public void Methods_should_delegate_to_underlying_string_builder() { var sqlStringBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(); sqlStringBuilder.Append("foo"); sqlStringBuilder.AppendLine("bar"); sqlStringBuilder.AppendLine(); Assert.Equal(10, sqlStringBuilder.Length); }
public void Visit_DbScanExpression_appends_SQL_if_defining_query_is_not_set() { var builder = new SqlStringBuilder(); var insertTree = new DbInsertCommandTree(); new DmlSqlGenerator.ExpressionTranslator( builder, insertTree, true, new SqlGenerator(SqlVersion.Sql10)) .Visit(CreateMockScanExpression(null).Object); Assert.Equal("[Kontainer].[Binky]", builder.ToString()); }
public void AppendKeyWord_should_case_based_on_property() { var sqlStringBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(); sqlStringBuilder.AppendKeyword("select"); Assert.Equal("select", sqlStringBuilder.ToString()); sqlStringBuilder.UpperCaseKeywords = true; sqlStringBuilder.AppendKeyword(" from"); Assert.Equal("select FROM", sqlStringBuilder.ToString()); }
// <summary> // Initialize a new expression translator populating the given string builder // with command text. Command text builder and command tree must not be null. // </summary> // <param name="commandText"> Command text with which to populate commands </param> // <param name="commandTree"> Command tree generating SQL </param> // <param name="preserveMemberValues"> Indicates whether the translator should preserve member values while compiling t-SQL (only needed for server generation) </param> internal ExpressionTranslator( SqlStringBuilder commandText, DbModificationCommandTree commandTree, bool preserveMemberValues, SqlGenerator sqlGenerator, ICollection<EdmProperty> localVariableBindings = null, bool createParameters = true) { DebugCheck.NotNull(commandText); DebugCheck.NotNull(commandTree); _commandText = commandText; _commandTree = commandTree; _sqlGenerator = sqlGenerator; _localVariableBindings = localVariableBindings; _parameters = new List<SqlParameter>(); _memberValues = preserveMemberValues ? new Dictionary<EdmMember, SqlParameter>() : null; _createParameters = createParameters; }
// <summary> // Generates SQL fragment returning server-generated values. // Requires: translator knows about member values so that we can figure out // how to construct the key predicate. // <code>Sample SQL: // // select IdentityValue // from dbo.MyTable // where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and IdentityValue = scope_identity() // // or // // select TimestampValue // from dbo.MyTable // where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and Id = 1 // // Note that we filter on rowcount to ensure no rows are returned if no rows were modified. // // On SQL Server 2005 and up, we have an additional syntax used for non integer return types: // // declare @generatedValues table(ID uniqueidentifier) // insert dbo.MyTable // output ID into @generated_values // values (...); // select ID // from @generatedValues as g join dbo.MyTable as t on g.ID = t.ID // where @@ROWCOUNT > 0;</code> // </summary> // <param name="commandText"> Builder containing command text </param> // <param name="tree"> Modification command tree </param> // <param name="tableType"> Type of table. </param> // <param name="translator"> Translator used to produce DML SQL statement for the tree </param> // <param name="returning"> Returning expression. If null, the method returns immediately without producing a SELECT statement. </param> internal static void GenerateReturningSql( SqlStringBuilder commandText, DbModificationCommandTree tree, EntityType tableType, ExpressionTranslator translator, DbExpression returning, bool useGeneratedValuesVariable) { // Nothing to do if there is no Returning expression if (null == returning) { return; } // select commandText.AppendKeyword("select "); if (useGeneratedValuesVariable) { translator.PropertyAlias = "t"; } returning.Accept(translator); if (useGeneratedValuesVariable) { translator.PropertyAlias = null; } commandText.AppendLine(); if (useGeneratedValuesVariable) { // from @generated_keys commandText.AppendKeyword("from "); commandText.Append(GeneratedValuesVariableName); commandText.AppendKeyword(" as "); commandText.Append("g"); commandText.AppendKeyword(" join "); tree.Target.Expression.Accept(translator); commandText.AppendKeyword(" as "); commandText.Append("t"); commandText.AppendKeyword(" on "); var separator = string.Empty; foreach (var keyMember in tableType.KeyMembers) { commandText.AppendKeyword(separator); separator = " and "; commandText.Append("g."); var memberTSql = GenerateMemberTSql(keyMember); commandText.Append(memberTSql); commandText.Append(" = t."); commandText.Append(memberTSql); } commandText.AppendLine(); commandText.AppendKeyword("where @@ROWCOUNT > 0"); } else { // from commandText.AppendKeyword("from "); tree.Target.Expression.Accept(translator); commandText.AppendLine(); // where commandText.AppendKeyword("where @@ROWCOUNT > 0"); var table = ((DbScanExpression)tree.Target.Expression).Target; var identity = false; foreach (var keyMember in table.ElementType.KeyMembers) { commandText.AppendKeyword(" and "); commandText.Append(GenerateMemberTSql(keyMember)); commandText.Append(" = "); // retrieve member value sql. the translator remembers member values // as it constructs the DML statement (which precedes the "returning" // SQL) SqlParameter value; if (translator.MemberValues.TryGetValue(keyMember, out value)) { commandText.Append(value.ParameterName); } else { // if no value is registered for the key member, it means it is an identity // which can be retrieved using the scope_identity() function if (identity) { // there can be only one server generated key throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.Update_NotSupportedServerGenKey(table.Name)); } if (!IsValidScopeIdentityColumnType(keyMember.TypeUsage)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( Strings.Update_NotSupportedIdentityType( keyMember.Name, keyMember.TypeUsage.ToString())); } commandText.Append("scope_identity()"); identity = true; } } } }
internal static string GenerateUpdateSql( DbUpdateCommandTree tree, SqlGenerator sqlGenerator, out List<SqlParameter> parameters, bool generateReturningSql = true, bool upperCaseKeywords = true) { const string dummySetParameter = "@p"; var commandText = new SqlStringBuilder(CommandTextBuilderInitialCapacity) { UpperCaseKeywords = upperCaseKeywords }; var translator = new ExpressionTranslator(commandText, tree, null != tree.Returning, sqlGenerator); if (tree.SetClauses.Count == 0) { commandText.AppendKeyword("declare "); commandText.AppendLine(dummySetParameter + " int"); } // update [schemaName].[tableName] commandText.AppendKeyword("update "); tree.Target.Expression.Accept(translator); commandText.AppendLine(); // set c1 = ..., c2 = ..., ... var first = true; commandText.AppendKeyword("set "); foreach (DbSetClause setClause in tree.SetClauses) { if (first) { first = false; } else { commandText.Append(", "); } setClause.Property.Accept(translator); commandText.Append(" = "); setClause.Value.Accept(translator); } if (first) { // If first is still true, it indicates there were no set // clauses. Introduce a fake set clause so that: // - we acquire the appropriate locks // - server-gen columns (e.g. timestamp) get recomputed // // We use the following pattern: // // update SomeTable // set @p = 0 // where ... commandText.Append(dummySetParameter + " = 0"); } commandText.AppendLine(); // where c1 = ..., c2 = ... commandText.AppendKeyword("where "); tree.Predicate.Accept(translator); commandText.AppendLine(); if (generateReturningSql) { GenerateReturningSql(commandText, tree, null, translator, tree.Returning, false); } parameters = translator.Parameters; return commandText.ToString(); }
