Overflow() public static method

public static Overflow ( Type type ) : Exception
type Type
return Exception
        private object EvalBinaryOp(int op, ExpressionNode left, ExpressionNode right, DataRow row, DataRowVersion version, int[] recordNos)
            object vLeft;
            object vRight;
            bool   isLConst, isRConst;
            Type   result;

             * special case for OR and AND operators: we don't want to evaluate
             * both right and left operands, because we can shortcut :
             *  for OR  operator If one of the operands is true the result is true
             *  for AND operator If one of rhe operands is flase the result is false
             * CONSIDER : in the shortcut case do we want to type-check the other operand?

            if (op != Operators.Or && op != Operators.And && op != Operators.In && op != Operators.Is && op != Operators.IsNot)
                vLeft    = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);
                vRight   = BinaryNode.Eval(right, row, version, recordNos);
                isLConst = (left is ConstNode);
                isRConst = (right is ConstNode);

                //    special case of handling NULLS, currently only OR operator can work with NULLS
                if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))

                result = ResultType(vLeft.GetType(), vRight.GetType(), isLConst, isRConst, op);

                if (result == null)
                    SetTypeMismatchError(op, vLeft.GetType(), vRight.GetType());

                if (CompModSwitches.BinaryNode.TraceVerbose)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Result of the operator: " + result.Name);
                vLeft  = vRight = DBNull.Value;
                result = null;

            object value        = DBNull.Value;
            bool   typeMismatch = false;

            try {
                switch (op)
                case Operators.Plus:
                    if (result == typeof(Byte))
                        value = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToByte(vLeft) + Convert.ToByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(SByte))
                        value = Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToSByte(vLeft) + Convert.ToSByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int16))
                        value = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(vLeft) + Convert.ToInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt16))
                        value = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(vLeft) + Convert.ToUInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int32))
                        Int32 a = Convert.ToInt32(vLeft);
                        Int32 b = Convert.ToInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt32))
                        UInt32 a = Convert.ToUInt32(vLeft);
                        UInt32 b = Convert.ToUInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt64))
                        UInt64 a = Convert.ToUInt64(vLeft);
                        UInt64 b = Convert.ToUInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Int64))
                        Int64 a = Convert.ToInt64(vLeft);
                        Int64 b = Convert.ToInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Decimal))
                        Decimal a = Convert.ToDecimal(vLeft);
                        Decimal b = Convert.ToDecimal(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Single))
                        Single a = Convert.ToSingle(vLeft);
                        Single b = Convert.ToSingle(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(double))
                        Double a = Convert.ToDouble(vLeft);
                        Double b = Convert.ToDouble(vRight);
                        checked { value = a + b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(string) || result == typeof(char))
                        value = Convert.ToString(vLeft) + Convert.ToString(vRight);
                    else if (result == typeof(DateTime))
                        // one of the operands should be a DateTime, and an other a TimeSpan

                        if (vLeft is TimeSpan && vRight is DateTime)
                            value = (DateTime)vRight + (TimeSpan)vLeft;
                        else if (vLeft is DateTime && vRight is TimeSpan)
                            value = (DateTime)vLeft + (TimeSpan)vRight;
                            typeMismatch = true;
                    else if (result == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        value = (TimeSpan)vLeft + (TimeSpan)vRight;
                        typeMismatch = true;

                case Operators.Minus:
                    if (result == typeof(Byte))
                        value = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToByte(vLeft) - Convert.ToByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(SByte))
                        value = Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToSByte(vLeft) - Convert.ToSByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int16))
                        value = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(vLeft) - Convert.ToInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt16))
                        value = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(vLeft) - Convert.ToUInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int32))
                        Int32 a = Convert.ToInt32(vLeft);
                        Int32 b = Convert.ToInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt32))
                        UInt32 a = Convert.ToUInt32(vLeft);
                        UInt32 b = Convert.ToUInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Int64))
                        Int64 a = Convert.ToInt64(vLeft);
                        Int64 b = Convert.ToInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt64))
                        UInt64 a = Convert.ToUInt64(vLeft);
                        UInt64 b = Convert.ToUInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Decimal))
                        Decimal a = Convert.ToDecimal(vLeft);
                        Decimal b = Convert.ToDecimal(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Single))
                        Single a = Convert.ToSingle(vLeft);
                        Single b = Convert.ToSingle(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(double))
                        Double a = Convert.ToDouble(vLeft);
                        Double b = Convert.ToDouble(vRight);
                        checked { value = a - b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(DateTime))
                        value = (DateTime)vLeft - (TimeSpan)vRight;
                    else if (result == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        if (vLeft is DateTime)
                            value = (DateTime)vLeft - (DateTime)vRight;
                            value = (TimeSpan)vLeft - (TimeSpan)vRight;
                        typeMismatch = true;

                case Operators.Multiply:
                    if (result == typeof(Byte))
                        value = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToByte(vLeft) * Convert.ToByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(SByte))
                        value = Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToSByte(vLeft) * Convert.ToSByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int16))
                        value = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(vLeft) * Convert.ToInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt16))
                        value = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(vLeft) * Convert.ToUInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int32))
                        Int32 a = Convert.ToInt32(vLeft);
                        Int32 b = Convert.ToInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt32))
                        UInt32 a = Convert.ToUInt32(vLeft);
                        UInt32 b = Convert.ToUInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Int64))
                        Int64 a = Convert.ToInt64(vLeft);
                        Int64 b = Convert.ToInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt64))
                        UInt64 a = Convert.ToUInt64(vLeft);
                        UInt64 b = Convert.ToUInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Decimal))
                        Decimal a = Convert.ToDecimal(vLeft);
                        Decimal b = Convert.ToDecimal(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Single))
                        Single a = Convert.ToSingle(vLeft);
                        Single b = Convert.ToSingle(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(double))
                        Double a = Convert.ToDouble(vLeft);
                        Double b = Convert.ToDouble(vRight);
                        checked { value = a * b; }
                        typeMismatch = true;

