RejectChanges() public method

Rolls back all changes that have been made to the table since it was loaded, or the last time was called.
public RejectChanges ( ) : void
return void
 public static void GrabarArticulosAgrupar(DataTable tblStock, DataTable tblArticulos, ref int? codigoError)
     MySqlTransaction tr = null;
         MySqlConnection SqlConnection1 = DALBase.GetConnection();
         tr = SqlConnection1.BeginTransaction();
         DAL.ArticulosDAL.BorrarArticulosAgrupar(tblArticulos, SqlConnection1, tr);
         DAL.StockDAL.Update(tblStock, SqlConnection1, tr);
     catch (MySqlException ex)
         switch (ex.Number)
             case 1042: //Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
                 codigoError = 1042;
             case 0: // Procedure or function cannot be found in database
                 codigoError = ex.Number;
                 if (tr != null)
                 codigoError = ex.Number;
     catch (TimeoutException)
         codigoError = 8953; // El número 8953 lo asigné al azar
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         codigoError = 8954; // El número 8954 lo asigné al azar
     catch (Exception)
         codigoError = 8955; // El número 8955 lo asigné al azar
 public static void GrabarDB(DataTable tblUsuarios)
     catch (MySqlException ex)
         MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "NcSoft", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
		public void setModified_testRollback()
			DataTable table = new DataTable();
			table.Columns.Add("col1", typeof(int));
			table.Columns.Add("col2", typeof(int));

			DataRow row = table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, 1 });

			row.SetModified ();
			Assert.AreEqual(row.RowState, DataRowState.Modified, "#0");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, row [0, DataRowVersion.Current], "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, row [0, DataRowVersion.Original], "#2");
			table.RejectChanges ();
			Assert.AreEqual(row.RowState, DataRowState.Unchanged, "#3");
		public void setAdded_testRollback ()
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();
			table.Columns.Add ("col1", typeof (int));
			table.Columns.Add ("col2", typeof (int));

			table.Rows.Add (new object[] {1,1});
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			table.Rows [0].SetAdded ();
			table.RejectChanges ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, table.Rows.Count, "#1");
 private int ActualizaBase(DataTable conjuntoDeDatos)
         if (conjuntoDeDatos == null) return -1;
         // Comprobar errores
         DataRow[] RenglonesMal = conjuntoDeDatos.GetErrors();
         // Si no hay errores se actualiza la base de
         // datos. En otro caso se avisa al usuario
         if (RenglonesMal.Length == 0)
             int numeroDeRenglones = miAdaptador.Update(conjuntoDeDatos);
             Error = "";
             misDatos = conjuntoDeDatos;
             return numeroDeRenglones;
             Error = "";
             foreach (DataRow renglon in RenglonesMal)
                 foreach (DataColumn columna in renglon.GetColumnsInError())
                     Error += renglon.GetColumnError(columna) + "\n";
             misDatos = conjuntoDeDatos;
             return -1;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Error = ex.Message;
         return -1;
		public void Changes () //To test GetChanges and RejectChanges
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();

			DataColumn col = new DataColumn ();
			col.ColumnName = "Id";
			col.DataType = typeof (int);
			table.Columns.Add (col);
			UniqueConstraint uc = new UniqueConstraint ("UK1", table.Columns[0] );
			table.Constraints.Add (uc);

			col = new DataColumn ();
			col.ColumnName = "Name";
			col.DataType = typeof (string);
			table.Columns.Add (col);

			DataRow row = table.NewRow ();
			row ["Id"] = 147;
			row ["name"] = "Abc";
			table.Rows.Add (row);
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			row = table.NewRow ();
			row ["Id"] = 47;
			row ["name"] = "Efg";
			table.Rows.Add (row);

			//Testing GetChanges
			DataTable changesTable = table.GetChanges ();
			Assert.AreEqual (1, changesTable.Rows.Count, "#A01");
 			Assert.AreEqual ("Efg", changesTable.Rows[0]["Name"], "#A02");
			table.AcceptChanges ();
			changesTable = table.GetChanges ();

			try {
				int cnt = changesTable.Rows.Count;
				Assert.Fail ();
			} catch (NullReferenceException) {
			//Testing RejectChanges
			row = table.NewRow ();
			row ["Id"] = 247;
			row ["name"] = "Hij";
			table.Rows.Add (row);

