public DebugHelper(string exeName) { IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle; NativeMethods.SetErrorMode(NativeMethods.SetErrorFlags.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | NativeMethods.SetErrorFlags.SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); NativeMethods.SymSetOptions(NativeMethods.Options.SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | NativeMethods.Options.SYMOPT_DEBUG); if (!NativeMethods.SymInitialize(handle, null, false)) { var ex = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); LastErrorMessage = ex.Message; } _dllBase = NativeMethods.SymLoadModuleEx(handle, IntPtr.Zero, exeName, null, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, NativeMethods.SymLoadModuleFlags.SLMFLAG_NONE); if (_dllBase == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } _libHandle = handle; }
static void ThrowCanNotLoadDll(string dllPath, int error) { var type = WinAPI.GetDllMachineType(dllPath); if (type == MachineType.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { if (sizeof(long) == IntPtr.Size) { var message = string.Format("x64 process tries to load x86 dll = {0}; code = 0x{1:X}", dllPath, error); throw new Exception(message); } } else if (type == MachineType.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { if (sizeof(int) == IntPtr.Size) { var message = string.Format("x86 process tries to load x64 dll = {0}; code = 0x{1:X}", dllPath, error); throw new Exception(message); } } else { var message = string.Format("Unsupported machine type = {0} of dll = {1}; error = 0x{2:X}.", type, dllPath, error); throw new Exception(message); } { var ex = new Win32Exception(error); var message = string.Format("Can not load library = {0} Code={1}", dllPath, error); throw new Exception(message, ex); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(unchecked ((int)0x80004005)); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); }
public DVDBuilderException(int error, int errorFacility, string hint) { m_error = error; m_errorFacility = errorFacility; m_hint = hint; switch (m_errorFacility) { case (int)PrimoSoftware.DVDBuilder.ErrorFacility.Success: m_message = "Success."; return; case (int)PrimoSoftware.DVDBuilder.ErrorFacility.SystemWindows: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception sysex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(m_error); m_message = "System error: " + sysex.Message; return; case (int)PrimoSoftware.DVDBuilder.ErrorFacility.DVDBuilder: m_message = "DVDBuilderError: " + ((PrimoSoftware.DVDBuilder.DVDBuilderError)m_error).ToString(); return; default: m_message = "Unknown error."; return; } }
public static void InstantiateException() { int error = 5; string message = "This is an error message."; Exception innerException = new FormatException(); // Test each of the constructors and validate the properties of the resulting instance Win32Exception ex = new Win32Exception(); Assert.Equal(expected: E_FAIL, actual: ex.HResult); ex = new Win32Exception(error); Assert.Equal(expected: E_FAIL, actual: ex.HResult); Assert.Equal(expected: error, actual: ex.NativeErrorCode); ex = new Win32Exception(message); Assert.Equal(expected: E_FAIL, actual: ex.HResult); Assert.Equal(expected: message, actual: ex.Message); ex = new Win32Exception(error, message); Assert.Equal(expected: E_FAIL, actual: ex.HResult); Assert.Equal(expected: error, actual: ex.NativeErrorCode); Assert.Equal(expected: message, actual: ex.Message); ex = new Win32Exception(message, innerException); Assert.Equal(expected: E_FAIL, actual: ex.HResult); Assert.Equal(expected: message, actual: ex.Message); Assert.Same(expected: innerException, actual: ex.InnerException); }
public static void ChangeOwner(String s_Path, String s_UserName) { IntPtr pNewOwner, peUse; Win32Exception Win32Error; String domain_name; int ret, sid_len, domain_len; if (Privileges.SetPrivileges() == false) throw new Exception("Required privilege not held by the user"); sid_len = SID_SIZE; pNewOwner = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sid_len); domain_len = NAME_SIZE; domain_name = String.Empty.PadLeft(domain_len); peUse = IntPtr.Zero; if (!Imports.LookupAccountName(null, s_UserName, pNewOwner, ref sid_len, domain_name, ref domain_len, ref peUse)) { ret = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Win32Error = new Win32Exception(ret); throw new Exception(Win32Error.Message); } ret = Imports.SetNamedSecurityInfo(s_Path, SE_FILE_OBJECT, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pNewOwner, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != 0) { Win32Error = new Win32Exception(ret); throw new Exception(Win32Error.Message); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pNewOwner); }
