already exists", logPath, targetFile);
                    session.ExportLog(logPath, PathType.LogName, query, targetFile, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected events from the {0} log have been exported to file {1}.", logPath, targetFile);

                // Capture localized event information so that the exported log can be viewed on
                // systems that might not have some of the event providers installed.
                if (File.Exists(targetFileWithMessages))
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not archive log {0}: file {1} already exists", logPath, targetFileWithMessages);
                    session.ExportLogAndMessages(logPath, PathType.LogName, query, targetFileWithMessages, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    Console.WriteLine("The export file {0} has been localized into {1} for archiving.", targetFileWithMessages, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DisplayName);

                // Clear the log.
                Console.WriteLine("The {0} log has been cleared.", logPath );

            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                Console.WriteLine("You do not have the correct permissions. " +
                                  "Try re-running the sample with administrator privileges.\n" + e.ToString());
            catch(Exception e)
                exitCode = 1;