			(table.Rows [0])["Name"] = "AaBbCc";
			table.RejectChanges ();
			Assert.AreEqual ("Abc" , (table.Rows [0]) ["Name"], "#A03");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, table.Rows.Count, "#A04");
文件: RecordLock.cs 项目: viticm/pap2
        private DataRow GetLockRow(DataTable tbl)
            DataRow row = tbl.Rows.Find(m_Values);
            if (row == null)
                    DataRow newrow = tbl.NewRow();

                    newrow["tablename"] = m_strTableName;
                    newrow["fieldnames"] = m_strKeys;
                    newrow["fieldvalues"] = m_strValues;
                    newrow["lastversion"] = 0;
                    newrow["modid"] = DBNull.Value;

                    newrow["lockip"] = DBNull.Value;
                    newrow["lockhostname"] = DBNull.Value;
                    newrow["lockusername"] = DBNull.Value;

                    newrow["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;// DateTime.MinValue;
                    newrow["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;//DateTime.MinValue;


                    SqlCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = m_cmdBuilder;// new SqlCommandBuilder(m_adp);
                    m_adp.InsertCommand = cmdBuilder.GetInsertCommand();
                    int val = m_adp.Update(tbl);
                    row = newrow;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
            return row;
		public void LoadRowTestPreserveChanges ()
			DataTable dt = new DataTable ();
			dt.Columns.Add ("id", typeof (int));
			dt.Columns.Add ("name", typeof (string));

			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 1, "mono 1" });
			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 2, "mono 2" });
			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 3, "mono 3" });

			dt.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn [] { dt.Columns ["id"] };
			dt.AcceptChanges ();
			try {
				SubscribeEvents (dt);

				// current - modified; new - modified
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test" }, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
				Assert.AreEqual (3, dt.Rows.Count, "#1 should not add a new row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#2 should change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#3 should change the original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Unchanged, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#4 has not changed the row state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ltpc11 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ltpc12 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeCurrentAndOriginal, rowAction_Changing, "#ltpc13 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ltpc14 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ltpc15 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeCurrentAndOriginal, rowAction_Changed, "#ltpc16 row action is not Change");

				// current - none; new - unchanged
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 4, "mono 4" }, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
				Assert.AreEqual (4, dt.Rows.Count,"#5 should add a new row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 4", dt.Rows [3] [1], "#6 should change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 4", dt.Rows [3] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#7 should change the original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Unchanged, dt.Rows [3].RowState, "#8 has not changed the row state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ltpc21 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [3], rowInAction_Changing, "#ltpc22 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeCurrentAndOriginal, rowAction_Changing, "#ltpc23 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ltpc24 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [3], rowInAction_Changed, "#ltpc25 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeCurrentAndOriginal, rowAction_Changed, "#ltpc16 row action is not Change");

				dt.RejectChanges ();
				// current - added; new - modified
				dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 5, "mono 5" });
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 5, "mono test" }, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
				Assert.AreEqual (5, dt.Rows.Count, "#9 should not add a new row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 5", dt.Rows [4] [1], "#10 should not change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test", dt.Rows [4] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#11 should change the original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [4].RowState, "#12 has not changed the row state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ltpc31 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [4], rowInAction_Changing, "#ltpc32 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeOriginal, rowAction_Changing, "#ltpc33 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ltpc34 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [4], rowInAction_Changed, "#ltpc35 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeOriginal, rowAction_Changed, "#ltpc36 row action is not Change");

				dt.RejectChanges ();

				// current - deleted ; new - deleted ChangeOriginal
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.Rows [1].Delete ();
				Assert.IsTrue (rowDeleting, "#ltpc37 row deleting");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowDeleted, "#ltpc38 row deleted");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowInAction_Deleting, dt.Rows[1], "#ltpc39 rowInAction_Deleting");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowInAction_Deleted, dt.Rows[1], "#ltpc40 rowInAction_Deleted");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowAction_Deleting, DataRowAction.Delete, "#ltpc60 rowInAction_Deleting");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowAction_Deleted, DataRowAction.Delete, "#ltpc61 rowInAction_Deleted");
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono deleted" }, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
				Assert.AreEqual (5, dt.Rows.Count, "#13 should not add a new row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono deleted", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#14 should change the original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Deleted, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#15 has not changed the row state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ltpc41 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ltpc42 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeOriginal, rowAction_Changing, "#ltoc43 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ltpc44 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ltpc45 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.ChangeOriginal, rowAction_Changed, "#ltpc46 row action is not Change");

