private void GatherNamespaceToRender(string nsPrefix, SortedList nsListToRender, Hashtable nsLocallyDeclared) { int num; foreach (object obj2 in nsListToRender.GetKeyList()) { if (Utils.HasNamespacePrefix((XmlAttribute) obj2, nsPrefix)) { return; } } XmlAttribute a = (XmlAttribute) nsLocallyDeclared[nsPrefix]; XmlAttribute nearestRenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix = base.GetNearestRenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix(nsPrefix, out num); if (a != null) { if (Utils.IsNonRedundantNamespaceDecl(a, nearestRenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix)) { nsLocallyDeclared.Remove(nsPrefix); nsListToRender.Add(a, null); } } else { int num2; XmlAttribute nearestUnrenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix = base.GetNearestUnrenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix(nsPrefix, out num2); if (((nearestUnrenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix != null) && (num2 > num)) && Utils.IsNonRedundantNamespaceDecl(nearestUnrenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix, nearestRenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix)) { nsListToRender.Add(nearestUnrenderedNamespaceWithMatchingPrefix, null); } } }
public Button() { this.m_bNoScalingOnSetRect = true; Name = "Button"; this.MouseActive = true; m_plStateSprites = new SortedList(); Frame spFrame = new Frame(); spFrame.Parent = this; spFrame.Member = new MemberSpriteBitmap("Button2Up"); spFrame.Ink = RasterOps.ROPs.BgTransparent; spFrame.Member.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0,0,0); spFrame.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,50,50); m_plStateSprites.Add(Sprite.MouseEventType.Leave, (Sprite)spFrame); spFrame = new Frame(); spFrame.Parent = this; spFrame.Member = new MemberSpriteBitmap("Button2Down"); spFrame.Ink = RasterOps.ROPs.BgTransparent; spFrame.Member.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0,0,0); spFrame.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,50,50); m_plStateSprites.Add(Sprite.MouseEventType.Enter, (Sprite)spFrame); for (int i = 0; i < m_plStateSprites.Count; i++) { ((Sprite)m_plStateSprites.GetByIndex(i)).Visible = false; } ((Sprite)m_plStateSprites[MouseEventType.Leave]).Visible = true; }
public StateSites(State mdoState) { = mdoState.Name; this.abbr = mdoState.Abbr; SortedList lst = new SortedList(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in mdoState.Sites) { Site s = (Site)de.Value; if (s.ChildSites != null) { for (int i = 0; i < s.ChildSites.Length; i++) { lst.Add(s.ChildSites[i].Name, s.ChildSites[i]); } } Site clone = new Site(); clone.Id = s.Id; clone.Name = s.Name; clone.State = s.State; clone.City = s.City; clone.DisplayName = s.DisplayName; clone.ParentSiteId = s.ParentSiteId; clone.RegionId = s.RegionId; lst.Add(clone.Name, clone); } this.sites = new SiteArray(lst); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SortedList sl = new SortedList(); sl.Add("Stack", "Represents a LIFO collection of objects."); sl.Add("Queue", "Represents a FIFO collection of objects."); sl.Add("SortedList", "Represents a collection of key/value pairs."); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in sl) { Console.WriteLine("{0,12}: {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } Console.WriteLine("\n" + sl["Queue"]); Console.WriteLine(sl.GetByIndex(1)); Console.WriteLine("\nName Value Collection:"); NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("Stack", "Represents a LIFO collection of objects."); nvc.Add("Stack", "A pile of pancakes."); nvc.Add("Queue", "Represents a FIFO collection of objects."); nvc.Add("Queue", "In England, a line."); nvc.Add("SortedList", "Represents a collection of key/value pairs."); foreach (string s in nvc.GetValues(0)) Console.WriteLine(s); foreach (string s in nvc.GetValues("Queue")) Console.WriteLine(s); }
public void JavascriptAsGenericSortedListTestOptionsTest() { IDictionary<string, string> options = new SortedList<string, string>(); options.Add("key1","option1"); options.Add("key2","option2"); Assert.AreEqual("{key1:option1, key2:option2}",AbstractHelper.JavascriptOptions(options)); }
void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SortedList sl = new SortedList(); Qry = "delete from Unit_master where UnitGroupName='" + cboUnitType.Text + "'"; sl.Add(sl.Count + 1, Qry); for (int i = 0; i < dgvInfo.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { Qry = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Unit_Master] " + " ([UnitGroupName]" + " ,[UnitID]" + " ,[UnitName]" + " ,[RelativeFactor]" + " ,[IsBaseUOM]" + " ,[AddedBy]" + " ,[DateAdded])" + " VALUES " + " ('" + cboUnitType.Text + "'," + "'" + dgvInfo.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "'," + "'" + dgvInfo.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString() + "'," + "" + dgvInfo.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString() + "," + "'" + Convert.ToBoolean(dgvInfo.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value) + "'," + "'" + LoginSession.UserID + "',getdate())"; sl.Add(sl.Count + 1, Qry); } DbUtility.ExecuteQuery(sl, ""); MessageBox.Show("Saved"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here we define the Hashtable obect and initialize it Hashtable countryCodes = new Hashtable(); countryCodes.Add("358", "Finland"); countryCodes.Add("1", "Canada"); countryCodes.Add("254", "Kenya"); // Here we print the full content of the Hashtable foreach (string code in countryCodes.Keys) Console.WriteLine(code + " --> " + countryCodes[code]); // Here we print all values in the Hastable Console.WriteLine("Values in the hash table: "); foreach (string value in countryCodes.Values) Console.WriteLine(value); SortedList countryAbbr = new SortedList(); countryAbbr.Add("FI", "Finland"); countryAbbr.Add("NL", "Netherlands"); countryAbbr.Add("IR", "Iran"); countryAbbr.Add("CA", "Canada"); Console.WriteLine("Country with abbreviation NL in sorted list: " + countryAbbr["NL"]); Console.WriteLine("Third value in the sorted list: " + countryAbbr.GetByIndex(2)); // Here we print the full content of the SortedList Console.WriteLine("The contnet of the sorted list: "); foreach (string abbr in countryAbbr.Keys) Console.WriteLine(abbr + " --> " + countryAbbr[abbr]); // Here we print all values in the Hastable Console.WriteLine("Values in the SortedList: "); foreach (string abbr in countryAbbr.Values) Console.WriteLine(abbr); }