protected void InstallHook(HookType hookType) { lock (HookLock) { // If hook is installed already then return. _hookType = hookType; if (hHook.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { return; } string lpModuleName = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName; var hMod = GetModuleHandle(lpModuleName); //var hRef = new HandleRef(this, hMod); HookProcedure = new HookProc(HookProcess); IntPtr kh; if (hookType == HookType.WH_MOUSE) { uint threadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); kh = SetWindowsHookEx((uint)hookType, HookProcedure, hMod, threadId); } else { kh = SetWindowsHookEx((uint)hookType, HookProcedure, hMod, 0); } if (kh == IntPtr.Zero) { var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } hHook = new HandleRef(null, kh); } }
public static Bitmap GetDesktopWindowCaptureAsBitmap() { Rectangle rcScreen = Rectangle.Empty; Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; // Create a rectangle encompassing all screens... foreach (Screen screen in screens) { rcScreen = Rectangle.Union(rcScreen, screen.Bounds); } // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(rcScreen); // Create a composite bitmap of the size of all screens... Bitmap finalBitmap = new Bitmap(rcScreen.Width, rcScreen.Height); // Get a graphics object for the composite bitmap and initialize it... Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(finalBitmap); g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Desktop, 0, 0, rcScreen.Width - rcScreen.X, rcScreen.Height - rcScreen.Y); // Get an HDC for the composite area... IntPtr hdcDestination = g.GetHdc(); // Now, loop through screens, BitBlting each to the composite HDC created above... foreach (Screen screen in screens) { // Create DC for each source monitor... IntPtr hdcSource = Win32.CreateDC(IntPtr.Zero, screen.DeviceName, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); // Blt the source directly to the composite destination... int xDest = screen.Bounds.X - rcScreen.X; int yDest = screen.Bounds.Y - rcScreen.Y; // bool success = BitBlt(hdcDestination, xDest, yDest, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, hdcSource, 0, 0, (int)TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY); bool success = Win32.StretchBlt(hdcDestination, xDest, yDest, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, hdcSource, 0, 0, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, (int)Win32.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY); // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(screen.Bounds); if (!success) { System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32Exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(win32Exception); } // Cleanup source HDC... Win32.DeleteDC(hdcSource); } // Cleanup destination HDC and Graphics... g.ReleaseHdc(hdcDestination); g.Dispose(); // IntPtr hDC = GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); // Graphics gDest = Graphics.FromHdc(hDC); // gDest.DrawImage(finalBitmap, 0, 0, 640, 480); // gDest.Dispose(); // ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, hDC); // Return composite bitmap which will become our Form's PictureBox's image... return(finalBitmap); }
[Test] // ctor (int) public void Constructor1 () { Win32Exception ex; ex = new Win32Exception (0); Assert.AreEqual (-2147467259, ex.ErrorCode, "#A1"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A3"); Assert.IsFalse (ex.Message.IndexOf (ex.GetType ().FullName) != -1, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ex.NativeErrorCode, "#A5"); ex = new Win32Exception (int.MinValue); Assert.AreEqual (-2147467259, ex.ErrorCode, "#B1"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B3"); Assert.IsFalse (ex.Message.IndexOf (ex.GetType ().FullName) != -1, "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MinValue, ex.NativeErrorCode, "#B5"); ex = new Win32Exception (int.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual (-2147467259, ex.ErrorCode, "#C1"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#C2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#C3"); Assert.IsFalse (ex.Message.IndexOf (ex.GetType ().FullName) != -1, "#C4"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, ex.NativeErrorCode, "#C5"); }
public bool AquireLock(int timeout) { bool success = false; if (Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, timeout)) { if ( == null) { int fd =, OpenFlags.O_RDWR | OpenFlags.O_EXCL); if (fd == -1) { var e = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error opening {0}: {1}", PortFilePath, e.Message)); Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); } else { = new UnixStream(fd); success = true; } } } return success; }
