        /// <summary>
        /// Handle discriminator maps (determine which can safely be used in the query)
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessDiscriminatorMaps(Dictionary <md.EntitySetBase, DiscriminatorMapInfo> discriminatorMaps)
            // Only use custom type discrimination where a type has a single entity set. Where
            // there are multiple sets, discriminator properties and flattened representations
            // may be incompatible.
            Dictionary <md.EntitySetBase, ExplicitDiscriminatorMap> filteredMaps = null;

            if (null != discriminatorMaps)
                filteredMaps = new Dictionary <md.EntitySetBase, ExplicitDiscriminatorMap>(discriminatorMaps.Count, discriminatorMaps.Comparer);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <md.EntitySetBase, DiscriminatorMapInfo> setMapPair in discriminatorMaps)
                    md.EntitySetBase         set = setMapPair.Key;
                    ExplicitDiscriminatorMap map = setMapPair.Value.DiscriminatorMap;
                    if (null != map)
                        md.EntityTypeBase rootType = GetRootType(set.ElementType);
                        bool hasOneSet             = GetEntitySet(rootType) != null;
                        if (hasOneSet)
                            filteredMaps.Add(set, map);
                if (filteredMaps.Count == 0)
                    // don't bother keeping the dictionary if it's empty
                    filteredMaps = null;
            m_discriminatorMaps = filteredMaps;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a "flattened" table definition. 
        /// The table has one column for each specified property in the "properties" parameter. 
        /// The name and datatype of each table column are taken from the corresponding property.
        /// The keys of the table (if any) are those specified in the "keyProperties" parameter
        /// The table may correspond to an entity set (if the entityset parameter was non-null)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">prperties corresponding to columns of the table</param>
        /// <param name="keyProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="extent">entityset corresponding to the table (if any)</param>
        internal TableMD(IEnumerable<EdmProperty> properties, IEnumerable<EdmMember> keyProperties,
            EntitySetBase extent)
            : this(extent)
            Dictionary<string, ColumnMD> columnMap = new Dictionary<string, ColumnMD>();
            m_flattened = true;

            foreach (EdmProperty p in properties)
                ColumnMD newColumn = new ColumnMD(this, p);
                columnMap[p.Name] = newColumn;
            foreach (EdmMember p in keyProperties)
                ColumnMD keyColumn;
                if (!columnMap.TryGetValue(p.Name, out keyColumn))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "keyMember not in columns?");
        internal StorageModificationFunctionMapping(
            EntitySetBase entitySet,
            EntityTypeBase entityType,
            EdmFunction function,
            IEnumerable<StorageModificationFunctionParameterBinding> parameterBindings,
            FunctionParameter rowsAffectedParameter,
            IEnumerable<StorageModificationFunctionResultBinding> resultBindings)
            //Contract.Requires(entitySet != null);
            //Contract.Requires(function != null);
            //Contract.Requires(parameterBindings != null);

            Function = function;
            RowsAffectedParameter = rowsAffectedParameter;
            ParameterBindings = parameterBindings.ToList().AsReadOnly();
            if (null != resultBindings)
                var bindings = resultBindings.ToList();
                if (0 < bindings.Count)
                    ResultBindings = bindings.AsReadOnly();
            CollocatedAssociationSetEnds =
                GetReferencedAssociationSetEnds(entitySet as EntitySet, entityType as EntityType, parameterBindings)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates generated view object for the combination of the <paramref name="extent"/> and the <paramref name="type"/>. 
        /// This constructor is used for regular cell-based view generation.
        /// </summary>
        internal static GeneratedView CreateGeneratedView(EntitySetBase extent,
                                                          EdmType type,
                                                          DbQueryCommandTree commandTree,
                                                          string eSQL,
                                                          StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection,
                                                          ConfigViewGenerator config)
            // If config.GenerateEsql is specified, eSQL must be non-null.
            // If config.GenerateEsql is false, commandTree is non-null except the case when loading pre-compiled eSQL views.
            Debug.Assert(!config.GenerateEsql || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(eSQL), "eSQL must be specified");