public static SortedList GetCountries(bool insertEmpty) { SortedList countries = new SortedList(); if (insertEmpty) countries.Add("", "Please select one..."); foreach (String country in _countries) countries.Add(country, country); return countries; }
public static SortedList GetStates(bool insertEmpty) { SortedList states = new SortedList(); if (insertEmpty) states.Add("", "Please select one..."); foreach (String state in _states) states.Add(state, state); return states; }
public void CanTestContentsOfSortedList() { object item = "xyz"; SortedList list = new SortedList(); list.Add("a", 123); list.Add("b", item); list.Add("c", "abc"); Assert.That(list.Values, new CollectionContainsConstraint(item)); Assert.That(list.Keys, new CollectionContainsConstraint("b")); }
public void SortedList() { var list = new SortedList(); list.Add(5, "Matteo"); list.Add(4, DateTime.UtcNow); list.Add(1, "Pierangeli"); var firstPosition = list.GetKey(0); Assert.That(list[firstPosition], Is.EqualTo("Pierangeli")); }
public void TestCtorDefault() { StringBuilder sblMsg = new StringBuilder(99); SortedList sl2 = null; StringBuilder sbl3 = new StringBuilder(99); StringBuilder sbl4 = new StringBuilder(99); StringBuilder sblWork1 = new StringBuilder(99); // // Constructor: Create a default SortedList // sl2 = new SortedList(); // Verify that the SortedList is not null. Assert.NotNull(sl2); // Verify that the SortedList is empty. Assert.Equal(0, sl2.Count); // // Constructor: few more tests // sl2 = new SortedList(); var k0 = new CtorTestClass("cde"); var k1 = new CtorTestClass("abc"); var k2 = new CtorTestClass("bcd"); sl2.Add(k0, null); sl2.Add(k1, null); sl2.Add(k2, null); // Verify that the SortedList is not null. Assert.NotNull(sl2); // Verify that the SortedList Count is right. Assert.Equal(3, sl2.Count); // Verify that the SortedList actually sorted the hashtable. Assert.Equal(2, sl2.IndexOfKey(k0)); Assert.Equal(0, sl2.IndexOfKey(k1)); Assert.Equal(1, sl2.IndexOfKey(k2)); // Verify that the SortedList contains the right keys. Assert.True(((CtorTestClass)sl2.GetKey(0)).GetString().Equals("abc")); Assert.True(((CtorTestClass)sl2.GetKey(1)).GetString().Equals("bcd")); Assert.True(((CtorTestClass)sl2.GetKey(2)).GetString().Equals("cde")); }
public static HashTestClass CreateHashtableWithStrings() { SortedList list = new SortedList(); list.Add("1", "a"); list.Add("2", "b"); list.Add("3", "c"); HashTestClass hash = new HashTestClass(); hash.ElementHash = list; return hash; }
public static HashTestClass CreateHashtableWithElements() { SortedList list = new SortedList(); list.Add("1", ElementTestClass.Create("1")); list.Add("2", ElementTestClass.Create("2")); list.Add("3", ElementTestClass.Create("3")); HashTestClass hash = new HashTestClass(); hash.ElementHash = list; return hash; }
public LoginInfo Login(string UserName, string Password, string Client_identifier = "", string Language = "zh-cn") { LoginInfo LI = new LoginInfo(); ClientToken = Client_identifier; try { HttpWebRequest auth = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(RouteAuthenticate); auth.Method = "POST"; AuthenticationRequest ag = new AuthenticationRequest(UserName, Password); DataContractJsonSerializer agJsonSerialiaer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthenticationRequest)); MemoryStream agJsonStream = new MemoryStream(); agJsonSerialiaer.WriteObject(agJsonStream, ag); agJsonStream.Position = 0; string logindata = (new StreamReader(agJsonStream)).ReadToEnd(); byte[] postdata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(logindata); auth.ContentLength = postdata.LongLength; Stream poststream = auth.GetRequestStream(); poststream.Write(postdata, 0, postdata.Length); poststream.Close(); HttpWebResponse authans = (HttpWebResponse)auth.GetResponse(); DataContractJsonSerializer ResponseJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthenticationResponse)); StreamReader ResponseStream = new StreamReader(authans.GetResponseStream()); string ResponseJson = ResponseStream.ReadToEnd(); MemoryStream ResponseJsonStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ResponseJson)); ResponseJsonStream.Position = 0; AuthenticationResponse Response = ResponseJsonSerializer.ReadObject(ResponseJsonStream) as AuthenticationResponse; if (Response.getClientToken() != NewLogin.ClientToken) { LI.Suc = false; LI.Errinfo = "客户端标识和服务器返回不符,这是个不常见的错误,就算是正版启动器这里也没做任何处理,只是报了这么个错。"; return LI; } LI.Suc = true; LI.UN = Response.getSelectedProfile().getName(); LI.Client_identifier = NewLogin.ClientToken; DataContractSerializer OtherInfoSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SortedList)); SortedList OtherInfoList = new SortedList(); OtherInfoList.Add("${auth_uuid}",Response.getSelectedProfile().getId()); OtherInfoList.Add("${auth_access_token}", Response.getAccessToken()); MemoryStream OtherInfoStream = new MemoryStream(); OtherInfoSerializer.WriteObject(OtherInfoStream, OtherInfoList); OtherInfoStream.Position = 0; LI.OtherInfo = (new StreamReader(OtherInfoStream)).ReadToEnd(); return LI; } catch (TimeoutException ex) { LI.Suc = false; LI.Errinfo = ex.Message; return LI; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { SortedList mySL = new SortedList(); mySL.Add("Third", "!"); mySL.Add("Second", "World"); mySL.Add("First", "Hello"); Console.WriteLine("mySL"); Console.WriteLine(" Count: {0}", mySL.Count); Console.WriteLine(" Capacity: {0}", mySL.Capacity); Console.WriteLine(" Keys and Values:"); PrintKeysAndValues(mySL); }
