protected override IEnumerable <Export> GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
                List <Export> exports = new List <Export>();

                ImportDefinition queryImport = TranslateImport(definition);

                if (queryImport == null)

                // go through the catalogs and see if there's anything there of interest
                foreach (CompositionScopeDefinition childCatalog in _scopeDefinition.Children)
                    foreach (var partDefinitionAndExportDefinition in childCatalog.GetExportsFromPublicSurface(queryImport))
                        // We found a match in the child catalog. Now we need to check that it doesn't get rejected.
                        // if the rejetecion is enabled and atomic composition is present, we will actually have to do the work, if not - we just use what we have
                        bool isChildPartRejected = false;

                        if (_catalogExportProvider.EnsureRejection(atomicComposition))
                            using (var container = CreateChildContainer(childCatalog))
                                // We create a nested AtomicComposition() because the container will be Disposed and
                                // the RevertActions need to operate before we Dispose the child container
                                using (var localAtomicComposition = new AtomicComposition(atomicComposition))
                                    isChildPartRejected = container.CatalogExportProvider.DetermineRejection(partDefinitionAndExportDefinition.Item1, localAtomicComposition);

                        // If the child part has not been rejected, we will add it to the result set.
                        if (!isChildPartRejected)
                            exports.Add(CreateScopeExport(childCatalog, partDefinitionAndExportDefinition.Item1, partDefinitionAndExportDefinition.Item2));
