public ShoppingCartInfo GetShoppingCart(MemberInfo member) { ShoppingCartInfo shoppingCartInfo = new ShoppingCartInfo(); System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT * FROM Hishop_ShoppingCarts WHERE UserId = @UserId"); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "UserId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, member.UserId); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItemInfo = this.GetCartItemInfo(member, (string)dataReader["SkuId"], (int)dataReader["Quantity"], 0, 0, 0); if (cartItemInfo != null) { shoppingCartInfo.LineItems.Add(cartItemInfo); } } } return(shoppingCartInfo); }
public bool SaveSalesVoucher(TransSalesModel objSales) { string Query = string.Empty; bool isSaved = true; try { DBParameterCollection paramCollection = new DBParameterCollection(); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@VoucherNumber", objSales.VoucherNumber)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Series", objSales.Series)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@SaleDate", objSales.SaleDate, System.Data.DbType.DateTime)); //paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@BillNo", objSales.BillNo)); //paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@DueDate", objSales.DueDate)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@SalesType", objSales.SalesType)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Party", objSales.Party)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@MatCentre", objSales.MatCentre)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Narration", objSales.Narration)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ItemTotalAmount", objSales.TotalAmount)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ItemTotalQty", objSales.TotalQty)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@BSTotalAmount", objSales.BSTotalAmount)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedBy", "Admin")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedDate", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedBy", "")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedDate", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime)); System.Data.IDataReader dr = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataReader("spInsertSalesVoucher", _dbHelper.GetConnObject(), paramCollection, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure); int id = 0; dr.Read(); id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]); SaveSalesVoucherItems(objSales.SalesItem_Voucher, id); SaveSalesBillSundryVoucher(objSales.SalesBillSundry_Voucher, id); } catch (Exception ex) { isSaved = false; // throw ex; } return(isSaved); }
public IList <NewsMsgInfo> GetNewsReplyInfo(int replyid) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("select ReplyId,MsgID,Title,ImageUrl,Url,Description,Content from vshop_Message "); stringBuilder.Append(" where ReplyId=@ReplyId "); System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(stringBuilder.ToString()); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "ReplyId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, replyid); List <NewsMsgInfo> list = new List <NewsMsgInfo>(); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { list.Add(this.ReaderBindNewsRelpy(dataReader)); } } return(list); }
public System.Data.DataTable GetPrizes(int gameId) { System.Data.DataTable result; try { System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("select * from Hishop_Game_Prize where [GameId]= @GameId order by sort "); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "GameId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, gameId); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { System.Data.DataTable dataTable = DataHelper.ConverDataReaderToDataTable(dataReader); result = dataTable; } } catch (Exception var_3_59) { result = null; } return(result); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void LoadRegistrationInfo() { string sql = String.Format("SELECT reg_origin, reg_date FROM usrreg WHERE id_usr={0};", this.Id); System.Data.IDbConnection dbConnection = context.GetDbConnection(); System.Data.IDataReader reader = context.GetQueryResult(sql, dbConnection); if (reader.Read()) { if (reader.GetValue(0) != DBNull.Value) { RegistrationOrigin = reader.GetString(0); } if (reader.GetValue(1) != DBNull.Value) { RegistrationDate = reader.GetDateTime(1); } } context.CloseQueryResult(reader, dbConnection); }
/// <summary> /// Accesso ai dati e caricamento ragioni trasmissione /// </summary> /// <param name="commandText"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static OrgRagioneTrasmissione[] FetchRagioniTrasmissione(string commandText) { ArrayList retValue = new ArrayList(); logger.Debug(commandText); using (DocsPaDB.DBProvider dbProvider = new DocsPaDB.DBProvider()) { using (System.Data.IDataReader reader = dbProvider.ExecuteReader(commandText)) { while (reader.Read()) { retValue.Add(CreateRagioneTrasmissione(reader)); } } } return((OrgRagioneTrasmissione[])retValue.ToArray(typeof(OrgRagioneTrasmissione))); }