public static string makeCanonicalString( string bucket, string key, SortedList query, WebRequest request ) { SortedList headers = new SortedList(); foreach ( string header in request.Headers ) { headers.Add(header, request.Headers[header]); } if (headers["Content-Type"] == null) { headers.Add("Content-Type", request.ContentType); } return makeCanonicalString(request.Method, bucket, key, query, headers, null); }
public static string makeCanonicalString( string resource, WebRequest request ) { SortedList headers = new SortedList(); foreach ( string key in request.Headers ) { headers.Add( key, request.Headers[ key ] ); } if (headers["Content-Type"] == null) { headers.Add("Content-Type", request.ContentType); } return makeCanonicalString(request.Method, resource, headers, null); }
static void Sample1() { SortedList mySortedList = new SortedList(); mySortedList.Add(3, "three"); mySortedList.Add(2, "second"); mySortedList.Add(1, "first"); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in mySortedList) { Debug.WriteLine(item.Value); } }
public void DisplayEmployeesNameAge() { System.Collections.SortedList nameAge = new System.Collections.SortedList(); nameAge.Add("Alicia", 30); nameAge.Add("Mike", 29); nameAge.Add("Adam", 22); nameAge.Add("Andrew", 39); for (int i = 0; i < nameAge.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", nameAge.GetKey(i), nameAge.GetByIndex(i)); } }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute la ligne line à la section en forme clé=valeur /// </summary> /// <param name="section">Dictionnaire de la section</param> /// <param name="line">Ligne de l'archive en forme "clé=valeur"</param> protected void DoAddLineToSection( SortedList section, string line ) { if (section == null) return ; int pos = line.IndexOf( '=' ) ; if (pos == -1) { string trimmed = line.Trim() ; if (trimmed != "") section.Add( trimmed, null ) ; } else { string key = line.Substring( 0, pos ) ; string val = line.Substring( pos + 1 ) ; int index = section.IndexOfKey( key ) ; if (index != -1) section.RemoveAt( index ) ; section.Add( key, val ) ; } }
public Player(GameMain a_gameMain) { m_gameMain = a_gameMain; this.Name = "Player"; m_fAngleStep = (float)(5.0*Math.PI/180); MemberName = "Ship"; this.RegPoint = (this.Member.Size.ToEPointF()*0.5f).ToEPoint(); #region Set up particle system (for thrusters) m_particleSystem = new Endogine.ParticleSystem.ParticleEmitter(); //m_particleSystem.Parent = this; m_particleSystem.LocZ = LocZ-1; SortedList aColors = new SortedList(); aColors.Add(0.0, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255,255,0)); aColors.Add(0.5, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)); aColors.Add(1.0, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0,0,0)); m_particleSystem.SetColorList(aColors); SortedList aSizes = new SortedList(); aSizes.Add(0.0, 1.0); aSizes.Add(1.0, 0.0); m_particleSystem.SetSizeList(aSizes); m_particleSystem.MaxParticles = 100; m_particleSystem.NumNewParticlesPerFrame = 0; m_fThrustParticles = 2; m_particleSystem.Gravity = 0; m_particleSystem.Speed = 5; m_particleSystem.SizeFact = 0.3f; m_particleSystem.ParticlePicRef = PicRef.GetOrCreate("Particle"); m_particleSystem.SourceRect = new ERectangle(0,0,10,10); m_particleSystem.RegPoint = new EPoint(5,5); m_particleSystem.LocZ = 100; #endregion #region Keys setup m_keysSteering = new KeysSteering(); this.m_keysSteering.AddKeyPreset(KeysSteering.KeyPresets.ArrowsSpace); this.m_keysSteering.AddKeyPreset(KeysSteering.KeyPresets.awsdCtrlShift); this.m_keysSteering.AddPair("left", "right"); this.m_keysSteering.AddPair("up", "down"); //m_keysSteering.ReceiveEndogineKeys(m_endogine); m_keysSteering.KeyEvent+=new KeyEventHandler(m_keysSteering_KeyEvent); #endregion }
public static void AddNewEntryFromStringArray( BankRow entryStrings, SortedList kontoEntries, SortedList newKontoEntries, SortedList newBatchOfKontoEntriesAlreadyRed) { var newKeyFromHtml = new KontoEntry(entryStrings); var key = newKeyFromHtml.KeyForThis; if (!kontoEntries.ContainsKey(key) && !newKontoEntries.ContainsKey(key)) // Kollas även senare { // if (newKontoEntries != null) {// && !newKontoEntries.ContainsKey(key)) { if (key != null) { newKontoEntries.Add(key, newKeyFromHtml); // } // else { // //Dubblett // } } // Handle Doubles } else if (!newBatchOfKontoEntriesAlreadyRed.ContainsKey(key)) { // Om man hade entryn i Excel, innan laddning, och innan man gick igenom nya, så kan man (förutsätter att man då det inte finns saldo (i allkort-kredit), så läses hela listan in i ett svep, det är inte en lista, det kan ev. bli dubblet om två datum hamnar på olika allkort-kredit-fakturor) var userDecision = MessageBox.Show( "Found potential double: " + newKeyFromHtml.KeyForThis, "Double, SaveThisEntry?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (userDecision.Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { // Detta är en dubblett, men om det finns fler än 2 dubbletter så måste man se till att nyckeln är unik while (newKontoEntries.ContainsKey(newKeyFromHtml.KeyForThis)) { // Stega upp saldo, tills en unik nyckel skapats newKeyFromHtml.SaldoOrginal += newKeyFromHtml.KostnadEllerInkomst != 0 ? newKeyFromHtml.KostnadEllerInkomst : 1; } newKontoEntries.Add(newKeyFromHtml.KeyForThis, newKeyFromHtml); } // För annat än Allkortskredit, så ordnar Detta sig, så länge saldot är med i nyckeln, det är den, så det gäller bara att ha rätt saldo i xls //Om man tagit utt t.ex. 100kr 2 ggr samma dag, från samma bankomat. hm, sätt 1 etta efteråt, men det göller ju bara det som är såna, hm, får ta dem manuellt } }
public void fun3() { SortedList s1 = new SortedList(); s1.Add(9, 'a'); s1.Add(5, 'f'); s1.Add(7, 'h'); Console.WriteLine(s1.GetKey(0)); Console.WriteLine(s1.GetByIndex(0)); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in s1) { Console.WriteLine("key ={0} value = {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } }
public CurvesEffectConfigToken() { controlPoints = new SortedList<int, int>[1]; for (int i = 0; i < this.controlPoints.Length; ++i) { SortedList<int, int> newList = new SortedList<int, int>(); newList.Add(0, 0); newList.Add(255, 255); controlPoints[i] = newList; } colorTransferMode = ColorTransferMode.Luminosity; }
/// <summary> /// Add the required auth fields and sing the request. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> type of request ([GET|POST]\n[/open|/ws] </param> /// <param name="data"> data to sign </param> /// <returns>signed data with auth fields.</returns> private String sign_request(String type, SortedList data) { int time = (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds); data.Add("auth_key", options["api_id"]); data.Add("auth_timestamp", time.ToString()); data.Add("auth_version", "1.0"); string query = array_to_query(data); string str_to_sign = type + query; var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(options["api_key"]))); var hash = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(str_to_sign))); return query + "&auth_signature=" + BytesToHex(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new atom group. /// </summary> /// <param name="logicalOperator">The operator that characterizes the relationship between the atoms and atoms group.</param> /// <param name="members">An array containing atoms and atom groups.</param> /// <param name="runningMembers">An array containing atoms and atom groups that will actually be run (they can be different /// from the members because of atom equivalence).</param> internal AtomGroup(LogicalOperator logicalOperator, object[] members, object[] runningMembers) { this.logicalOperator = logicalOperator; this.members = members; HashCodeBuilder hcb = new HashCodeBuilder(); hcb.Append(logicalOperator); SortedList<int, object> sortedMembers = new SortedList<int, object>(Comparer<int>.Default); // check the members, compute hashcode and build sorted members list for(int i=0; i < members.Length; i++) { object member =members[i]; if (member == null) { throw new BREException("An atom group can not contain a null member"); } else if (member is AtomGroup) { if (((AtomGroup)member).logicalOperator == logicalOperator) throw new BREException("An atom group can not contain another group with the same logical operator"); } else if (member is Atom) { if (((Atom)member).HasFormula) throw new BREException("An atom group can not contain an atom that contains a formula"); } else { throw new BREException("An atom group can not hold objects of type: " + member.GetType()); } hcb.Append(member); if (runningMembers == null) sortedMembers.Add(GetMemberSortedIndex(members, i), member); } hashCode = hcb.Value; // the members actually used when processing the atom group are not the ones defined in the rule file (usually because of equivalent atoms definitions) if (runningMembers != null) { for(int i=0; i < runningMembers.Length; i++) sortedMembers.Add(GetMemberSortedIndex(runningMembers, i), runningMembers[i]); } orderedMembers = sortedMembers.Values; allAtoms = new List<Atom>(); foreach(object member in orderedMembers) { if (member is Atom) allAtoms.Add((Atom)member); else if (member is AtomGroup) allAtoms.AddRange(((AtomGroup)member).AllAtoms); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets all User data source names for the local machine. /// </summary> public SortedList GetUserDataSourceNames() { System.Collections.SortedList dsnList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); // get user dsn's Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey reg = (Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser).OpenSubKey("Software"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC.INI"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC Data Sources"); if (reg != null) { // Get all DSN entries defined in DSN_LOC_IN_REGISTRY. foreach (string sName in reg.GetValueNames()) { dsnList.Add(sName, DataSourceType.User); } } try { reg.Close(); } catch { /* ignore this exception if we couldn't close */ } } } } return(dsnList); }
public static Match[] FindSubstrings(string source, string matchPattern, bool findAllUnique) { SortedList uniqueMatches = new SortedList(); Match[] retArray = null; Regex RE = new Regex(matchPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline); MatchCollection theMatches = RE.Matches(source); if (findAllUnique) { for (int counter = 0; counter < theMatches.Count; counter++) { if (!uniqueMatches.ContainsKey(theMatches[counter].Value)) { uniqueMatches.Add(theMatches[counter].Value, theMatches[counter]); } } retArray = new Match[uniqueMatches.Count]; uniqueMatches.Values.CopyTo(retArray, 0); } else { retArray = new Match[theMatches.Count]; theMatches.CopyTo(retArray, 0); } return (retArray); }
public void ComputeTrendTest(SortedList<int, double> years, int currentYear) { var map = new ExtractValuesForIndicatorsMapper(); var data = new SortedList<int, double>(); double[] inflationVal ={100.764370305146,104.476042578907, 164.776810573524,343.810676313218,626.718592068498,672.180651051974, 90.0966050749321,131.327020980362,342.955110191569,3079.8097030531, 2313.96466339751,171.671696468307,24.8999485988254,10.6114940961306, 4.17734724367,3.37611684980121,0.155695900742245,0.527258257063252 ,0.920336467095566,-1.16689546970002,-0.935939411978723,-1.06663550777849, 25.8684978656633,13.4428492915644,4.41571792341912,9.63939954620811, 10.901124534884, 8.83141298885049}; int length = inflationVal.Count(); int year = 2007; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { data.Add(year, inflationVal[i]); year--; } Assert.IsTrue( map.ComputeTrend(data, 1998)<1); Assert.IsTrue( map.ComputeTrend(data, 1999)<1); Assert.IsTrue( map.ComputeTrend(data, 2000)<1); Assert.IsTrue( map.ComputeTrend(data, 2001)<1); Assert.IsTrue(map.ComputeTrend(data, 2002)>1); Assert.IsTrue(map.ComputeTrend(data, 2003)>1); }