			} finally {
				UnsubscribeEvents (dt);
                public void LoadRowTestUpsert ()
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable ();
                        dt.Columns.Add ("id", typeof (int));
                        dt.Columns.Add ("name", typeof (string));

                        dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 1, "mono 1" });
                        dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 2, "mono 2" });
                        dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 3, "mono 3" });

                        dt.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn [] { dt.Columns ["id"] };

                        dt.AcceptChanges ();

                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual (3, dt.Rows.Count, "#1 should not add a row");
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono test", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#2 should change the current");
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#3 should not change original");
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#4 should change state");

                        // Row State tests
                        // current - modified ; result - modified
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 2" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#c1 should change the current");
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#c2 should not change original");
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c3 should not change state");

                        // current - Unchanged; result - Unchanged if no new value
                        dt.AcceptChanges ();
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 2" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#c4 should change the current");
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#c5 should not change original");
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Unchanged, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c6 should not change state");
                        // not the same value again
                        dt.RejectChanges ();
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 3" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c7 should not change state");

                        // current - added; result - added
                        dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 4, "mono 4" });
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 4, "mono 4" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono 4", dt.Rows [3] [1], "#c8 should change the current");
                        try {
                                object o = dt.Rows [3] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
                                Assert.Fail ("#c9 should have thrown version not found exception");
                        } catch (VersionNotFoundException) { }
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [3].RowState, "#c10 should not change state");

                        // current - new; result - added
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 5, "mono 5" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono 5", dt.Rows [4] [1], "#c11 should change the current");
                        try {
                                object o = dt.Rows [4] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
                                Assert.Fail ("#c12 should have thrown version not found exception");
                        } catch (VersionNotFoundException) { }
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [4].RowState, "#c13 should change state");

                        // current - deleted; result - added a new row
                        dt.AcceptChanges ();
                        dt.Rows [4].Delete ();
                        dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 5, "mono 5" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
                        Assert.AreEqual (6, dt.Rows.Count, "#c14 should not add a row");
                        Assert.AreEqual ("mono 5", dt.Rows [5] [1], "#c15 should change the current");
                        try {
                                object o = dt.Rows [5] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
                                Assert.Fail ("#c16 expected version not found exception ");
                        } catch (VersionNotFoundException) {}
                        Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [5].RowState, "#c17 should change state");
文件: Lock.cs 项目: viticm/pap2
        private bool UpdateRow(DataTable tbl, DataRow row, int nLastVer, DateTime dtLock, DateTime dtUnLock, bool bLock)

                row["tablename"] = m_strTableName;
                row["lastversion"] = nLastVer;

                if (bLock)
                    row["lockip"] = m_strIP;
                    row["lockhostname"] = m_strHostName;
                    row["lockusername"] = m_strHostName;

                    if (dtLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["locktime"] = dtLock;

                    if (dtUnLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["unlocktime"] = dtUnLock;
                    row["lockip"] = DBNull.Value;
                    row["lockhostname"] = DBNull.Value;
                    row["lockusername"] = DBNull.Value;

                    row["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                    if (dtUnLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["unlocktime"] = dtUnLock;


                SqlCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = m_cmdBuilder;// new SqlCommandBuilder(m_adp);
                m_adp.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand();
                int val = m_adp.Update(tbl);
                return val > 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 /// <summary>
 /// private Methode zum Update der Datenbankdatei!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter"></param>
 /// <param name="tabelle"></param>
 private void _Update(OleDbDataAdapter adapter, DataTable tabelle)
         // Änderungen im Spiegel für die Festplattendatenbank übernehmen
         // Änderungen als übernommen markieren
     catch (Exception)
         // Sollte ein Fehler auftreten, werden die Änderungen im Spiegel verworfen.
         throw new Exception("Änderungen an der Datenbank konnte nicht durchgeführt werden!");
文件: ScriptLock.cs 项目: viticm/pap2
        private bool UpdateRow(DataTable tbl, DataRow row, int nLastVer, DateTime dtLock, DateTime dtUnLock, bool bLock)
            int val = 0;

                if (bLock)

                    row["fieldid"] = m_nFieldID;
                    row["modtabID"] = m_nModTabID;
                    row["tablename"] = m_strTableName;
                    row["fieldname"] = m_strFieldName;
                    row["lastversion"] = nLastVer;
                    row["lockip"] = m_strIP;
                    row["lockhostname"] = m_strHostName;
                    row["lockusername"] = m_strHostName;