/// <summary> /// Print a list of the accounts in the database /// </summary> public void ShowUsers() { Console.WriteLine("== users =="); try { DbCommand command = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT uid FROM oc_users"; DbReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(reader ["uid"]); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception) { // } }
public ActivityInfo GetAct(string name) { ActivityInfo activityInfo = null; System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT * FROM Hishop_Activities WHERE ActivitiesName= @Name"); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "Name", System.Data.DbType.Int32, name); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { activityInfo = ReaderConvert.ReaderToModel <ActivityInfo>(dataReader); } sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT * FROM Hishop_Activities_Detail WHERE ActivitiesId = @ID"); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "ID", System.Data.DbType.Int32, activityInfo.ActivitiesId); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { IList <ActivityDetailInfo> details = ReaderConvert.ReaderToList <ActivityDetailInfo>(dataReader); activityInfo.Details = details; } return(activityInfo); }
public BrandCategoryInfo GetBrandCategory(int brandId) { BrandCategoryInfo brandCategoryInfo = new BrandCategoryInfo(); System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT * FROM Hishop_BrandCategories WHERE BrandId = @BrandId;SELECT * FROM Hishop_ProductTypeBrands WHERE BrandId = @BrandId"); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "BrandId", System.Data.DbType.Int32, brandId); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { brandCategoryInfo = ReaderConvert.ReaderToModel <BrandCategoryInfo>(dataReader); IList <int> list = new List <int>(); dataReader.NextResult(); while (dataReader.Read()) { list.Add((int)dataReader["ProductTypeId"]); } brandCategoryInfo.ProductTypes = list; } return(brandCategoryInfo); }
/// <summary> /// executes sql against the datasource and will return a single result object /// </summary> /// <param name="pSQL"></param> /// <returns></returns> public object GetScalar(string pSQL) { object result = null; try { System.Data.IDataReader ReaderResult = (System.Data.IDataReader) this.ExecuteReader(this.CreateQuery(pSQL)); while (ReaderResult.Read()) { result = ReaderResult[0]; break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Error MongoDBDatabase.IDataSource.GetDataTableReader:\n" + e.ToString()); } return(result); }
protected override SendMailModel LoadFromReader(System.Data.IDataReader iDataReader) { SendMailModel ret = new SendMailModel() { ID = ToNullableLong(iDataReader["ID"]), CustomerID = ToNullableLong(iDataReader["CustomerID"]), CustomerEmailAddress = ToNullableString(iDataReader["CustomerEmailAddress"]), DepositNumber = ToNullableString(iDataReader["DepositNumber"]), EmailType = ToNullableString(iDataReader["EmailType"]), EmailText = ToNullableString(iDataReader["EmailText"]), Subject = ToNullableString(iDataReader["Subject"]), Status = ToNullableBool(iDataReader["mailstatus"]), Error = ToNullableString(iDataReader["Error"]), SendDate = ToNullableString(iDataReader["SendDate"]), SendTime = ToNullableString(iDataReader["SendTime"]) }; return(ret); }
private void ReaderToProperty(System.Data.IDataReader reader, object obj, ReadProperty rp, PropertyMapper pm, PropertyHandler handler) { try { object dbvalue = reader[rp.Index]; if (dbvalue != DBNull.Value) { if (pm.Cast != null) { dbvalue = pm.Cast.ToProperty(dbvalue, pm.Handler.Property.PropertyType, obj); } handler.Set(obj, Convert.ChangeType(dbvalue, pm.Handler.Property.PropertyType)); } } catch (Exception e_) { throw new PeanutException(string.Format(DataMsg.READER_TO_PROPERTY_ERROR, pm.ColumnName, pm.Handler.Property.Name), e_); } }
public void ReaderToObject(System.Data.IDataReader reader, object obj) { if (!mLoadColumnIndex) { SetColumnIndex(reader); } for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++) { ReadProperty rp = Properties[i]; if (!Proxy) { ReaderToProperty(reader, obj, rp, rp.Mapper, rp.Mapper.Handler); } else { ReaderToProperty(reader, obj, rp, rp.Mapper, ProxyProperties[i]); } } }
public override T GetValue(System.Data.IDataReader dataReader) { var entity = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); foreach (var mapping in this.mappings) { var value = dataReader[mapping.Key]; if (value == null || value is DBNull) { mapping.Value.SetValue(entity, null, null); } else { var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(mapping.Value.PropertyType); mapping.Value.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(value, underlyingType ?? mapping.Value.PropertyType), null); } } return(entity); }
public override bool ChangeMemberGrade(int userId, int gradId, int points) { System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT ISNULL(Points, 0) AS Point, GradeId FROM aspnet_MemberGrades Order by Point Desc "); bool result; using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read() && (int)dataReader["GradeId"] != gradId) { if ((int)dataReader["Point"] <= points) { result = this.UpdateUserRank(userId, (int)dataReader["GradeId"]); return(result); } } result = true; } return(result); }