public static Bitmap CaptureWindow(IntPtr handle, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // Get the size of the window to capture Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); Win32.GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect); // GetWindowRect returns Top/Left and Bottom/Right, so fix it rect.Width = rect.Width - rect.X; rect.Height = rect.Height - rect.Y; // Create a bitmap to draw the capture into Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height); // Use PrintWindow to draw the window into our bitmap using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc(); if (!Win32.PrintWindow(handle, hdc, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(error); Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: " + error + ": " + exception.Message); // TODO: Throw the exception? } g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); } x += px; y += py; return(bitmap); //return bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), bitmap.PixelFormat); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- // Class Name: VolumeFunctions // Procedure Name: UnmapFolderFromDrive // Purpose: Unmap a drive letter. We always unmp the drive, without checking the // folder name. // Parameters: // - driveLetter (string) : Drive letter to be released, the the format "C:" // - folderName (string) : Folder name that the drive is mapped to. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- internal static string UnmapFolderFromDrive(string driveLetter, string folderName) { DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION, driveLetter, folderName); // Display the status of the "last" unmap we run. string statusMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).ToString(); return statusMessage.Substring(statusMessage.IndexOf(":") + 1); }
public static Bitmap PrintWindow(IntPtr handle) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect); rect.Width = rect.Width - rect.X; rect.Height = rect.Height - rect.Y; using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc(); if (!PrintWindow(handle, hdc, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(error); Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: " + error + ": " + exception.Message); } g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); bitmap.Save("./asdf.png"); Bitmap Clone = (Bitmap)bitmap.Clone(); return(Clone); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles any errors that CreateDirectoryEx may encounter /// </summary> private static void HandleCreateDirectoryExError(string template, string target, int errorCode) { Win32Exception win32Exception = new Win32Exception(errorCode); Exception error; switch ((Win32Error)errorCode) { case Win32Error.ACCESS_DENIED: error = new UnauthorizedAccessException( string.Format("Access was denied to clone '{0}' to '{1}'.", template, target), win32Exception); break; case Win32Error.PATH_NOT_FOUND: error = new DirectoryNotFoundException( string.Format("The path '{0}' or '{1}' could not be found.", template, target), win32Exception); break; case Win32Error.SHARING_VIOLATION: error = new SharingViolationException( string.Format("The source or destination file was in use when copying '{0}' to '{1}'.", template, target), win32Exception); break; case Win32Error.ALREADY_EXISTS: //If the directory already exists don't worry about it. return; default: error = win32Exception; break; } throw error; }
// WinUser.h /// <summary>Returns an exception corresponding to the last Win32 error.</summary> /// <returns>Returns an exception corresponding to the last Win32 error.</returns> internal static Exception GetExceptionForLastWin32Error() { var errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var ex = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR( errorCode ); if( ex == null ) ex = new Win32Exception( errorCode ); return ex; }
public ExternalToolLaunchException(string ExecutableFilePath, string WorkingDirectoryPath, IEnumerable<ILaunchParameter> Parameters, Win32Exception inner) : base(string.Format("{0} ({1})", ExceptionMessage, ExecutableFilePath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last()), inner) { this.ExecutableFilePath = ExecutableFilePath; this.WorkingDirectoryPath = WorkingDirectoryPath; this.Parameters = Parameters; }
public void WriteValue(string strSection, string strKey, string strValue) { int res = WritePrivateProfileString(strSection, strKey, strValue, this.m_fileName); if (res == 0) { Win32Exception wexp = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); throw new IniFileParsingException("win32:" + wexp.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Closes the console associate to the current process /// </summary> public static void CloseConsole() { bool result = FreeConsole(); if (!result) { Win32Exception ex = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to close console: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { var test = Shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS.PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE); if (!test) { var err = new Win32Exception(); } base.OnStartup(e); }
public static bool acceptInterrupted(Win32Exception ex) { if(interrupted(ex)) { return true; } int error = ex.NativeErrorCode; return error == WSAECONNABORTED || error == WSAECONNRESET || error == WSAETIMEDOUT; }
public void OpenForReading(string FileName) { Close(); pHandle = CreateFile( FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if (pHandle == System.IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception(); ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:OpenForReading - Could not open file " + FileName + " - " + WE.Message); throw AE; } }