            DiscriminatorMap discriminatorMap = null;
            if (commandTree != null)
                commandTree = ViewSimplifier.SimplifyView(extent, commandTree);

                // See if the view matches the "discriminated" pattern (allows simplification of generated store commands)
                if (extent.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet)
                    if (DiscriminatorMap.TryCreateDiscriminatorMap((EntitySet)extent, commandTree.Query, out discriminatorMap))
                        Debug.Assert(discriminatorMap != null, "discriminatorMap == null after it has been created");

            return new GeneratedView(extent, type, commandTree, eSQL, discriminatorMap, mappingItemCollection, config);
 /// <summary>
 /// Recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath"/>s for the members of the types stored in the <paramref name="extent"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal static MemberProjectionIndex Create(EntitySetBase extent, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
     // We generate the indices for the projected slots as we traverse the metadata.
     MemberProjectionIndex index = new MemberProjectionIndex();
     GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, new MemberPath(extent), false); // need not only keys
     return index;
        // ObjectStateEntry will not be detached and creation will be handled from ObjectStateManager
        internal ObjectStateEntry(ObjectStateManager cache, EntitySet entitySet, EntityState state)
            Debug.Assert(cache != null, "cache cannot be null.");

            _cache = cache;
            _entitySet = entitySet;
            _state = state;
        // ObjectStateEntry will not be detached and creation will be handled from ObjectStateManager
        internal ObjectStateEntry(ObjectStateManager cache, EntitySet entitySet, EntityState state)
            //Contract.Requires(cache != null);

            _cache = cache;
            _entitySet = entitySet;
            _state = state;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates generated view object for the combination of the <paramref name="extent"/> and the <paramref name="type"/>. 
 /// This constructor is used for FK association sets only.
 /// </summary>
 internal static GeneratedView CreateGeneratedViewForFKAssociationSet(EntitySetBase extent,
                                                                      EdmType type,
                                                                      DbQueryCommandTree commandTree,
                                                                      StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection,
                                                                      ConfigViewGenerator config)
     return new GeneratedView(extent, type, commandTree, null, null, mappingItemCollection, config);
 public RelationshipChange(EntityKey sourceKey, EntityKey targetKey, object source, object target, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityState state)
     _sourceKey = sourceKey;
     _targetKey = targetKey;
     _source = source;
     _target = target;
     _entitySet = entitySet;
     _state = state;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all mapping fragments for the given entity set's types and their parent types.
 /// </summary>
  internal static IEnumerable<StorageTypeMapping> GetMappingsForEntitySetAndSuperTypes(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, EntityContainer container, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityTypeBase childEntityType)
      return MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndParentTypesOf(childEntityType, mappingCollection.EdmItemCollection, true /*includeAbstractTypes*/).SelectMany(
          edmType => 
              edmType.EdmEquals(childEntityType) ? 
                GetMappingsForEntitySetAndType(mappingCollection, container, entitySet, (edmType as EntityTypeBase))
              : GetIsTypeOfMappingsForEntitySetAndType(mappingCollection, container, entitySet, (edmType as EntityTypeBase), childEntityType)
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns mappings for the given set/type only if the mapping applies also to childEntittyType either via IsTypeOf or explicitly specifying multiple types in mapping fragments.
 /// </summary>
 private static IEnumerable<StorageTypeMapping> GetIsTypeOfMappingsForEntitySetAndType(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, EntityContainer container, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityTypeBase entityType, EntityTypeBase childEntityType)
     foreach (var mapping in GetMappingsForEntitySetAndType(mappingCollection, container, entitySet, entityType))
         if (mapping.IsOfTypes.Any(parentType => parentType.IsAssignableFrom(childEntityType)) || mapping.Types.Contains(childEntityType))
             yield return mapping;
        /// <summary>
        /// Is there a parent child relationship between table1 and table2 ?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table1">parent table ?</param>
        /// <param name="table2">child table ?</param>
        /// <param name="constraints">list of constraints ?</param>
        /// <returns>true if there is at least one constraint</returns>
        internal bool IsParentChildRelationship(md.EntitySetBase table1, md.EntitySetBase table2,
                                                out List <ForeignKeyConstraint> constraints)