private void GetPasswordWithFormat(string tableName, string username, out bool success, out int passwordFormat, out string passwordSalt, out string passwordFromDb) { passwordFormat = 0; passwordSalt = null; passwordFromDb = null; success = false; System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT biz.TradePasswordFormat, biz.TradePasswordSalt, biz.TradePassword FROM " + tableName + " AS biz INNER JOIN aspnet_Users AS u ON biz.UserId = u.UserId WHERE u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@Username)"); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "Username", System.Data.DbType.String, username); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { if (dataReader.Read()) { passwordFormat = dataReader.GetInt32(0); passwordSalt = dataReader.GetString(1); passwordFromDb = dataReader.GetString(2); success = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the page URL internal. /// </summary> /// <param name="PageId">The page id.</param> /// <param name="WithUserId">if set to <c>true</c> [with user id].</param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetPageUrlInternal(int PageId, bool WithUserId) { string path = String.Empty; using (System.Data.IDataReader reader = Mediachase.Cms.FileTreeItem.GetItemById(PageId)) { if (reader.Read()) { if ((bool)reader["IsFolder"]) { path += "/" + reader["Name"].ToString() + "/"; } else { path += reader["Outline"].ToString(); } } reader.Close(); } if (WithUserId) { //path += "?_mode=edit"; } else { //trunc path if (path.Length > 100) { string begin = string.Empty; string end = string.Empty; if (Regex.IsMatch(path, "/[\\w\\d]+\\u002Easpx")) { end = Regex.Match(path, "/[\\w\\d]+\\u002Easpx").Value; } if (Regex.IsMatch(path, "^/[\\w\\d]*")) { end = Regex.Match(path, "^/[\\w\\d]*").Value; } path = begin + "..." + end; } } return(path.Trim()); }
public static EMS.Entities.MyProfileMDL GetProfileDetails(int UserId, int BusinessId) { EMS.Entities.MyProfileMDL user = new EMS.Entities.MyProfileMDL(); using (DBSqlCommand cmd = new DBSqlCommand()) { try { cmd.AddParameters(UserId, CommonConstants.UserId, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); cmd.AddParameters(BusinessId, CommonConstants.BusinessID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); System.Data.IDataReader ireader = cmd.ExecuteDataReader(SqlProcedures.Get_MyAccountDetails); while (ireader.Read()) { var userDet = new EMS.Entities.MyProfileMDL { UserFirstName = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.FirstName), UserLastName = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.LastName), Email = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.UserEmail), Fax = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.BusinessFax), AddressLine1 = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.UserAddressLine1), City = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.City), State = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.State), Country = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.Country), //RenewalDate = ireader.GetDateTime(CommonColumns.UserAccountExpiryDate), Licences = ireader.GetInt16(CommonColumns.Licences), BusinessName = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.BusinessName), LogMeOutId = ireader.GetInt32(CommonColumns.LogMeOutId), EndDate = ireader.GetNullLocalDateTime(CommonColumns.UserAccountExpiryDate), CityId = ireader.GetInt32(CommonColumns.CityId), StateId = ireader.GetInt32(CommonColumns.StateId), CountryId = ireader.GetInt16(CommonColumns.CountryId), ImagePath = ireader.GetString(CommonColumns.ImagePath) }; user = userDet; } return(user); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } } }
public static Zipcode GetCSZ(int z) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); DbCommand cw = db.GetStoredProcCommand("sp_NCIPL_GetCSZ"); db.AddInParameter(cw, "zip", DbType.String, z.ToString()); using (System.Data.IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(cw)) { Zipcode k = new Zipcode(); if (dr.Read()) { //k.zip5=z; k.City = dr["City"].ToString(); k.State = dr["State"].ToString(); k.Zip4 = dr["zip4"].ToString(); } return(k); //May or may not have real values at this point...thats ok. } }
public void SetBinaryData(int id, string fieldName, byte[] data) { string query = "select " + fieldName + " from PUBLISH_HISTORY " + " where ID = " + id + " FOR UPDATE"; using (DBCommandWrapper wrapper = GetSqlStringCommandWrapper(query)) { using (System.Data.IDataReader reader = this.ExecuteReader(wrapper)) { if (reader.Read()) { System.Data.OracleClient.OracleLob clob = ((OracleDataReaderWrapper)reader).InnerReader.GetOracleLob(0); clob.Erase(); clob.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } } }
public bool SavePaymentVoucher(PaymentVoucherModel objpaymod) { string Query = string.Empty; //int payid = 0; bool isSaved = true; try { DBParameterCollection paramCollection = new DBParameterCollection(); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@VoucherNumber", objpaymod.Voucher_Number)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Series", objpaymod.Voucher_Series)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@PayDate", objpaymod.Pay_Date, System.Data.DbType.DateTime)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Type", objpaymod.Type)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@PaymentModeId", objpaymod.PaymentModeId)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@PDCDate", objpaymod.PDCDate, System.Data.DbType.DateTime)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@LongNarration", objpaymod.LongNarration)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@TotalCreditAmount", objpaymod.TotalCreditAmt, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@TotalDebitAmount", objpaymod.TotalDebitAmt, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedBy", "Admin")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedDate", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedBy", "")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedDate", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime)); System.Data.IDataReader dr = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataReader("spInsertPaymentMaster", _dbHelper.GetConnObject(), paramCollection, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure); int id = 0; dr.Read(); id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]); SavePaymentAccounts(objpaymod.PaymentAccountModel, id); objLPBL.LedgerPostingAddByList(objpaymod.PaymentLPDebit); objLPBL.LedgerPostingAddByList(objpaymod.PaymentLPCredit); } catch (Exception ex) { isSaved = false; throw ex; } return(isSaved); }
/// <summary> /// 通过dbreader填充数据到列表 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList <T> FillList <T>(System.Data.IDataReader reader) { try { //先获取列名信息 List <string> fieldsList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { fieldsList.Add(reader.GetName(i)); } IList <T> lst = new List <T>(); while (reader.Read()) { T RowInstance = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Property in typeof(T).GetProperties()) { //try //{ if (!fieldsList.Contains(Property.Name)) { continue; } if (reader[Property.Name] != DBNull.Value) { Property.SetValue(RowInstance, reader[Property.Name], null); } //} //catch //{ // continue; //} } lst.Add(RowInstance); } return(lst); } finally { reader.Close(); } }
//List public List <SalesManModel> GetAllSalesMan() { List <SalesManModel> lstSaleMan = new List <SalesManModel>(); SalesManModel objModel; string Query = "SELECT * FROM SalesManMaster"; System.Data.IDataReader dr = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataReader(Query, _dbHelper.GetConnObject()); while (dr.Read()) { objModel = new SalesManModel(); objModel.SalesMan_Id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SalesMan_Id"]); objModel.SM_Name = dr["SM_Name"].ToString(); objModel.SM_Alias = dr["SM_Alias"].ToString(); objModel.SM_PrintName = dr["SM_PrintName"].ToString(); objModel.EnableDefCommision = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableDefCommision"]); objModel.Commision_Mode = dr["Commision_Mode"].ToString(); objModel.DefCommision = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["DefCommision"]); objModel.FreezeCommision = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["FreezeCommision"]); objModel.Sales_DebitMode = dr["Sales_DebitMode"].ToString(); objModel.Sales_ACCredited = dr["Sales_ACCredited"].ToString(); objModel.Sales_AccDebited = dr["Sales_AccDebited"].ToString(); objModel.Purchase_DebitMode = dr["Purchase_DebitMode"].ToString(); objModel.Purchase_AccCredited = dr["Purchase_DebitMode"].ToString(); objModel.Purchase_AccDebited = dr["Purchase_AccDebited"].ToString(); objModel.Address = dr["Address"].ToString(); objModel.City = dr["City"].ToString(); objModel.State = dr["State"].ToString(); objModel.Country = dr["Country"].ToString(); objModel.State = dr["State"].ToString(); objModel.Mobile = dr["Mobile"].ToString(); lstSaleMan.Add(objModel); } return(lstSaleMan); }
//Save Sales Voucher Items Details public bool SaveSalesVoucherItems(List <Item_VoucherModel> lstSales, int ParentId) { string Query = string.Empty; bool isSaved = true; foreach (Item_VoucherModel item in lstSales) { item.ParentId = ParentId; try { DBParameterCollection paramCollection = new DBParameterCollection(); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Trans_Sales_Id", item.ParentId)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ItemId", item.ITM_Id)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@LedgerId", item.LedgerId)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Qty", item.Qty, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Unit", item.Unit)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Per", item.Per)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Price", item.Price, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Batch", item.Batch)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Free", item.Free, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@BasicAmt", item.BasicAmt, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@DiscountPercentage", item.DiscountPercentage, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@DiscountAmount", item.DiscountAmount, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@TaxAmount", item.TaxAmount, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@Amount", item.Amount, DbType.Decimal)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedBy", "Admin")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@CreatedDate", DateTime.Now, System.Data.DbType.DateTime)); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedBy", "")); paramCollection.Add(new DBParameter("@ModifiedDate", DateTime.Now, System.Data.DbType.DateTime)); System.Data.IDataReader dr = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataReader("spInsertSalesVoucherItemDetails", _dbHelper.GetConnObject(), paramCollection, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure); } catch (Exception ex) { isSaved = false; throw ex; } } return(isSaved); }
