public void Bool () { DefaultValueAttribute dvat = new DefaultValueAttribute (true); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) dvat.Value, "Value"); Assert.IsFalse (dvat.Equals (true), "Equals(true)"); Assert.IsTrue (dvat.Equals (new DefaultValueAttribute (true)), "Equals(new)"); Assert.AreEqual (true.GetHashCode (), dvat.GetHashCode (), "GetHashCode"); }
public void Null () { DefaultValueAttribute dva = new DefaultValueAttribute (null); Assert.IsNull (dva.Value, "Value"); Assert.IsFalse (dva.Equals (null), "Equals(null)"); Assert.IsTrue (dva.Equals (new DefaultValueAttribute (null)), "Equals(new)"); // != Value (null) GetHashCode Assert.IsTrue (dva.GetHashCode () != 0, "GetHashCode"); }
public static dynamic GetDefaultValue(this PropertyInfo property) { System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute defaultValue = property.GetAttribute <System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute>(); if (defaultValue != null) { return(defaultValue.Value); } return(property.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue()); }
public void Null () { DefaultValueAttribute dva = new DefaultValueAttribute (null); Assert.IsNull (dva.Value, "Value"); Assert.IsFalse (dva.Equals (null), "Equals(null)"); DefaultValueAttribute dva2 = new DefaultValueAttribute (null); Assert.IsTrue (dva.Equals (dva2), "Equals(new)"); Assert.AreEqual (dva.GetHashCode (), dva2.GetHashCode (), "GetHashCode"); }
private void ScanAnalysisServicesObjectForPropertiesWithNonDefaultValue(object o, string FriendlyPath) { if (o == null) { return; } PropertyInfo[] properties = o.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { if (!prop.CanWrite || !prop.CanRead) { continue; } object[] attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute), true); System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute defaultAttr = (System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute)(attrs.Length > 0 ? attrs[0] : null); if (defaultAttr == null) { continue; //only show properties with defaults } attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute), true); System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute browsableAttr = (System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute)(attrs.Length > 0 ? attrs[0] : null); if (browsableAttr != null && !browsableAttr.Browsable) { continue; //don't show attributes marked not browsable } attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute), true); System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute readOnlyAttr = (System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute)(attrs.Length > 0 ? attrs[0] : null); if (readOnlyAttr != null && readOnlyAttr.IsReadOnly) { continue; //don't show attributes marked read only } if (prop.PropertyType.Namespace != "System" && !prop.PropertyType.IsPrimitive && !prop.PropertyType.IsValueType && !prop.PropertyType.IsEnum) { object v = prop.GetValue(o, null); if (v != null) { ScanAnalysisServicesObjectForPropertiesWithNonDefaultValue(v, FriendlyPath + " > " + prop.Name); } continue; } object value = prop.GetValue(o, null); if (defaultAttr.Value != null && !defaultAttr.Value.Equals(value)) { string sValue = (value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString()); this.listNonDefaultProperties.Add(new NonDefaultProperty(this.DatabaseName, FriendlyPath, prop.Name, defaultAttr.Value.ToString(), sValue)); } } }
internal OptionConfigurationProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { OptionConfigurationPropertyAttribute propertyAttribute = null; System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute converterAttribute = null; System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute defaultAttribute = null; foreach (var attribute in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(propertyInfo)) { if (attribute is OptionConfigurationPropertyAttribute) { propertyAttribute = (OptionConfigurationPropertyAttribute)attribute; } else if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute) { defaultAttribute = (System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute)attribute; } else if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute) { converterAttribute = (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute)attribute; } } _name = propertyAttribute.Name; _elementName = propertyAttribute.ElementName; _type = propertyAttribute.Type ?? propertyInfo.PropertyType; _behavior = propertyAttribute.Behavior; if (propertyAttribute.Converter != null) { _converter = propertyAttribute.Converter; } else { if (converterAttribute != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterAttribute.ConverterTypeName)) { Type type = Type.GetType(converterAttribute.ConverterTypeName, false); if (type != null) { _converter = Activator.CreateInstance(type, true) as TypeConverter; } } } //注意:要最后设置默认属性的值 this.DefaultValue = defaultAttribute != null ? defaultAttribute.Value : propertyAttribute.DefaultValue; }
public void Post () { DefaultValueAttribute fva = new DefaultValueAttribute (null); DispatcherSynchronizationContext dsc = new DispatcherSynchronizationContext (); // that would throw a NRE but we can't catch it //dsc.Post (null, this); bool complete = false; dsc.Post (delegate (object obj) { Assert.IsNull (obj, "Post"); complete = true; }, null); EnqueueConditional (() => complete); EnqueueTestComplete (); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SchemaAttributes"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the property that contains these attributes.</param> /// <param name="converter">The converter that defines how to convert from .NET to XLIFF.</param> /// <param name="defaultValue">The default .NET value of the property.</param> /// <param name="hasValueIndicator">The indicator that defines how to determine if the value has data.</param> /// <param name="schema">Defines how to map the property to XLIFF.</param> /// <param name="inheritanceList">A list that defines how to inherit the value from ancestors.</param> /// <param name="outputDependencies">A list of property names that, when written, must be accompanied by the /// property to which this attribute is applied.</param> public SchemaAttributes( string name, ConverterAttribute converter, DefaultValueAttribute defaultValue, HasValueIndicatorAttribute hasValueIndicator, SchemaEntityAttribute schema, IEnumerable<InheritValueAttribute> inheritanceList, IEnumerable<ExplicitOutputDependencyAttribute> outputDependencies) { this.Converter = converter; this.DefaultValue = defaultValue; this.ExplicitOutputDependencies = new List<ExplicitOutputDependencyAttribute>(outputDependencies); this.HasValueIndicator = hasValueIndicator; this.InheritanceList = new List<InheritValueAttribute>(inheritanceList); this.Name = name; this.Schema = schema; }