[Test] // ctor () public void Constructor0 () { int native_error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error (); Win32Exception ex = new Win32Exception (); Assert.AreEqual (-2147467259, ex.ErrorCode, "#1"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#3"); Assert.IsFalse (ex.Message.IndexOf (ex.GetType ().FullName) != -1, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (native_error, ex.NativeErrorCode, "#5"); }
/// <summary> /// managed wrapper around LoadLibrary /// </summary> /// <param name="dllName"></param> internal static void LoadDll(string dllName) { if (tempFolder == "") throw new Exception("Please call ExtractEmbeddedDlls before LoadDll"); IntPtr h = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (h == IntPtr.Zero) { Exception e = new Win32Exception(); throw new DllNotFoundException(String.Format("Unable to load library: {0} from {1}", dllName, tempFolder), e); } }
public int Read(int BytesToRead) { int BytesRead = 0; if (!ReadFile( pHandle, pBuffer, BytesToRead, &BytesRead, 0 )) { Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception(); ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException( "WinFileIO:Read - Error occurred reading a file. - " + WE.Message); throw AE; } return BytesRead; }
static SafeCloseHandle OpenProcessForQuery(int pid) { #pragma warning suppress 56523 // Microsoft, Win32Exception ctor calls Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() SafeCloseHandle process = ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.OpenProcess(ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, pid); if (process.IsInvalid) { Exception exception = new Win32Exception(); process.SetHandleAsInvalid(); throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(exception); } return process; }
public void ShouldSetInnerException() { var result = Result.RzSuccess; var expected = new Win32Exception(result); var actual = new NativeCallException("TestFunc", result).InnerException; Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), actual.GetType(), "Expected types to be equal."); Assert.AreEqual(expected.HResult, actual.HResult, "Expected HResults to be equal."); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, actual.Message, "Expected message to be equal."); Assert.AreEqual( expected.NativeErrorCode, ((Win32Exception)actual).NativeErrorCode, "Expected native error codes to be equal."); }
static SafeCloseHandle OpenCurrentProcessForWrite() { int processId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; #pragma warning suppress 56523 // Microsoft, Win32Exception ctor calls Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() SafeCloseHandle process = ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.OpenProcess(ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.WRITE_DAC | ListenerUnsafeNativeMethods.READ_CONTROL, false, processId); if (process.IsInvalid) { Exception exception = new Win32Exception(); process.SetHandleAsInvalid(); throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(exception); } return process; }
private static string Reporter(bool condensed = false) { var lastError = new Win32Exception(); StopWatcher(); if (condensed) return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} [{1}: {2}]", StopWatcher(), lastError.NativeErrorCode, lastError.Message); return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\t\t{0}\t*Win32 Result: [{1, 4}]\t*Win32 Message: [{2}]", StopWatcher(), lastError.NativeErrorCode, lastError.Message); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- // Class Name: VolumeFunctions // Procedure Name: MapFolderToDrive // Purpose: Map the folder to a drive letter // Parameters: // - driveLetter (string) : Drive letter in the format "C:" without a back slash // - folderName (string) : Folder to map without a back slash // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- internal static string MapFolderToDrive(string driveLetter, string folderName) { // Is this drive already mapped? If so, we don't remap it! StringBuilder volumeMap = new StringBuilder(1024); QueryDosDevice(driveLetter, volumeMap, (uint)1024); if (volumeMap.ToString().StartsWith(MAPPED_FOLDER_INDICATOR) == true) return "Volume is already mapped - map not changed"; // Map the folder to the drive DefineDosDevice(0, driveLetter, folderName); // Display a status message to the user. string statusMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).ToString(); return statusMessage.Substring(statusMessage.IndexOf(":") + 1); }