public void SortTest() { var rnd = new Random(); var list = new int[1000]; int i; for (i = 0; i < list.Length; ++i) { list[i] = rnd.Next(); } // create sorted list #if (SILVERLIGHT) var sortedList = new TreeDictionary<int, object>(); #else var sortedList = new SortedList(); #endif foreach (int key in list) { sortedList.Add(key, null); } // sort table this.Sorter.Sort(list); Assert.AreEqual(sortedList.Keys, list); }
private Image GetAny() { Image oPic; string sname; System.Collections.SortedList filelist = new System.Collections.SortedList(); foreach (string newname in oExt.ArchiveFileNames) { if (IsImage(newname)) { filelist.Add(newname, newname); } } sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(0)); Random anyimageindex = new Random(); sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(anyimageindex.Next(filelist.Count))); Stream iStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { oExt.ExtractFile(sname, iStream); } catch (Exception ex) { ComicError("Connot extract " + sname + " from " + currentFile); ComicError(ex.Message); return(null); } oPic = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(iStream); return(oPic); }
private void RefreshRelatoriosNormal() { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem lviItem; System.Collections.SortedList sortLstRelatorios = new System.Collections.SortedList(); m_lvCriados.Columns[0].Width = m_lvCriados.Width - 20; m_lvCriados.Items.Clear(); // Ordenando e Dividindo os Relatorios mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow dtrwRelatorio; for (int nCont = 0; nCont < m_typDatSetTbRelatorios.tbRelatorios.Rows.Count; nCont++) { dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)m_typDatSetTbRelatorios.tbRelatorios.Rows[nCont]; if (dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio > 0 && dtrwRelatorio.nIdExportador == m_nIdExportador) { // Normal if (!sortLstRelatorios.Contains(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio)) { sortLstRelatorios.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio, dtrwRelatorio); } } } // Inserindo os Relatorios na Lista View for (int nCont = 0; nCont < sortLstRelatorios.Count; nCont++) { dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)sortLstRelatorios.GetByIndex(nCont); lviItem = m_lvCriados.Items.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio); lviItem.Tag = dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of data source names from the local machine. /// </summary> public SortedList GetAllDataSourceNames() { // Get the list of user DSN's first. System.Collections.SortedList dsnList = GetUserDataSourceNames(); // Get list of System DSN's and add them to the first list. System.Collections.SortedList systemDsnList = GetSystemDataSourceNames(); for (int i = 0; i < systemDsnList.Count; i++) { string sName = systemDsnList.GetKey(i) as string; DataSourceType type = (DataSourceType)systemDsnList.GetByIndex(i); try { // This dsn to the master list dsnList.Add(sName, type); } catch { // An exception can be thrown if the key being added is a duplicate so // we just catch it here and have to ignore it. } } return(dsnList); }
private void RefreshRelatoriosPadrao() { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem lviItem; System.Collections.SortedList sortLstRelatoriosPadrao = new System.Collections.SortedList(); m_lvPadrao.Columns[0].Width = m_lvPadrao.Width - 20; m_lvPadrao.Items.Clear(); // Ordenando e Dividindo os Relatorios mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow dtrwRelatorio; for (int nCont = 0; nCont < m_typDatSetTbRelatoriosPadrao.tbRelatorios.Rows.Count; nCont++) { dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)m_typDatSetTbRelatoriosPadrao.tbRelatorios.Rows[nCont]; if (dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio < 1) { // Padrao if (!sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Contains(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio)) { sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio, dtrwRelatorio); } } } // Inserindo os Relatorios na Lista View for (int nCont = 0; nCont < sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Count; nCont++) { dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.GetByIndex(nCont); lviItem = m_lvPadrao.Items.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio); lviItem.Tag = dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio; lviItem.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(lviItem.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); } }
public void MethodSortedList() { sl.Add("key", "SortedObject"); int index = sl.IndexOfKey("key"); if (!(sl["key"].Equals("SortedObject"))) { Environment.Exit(-1); } if (!(sl.GetByIndex(index).Equals("SortedObject"))) { Environment.Exit(-1); } sl["key"] = "NewSortedObject"; if (!(sl["key"].Equals("NewSortedObject"))) { Environment.Exit(-1); } if (!(sl.GetByIndex(index).Equals("NewSortedObject"))) { Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public void debugLocations() { int activeAttr, maxLength; GL.GetProgram(m_programID, GetProgramParameterName.ActiveAttributes, out activeAttr); GL.GetProgram(m_programID, GetProgramParameterName.ActiveAttributeMaxLength, out maxLength); System.Collections.SortedList info = new System.Collections.SortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < activeAttr; i++) { int size, length; ActiveAttribType type; System.Text.StringBuilder name = new System.Text.StringBuilder(maxLength); GL.GetActiveAttrib(m_programID, i, maxLength, out length, out size, out type, name); int location = GL.GetAttribLocation(m_programID, name.ToString()); info.Add((location >= 0) ? location : (location * i), String.Format("{0} {1} is at location {2}, size {3}", type.ToString(), name, location, size) ); } foreach (int key in info.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(info [key]); } }