public ObjectPropertyDescriptor(MemberDescriptor descr, IContext context, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object obj, Attribute[] attrs) : base(descr, attrs) { this.realPropertyDescriptor = (PropertyDescriptor) descr; = propertyMap.Name; this.displayName = propertyMap.Name; Attribute[] attribs = new Attribute[descr.Attributes.Count + 4]; int i = 0; foreach (Attribute attrib in descr.Attributes) { attribs[i] = attrib; i++; } attribs[i] = new DescriptionAttribute(propertyMap.Name + " is a property."); attribs[i + 1] = new CategoryAttribute(""); attribs[i + 2] = new DefaultValueAttribute(context.ObjectManager.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name)); attribs[i + 3] = new ReadOnlyAttribute(propertyMap.IsReadOnly); attributes = new AttributeCollection(attribs); }
private void InitDefaultValueFromTypeInfo(ConfigurationPropertyAttribute attribProperty, DefaultValueAttribute attribStdDefault) { object defaultValue = attribProperty.DefaultValue; if (((defaultValue == null) || (defaultValue == ConfigurationElement.s_nullPropertyValue)) && (attribStdDefault != null)) { defaultValue = attribStdDefault.Value; } if (((defaultValue != null) && (defaultValue is string)) && (this._type != typeof(string))) { try { defaultValue = this.Converter.ConvertFromInvariantString((string) defaultValue); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(System.Configuration.SR.GetString("Default_value_conversion_error_from_string", new object[] { this._name, exception.Message })); } } if ((defaultValue == null) || (defaultValue == ConfigurationElement.s_nullPropertyValue)) { if (this._type == typeof(string)) { defaultValue = string.Empty; } else if (this._type.IsValueType) { defaultValue = System.Configuration.TypeUtil.CreateInstanceWithReflectionPermission(this._type); } } this.SetDefaultValue(defaultValue); }
private static IActionDefaultsFacet Create(DefaultValueAttribute attribute, ISpecification holder) { return attribute == null ? null : new ActionDefaultsFacetAnnotation(attribute.Value, holder); }
private static void GenerateLocalAssignmentFromDefaultAttribute(this ILGenerator IL, DefaultValueAttribute[] attrs, LocalBuilder local) { if (attrs.Length > 0) { DefaultValueAttribute defaultAttribute = attrs[0]; IL.LoadValue(defaultAttribute.Value); if ((defaultAttribute.Value != null) && (defaultAttribute.Value.GetType().IsValueType)) { IL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, defaultAttribute.Value.GetType()); } IL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, local); } }
private static IPropertyDefaultFacet Create(DefaultValueAttribute attribute, IFacetHolder holder) { return attribute == null ? null : new PropertyDefaultFacetAnnotation(attribute.Value, holder); }
/// <summary> /// Add design time attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="builder">The assembly attribute table builder.</param> private static void AddAttributes(AttributeTableBuilder builder) { builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), new Attribute[] { new DefaultPropertyAttribute("ClientId"), new DefaultEventAttribute("SessionChanged"), new ToolboxBrowsableAttribute(true), new ToolboxCategoryAttribute(LiveServicesCategory), new ToolboxTabNameAttribute(LiveServicesCategory)}); EditorBrowsableAttribute browsableAlways = new EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Always); CategoryAttribute categoryLive = new CategoryAttribute(LiveServicesCategory); DescriptionAttribute description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionBrandingType); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "Branding", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionClientId); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "ClientId", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionRedirectUri); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "RedirectUri", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionScopes); DefaultValueAttribute defaultValue = new DefaultValueAttribute("wl.signin"); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "Scopes", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description, defaultValue }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionTextType); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "TextType", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionSigninText); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "SignInText", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); description = new DescriptionAttribute(StringResources.DescriptionSignoutText); builder.AddCustomAttributes( typeof(SignInButton), "SignOutText", new Attribute[] { browsableAlways, categoryLive, description }); }
/// <summary>Returns whether resetting the component changes the value of the component.</summary> /// <returns>true if resetting the component changes the value of the component; otherwise, false.</returns> /// <param name="component">The component to test for reset capability. </param> public override bool CanResetValue(object component) { DefaultValueAttribute defaultValueAttribute = (DefaultValueAttribute)this.Attributes[typeof(DefaultValueAttribute)]; return(defaultValueAttribute != null && defaultValueAttribute.Value == this.GetValue(component)); }
private static string GetDefaultValue(DefaultValueAttribute attr) { if (attr == null || attr.Value == null) return String.Empty; return attr.Value.ToString(); }
private void InitDefaultValueFromTypeInfo(ConfigurationPropertyAttribute attribProperty, DefaultValueAttribute attribStdDefault) { object defaultValue = attribProperty.DefaultValue; // If there is no default value there - try the other attribute ( the clr standard one ) if ((defaultValue == null || defaultValue == ConfigurationElement.s_nullPropertyValue) && (attribStdDefault != null)) { defaultValue = attribStdDefault.Value; } // If there was a default value in the prop attribute - check if we need to convert it from string if ((defaultValue != null) && (defaultValue is string) && (_type != typeof(string))) { // Use the converter to parse this property default value try { defaultValue = Converter.ConvertFromInvariantString((string)defaultValue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Default_value_conversion_error_from_string, _name, ex.Message)); } } if (defaultValue == null || defaultValue == ConfigurationElement.s_nullPropertyValue) { if (_type == typeof(string)) { defaultValue = String.Empty; } else if (_type.IsValueType) { defaultValue = TypeUtil.CreateInstanceWithReflectionPermission(_type); } } SetDefaultValue(defaultValue); }