public static Stream waitForFileAccess(string filePath, FileAccess access, int timeoutMs, CancellationToken token) { IntPtr fHandle; int errorCode; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; uint desiredAccess = (uint)CreateFileAccess.GENERIC_READ; int fileShare = (int)CreateFileShare.FILE_SHARE_READ; if (access == FileAccess.Write || access == FileAccess.ReadWrite) { desiredAccess |= (int)CreateFileAccess.GENERIC_WRITE; fileShare = (int)CreateFileShare.NONE; } int creationDisposition = (int)CreateFileCreationDisposition.OPEN_EXISTING; int fileAttributes = (int)(CreateFileAttributes.NORMAL | CreateFileAttributes.FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS); while (true) { fHandle = CreateFileW(filePath, desiredAccess, fileShare, IntPtr.Zero, creationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero); errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (fHandle != IntPtr.Zero && fHandle.ToInt64() != -1L) { Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle handle = new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle(fHandle, true); return(new FileStream(handle, access)); } if (errorCode != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) { Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(errorCode); throw new IOException(e.Message, errorCode); } else if (timeoutMs >= 0 && (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds > timeoutMs) { throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for file access: " + filePath); } else if (token != null && token.IsCancellationRequested == true) { return(null); } Thread.Sleep(100); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool result = false; Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "vibranceGUI~Mutex", out result); if (!result) { MessageBox.Show("You can run vibranceGUI only once at a time!", messageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); GraphicsAdapter adapter = GraphicsAdapterHelper.getAdapter(); Form vibranceGUI = null; if (adapter == GraphicsAdapter.AMD) { vibranceGUI = new AmdVibranceGUI(); } else if (adapter == GraphicsAdapter.NVIDIA) { vibranceGUI = new NvidiaVibranceGUI(); } else if (adapter == GraphicsAdapter.UNKNOWN) { string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message; if (MessageBox.Show(errorGraphicsAdapterUnknown + errorMessage, messageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } return; } if (args.Contains("-minimized")) { vibranceGUI.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; vibranceGUI.ShowInTaskbar = false; if (vibranceGUI is AmdVibranceGUI) { ((AmdVibranceGUI) vibranceGUI).SetAllowVisible(false); } else { ((NvidiaVibranceGUI) vibranceGUI).SetAllowVisible(false); } } Application.Run(vibranceGUI); GC.KeepAlive(mutex); }
public static void CheckWNetError(int errorCode) { if (errorCode == 0x4b8) { int num; StringBuilder lpErrorBuf = new StringBuilder(0x400); StringBuilder lpNameBuf = new StringBuilder(0x400); Winnetwk.WNetGetLastError(out num, lpErrorBuf, lpErrorBuf.Capacity, lpNameBuf, lpNameBuf.Capacity); throw new NetworkException(lpErrorBuf.ToString(), num, lpNameBuf.ToString()); } if (errorCode != 0) { Exception innerException = new Win32Exception(errorCode); throw new IOException(innerException.Message, innerException); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds a suitable <see cref="Exception"/> for a given <see cref="Win32Exception.NativeErrorCode"/>. /// </summary> private Exception BuildException(int error) { switch (error) { case Win32ErrorFailNoactionReboot: case Win32ErrorFailShutdown: case Win32ErrorFailRestart: bool permissionDenied; string message = new Win32Exception(error).Message + Environment.NewLine + StringUtils.Join(Environment.NewLine, ListAppProblems(out permissionDenied)); if (permissionDenied) return new UnauthorizedAccessException(message); else return new IOException(message); default: return WindowsUtils.BuildException(error); } }
public List<string> GetCategories() { string returnString = new string(' ', MAXCATEGORIESLENGTH); int res = GetPrivateProfileString(null, null, null, returnString, MAXCATEGORIESLENGTH, this.m_fileName); if (res == 0) { Win32Exception wexp = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); throw new IniFileParsingException("win32:no categories. " + wexp.Message); } if (res == MAXCATEGORIESLENGTH - 2) //see docs: means buffer is full { throw new IniFileParsingException("data in categories is too long. must be <" + MAXCATEGORIESLENGTH); } List<string> result = new List<string>(returnString.Split('\0')); result.RemoveRange(result.Count - 2, 2); //removes the last 2 entries. return result; }
internal static Win32Exception CreateSafeWin32Exception(int error) { Win32Exception exception = null; new SecurityPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { if (error == 0) { return new Win32Exception(); } exception = new Win32Exception(error); } finally { CodeAccessPermission.RevertAssert(); } return exception; }
private static string GetWin23ExeptionMessage(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e) { var res = $"Exception: {e.GetType()}\n" + $"Message: {e.Message}\n" + $"NativeErrorCode: {e.NativeErrorCode}\n" + $"ErrorCode: {e.ErrorCode}\n"; try { res += $"Data: {string.Join("\n", e?.Data?.Keys.Cast<object>().Select(k => k.ToString() + " : " + e.Data[k].ToString()))}\n"; } catch (Exception) { } res += $"\nStackTrace: " + $"{e.StackTrace}"; return(res); }
internal static Win32Exception CreateSafeWin32Exception(int error) { Win32Exception newException = null; // Need to assert SecurtiyPermission, otherwise Win32Exception // will not be able to get the error message. At this point the right // permissions have already been demanded. SecurityPermission securityPermission = new SecurityPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); securityPermission.Assert(); try { if (error == 0) newException = new Win32Exception(); else newException = new Win32Exception(error); } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } return newException; }