internal static string GenerateInsertSql( DbInsertCommandTree tree, SqlGenerator sqlGenerator, out List<SqlParameter> parameters, bool generateReturningSql = true, bool upperCaseKeywords = true, bool createParameters = true) { var commandText = new SqlStringBuilder(CommandTextBuilderInitialCapacity) { UpperCaseKeywords = upperCaseKeywords }; var translator = new ExpressionTranslator( commandText, tree, null != tree.Returning, sqlGenerator, createParameters: createParameters); var useGeneratedValuesVariable = UseGeneratedValuesVariable(tree, sqlGenerator.SqlVersion); var tableType = (EntityType)((DbScanExpression)tree.Target.Expression).Target.ElementType; if (useGeneratedValuesVariable) { // manufacture the variable, e.g. "declare @generated_values table(id uniqueidentifier)" commandText .AppendKeyword("declare ") .Append(GeneratedValuesVariableName) .Append(" table("); var first = true; foreach (var column in tableType.KeyMembers) { if (first) { first = false; } else { commandText.Append(", "); } commandText .Append(GenerateMemberTSql(column)) .Append(" ") .Append(GetVariableType(sqlGenerator, column)); Facet collationFacet; if (column.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue(DbProviderManifest.CollationFacetName, false, out collationFacet)) { var collation = collationFacet.Value as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collation)) { commandText.AppendKeyword(" collate ").Append(collation); } } } Debug.Assert(!first, "if useGeneratedValuesVariable is true, it implies some columns do not have values"); commandText.AppendLine(")"); } // insert [schemaName].[tableName] commandText.AppendKeyword("insert "); tree.Target.Expression.Accept(translator); if (0 < tree.SetClauses.Count) { // (c1, c2, c3, ...) commandText.Append("("); var first = true; foreach (DbSetClause setClause in tree.SetClauses) { if (first) { first = false; } else { commandText.Append(", "); } setClause.Property.Accept(translator); } commandText.AppendLine(")"); } else { commandText.AppendLine(); } if (useGeneratedValuesVariable) { // output into @generated_values commandText.AppendKeyword("output "); var first = true; foreach (var column in tableType.KeyMembers) { if (first) { first = false; } else { commandText.Append(", "); } commandText.Append("inserted."); commandText.Append(GenerateMemberTSql(column)); } commandText .AppendKeyword(" into ") .AppendLine(GeneratedValuesVariableName); } if (0 < tree.SetClauses.Count) { // values c1, c2, ... var first = true; commandText.AppendKeyword("values ("); foreach (DbSetClause setClause in tree.SetClauses) { if (first) { first = false; } else { commandText.Append(", "); } setClause.Value.Accept(translator); translator.RegisterMemberValue(setClause.Property, setClause.Value); } commandText.AppendLine(")"); } else { // default values commandText.AppendKeyword("default values"); commandText.AppendLine(); } if (generateReturningSql) { GenerateReturningSql(commandText, tree, tableType, translator, tree.Returning, useGeneratedValuesVariable); } parameters = translator.Parameters; return commandText.ToString(); }
internal static string GenerateDeleteSql( DbDeleteCommandTree tree, SqlGenerator sqlGenerator, out List<SqlParameter> parameters, bool upperCaseKeywords = true, bool createParameters = true) { var commandText = new SqlStringBuilder(CommandTextBuilderInitialCapacity) { UpperCaseKeywords = upperCaseKeywords }; var translator = new ExpressionTranslator( commandText, tree, false, sqlGenerator, createParameters: createParameters); // delete [schemaName].[tableName] commandText.AppendKeyword("delete "); tree.Target.Expression.Accept(translator); commandText.AppendLine(); // where c1 = ... AND c2 = ... commandText.AppendKeyword("where "); tree.Predicate.Accept(translator); parameters = translator.Parameters; return commandText.ToString(); }
private string IntroduceRequiredLocalVariables(EntityType entityType, DbInsertCommandTree commandTree) { DebugCheck.NotNull(entityType); DebugCheck.NotNull(commandTree); var storeGeneratedKeys = entityType .KeyProperties .Where(p => p.IsStoreGeneratedIdentity) .ToList(); var sql = new SqlStringBuilder { UpperCaseKeywords = true }; if (storeGeneratedKeys.Any()) { foreach (var keyProperty in storeGeneratedKeys) { sql.Append(sql.Length == 0 ? "DECLARE " : ", "); sql.Append("@"); sql.Append(keyProperty.Name); sql.Append(" "); sql.Append(DmlSqlGenerator.GetVariableType(_sqlGenerator, keyProperty)); } sql.AppendLine(); var translator = new DmlSqlGenerator.ExpressionTranslator( sql, commandTree, true, _sqlGenerator, entityType.KeyProperties); DmlSqlGenerator.GenerateReturningSql( sql, commandTree, entityType, translator, commandTree.Returning, DmlSqlGenerator.UseGeneratedValuesVariable(commandTree, _sqlGenerator.SqlVersion)); sql.AppendLine(); sql.AppendLine(); } return sql.ToString(); }