                    if (dtLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["locktime"] = dtLock;

                    if (dtUnLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["unlocktime"] = dtUnLock;
                SqlCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = m_cmdBuilder;// new SqlCommandBuilder(m_adp);
                m_adp.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand();
                val = m_adp.Update(tbl);

                return val > 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 private void btn_Undo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
 /// <summary>
 /// 撤消网格中的更改
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dgv">DataGridView 控件</param>
 /// <param name="dt">DataGridView的DataSource的DataTable</param>
 public static void RejectChanges(DataGridView dgv, SD.DataTable dt)
		public void RejectChanges_CheckIndex ()
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();
			table.Columns.Add ("col1", typeof (int));
			table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {table.Columns [0]};

			table.Rows.Add (new object[] {1});
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			table.Rows [0][0] = 10;
			table.RejectChanges ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (table.Rows.Find (1));
            /// <summary>
            /// 条件に当てはまるレコードをDataTableから削除します。
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="dt">データテーブル</param>
            /// <param name="filter">条件</param>
            /// <returns>0:正常終了 -1:異常終了</returns>
            public static int RemoveSelectRows(DataTable dt, string filter)
                    DataRow[] rows = dt.Select(filter);

                    for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                        if (rows[i].RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    return 0;
                catch (Exception)
                    return -1;
        public int UpdateDataBase(DbDataAdapter da, DataTable dt)
            int updateCount = 0;

                DataTable dtChanges = dt.GetChanges();

                if (dtChanges != null && dtChanges.Rows.Count >= 0)
                    updateCount = da.Update(dtChanges);
            catch (Exception)
            return updateCount;
		public void Changes () //To test GetChanges and RejectChanges
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();

			DataColumn col = new DataColumn ();
			col.ColumnName = "Id";
			col.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.Int32");
			table.Columns.Add (col);
			UniqueConstraint uc = new UniqueConstraint ("UK1", table.Columns[0] );
			table.Constraints.Add (uc);
			col = new DataColumn ();
			col.ColumnName = "Name";
			col.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String");
			table.Columns.Add (col);			

			DataRow row = table.NewRow ();
			row ["Id"] = 147;
			row ["name"] = "Abc";
			table.Rows.Add (row);
			table.AcceptChanges ();
			row = table.NewRow ();
			row ["Id"] = 47;
			row ["name"] = "Efg";
			table.Rows.Add (row);

			//Testing GetChanges
			DataTable changesTable = table.GetChanges ();
			AssertEquals ("#A01", 1 ,changesTable.Rows.Count);
 			AssertEquals ("#A02","Efg" ,changesTable.Rows[0]["Name"]);               	
			table.AcceptChanges ();
			changesTable = table.GetChanges ();
			try {
				int cnt = changesTable.Rows.Count;
			catch(Exception e) {
				if (e.GetType () != typeof (AssertionException))
					AssertEquals ("#A03",typeof(NullReferenceException) ,e.GetType ());
					Console.WriteLine (e);
			//Testing RejectChanges
			row = table.NewRow ();
                        row ["Id"] = 247;
                        row ["name"] = "Hij";
                        table.Rows.Add (row);

			(table.Rows [0])["Name"] = "AaBbCc";
			table.RejectChanges ();
			AssertEquals ("#A03", "Abc" , (table.Rows [0]) ["Name"]);
			AssertEquals ("#A04", 2, table.Rows.Count);
		public void LoadRowTestUpsert ()
			DataTable dt = new DataTable ();
			dt.Columns.Add ("id", typeof (int));
			dt.Columns.Add ("name", typeof (string));

			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 1, "mono 1" });
			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 2, "mono 2" });
			dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 3, "mono 3" });

			dt.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn [] { dt.Columns ["id"] };

			dt.AcceptChanges ();
			try {
				SubscribeEvents (dt);

				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual (3, dt.Rows.Count, "#1 should not add a row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#2 should change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#3 should not change original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#4 should change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev1 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev2 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changing, "#ev3 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev4 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev5 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changed, "#ev6 row action is not Change");

				// Row State tests
				// current - modified ; result - modified
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 2" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#c1 should change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#c2 should not change original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c3 should not change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev11 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev12 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changing, "#ev13 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev14 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev15 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changed, "#ev16 row action is not Change");