private static void ThrowOnError(string path, IntPtr hModule) { if (hModule == IntPtr.Zero) { var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(error); if (error == (int)Win32ErrorCode.ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND || error == (int)Win32ErrorCode.ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) //TODO: change exception - this happens if path not rooted { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("Failed to find dll or its dependencies", path, ex); } if (error == (int)Win32ErrorCode.ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT || error == (int)Win32ErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) //TODO: change exception - this happens if path not rooted { throw new BadImageFormatException("Failed to load dll", path, ex); } throw ex; } }
public static void ChangeStartMode(ServiceController svc, ServiceStartMode mode) { //var scManagerHandle = OpenSCManager(null, null, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT + SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE); var scManagerHandle = OpenSCManager(null, null, ScManagerAllAccess); if (scManagerHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ExternalException("Open Service Manager Error"); } var serviceHandle = OpenService( scManagerHandle, svc.ServiceName, ServiceQueryConfig | ServiceChangeConfig); if (serviceHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ExternalException("Open Service Error"); } var result = ChangeServiceConfig( serviceHandle, ServiceNoChange, (uint) mode, ServiceNoChange, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, null, null, null); if (result == false) { int nError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var win32Exception = new Win32Exception(nError); throw new ExternalException("Could not change service start type: " + win32Exception.Message); } CloseServiceHandle(serviceHandle); CloseServiceHandle(scManagerHandle); }
static public String CaptureWindow(IntPtr handle) { string path = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); // Get the size of the window to capture Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect); // GetWindowRect returns Top/Left and Bottom/Right, so fix it rect.Width = rect.Width - rect.X; rect.Height = rect.Height - rect.Y; // Create a bitmap to draw the capture into using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { // Use PrintWindow to draw the window into our bitmap using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc(); if (!PrintWindow(handle, hdc, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(error); Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: " + error + ": " + exception.Message); // TODO: Throw the exception? } g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); //bitmap.Save("./sa.png"); } //return bitmap; // Save it as a .png just to demo this //Console.WriteLine("Capture Window path: " + ` + "a.png"); } return(path + "a.png"); }
private unsafe byte[] GetOutgoingBlob(byte[] incomingBlob, ref Win32Exception e) { Interop.SecurityStatus statusCode; byte[] message = _context.GetOutgoingBlob(incomingBlob, false, out statusCode); if (((int)statusCode & unchecked ((int)0x80000000)) != 0) { e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)statusCode); message = new byte[8]; //sizeof(long) for (int i = message.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { message[i] = (byte)((uint)statusCode & 0xFF); statusCode = (Interop.SecurityStatus)((uint)statusCode >> 8); } } if (message != null && message.Length == 0) { message = s_emptyMessage; } return(message); }
protected override IntPtr HookProcess(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (EnableEvents) { // If OK and someone listens to our events if (nCode >= 0) { var info = new CURSORINFO(); info.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(info.GetType()); if (!GetCursorInfo(out info)) { var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } var button = MouseButtons.None; var param = wParam.ToInt32(); // Marshall the data from callback. var mStruct = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)); var delta = 0; var tu = new TestUnion { Number = mStruct.mouseData }; MouseKey mk = 0; int lastX = 0; int lastY = 0; bool handled; switch (param) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: var x =; var y =; if (prevX == -1 || prevY == -1) { scrnX = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Width - 1; scrnY = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Height - 1; prevX = x; prevY = y; } lastX = x - prevX; lastY = y - prevY; var fX = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min(scrnX, x), 0); var fY = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min(scrnY, y), 0); if (fX != x || fY != y) { SetCursorPos(fX, fY); } prevX = fX; prevY = fY; break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: button = MouseButtons.Left; break; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: button = MouseButtons.Middle; break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: button = MouseButtons.Right; break; case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONUP: case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: button = MouseButtons.XButton1; if (tu.High == 1) { mk = MouseKey.MK_XBUTTON1; } if (tu.High == 2) { mk = MouseKey.MK_XBUTTON2; } break; case WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCXBUTTONUP: case WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK: button = MouseButtons.XButton2; if (tu.High == 1) { mk = MouseKey.MK_XBUTTON1; } if (tu.High == 2) { mk = MouseKey.MK_XBUTTON2; } break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: delta = (int)tu.High; mk = (MouseKey)tu.ULow; break; case WM_TOUCH: try { handled = DecodeTouch(wParam, lParam); } catch (Exception ex) { if (OnError != null) { OnError(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, false)); } } break; } var ea = new MouseHookEventArgs(mStruct, info, mk, param, lastX, lastY); if (OnMouseHook != null) { OnMouseHook(this, ea); } int clickCount = 0; if (button != MouseButtons.None) { clickCount = (param == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK || param == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) ? 2 : 1; } var e = new MouseEventArgs(button, clickCount,,, delta); // Raise Events. if (OnMouseUp != null && (param == WM_LBUTTONUP || param == WM_MBUTTONUP || param == WM_RBUTTONUP || param == WM_XBUTTONUP || param == WM_NCXBUTTONUP)) { OnMouseUp(this, e); } else if (OnMouseDown != null && (param == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || param == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || param == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || param == WM_XBUTTONDOWN || param == WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN)) { OnMouseDown(this, e); } else if (OnMouseMove != null && (param == WM_MOUSEMOVE)) { OnMouseMove(this, e); } else if (OnMouseWheel != null) { OnMouseWheel(this, e); } else if (OnMouseActivity != null) { OnMouseActivity(this, e); } } } return(CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception" /> class with the last Win32 error that occurred.</summary> public Win32Exception() : base(Win32Exception.W32ErrorMessage(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())) { this.native_error_code = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception" /> class with the specified error.</summary> /// <param name="error">The Win32 error code associated with this exception. </param> public Win32Exception(int error) : base(Win32Exception.W32ErrorMessage(error)) { this.native_error_code = error; }
/// Intro to DCs: /// If you are familiar, skip ahead. If not, read on. /// Device contexts are just generic ways to represent devices, /// or things you can draw on or interact with graphically. /// This is hugely over simplified, and I'm going to get flamed, but for the sake of brevity, /// let's just go with that for now. You can get device context's, or dc's as /// they are commonly referred to, from images, windows, monitors, and even printers. /// Every window has them, and you can use them to draw with. Everything you see on your screen is being /// drawn upon a device context. The desktop, every window, your taskbar, and anything you see. /// You can draw upon them, or copy what they have drawn upon them. If you can get a hold of them, /// you can pretty much draw or steal whatever you want graphically speaking. /// Working with device contexts is fast, and both GDI and GDI+ are based on them. /// in the case of capturing the screen, we know that somewhere Windows is drawing upon a device context, so that we can see it. /// In fact, there's one for each monitor you have attached to your system, and that desktop that you are seeing on it, /// is being drawn on that monitor's device context. /// All we have to do is grab a hold of that device context, create another one of our own, /// and copy the screen's device context image data to our own, and we've got a screen capture public static Bitmap GetDesktopWindowCaptureAsBitmap() { //SEE HOW THIS FUNCTION WORKS AT THE END OF THIS FUNCTION. Rectangle rcScreen = Rectangle.Empty; Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; // Create a rectangle encompassing all screens... foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) { rcScreen = Rectangle.Union(rcScreen, screen.Bounds); } // Create a composite bitmap of the size of all screens... Bitmap finalBitmap = new Bitmap(rcScreen.Width, rcScreen.Height); // Get a graphics object for the composite bitmap and initialize it... Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(finalBitmap); g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; g.FillRectangle( SystemBrushes.Desktop, 0, 0, rcScreen.Width - rcScreen.X, rcScreen.Height - rcScreen.Y); // Get an HDC for the composite area... IntPtr hdcDestination = g.GetHdc(); // Now, loop through screens, // Blting each to the composite HDC created above... foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) { // Create DC for each source monitor... IntPtr hdcSource = Win32.CreateDC( IntPtr.Zero, screen.DeviceName, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); // Blt the source directly to the composite destination... int xDest = screen.Bounds.X - rcScreen.X; int yDest = screen.Bounds.Y - rcScreen.Y; bool success = Win32.StretchBlt( hdcDestination, xDest, yDest, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, hdcSource, 0, 0, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, (int)Win32.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY); // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(screen.Bounds); if (!success) { System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32Exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(win32Exception); } // Cleanup source HDC... Win32.DeleteDC(hdcSource); } // Cleanup destination HDC and Graphics... g.ReleaseHdc(hdcDestination); g.Dispose(); // Return composite bitmap which will become our Form's PictureBox's image... return(finalBitmap); ///Looking at the code, the first thing you'll see is that I'm using a mixture of GDI and GDI+. ///This is due largely to the fact that there is a bug present in GDI+ and the BtBlt API. ///This issue only manifests itself on systems with multiple monitors, and if I remember correctly, ///the system had to have a NVida display adapter on the non-primary monitor, and of course, our old friend Windows 98 running as the OS. ///What happens is the primary monitor captures fine, the secondary (or any non-primary) monitor stands a chance of returning garbage for an image. ///It looks like cable channel with no signal. ///Instead of relying on purely managed code, do copy the images, ///or backing up to the BtBlt API, we instead fall back to it's somewhat slower cousin, StretchBlt. ///first up we just grab all of the monitors using the Screen class' AllScreens property. ///This does two things for us. First it allows us to figure out how big the entire desktop is, ///and create an image just big enough to hold all of the screens inside. ///And secondly, it allows us to figure out just where each monitor is positioned in relation to the other. ///Remember, with multiple monitor support you can "arrange" your monitors in different ways, ///and with different resolutions, so don't think in terms of a pure rectangle when you think of ///how your monitors are positioned. ///Once we have those screens, it's a trivial matter to calculate the size of the entire bitmap ///by using the Rectangle.Union method to build up the size of the overall image. ///After we've figured out the size of the final image, we'll grab a Graphics object from the image. ///The GDI+ Graphics object is just the .NET wrapper around a device context. ///Using that graphics context, we can draw on the bitmap with the graphics object. ///Next, we'll enumerate through each monitor, and draw what that monitor has on it's device context, ///upon the image we just created that will hold the final screen shot. ///Well draw it using it's coordinates so that in case the monitors have different resolutions or positioning ///we'll be able to see them as the Display Control Panel applet sees them. ///Go check it out if you have multiple monitors, and you didn't know you could move them. ///Chances are there if you have multiple monitors, you know this already, but if not so harm no foul. ///Open the settings tab and drag one of the monitors around and ///you'll see you can reposition it in relation to the other monitors. ///For each monitor, we'll simply use the StretchBlt API to copy that monitor's device context contents, ///to the bitmap that will serve as the screen capture of the desktop. ///Notice that I'm creating a device context each time, this gives us access to that monitor's device context so ///that we can copy from it. Keep in mind that if we create it, we must destroy it, ///so we delete the device context when we are finished with it. If you don't, you'll have a memory leak, ///so keep a watchful eye on your dc's and make sure to release or destroy them. ///A simple rule is, if you "acquire" it, you're required to "release" it. ///And if you "create" it, then you must "destroy" it. ///I quote those because if you look at the GDI APIs, with that in mind you'll find the necessary APIs to do exactly what you want. ///Finally, after copying the contents of each device context to that bitmap we created, ///we'll release the Graphics object we acquired from the bitmap, and dispose it. ///That's the proper way to clean up a graphics object, if you've acquired a device context from it. }
public static string GetSystemMessage(uint errorCode) { var exception = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)errorCode); return(exception.Message); }
public Win32Exception(int error) : this(error, Win32Exception.GetErrorMessage(error)) { }