public static DbQueryResult PagingByRownumber(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sortBy, SortAction sortOrder, bool isCount, string table, string string_0, string filter, string selectFields, int partitionSize) { DbQueryResult result; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(table)) { result = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) { result = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectFields)) { selectFields = "*"; } string text = DataHelper.BuildRownumberQuery(sortBy, sortOrder, isCount, table, string_0, filter, selectFields, partitionSize); int num = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1; int num2 = num + pageSize - 1; DbQueryResult dbQueryResult = new DbQueryResult(); Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(text); database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "StartNumber", System.Data.DbType.Int32, num); database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "EndNumber", System.Data.DbType.Int32, num2); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { dbQueryResult.Data = DataHelper.ConverDataReaderToDataTable(dataReader); if (isCount && partitionSize == 0 && dataReader.NextResult()) { dataReader.Read(); dbQueryResult.TotalRecords = dataReader.GetInt32(0); } } result = dbQueryResult; } } return(result); }
public bool GetQRCodeScanInfo(string AppID, bool IsClearAfterRead, out string SCannerUserOpenID, out string SCannerUserNickName, out string UserHead) { bool flag = false; SCannerUserOpenID = ""; SCannerUserNickName = ""; UserHead = ""; string empty = string.Empty; System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(" select a.SCannerUserOpenID, b.UserName as NickName, b.UserHead from vshop_ScanOpenID a left join aspnet_Members b on a.SCannerUserOpenID= b.OpenId where 1=1 or a.AppID= @AppID order by AutoID desc "); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "AppID", System.Data.DbType.String, AppID); using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { if (dataReader.Read()) { flag = true; object obj = dataReader["SCannerUserOpenID"]; if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value) { SCannerUserOpenID = (string)obj; flag = true; } obj = dataReader["NickName"]; if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value) { SCannerUserNickName = (string)obj; } obj = dataReader["UserHead"]; if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value) { UserHead = (string)obj; } } } if (flag && IsClearAfterRead) { System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand2 = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(" delete from vshop_ScanOpenID where 1=1 or AppID= @AppID "); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand2, "AppID", System.Data.DbType.String, AppID); this.database.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStringCommand2); } return(flag); }
public T GetValue <T>(System.Data.IDataReader theReader, string theColumnName) { // // Read the value out of the reader by string (column name); returns object object theValue = theReader[theColumnName]; // Cast to the generic type applied to this method (i.e. int?) Type theValueType = typeof(T); // Check for null value from the database if (System.DBNull.Value != theValue) { // We have a null, do we have a nullable type for T? if (!IsNullableType(theValueType)) { if (theValueType == typeof(Guid)) { if (theValue.GetType() == typeof(byte[])) { var a = (T)Convert.ChangeType(theValue, typeof(T)); } { throw new System.Exception("Invalid Guid"); } } else { return((T)Convert.ChangeType(theValue, theValueType)); } } else { // Yes, this is a nullable type so change the value's type from object to the underlying type of T NullableConverter theNullableConverter = new NullableConverter(theValueType); return((T)Convert.ChangeType(theValue, theNullableConverter.UnderlyingType)); } } // The value was null in the database, so return the default value for T; this will vary based on what T is (i.e. int has a default of 0) return(default(T)); }
/// <summary> /// Persists data to and from the specified excel file /// </summary> /// <param name="excelFilepath">The excel file that should be read into memory</param> public ExcelPersister(string excelFilepath) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(excelFilepath)) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(excelFilepath); } // keep a pointer to the excel file _ExcelFile = excelFilepath; var table = new System.Data.DataTable("Sheet1"); try { using (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(Util.GetExcelConnectionString(excelFilepath, true))) { using (System.Data.IDbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"; connection.Open(); using (System.Data.IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { table.Load(dr); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if ((ex.Message.IndexOf("Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { logger.Error("Please install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable:", ex); throw new System.Exception("Please install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable:"); } logger.Error("Problem reading excel file: " + excelFilepath, ex); throw; } // assign the data table before exiting the constructor this.Data = table; }