            ExtentPair extentPair = new ExtentPair(table1, table2);

            return(m_parentChildRelationships.TryGetValue(extentPair, out constraints));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an cql block representing the <paramref name="extent"/> (the FROM part).
 /// SELECT is given by <paramref name="slots"/>, WHERE by <paramref name="whereClause"/> and AS by <paramref name="blockAliasNum"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal ExtentCqlBlock(EntitySetBase extent,
                         CellQuery.SelectDistinct selectDistinct,
                         SlotInfo[] slots,
                         BoolExpression whereClause,
                         CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
                         int blockAliasNum)
     : base(slots, EmptyChildren, whereClause, identifiers, blockAliasNum)
     m_extent = extent;
     m_nodeTableAlias = identifiers.GetBlockAlias();
     m_selectDistinct = selectDistinct;
        internal static IEnumerable<StorageTypeMapping> GetMappingsForEntitySetAndType(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, EntityContainer container, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityTypeBase entityType)
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "EntityType parameter should not be null.");
            StorageEntityContainerMapping containerMapping = GetEntityContainerMap(mappingCollection, container);
            StorageSetMapping extentMap = containerMapping.GetSetMapping(entitySet.Name);

            //The Set may have no mapping
            if (extentMap != null)
                //for each mapping fragment of Type we are interested in within the given set
                //Check use of IsOfTypes in Code review
                foreach (StorageTypeMapping typeMap in extentMap.TypeMappings.Where(map => map.Types.Union(map.IsOfTypes).Contains(entityType)))
                    yield return typeMap;
        protected virtual void Visit(EntitySetBase entitySetBase)
            // this is a switching node, so no object header and footer will be add for this node,
            // also this Visit won't add the object to the seen list

            switch (entitySetBase.BuiltInTypeKind)
                case BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet:
                case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationSet:
                    Debug.Fail(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Found type '{0}', did we add a new type?", entitySetBase.BuiltInTypeKind));
        internal static IEnumerable<StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping> GetModificationFunctionMappingsForEntitySetAndType(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, EntityContainer container, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityTypeBase entityType)
            StorageEntityContainerMapping containerMapping = GetEntityContainerMap(mappingCollection, container);

            StorageSetMapping extentMap = containerMapping.GetSetMapping(entitySet.Name);
            StorageEntitySetMapping entitySetMapping = extentMap as StorageEntitySetMapping;

            //The Set may have no mapping
            if (entitySetMapping != null)
                if (entitySetMapping != null) //could be association set mapping
                    foreach (var v in entitySetMapping.ModificationFunctionMappings.Where(functionMap => functionMap.EntityType.Equals(entityType)))
                        yield return v;

 virtual internal void Reset()
     _cache = null;
     _entitySet = null;
     _state = EntityState.Detached;
 internal static bool IsEntitySet(EntitySetBase entitySetBase)
     return(BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet == entitySetBase.BuiltInTypeKind);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an extent and its corresponding view, invokes the parser to check if the view definition is syntactically correct.
        /// Iff parsing succeeds: <paramref name="commandTree"/> and <paramref name="discriminatorMap"/> are set to the parse result and method returns true,
        /// otherwise if parser has thrown a catchable exception, it is returned via <paramref name="parserException"/> parameter, 
        /// otherwise exception is re-thrown.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool TryParseView(string eSQL,
                                         bool isUserSpecified,
                                         EntitySetBase extent,
                                         StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection,
                                         ConfigViewGenerator config,
                                         out DbQueryCommandTree commandTree,
                                         out DiscriminatorMap discriminatorMap,
                                         out Exception parserException)
            commandTree = null;
            discriminatorMap = null;
            parserException = null;