private void AddInfo(SortedList<double, ArrayList> timingInfos, TimingInfo newInfo) { if (!timingInfos.ContainsKey(newInfo.Fps)) { timingInfos.Add(newInfo.Fps, new ArrayList()); } bool found = false; foreach (TimingInfo info in timingInfos[newInfo.Fps]) { if (info.T1Value == newInfo.T1Value && info.T2Value == newInfo.T2Value) { found = true; } if (info.T2Value == newInfo.T1Value && info.T1Value == newInfo.T2Value) { //found = true; } } if (!found) { timingInfos[newInfo.Fps].Add(newInfo); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a portion of the list whose keys are greater that the lowerLimit parameter less than the upperLimit parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="l">The list where the portion will be extracted.</param> /// <param name="limit">The start element of the portion to extract.</param> /// <param name="limit">The end element of the portion to extract.</param> /// <returns>The portion of the collection.</returns> public static System.Collections.SortedList SubMap(System.Collections.SortedList list, System.Object lowerLimit, System.Object upperLimit) { System.Collections.Comparer comparer = System.Collections.Comparer.Default; System.Collections.SortedList newList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); if (list != null) { if ((list.Count > 0) && (!(lowerLimit.Equals(upperLimit)))) { int index = 0; while (comparer.Compare(list.GetKey(index), lowerLimit) < 0) { index++; } for (; index < list.Count; index++) { if (comparer.Compare(list.GetKey(index), upperLimit) >= 0) { break; } newList.Add(list.GetKey(index), list[list.GetKey(index)]); } } } return(newList); }
internal void Add(GridItem grid_item) { string key = grid_item.Label; while (list.ContainsKey(key)) { key += "_"; } list.Add(key, grid_item); }
/// <summary> /// If a plot is removed, then the ordering_ list needs to be /// recalculated. /// </summary> private void RefreshZOrdering() { uniqueCounter_ = 0; ordering_ = new SortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < zPositions_.Count; ++i) { double zpos = Convert.ToDouble(zPositions_[i]); double fraction = (double)(++uniqueCounter_) / 10000000.0f; double d = zpos + fraction; ordering_.Add(d, i); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public string AddListener(string ServiceAddress_in, int ServicePort_in, SocketHandler SocketHandler_in) { System.Net.IPHostEntry lipa = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(ServiceAddress_in); System.Net.IPEndPoint lep = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(lipa.AddressList[0], ServicePort_in); SocketHandler_in.Manager = this; SocketHandler_in.Socket = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(lep.Address.AddressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp); SocketHandler_in.SocketType = "L"; try { SocketHandler_in.Socket.Bind(lep); SocketHandler_in.Socket.Listen(1000); Sockets.Add(SocketHandler_in.SocketID, SocketHandler_in); //TraceText("T", "SocketManager::AddListener", "Waiting for a connection on [" & lep.ToString() & "].") SocketHandler_in.Socket.BeginAccept(Callback_Accept_, SocketHandler_in); } catch (Exception ex) { //TraceText("E", "SocketManager::AddListener", ex.ToString()) return(null); } return(SocketHandler_in.SocketID); }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="dgv"></param> /// <param name="filePath"></param> public static void ExportExcel(DataTable dtSource, Stream excelStream) { _listColumnsName = new SortedList(new NoSort()); for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Columns.Count; i++) { _listColumnsName.Add(dtSource.Columns[i].ColumnName, dtSource.Columns[i].ColumnName); } HSSFWorkbook excelWorkbook = CreateExcelFile(); InsertRow(dtSource, excelWorkbook); SaveExcelFile(excelWorkbook, excelStream); }
private void addLevelSide( MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel level, TreeMap bookSide) { MamaPrice price = level.getPrice(); if (!bookSide.ContainsKey(price)) { bookSide.Add(price, level); } else { bookSide[price] = level; // Overwrite it anyway } }
public void AddPoint(Vector3 r, Vector3 v, float t) { Tpoint tpoint = new Tpoint(); tpoint.r = r; tpoint.v = v; tpoint.t = t; // Slow launching rocket can end up at same point for two frames - avoid adding a duplicate // Performance: Is there a way to not add an if inside a highly used method? try { tpoints.Add(tpoint, tpoint); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { // just skip this point if it already exists } }
public mcServer AddServer() { mcServer Server = new mcServer(); System.Random Rnd = new Random(); /* * generate a random key. * this should break out eventually. */ for (;;) { //100 chars should be sufficient entropy ;)... Server.HashKey = Server.HashKey + Rnd.Next(500000).ToString(); if (!Servers.Contains(Server.HashKey)) { //we have generated a unique hashkey Server.ServerPage.MyNode.Tag = Server.HashKey; TreeNode lvi = new TreeNode("My Status"); lvi.Tag = Server.HashKey; tvcWindows.Nodes.Add(lvi); Server.ServerPage.MyNode = lvi; lvi = new TreeNode("My Channels"); lvi.Tag = Server.HashKey; Server.ServerPage.MyNode.Nodes.Add(lvi); Server.ServerPage.ChannelsNode = lvi; lvi = new TreeNode("My Messages"); lvi.Tag = Server.HashKey; Server.ServerPage.MyNode.Nodes.Add(lvi); Server.ServerPage.MessagesNode = lvi; lvi = new TreeNode("My Buddies"); lvi.Tag = Server.HashKey; Server.ServerPage.MyNode.Nodes.Add(lvi); Server.ServerPage.BuddiesNode = lvi; Servers.Add(Server.HashKey, Server); this.tvcWindows.ExpandAll(); //fix: select this Server as active. this.tvcWindows_AfterSelect(this, new TreeViewEventArgs(Server.ServerPage.MyNode, TreeViewAction.ByMouse)); return(Server); } } }
static public int Add(IntPtr l) { try { System.Collections.SortedList self = (System.Collections.SortedList)checkSelf(l); System.Object a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Object a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.Add(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