				// current - Unchanged; result - Unchanged if no new value
				dt.AcceptChanges ();
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 2" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1], "#c4 should not change the current");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono test 2", dt.Rows [1] [1, DataRowVersion.Original], "#c5 should not change original");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Unchanged, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c6 should not change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev21 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev22 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Nothing, rowAction_Changing, "#ev13 row action is not Nothing");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev24 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev25 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Nothing, rowAction_Changed, "#ev26 row action is not Nothing");
				// not the same value again
				dt.RejectChanges (); 
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 2, "mono test 3" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Modified, dt.Rows [1].RowState, "#c7 should not change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev31 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev32 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changing, "#ev33 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev34 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [1], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev35 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changed, "#ev36 row action is not Change");

				// current - added; result - added
				dt.Rows.Add (new object [] { 4, "mono 4" });
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 4, "mono 4" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 4", dt.Rows [3] [1], "#c8 should change the current");
				try {
					object o = dt.Rows [3] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
					Assert.Fail ("#c9 should have thrown version not found exception");
				} catch (VersionNotFoundException) { }
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [3].RowState, "#c10 should not change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev41 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [3], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev42 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changing, "#ev43 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev44 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [3], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev45 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Change, rowAction_Changed, "#ev46 row action is not Change");

				// current - none; result - added
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 5, "mono 5" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 5", dt.Rows [4] [1], "#c11 should change the current");
				try {
					object o = dt.Rows [4] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
					Assert.Fail ("#c12 should have thrown version not found exception");
				} catch (VersionNotFoundException) { }
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [4].RowState, "#c13 should change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev51 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [4], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev52 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Add, rowAction_Changing, "#ev53 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev54 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [4], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev55 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Add, rowAction_Changed, "#ev56 row action is not Change");

				// current - deleted; result - added a new row
				ResetEventFlags ();
				dt.AcceptChanges ();
				dt.Rows [4].Delete ();
				Assert.IsTrue (rowDeleting, "#ev57 row deleting");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowDeleted, "#ev58 row deleted");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowInAction_Deleting, dt.Rows[4], "#ev59 rowInAction_Deleting");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowInAction_Deleted, dt.Rows[4], "#ev59 rowInAction_Deleted");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowAction_Deleting, DataRowAction.Delete, "#ev60 rowInAction_Deleting");
				Assert.AreEqual (rowAction_Deleted, DataRowAction.Delete, "#ev61 rowInAction_Deleted");
				dt.LoadDataRow (new object [] { 5, "mono 5" }, LoadOption.Upsert);
				Assert.AreEqual (6, dt.Rows.Count, "#c14 should not add a row");
				Assert.AreEqual ("mono 5", dt.Rows [5] [1], "#c15 should change the current");
				try {
					object o = dt.Rows [5] [1, DataRowVersion.Original];
					Assert.Fail ("#c16 expected version not found exception ");
				} catch (VersionNotFoundException) { }
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Added, dt.Rows [5].RowState, "#c17 should change state");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanging, "#ev61 row changing not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [5], rowInAction_Changing, "#ev62 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Add, rowAction_Changing, "#ev63 row action is not Change");
				Assert.IsTrue (rowChanged, "#ev64 row changed not called");
				Assert.AreEqual (dt.Rows [5], rowInAction_Changed, "#ev65 this row is not intended to change");
				Assert.AreEqual (DataRowAction.Add, rowAction_Changed, "#ev66 row action is not Change");
			} finally {
				UnsubscribeEvents (dt);
        public bool SaveDataTable(DataTable dtTable, string[] tableName)
            if (dtTable == null)
                    return false;
                if (dtTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    return false;
                bool isDuplicate = false;
                DataRow drOld = null;
                DataRow dr = null;
                DataTable dtSave = dtTable.Copy();
                    if ((dtSave != null) && dtSave.Rows.Count > 0)
                        //foreach(DataRow dr in dtSave.Rows)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtSave.Rows.Count; i++)
                            foreach (string tblN in tableName)
                                dr = dtSave.Rows[i];
                                if (IsEmptyRow(dr, tblN))
                                if (dr.RowState == DataRowState.Added)