            // We do not catch any internal exceptions any more
                // If it is a user specified view, allow all queries. Otherwise parse the view in the restricted mode.
                ParserOptions.CompilationMode compilationMode = ParserOptions.CompilationMode.RestrictedViewGenerationMode;
                if (isUserSpecified)
                    compilationMode = ParserOptions.CompilationMode.UserViewGenerationMode;

                Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(eSQL), "eSQL query is not specified");
                commandTree = (DbQueryCommandTree)ExternalCalls.CompileView(eSQL, mappingItemCollection, compilationMode);

                // For non user-specified views, perform simplification.
                if (!isUserSpecified)
                    commandTree = ViewSimplifier.SimplifyView(extent, commandTree);

                // See if the view matches the "discriminated" pattern (allows simplification of generated store commands)
                if (extent.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet)
                    if (DiscriminatorMap.TryCreateDiscriminatorMap((EntitySet)extent, commandTree.Query, out discriminatorMap))
                        Debug.Assert(discriminatorMap != null, "discriminatorMap == null after it has been created");
            catch (Exception e)
                // Catching all the exception types since Query parser seems to be throwing veriety of
                // exceptions - EntityException, ArgumentException, ArgumentNullException etc.
                if (EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    parserException = e;

            Debug.Assert(commandTree != null || parserException != null, "Either commandTree or parserException is expected.");
            // Note: m_commandTree might have been initialized by a previous call to this method, so in consequent calls it might occur that
            // both m_commandTree and parserException are not null - this would mean that the last parse attempt failed, but m_commandTree value is 
            // preserved from the previous call.

            return parserException == null;
        private GeneratedView(EntitySetBase extent,
                              EdmType type,
                              DbQueryCommandTree commandTree,
                              string eSQL,
                              DiscriminatorMap discriminatorMap,
                              StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection,
                              ConfigViewGenerator config)
            // At least one of the commandTree or eSQL must be specified. 
            // Both are specified in the case of user-defined views.
            Debug.Assert(commandTree != null || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(eSQL), "commandTree or eSQL must be specified");

            m_extent = extent;
            m_type = type;
            m_commandTree = commandTree;
            m_eSQL = eSQL;
            m_discriminatorMap = discriminatorMap;
            m_mappingItemCollection = mappingItemCollection;
            m_config = config;

            if (m_config.IsViewTracing)
                StringBuilder trace = new StringBuilder(1024);
                Helpers.FormatTraceLine("CQL view for {0}", trace.ToString());
 internal IEnumerable<MemberPath> NonConditionMembers(EntitySetBase extent)
     foreach (MemberPath path in m_nonConditionDomainMap.Keys)
         if (path.Extent.Equals(extent))
             yield return path;
 internal ExtentPair(md.EntitySetBase left, md.EntitySetBase right)
     m_left  = left;
     m_right = right;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a typed-table definition corresponding to an entityset (if specified)
 /// The table has exactly one column - the type of the column is specified by 
 /// the "type" parameter. This table is considered to be un-"flattened"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">type of each element (row) of the table</param>
 /// <param name="extent">entityset corresponding to the table (if any)</param>
 internal TableMD(TypeUsage type, EntitySetBase extent)
     : this(extent)
     m_columns.Add(new ColumnMD(this, "element", type));
     m_flattened = !PlanCompiler.TypeUtils.IsStructuredType(type);
        private static string GetExtentFullName(EntitySetBase entitySet)
            //We store the full Extent Name in the generated code which is
            //EntityContainer name + "." + entitysetName
            return entitySet.EntityContainer.Name + EntityViewGenerationConstants.QualificationCharacter + entitySet.Name;