private void updateLevelSide( MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel level, TreeMap bookSide) { MamaPrice price = level.getPrice(); if (bookSide.ContainsKey(price)) { MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel fullBookLevel = bookSide[price] as MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel; /*Iterate over the entries in the update and apply them to the * full book level according to action*/ foreach (MamdaOrderBookEntry deltaEntry in level) { switch (deltaEntry.getAction()) { case MamdaOrderBookEntry.Actions.Add: fullBookLevel.addEntry(deltaEntry); break; case MamdaOrderBookEntry.Actions.Update: fullBookLevel.updateEntry(deltaEntry); break; case MamdaOrderBookEntry.Actions.Delete: fullBookLevel.removeEntry(deltaEntry); break; case MamdaOrderBookEntry.Actions.Unknown: /*Do nothing*/ break; default: /*Do nothing*/ break; } } /*Update the details for the level itself*/ fullBookLevel.setDetails(level); } else { bookSide.Add(price, level); // Add it anyway } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a drawable object to the plot surface against the specified axes. If /// the object is an IPlot, the PlotSurface2D axes will also be updated. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">the IDrawable object to add to the plot surface</param> /// <param name="xp">the x-axis to add the plot against.</param> /// <param name="yp">the y-axis to add the plot against.</param> /// <param name="zOrder">The z-ordering when drawing (objects with lower numbers are drawn first)</param> public void Add(IDrawable p, XAxisPosition xp, YAxisPosition yp, int zOrder) { drawables_.Add(p); xAxisPositions_.Add(xp); yAxisPositions_.Add(yp); zPositions_.Add((double)zOrder); // fraction is to make key unique. With 10 million plots at same z, this buggers up.. double fraction = (double)(++uniqueCounter_) / 10000000.0f; ordering_.Add((double)zOrder + fraction, drawables_.Count - 1); // if p is just an IDrawable, then it can't affect the axes. if (p is IPlot) { UpdateAxes(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a portion of the list whose keys are less than the limit object parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="l">The list where the portion will be extracted.</param> /// <param name="limit">The end element of the portion to extract.</param> /// <returns>The portion of the collection whose elements are less than the limit object parameter.</returns> public static System.Collections.SortedList HeadMap(System.Collections.SortedList l, System.Object limit) { System.Collections.Comparer comparer = System.Collections.Comparer.Default; System.Collections.SortedList newList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { if (comparer.Compare(l.GetKey(i), limit) >= 0) { break; } newList.Add(l.GetKey(i), l[l.GetKey(i)]); } return(newList); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// A message handler for when the user releases the mouse button over the font image /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void pictureBoxZoomFontImage_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { // We are only handling left click right now if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { return; } // If we are setting a glyph if (m_IsDraggingGlyph) { // Make sure the rectangle has positive values to be safe if (m_DraggingGlyphRect.Width < 0) { m_DraggingGlyphRect.X = m_DraggingGlyphRect.X + m_DraggingGlyphRect.Width; m_DraggingGlyphRect.Width = (0 - m_DraggingGlyphRect.Width) + 1; } // Store the rectangle char curChar = (char)m_CurUnicodeChar; if (m_AddedChars.Contains(curChar)) { m_AddedChars[curChar] = m_DraggingGlyphRect; } else { m_AddedChars.Add(curChar, m_DraggingGlyphRect); labelFontChars.Text += curChar; } m_IsDraggingGlyph = false; // Step to the next character IncrementCurCharacter(); } // We can't be dragging anymore m_DraggingStripIndex = -1; m_IsDraggingGlyph = false; // Redraw pictureBoxZoomFontImage.Refresh(); }
private Image GetCover() { Image oPic = null; string sname = ""; int xfile = 0; System.Collections.SortedList filelist = new System.Collections.SortedList(); foreach (string newname in oExt.ArchiveFileNames) { if (IsImage(newname)) { filelist.Add(newname, newname); } } sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(0)); if (oExt.ArchiveFileNames.Contains("ComicInfo.xml")) { MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream(); oExt.ExtractFile("ComicInfo.xml", xmlStream); xmlStream.Position = 0; xfile = coverfromxml(xmlStream); if (xfile != -1) { sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(xfile)); } } Stream iStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { oExt.ExtractFile(sname, iStream); } catch (Exception ex) { ComicError("Connot open " + currentFile); ComicError(ex.Message); return(null); } oPic = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(iStream); return(oPic); }
protected void CollectParameterNames() { _ParametersSortedByName = new System.Collections.SortedList(); int nameposition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) { if (null == this[i].FitFunction) { continue; } IFitFunction func = this[i].FitFunction; FitElement ele = this[i]; for (int k = 0; k < func.NumberOfParameters; k++) { if (!(_ParametersSortedByName.ContainsKey(ele.ParameterName(k)))) { _ParametersSortedByName.Add(ele.ParameterName(k), nameposition++); } } } // now sort the items in the order of the namepositions System.Collections.SortedList sortedbypos = new System.Collections.SortedList(); foreach (DictionaryEntry en in _ParametersSortedByName) { sortedbypos.Add(en.Value, en.Key); } _parameterNames = new string[sortedbypos.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < _parameterNames.Length; i++) { _parameterNames[i] = (string)sortedbypos[i]; } }
