private void FillComDebitBillIdIsFalse() { this.selectlocalbillTableAdapter.Fill(this.lclsupset.selectlocalbill); DataTable table = this.lclsupset.Tables["selectlocalbill"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Clear(); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(1).ToString()); } }
private void SupLocalBillRecieved_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'lclsupset.selectlocalbill' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.selectlocalbillTableAdapter.Fill(this.lclsupset.selectlocalbill); DataTable table = this.lclsupset.Tables["selectlocalbill"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(1).ToString()); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'MyDataBaseDataSet1.mainbilll' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.mainbilllTableAdapter.Fill(this.MyDataBaseDataSet1.mainbilll); DataTable table = this.MyDataBaseDataSet1.Tables[1]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboBox1.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(0)); } read.Close(); this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportPageSettings settings = this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.GetDefaultPageSettings(); //settings.Margins.Bottom = 25; //settings.Margins.Top = 25; //settings.Margins.Left = 25; //settings.Margins.Right = 25; //Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms. }
// ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE MEMBERS // ---------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// [PRIVATE] Fill a static from table reader /// </summary> /// <param name="oDT"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Static _FillStaticFromTableReader(DataTableReader oDT) { Static stc = new Static(); stc.Tag = (oDT.IsDBNull(oDT.GetOrdinal("tag")) ? "" : oDT["tag"].ToString()); stc.Type = (oDT.IsDBNull(oDT.GetOrdinal("type")) ? "" : oDT["type"].ToString()); stc.Content = (oDT.IsDBNull(oDT.GetOrdinal("content")) ? "" : oDT["content"].ToString()); stc.Value = (oDT.IsDBNull(oDT.GetOrdinal("value")) ? "" : oDT["value"].ToString()); stc.Length = oDT.IsDBNull(oDT.GetOrdinal("length")) ? 0 : oDT.GetInt32(oDT.GetOrdinal("length")); return stc; }
public void FillDebitBillComboBox() { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Clear(); DataTable table = this.zmaindataset.Tables["billRcv"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(2).ToString()); } }
public void DontSeeTheEarlierRowsTest () { DataTableReader reader = new DataTableReader (dt); try { reader.Read (); // first row reader.Read (); // second row // insert a row at position 0 DataRow r = dt.NewRow (); r [0] = 0; r [1] = "adhi bagavan"; dt.Rows.InsertAt (r, 0); Assert.AreEqual (2, (int) reader.GetInt32 (0), "#1 should not alter the position"); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close (); } }
public void GetTest () { dt.Columns.Add ("nullint", typeof (int)); dt.Rows [0] ["nullint"] = 333; DataTableReader reader = new DataTableReader (dt); try { reader.Read (); int ordinal = reader.GetOrdinal ("nullint"); // Get by name Assert.AreEqual (1, (int) reader ["id"], "#1 should be able to get by name"); Assert.AreEqual (333, reader.GetInt32 (ordinal), "#2 should get int32"); Assert.AreEqual ("System.Int32", reader.GetDataTypeName (ordinal), "#3 data type should match"); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close (); } }
private void checkUnPaidBills_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkUnPaidBills.Checked == true) { this.mainbillTableAdapter.Fill(this.maindataset.mainbill); DataTable table = this.maindataset.Tables["mainbill"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(3).ToString()); } } }
private void WhenBillPaidIsChecked() { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.mainbillTableAdapter.FillBySelectAllPaid(this.maindataset.mainbill); DataTable table = this.maindataset.Tables["mainbill"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(3).ToString()); } }
private void FillComDebitbillIdsIsTrue() { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.zmainbillTableAdapter.FillBySelectAll(this.zmaindataset.zmainbill); DataTable table = this.zmaindataset.Tables["zmainbill"]; DataTableReader read = new DataTableReader(table); while (read.Read()) { comboDebitBillNumber.Properties.Items.Add(read.GetInt32(3).ToString()); } }