        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the result object for the specified query parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source object for the request.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The data service context.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The AsyncCallback delegate.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The state object for the callback.</param>
        /// <param name="method">async method name at the source.</param>
        /// <returns>Result representing the create request. The request has not been initiated yet.</returns>
        private QueryResult CreateExecuteResult(object source, DataServiceContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object state, string method)
            Debug.Assert(null != context, "context is null");

            QueryComponents qc          = this.QueryComponents(context.Model);
            RequestInfo     requestInfo = new RequestInfo(context);

                string.CompareOrdinal(XmlConstants.HttpMethodPost, qc.HttpMethod) == 0 ||
                string.CompareOrdinal(XmlConstants.HttpMethodGet, qc.HttpMethod) == 0,
                "Only get and post are supported in the execute pipeline, which should have been caught earlier");

            if (qc.UriOperationParameters != null)
                Debug.Assert(qc.UriOperationParameters.Any(), "qc.UriOperationParameters.Any()");
                Serializer serializer = new Serializer(requestInfo);
                this.RequestUri = serializer.WriteUriOperationParametersToUri(this.RequestUri, qc.UriOperationParameters);

            HeaderCollection headers = new HeaderCollection();

            if (string.CompareOrdinal(XmlConstants.HttpMethodPost, qc.HttpMethod) == 0)
                if (qc.BodyOperationParameters == null)
                    // set the content length to be 0 if there are no operation parameters.
                    headers.SetHeader(XmlConstants.HttpContentLength, "0");

            // Validate and set the request DSV and MDSV header
            headers.SetRequestVersion(qc.Version, requestInfo.MaxProtocolVersionAsVersion);

            requestInfo.Format.SetRequestAcceptHeaderForQuery(headers, qc);

            // We currently do not have a descriptor to expose to the user for invoking something through Execute. Ideally we could expose an OperationDescriptor.
            ODataRequestMessageWrapper requestMessage = new RequestInfo(context).WriteHelper.CreateRequestMessage(context.CreateRequestArgsAndFireBuildingRequest(qc.HttpMethod, this.RequestUri, headers, context.HttpStack, null /*descriptor*/));

            requestMessage.FireSendingRequest2(null /*descriptor*/);

            QueryResult queryResult = null;

            if (qc.BodyOperationParameters != null)
                    string.CompareOrdinal(XmlConstants.HttpMethodPost, qc.HttpMethod) == 0,
                    "qc.HttpMethod == XmlConstants.HttpMethodPost");
                Debug.Assert(qc.BodyOperationParameters.Any(), "unexpected body operation parameter count of zero.");

                Serializer serializer = new Serializer(requestInfo);
                serializer.WriteBodyOperationParameters(qc.BodyOperationParameters, requestMessage);

                // pass in the request stream so that request payload can be written to the http webrequest.
                queryResult = new QueryResult(source, method, this, requestMessage, requestInfo, callback, state, requestMessage.CachedRequestStream);
                queryResult = new QueryResult(source, method, this, requestMessage, requestInfo, callback, state);