                                    //Check duplicate
                                    isDuplicate = IsDupplication(dr, dtSave, tblN);
                                    if (isDuplicate)
                                        return !isDuplicate;
                                    //Insert new record
                                    MakeInsertNewQuery(dr, dtSave, tblN);
                                    EZLog(dr, dr, tblN);
                                else if (dr.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)
                                    // Update existing record
                                    MakeUpdateQuery(dr, tblN);
                                    if (!isNoUpdate)
                                        drOld = dtTable.Rows[i];
                                        EZLog(drOld, dr, tblN);
                    if (!isDuplicate)
                        HPA.Common.Methods.ShowMessage(Common.CommonConst.DATASAVED_SUCCESSFULLY, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    // dtSave.RejectChanges();
                    throw (ex);
                return true;
文件: RecordLock.cs 项目: viticm/pap2
        private bool UpdateRow(DataTable tbl, DataRow row, int nLastVer, DateTime dtLock, DateTime dtUnLock, int nModId, bool bLock)
            int val = 0;


                row["tablename"] = m_strTableName;
                row["fieldnames"] = m_strKeys;
                row["fieldvalues"] = m_strValues;
                row["lastversion"] = nLastVer;

                if (bLock)
                    row["lockip"] = m_strIP;
                    row["lockhostname"] = m_strHostName;
                    row["lockusername"] = m_strHostName;

                    if (dtLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["locktime"] = dtLock;

                    if (dtUnLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["unlocktime"] = dtUnLock;

                    if (nModId == -1)
                        row["modid"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["modid"] = nModId;
                    row["lockip"] = DBNull.Value;
                    row["lockhostname"] = DBNull.Value;
                    row["lockusername"] = DBNull.Value;

                    row["locktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                    if (dtUnLock == DateTime.MinValue)
                        row["unlocktime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        row["unlocktime"] = dtUnLock;

                    row["modid"] = DBNull.Value;


                SqlCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = m_cmdBuilder;// new SqlCommandBuilder(m_adp);
                m_adp.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand();
                val = m_adp.Update(tbl);

                return val > 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (val == 0)
                    string[] keynames = new string[3];
                    keynames[0] = "tablename";
                    keynames[1] = "fieldnames";
                    keynames[2] = "fieldvalues";
                    string[] keys = new string[3];
                    keys[0] = m_strTableName;
                    keys[1] = m_strKeys;
                    keys[2] = m_strValues;
                    string[] fields = new string[7];
                    fields[0] = "lastversion";
                    fields[1] = "lockip";
                    fields[2] = "lockhostname";
                    fields[3] = "lockusername";
                    fields[4] = "locktime";
                    fields[5] = "unlocktime";
                    fields[6] = "modid";
                    string[] values = new string[7];
                    values[0] = nLastVer.ToString();
                    values[1] = m_strIP;
                    values[2] = m_strHostName;
                    values[3] = m_strHostName;
                    values[4] = row["locktime"] == DBNull.Value ? "<NULL>" : row["locktime"].ToString().Trim();
                    values[5] = row["unlocktime"] == DBNull.Value ? "<NULL>" : row["unlocktime"].ToString().Trim();
                    values[6] = row["modid"].ToString().Trim();
                    return SqlUpdateRecord("sys_lock_record", keynames, keys, fields, values, m_conn);
                    throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// 基本表單更新BCO
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ParameterList">輸入變數</param>
        /// <param name="RootDBT">是否有主交易,無主交易輸入null</param>
        /// <returns>回傳更新成功與否</returns>
        public bool UpdateMaster(ArrayList ParameterList, DataTable newDetail, DbTransaction RootDBT, DataTable oldDetail,
                                 DataTable dtDetail, DateTime d_Now)
            bool IsRootTranscation = false;
            bool bResult = false;
                //判斷是否有傳入Root Transcation 
                IsRootTranscation = (RootDBT == null) ? true : false;

                #region 啟動交易或指定RootTranscation

                if (IsRootTranscation)
                    Conn = USEDB.CreateConnection();
                    DBT = Conn.BeginTransaction();
                    DBT = RootDBT;


                #region 通路管制設定明細修改

                if (dtDetail == null || (dtDetail != null && dtDetail.Rows.Count <= 0))
                    bResult = true;
                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dtDetail.Rows)
                        bResult = UpdateChannel(ParameterList, dRow, DBT, d_Now);
                        dRow["UPDATEDATE"] = d_Now;
                        dRow["UPDATEUID"] = ParameterList[2].ToString();

                #region 在oldDetail逐筆檢查資料,判斷是否存在newDetail中,如無則刪除的項目
                foreach (DataRow dRow in oldDetail.Rows)
                        string s_FilterExpression = string.Empty;
                        s_FilterExpression = "ITEM ='" + dRow["ITEM"].ToString() + "' AND PERIOD ='" + dRow["PERIOD"].ToString() + "' AND VIRTUAL_CODE ='" + dRow["VIRTUAL_CODE"].ToString() + "'";