 internal static DbQueryCommandTree SimplifyView(EntitySetBase extent, DbQueryCommandTree view)
     ViewSimplifier vs = new ViewSimplifier(view.MetadataWorkspace, extent);
     view = vs.Simplify(view);
     return view;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the extent in the target space, for the given entity container.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityContainer">name of the entity container in target space</param>
 /// <param name="extentName">name of the extent</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreCase">Whether to do case-sensitive member look up or not</param>
 /// <param name="outSet">extent in target space, if a match is found</param>
 /// <returns>returns true, if a match is found otherwise returns false</returns>
 internal bool TryGetExtent(EntityContainer entityContainer, String extentName, bool ignoreCase, out EntitySetBase outSet)
     // There are no entity containers in the OSpace. So there is no mapping involved.
     // Hence the name should be a valid name in the CSpace.
     return entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.TryGetValue(extentName, ignoreCase, out outSet);
        private Node BuildRelPropertyExpression(
            EntitySetBase entitySet, RelProperty relProperty,
            Node keyExpr)
            // Make a copy of the current key expression
            keyExpr = OpCopier.Copy(m_command, keyExpr);

            // Find the relationship set corresponding to this entityset (and relProperty)
            // Return a null ref, if we can't find one
            var relSet = FindRelationshipSet(entitySet, relProperty);
            if (relSet == null)
                return m_command.CreateNode(m_command.CreateNullOp(relProperty.ToEnd.TypeUsage));

            var scanTableOp = m_command.CreateScanTableOp(Command.CreateTableDefinition(relSet));
                scanTableOp.Table.Columns.Count == 1,
                "Unexpected column count for table:" + scanTableOp.Table.TableMetadata.Extent + "=" + scanTableOp.Table.Columns.Count);
            var scanTableVar = scanTableOp.Table.Columns[0];
            var scanNode = m_command.CreateNode(scanTableOp);

            var sourceEndNode = m_command.CreateNode(
            var predicateNode = m_command.BuildComparison(
                m_command.CreateNode(m_command.CreateGetRefKeyOp(keyExpr.Op.Type), sourceEndNode));
            var filterNode = m_command.CreateNode(
                scanNode, predicateNode);

            // Process the node, and then add this as a subquery to the parent relop
            var ret = VisitNode(filterNode);
            ret = AddSubqueryToParentRelOp(scanTableVar, ret);

            // Now extract out the target end property
            ret = m_command.CreateNode(

            return ret;
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the relationshipset that matches the current entityset + from/to roles
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entitySet"></param>
 /// <param name="relProperty"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static RelationshipSet FindRelationshipSet(EntitySetBase entitySet, RelProperty relProperty)
     foreach (var es in entitySet.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets)
         var rs = es as AssociationSet;
         if (rs != null &&
             return rs;
     return null;
 private static List<LeftCellWrapper> GetWrappersFromContext(ViewgenContext context, EntitySetBase extent)
     List<LeftCellWrapper> wrappers;
     if (context == null)
         wrappers = new List<LeftCellWrapper>();
         Debug.Assert(context.Extent.Equals(extent), "ViewgenContext extent and expected extent different");
         wrappers = context.AllWrappersForExtent;
     return wrappers;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the extent in the target space, for the given entity container.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityContainer">name of the entity container in target space</param>
 /// <param name="extentName">name of the extent</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreCase">Whether to do case-sensitive member look up or not</param>
 /// <param name="outSet">extent in target space, if a match is found</param>
 /// <returns>returns true, if a match is found otherwise returns false</returns>
 internal bool TryGetExtent(EntityContainer entityContainer, String extentName, bool ignoreCase, out EntitySetBase outSet)
     // There are no entity containers in the OSpace. So there is no mapping involved.
     // Hence the name should be a valid name in the CSpace.
     return(entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.TryGetValue(extentName, ignoreCase, out outSet));
 private ViewSimplifier(MetadataWorkspace mws, EntitySetBase viewTarget)
     this.metadata = mws;
     this.extent = viewTarget;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build up a node tree that represents the set of instances from the given table that are at least
        /// of the specified type ("ofType"). If "ofType" is NULL, then all rows are returned
        /// Return the outputVar from the nodetree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entitySet">the entityset or relationshipset to scan over</param>
        /// <param name="ofType">the element types we're interested in</param>
        /// <param name="resultVar">the output var produced by this node tree</param>
        /// <returns>the node tree</returns>
        private Node BuildOfTypeTable(EntitySetBase entitySet, TypeUsage ofType, out Var resultVar)
            var tableMetadata = Command.CreateTableDefinition(entitySet);
            var tableOp = m_command.CreateScanTableOp(tableMetadata);
            var tableNode = m_command.CreateNode(tableOp);
            var tableVar = tableOp.Table.Columns[0];

