/// <summary>
		/// Disconnects everything inside this class
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void Disconnect()
/*			lastItems = null;
			onListCellDescription = null;
			if (listadaptor != null) {
				listadaptor.OnListChanged -= DSChanged;
				listadaptor.OnElementAdded -= DSElementAdded;
				listadaptor.OnElementChanged -= DSElementChanged;
				listadaptor.OnElementRemoved -= DSElementRemoved;
				listadaptor.OnTargetChange -= ListTargetChanged;
				listadaptor = null;
			if (CurrentSelection != null) {
				currentSelection = null;
			if (adaptor != null) {
				adaptor = null;
			internalModel = null;
//			cachedItems = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when ItemsDataSource changes
		/// </summary>
/*		private void ListTargetChanged (IAdaptor aAdaptor)
			cachedItems = null;
			if (ItemsDataSource == null)
				CurrentSelection.Target = null;
			else {
//				if ((ItemsDataSource is IAdaptor) == false)
//					return;
				object check = ConnectionProvider.ResolveTargetForObject(ItemsDataSource);
				if (check != lastItems) {
					lastItems = check;
					check = ItemsDataSource;
					ItemsDataSource = null;
					ItemsDataSource = check;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates adaptors associated with this IconView
		/// </summary>
		internal virtual void CreateAdaptors()
			// Allocate selection adaptor
			currentSelection = new GtkAdaptor();
//			currentSelection.OnDataChange += SelectedObjectChanged;
			internalModel.ClearSelection += delegate() {
				if (CurrentSelection != null)
					CurrentSelection.Target = null;
			// Create and connect ListAdaptor with this TreeView
/*			listadaptor = new GtkListAdaptor(false, null, this, false); 
			listadaptor.OnListChanged += DSChanged;
			listadaptor.OnElementAdded += DSElementAdded;
			listadaptor.OnElementChanged += DSElementChanged;
			listadaptor.OnElementRemoved += DSElementRemoved;
			listadaptor.OnTargetChange += ListTargetChanged;*/
//			listadaptor.OnTargetChange += ItemsTargetChanged;
			// Create Adaptor
			adaptor = new GtkControlAdaptor (this, false);
			adaptor.DisableMappingsDataTransfer = true;

			internalModel.CheckControl += delegate() {
				if (adaptor != null)
//			columnadaptor = new GtkAdaptor();
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when ItemsDataSource changes
		/// </summary>
		/*		private void ListTargetChanged (IAdaptor aAdaptor)
			cachedItems = null;
			if (ItemsDataSource == null)
				CurrentSelection.Target = null;
			else {
//				if ((ItemsDataSource is IAdaptor) == false)
//					return;
				object check = ConnectionProvider.ResolveTargetForObject(ItemsDataSource);
				if (check != lastItems) {
					lastItems = check;
					check = ItemsDataSource;
					ItemsDataSource = null;
					ItemsDataSource = check;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates adaptors associated with this IconView
		/// </summary>
		internal virtual void CreateAdaptors ()
			// Allocate selection adaptor
			currentSelection = new GtkAdaptor ();
			internalModel.ClearSelection += delegate() {
				if (CurrentSelection != null)
					CurrentSelection.Target = null;

			// Create Adaptor
			adaptor = new GtkControlAdaptor (this, false);
			adaptor.DisableMappingsDataTransfer = true;

			internalModel.CheckControl += delegate() {
				if (adaptor != null)
					adaptor.CheckControl ();
		/// <summary>
		/// Disconnects everything inside this class
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void Disconnect ()
			if (CurrentSelection != null) {
				CurrentSelection.Disconnect ();
				currentSelection = null;
			if (adaptor != null) {
				adaptor.Disconnect ();
				adaptor = null;
			internalModel.Disconnect ();
			internalModel = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Обновляет данные виджета
        /// </summary>
        private void ResetLayout()
            onInit = true;
            comboListStore.Clear ();

            if (ItemsDataSource == null)

            if (ItemsDataSource is IEnumerable == false)
                throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format("ItemsDataSource only supports IEnumerable types, specified was {0}", ItemsDataSource));

            //Заполняем специальные поля
                AppendEnumItem (typeof(SpecialComboState).GetField ("All"));
                AppendEnumItem (typeof(SpecialComboState).GetField ("Not"));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (ColumnMappings) && ItemsDataSource is IList)
                var list = ItemsDataSource as IList;
                if(list.Count > 0)
                    var example = list [0];
                    if (example.GetType ().GetProperty ("Name") != null)
                        columnMappings = "Name";
                    if (example.GetType ().GetProperty ("Title") != null)
                        columnMappings = "Title";

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (ColumnMappings))
                logger.Warn ("Свойство ColumnMappings пустое, заполение комбобокса {0} пропущено.", Name);
                onInit = false;

            //FIXME Временное решение, нужно сделать через биндинг
            Adaptor tempAdaptor = new Adaptor ();
            MappedProperty mp = new MappedProperty (tempAdaptor, columnMappings);
            foreach (object subject in (ItemsDataSource as IEnumerable)) {
                tempAdaptor.Target = subject;
                comboListStore.AppendValues (mp.Value, subject);

            if (ShowSpecialStateAll || ShowSpecialStateNot)
                Active = 0;
            onInit = false;