                        DataRow dRow_Oringinal = newDetail.Select(s_FilterExpression)[0];

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        #region 在新來源找不到此筆資料,所以要呼叫 delete 明細
                        DeleteDetail(ParameterList, dRow, DBT);

                #region 在newDetail逐筆檢查資料,判斷是否有新增、修改的項目
                foreach (DataRow dRow in newDetail.Rows)
                        string s_FilterExpression = string.Empty;
                        s_FilterExpression = "ITEM ='" + dRow["ITEM"].ToString() + "' AND PERIOD ='" + dRow["PERIOD"].ToString() + "' AND VIRTUAL_CODE ='" + dRow["VIRTUAL_CODE"].ToString() + "'";

                        DataRow dRow_Oringinal = oldDetail.Select(s_FilterExpression)[0];

                        if (dRow["PICK_SELECT"].ToString() != dRow_Oringinal["PICK_SELECT"].ToString())
                            bResult = UpdateDetail(ParameterList, dRow, dRow_Oringinal, DBT);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        #region 在舊來源找不到此筆資料,所以要呼叫 insert 明細
                        DataRow[] DeTail;
                        if (dtDetail != null && dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0)
                            DeTail = dtDetail.Select("ITEM ='" + dRow["ITEM"].ToString() + "' AND PERIOD ='" + dRow["PERIOD"].ToString() + "' AND VIRTUAL_CODE ='" + dRow["VIRTUAL_CODE"].ToString() + "'");
                            if (DeTail != null)
                                if (DeTail.Length > 0)
                                    CreateDetail(ParameterList, dRow, DBT, d_Now, "1");
                                    CreateDetail(ParameterList, dRow, DBT, d_Now, "0");
                                CreateDetail(ParameterList, dRow, DBT, d_Now, "0");
                            CreateDetail(ParameterList, dRow, DBT, d_Now, "0");

                #region 交易成功

                if (IsRootTranscation)
                    if (dtDetail != null)


                return bResult;
            catch (Exception ex)
                #region 交易失敗

                if (IsRootTranscation)
                if (dtDetail != null)

                throw ex;
                #region 判斷是否關閉交易連線

                if (IsRootTranscation)
                    if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Connecting)
		public void ImportRowDeletedTest ()
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();
			table.Columns.Add ("col", typeof (int));
			table.Columns.Add ("col1", typeof (int));

			DataRow row = table.Rows.Add (new object[] {1,2});
			table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {table.Columns[0]};
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			// If row is in Deleted state, then ImportRow loads the
			// row.
			row.Delete ();
			table.ImportRow (row);
			Assert.AreEqual (2, table.Rows.Count, "#A1");

			// Both the deleted rows shud be now gone
			table.AcceptChanges ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, table.Rows.Count, "#A2");

			//just add another row
			row = table.Rows.Add (new object[] {1,2});
			// no exception shud be thrown
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			// If row is in Deleted state, then ImportRow loads the
			// row and validate only on RejectChanges
			row.Delete ();
			table.ImportRow (row);
			Assert.AreEqual (2, table.Rows.Count, "#A3");
			Assert.AreEqual (DataRowState.Deleted, table.Rows[1].RowState, "#A4");

			try {
				table.RejectChanges ();
				Assert.Fail ("#B1");
			} catch (ConstraintException ex) {
				// Column 'col' is constrained to be unique.
				// Value '1' is already present
				Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ConstraintException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
				Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
				Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
				Assert.IsTrue (ex.Message.IndexOf ("'col'") != -1, "#B5");
				Assert.IsTrue (ex.Message.IndexOf ("'1'") != -1, "#B6");
		public void FindByKey ()
			DataTable table = new DataTable ();
			table.Columns.Add ("col1", typeof (int));
			table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {table.Columns [0]};

			table.Rows.Add (new object[] {1});
			table.Rows.Add (new object[] {2});
			table.Rows.Add (new object[] {3});
			table.AcceptChanges ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (table.Rows.Find (new object[] {1}), "#1");

			table.Rows[0].Delete ();
			Assert.IsNull (table.Rows.Find (new object[] {1}), "#2");

			table.RejectChanges ();
			Assert.IsNotNull (table.Rows.Find (new object[] {1}), "#3");