                case Operators.Divide:
                    if (result == typeof(Byte))
                        value = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToByte(vLeft) / Convert.ToByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(SByte))
                        value = Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToSByte(vLeft) / Convert.ToSByte(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int16))
                        value = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(vLeft) / Convert.ToInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt16))
                        value = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(vLeft) / Convert.ToUInt16(vRight));
                    else if (result == typeof(Int32))
                        Int32 a = Convert.ToInt32(vLeft);
                        Int32 b = Convert.ToInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt32))
                        UInt32 a = Convert.ToUInt32(vLeft);
                        UInt32 b = Convert.ToUInt32(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(UInt64))
                        UInt64 a = Convert.ToUInt64(vLeft);
                        UInt64 b = Convert.ToUInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Int64))
                        Int64 a = Convert.ToInt64(vLeft);
                        Int64 b = Convert.ToInt64(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Decimal))
                        Decimal a = Convert.ToDecimal(vLeft);
                        Decimal b = Convert.ToDecimal(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(Single))
                        Single a = Convert.ToSingle(vLeft);
                        Single b = Convert.ToSingle(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                    else if (result == typeof(double))
                        Double a = Convert.ToDouble(vLeft);
                        Double b = Convert.ToDouble(vRight);
                        checked { value = a / b; }
                        typeMismatch = true;

                case Operators.EqualTo:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 == Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, Operators.EqualTo));

                case Operators.GreaterThen:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 < Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, op));

                case Operators.LessThen:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 > Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, op));

                case Operators.GreaterOrEqual:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 <= Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, op));

                case Operators.LessOrEqual:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 >= Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, op));

                case Operators.NotEqual:
                    if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (vRight == DBNull.Value))
                    return(0 != Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, op));

                case Operators.Is:
                    vLeft = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);
                    if (vLeft == DBNull.Value)

                case Operators.IsNot:
                    vLeft = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);
                    if (vLeft == DBNull.Value)

                case Operators.And:
                     * special case evaluating of the AND operator: we don't want to evaluate
                     * both right and left operands, because we can shortcut :
                     *  If one of the operands is flase the result is false
                     * CONSIDER : in the shortcut case do we want to type-check the other operand?

                    vLeft = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);

                    if (vLeft == DBNull.Value)

                    if (!(vLeft is bool))
                        vRight       = BinaryNode.Eval(right, row, version, recordNos);
                        typeMismatch = true;

                    if ((bool)vLeft == false)
                        value = false;

                    vRight = BinaryNode.Eval(right, row, version, recordNos);

                    if (vRight == DBNull.Value)

                    if (!(vRight is bool))
                        typeMismatch = true;

                    value = (bool)vRight;

                case Operators.Or:
                     * special case evaluating the OR operator: we don't want to evaluate
                     * both right and left operands, because we can shortcut :
                     *  If one of the operands is true the result is true
                     * CONSIDER : in the shortcut case do we want to type-check the other operand?
                    vLeft = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);
                    if (vLeft != DBNull.Value)
                        if (!(vLeft is bool))
                            vRight       = BinaryNode.Eval(right, row, version, recordNos);
                            typeMismatch = true;

                        if ((bool)vLeft == true)
                            value = true;

                    vRight = BinaryNode.Eval(right, row, version, recordNos);
                    if (vRight == DBNull.Value)

                    if (vLeft == DBNull.Value)

                    if (!(vRight is bool))
                        typeMismatch = true;

                    value = (bool)vRight;

                case Operators.Modulo:
                    if (ExpressionNode.IsInteger(result))
                        if (result == typeof(UInt64))
                            value = Convert.ToUInt64(vLeft) % Convert.ToUInt64(vRight);
                            value = Convert.ToInt64(vLeft) % Convert.ToInt64(vRight);
                            value = Convert.ChangeType(value, result);
                        typeMismatch = true;

                case Operators.In:
                     * special case evaluating of the IN operator: the right have to be IN function node

                    if (CompModSwitches.BinaryNode.TraceVerbose)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Evaluating IN operator..");

                    if (!(right is FunctionNode))
                        // this is more like an Assert: should never happens, so we do not care about "nice" Exseptions
                        throw ExprException.InWithoutParentheses();

                    vLeft = BinaryNode.Eval(left, row, version, recordNos);

                    if (vLeft == DBNull.Value)

                    /* validate IN parameters : must all be constant expressions */

                    value = false;

                    FunctionNode into = (FunctionNode)right;

                    for (int i = 0; i < into.argumentCount; i++)
                        vRight = into.arguments[i].Eval();

                        if (CompModSwitches.BinaryNode.TraceVerbose)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Evaluate IN parameter " + into.arguments[i].ToString() + " = " + vRight.ToString());

                        if (vRight == DBNull.Value)
                        Debug.Assert((vLeft != DBNull.Value) && (vRight != DBNull.Value), "Imposible..");

                        result = vLeft.GetType();

                        if (0 == Compare(vLeft, vRight, result, Operators.EqualTo))
                            value = true;

                    if (CompModSwitches.BinaryNode.TraceVerbose)
                        Debug.WriteLine("NYI : " + Operators.ToString(op));
                    throw ExprException.UnsupportedOperator(op);
            catch (OverflowException) {
                throw ExprException.Overflow(result);
            if (typeMismatch)
                SetTypeMismatchError(op, vLeft.GetType(), vRight.GetType());