            Node resultNode;
            // Build a logical "oftype" expression - simply a filter predicate
            if ((ofType != null)
                && !entitySet.ElementType.EdmEquals(ofType.EdmType))
                m_command.BuildOfTypeTree(tableNode, tableVar, ofType, true, out resultNode, out resultVar);
                resultNode = tableNode;
                resultVar = tableVar;

            return resultNode;
 /// <summary>
 /// Given an entity constructor (NewEntityOp, DiscriminatedNewEntityOp), build up
 /// the list of rel-property expressions. 
 /// Walks through the list of relevant rel-properties, and builds up expressions
 /// (using BuildRelPropertyExpression) for each rel-property that does not have
 /// an expression already built (preBuiltExpressions)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entitySet">entity set that holds instances of the entity we're building</param>
 /// <param name="relPropertyList">the list of relevant rel-properties for this entity type</param>
 /// <param name="prebuiltExpressions">the prebuilt rel-property expressions</param>
 /// <param name="keyExpr">the key of the entity instance</param>
 /// <returns>a list of rel-property expressions (lines up 1-1 with 'relPropertyList')</returns>
 private IEnumerable<Node> BuildAllRelPropertyExpressions(
     EntitySetBase entitySet,
     List<RelProperty> relPropertyList,
     Dictionary<RelProperty, Node> prebuiltExpressions,
     Node keyExpr)
     foreach (var r in relPropertyList)
         Node relPropNode;
         if (!prebuiltExpressions.TryGetValue(r, out relPropNode))
             relPropNode = BuildRelPropertyExpression(entitySet, r, keyExpr);
         yield return relPropNode;
 /// <summary>
 /// private initializer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extent">the entity set corresponding to this table (if any)</param>
 private TableMD(EntitySetBase extent)
     m_columns = new List<ColumnMD>();
     m_keys = new List<ColumnMD>();
     m_extent = extent;
        /// <summary>
        /// If the discrminator map we're already tracking for this type (in this entityset)
        /// isn't already rooted at our required type, then we have to suppress the use of 
        /// the descriminator maps when we constrct the structuredtypes; see SQLBUDT #615744
        /// </summary>
        private void DetermineDiscriminatorMapUsage(
            Node viewNode, EntitySetBase entitySet, EntityTypeBase rootEntityType, bool includeSubtypes)
            ExplicitDiscriminatorMap discriminatorMap = null;

            // we expect the view to be capped with a project; we're just being careful here.
            if (viewNode.Op.OpType
                == OpType.Project)
                var discriminatedNewEntityOp = viewNode.Child1.Child0.Child0.Op as DiscriminatedNewEntityOp;

                if (null != discriminatedNewEntityOp)
                    discriminatorMap = discriminatedNewEntityOp.DiscriminatorMap;

            DiscriminatorMapInfo discriminatorMapInfo;
            if (!m_discriminatorMaps.TryGetValue(entitySet, out discriminatorMapInfo))
                if (null == rootEntityType)
                    rootEntityType = entitySet.ElementType;
                    includeSubtypes = true;
                discriminatorMapInfo = new DiscriminatorMapInfo(rootEntityType, includeSubtypes, discriminatorMap);
                m_discriminatorMaps.Add(entitySet, discriminatorMapInfo);
                discriminatorMapInfo.Merge(rootEntityType, includeSubtypes, discriminatorMap);
 internal void AddEntitySetBase(EntitySetBase entitySetBase)