private List <Dictionary <string, object> > ExecutaQuery(System.Data.Common.DbCommand cmd) { List <Dictionary <string, object> > Linhas = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); try { if (cmd.CommandText.Contains("CALL ")) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; } else { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; } cmd.CommandTimeout = 1800; using (System.Data.IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Dictionary <string, object> linha = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // Colunas for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { linha.Add(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i) == DBNull.Value ? null : reader.GetValue(i)); } // Adiciona Dictionary da Linha Linhas.Add(linha); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string txtComando = Util.DevolveStringCommand(cmd); throw new Exception(string.Format("Erro ao executar comando no banco de dados.\r\nTexto: {0}\r\nDetalhes: {1}", txtComando, ex.Message), ex); } return(Linhas); }
public System.Data.DataTable GetSkuStocks(string productIds) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("SELECT p.ProductId,ProductName, SkuId, SKU, Stock, ThumbnailUrl40 FROM Hishop_Products p JOIN Hishop_SKUs s ON p.ProductId = s.ProductId WHERE p.ProductId IN ({0})", DataHelper.CleanSearchString(productIds)); stringBuilder.Append(" SELECT SkuId, AttributeName, ValueStr FROM Hishop_SKUItems si JOIN Hishop_Attributes a ON si.AttributeId = a.AttributeId JOIN Hishop_AttributeValues av ON si.ValueId = av.ValueId"); stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" WHERE si.SkuId IN(SELECT SkuId FROM Hishop_SKUs WHERE ProductId IN ({0}))", DataHelper.CleanSearchString(productIds)); System.Data.Common.DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(stringBuilder.ToString()); System.Data.DataTable dataTable = null; System.Data.DataTable dataTable2 = null; using (System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { dataTable = DataHelper.ConverDataReaderToDataTable(dataReader); dataReader.NextResult(); dataTable2 = DataHelper.ConverDataReaderToDataTable(dataReader); } dataTable.Columns.Add("SKUContent"); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0 && dataTable2 != null && dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (System.Data.DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { string text = string.Empty; foreach (System.Data.DataRow dataRow2 in dataTable2.Rows) { if ((string)dataRow["SkuId"] == (string)dataRow2["SkuId"]) { object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, dataRow2["AttributeName"], ":", dataRow2["ValueStr"], "; " }); } } dataRow["SKUContent"] = text; } } return(dataTable); }
public EpiDataReader(Rule_Context Context, System.Data.IDataReader Reader) { this.mContext = Context; this.mReader = Reader; }
public void ValidateDataReader() { try { if (m_oDataReader != null && !m_oDataReader.IsClosed) { m_oDataReader.Close(); m_oDataReader.Dispose(); m_oDataReader = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataAccessException("No se ha podido cerrar al DataReader.", ex); } }
private void Inicializa() { m_oConnection = null; m_oCommand = null; m_oTransaction = null; m_sConnectionString = null; m_nroTransaction = 0; m_nCommandTimeout = 0; m_nRetryConnect = 3; m_bDisposed = false; m_bConnected = false; m_sProviderAssembly = null; m_sProviderConnectionClass = null; m_sProviderCommandBuilderClass = null; m_eProvider = PROVIDER_TYPE.PROVIDER_NONE; m_idConexion = 0; m_oDataReader = null; }
/// <summary> /// Ejecuta una QueryString o un Store Procedure /// </summary> /// <param name="sSQL">Nombre del StoreProcedure o QueryString</param> /// <param name="oType">Tipo de Comando a Ejecuatr</param> /// <returns>IDataReader</returns> public IDataReader ExecuteReader(string sSQL, CommandType oType) { try { if (m_oLog != null) { m_oLog.TraceLog("Realizando ExecuteReader...", m_idConexion); } ValidateDataReader(); ValidateConnection(); m_oCommand.CommandText = ProcessQryString(sSQL, oType); m_oCommand.CommandType = oType; ProcessParametersString(); if (m_oLog != null) { m_oLog.TraceLog("QueryString -> " + m_oCommand.CommandText, m_idConexion); m_oLog.TraceLog("ParamsValues -> " + ParamsValues, m_idConexion); } m_oDataReader = m_oCommand.ExecuteReader(); return m_oDataReader; } catch (SqlException ex) { throw (new DataAccessException("Hubo un error en la Consulta. <br/> Consulta: " + sSQL + " <br/> Parametros: " + ParamsValues, ex)); } catch (DataAccessException ex) { throw (ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (new DataAccessException("Hubo un error inesperado al tratar de realizar la consulta.", ex)); } }