private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.Items.Clear(); SortedList listaODBC = new System.Collections.SortedList(); Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey reg = (Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser).OpenSubKey("Software"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC.INI"); if (reg != null) { reg = reg.OpenSubKey("ODBC Data Sources"); if (reg != null) { foreach (string sName in reg.GetValueNames()) { listaODBC.Add(sName, DataSourceType.User); } } try { reg.Close(); } catch { /* ignorar un posible error */ } } } } //agrega lista de obdc a combo foreach (DictionaryEntry key in listaODBC) { comboBox1.Items.Add(key.Key.ToString()); } }
public static System.Collections.SortedList TailMap(System.Collections.SortedList list, System.Object limit) { System.Collections.Comparer comparer = System.Collections.Comparer.Default; System.Collections.SortedList newList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { int index = 0; while (comparer.Compare(list.GetKey(index), limit) < 0) { index++; } for (; index < list.Count; index++) { newList.Add(list.GetKey(index), list[list.GetKey(index)]); } } } return(newList); }
private string CreaCodigoCompleto() { System.Collections.SortedList ColRelaciones = new System.Collections.SortedList(); foreach (System.Data.DataTable tabla in this.DS.Tables) { if (tabla != this.DS.Tables[0]) { ColRelaciones.Add(tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName, tabla.Columns[1].ColumnName); } } string codigo = @" using System; using System.Data; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; namespace miNamespace { [TypeConverter(typeof(PropertySorter))] public class miClase { private System.Data.DataRow m_Row = null; "; foreach (System.Data.DataTable tabla in this.DS.Tables) { if (tabla != this.DS.Tables[0]) { codigo += "public System.Collections.Hashtable Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + " = new System.Collections.Hashtable();\n"; codigo += "public System.Collections.Hashtable _Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + " = new System.Collections.Hashtable();\n"; } } codigo += @"public miClase(System.Data.DataRow row) { m_Row = row; "; foreach (System.Data.DataTable tabla in this.DS.Tables) { if (tabla != this.DS.Tables[0]) { codigo += "foreach(System.Data.DataRow fila in row.Table.DataSet.Tables[\"" + tabla.TableName + "\"].Rows)"; codigo += @"{ "; codigo += "Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + ".Add(Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + ".Count,fila[0]);\n"; codigo += "_Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + ".Add(fila[0],_Col" + tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + ".Count);\n"; codigo += @"} "; } } codigo += "\n"; foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in this.Tabla.Columns) { if (this.ColCampos.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName)) { if (ColRelaciones.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName)) { codigo += "\t\tif(row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"] != DBNull.Value)\n"; codigo += "\t\t{\n"; codigo += "\t\tif(_Col" + col.ColumnName + "[row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"]] != null)\n"; codigo += "\t\t{\n"; codigo += "\t\t\tthis." + this.ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + " = (" + col.ColumnName + "_Enum)_Col" + col.ColumnName + "[row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"]];\n"; codigo += "\t\t}\n"; codigo += "\t\t}\n"; } else { codigo += "\t\tif(row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"] != DBNull.Value)\n"; codigo += "\t\t{\n"; codigo += "\t\t\tthis." + this.ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + " = (" + col.DataType.UnderlyingSystemType.ToString() + ")row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"];\n"; codigo += "\t\t}\n"; } } } codigo += "}\n"; foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in this.Tabla.Columns) { if (this.ColCampos.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName)) { if (ColRelaciones.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName)) { string campo = col.ColumnName + "_Enum m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString(); string propiedad = col.ColumnName + "_Enum " + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString(); codigo += "private " + campo + ";\n"; codigo += "[Category(\"" + ColCategorias[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "\"),Description(\"" + ColDescripciones[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "\"),PropertyOrder(" + ColOrden[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "),ReadOnly(" + ColReadOnly[col.ColumnName].ToString().ToLower() + ")]\n"; codigo += "public " + propiedad + @" { get { return m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + @"; } set { m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + @" = (" + col.ColumnName + "_Enum)value;"; codigo += "m_Row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"] = Col" + col.ColumnName + "[(int)value];"; codigo += @" } } " ; } else { string campo = col.DataType.UnderlyingSystemType.ToString() + " m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString(); string propiedad = col.DataType.UnderlyingSystemType.ToString() + " " + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString(); codigo += "private " + campo + ";\n"; codigo += "[Category(\"" + ColCategorias[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "\"),Description(\"" + ColDescripciones[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "\"),PropertyOrder(" + ColOrden[col.ColumnName].ToString() + "),ReadOnly(" + ColReadOnly[col.ColumnName].ToString().ToLower() + ")]\n"; codigo += @" public " + propiedad + @" { get { return m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + @"; } set { m_" + ColNombreCampos[col.ColumnName].ToString() + @" = value;"; codigo += "m_Row[\"" + col.ColumnName + "\"] = value;"; codigo += @" } } " ; } } } foreach (System.Data.DataTable tabla in this.DS.Tables) { if (tabla != this.DS.Tables[0]) { codigo += @" public enum " ; codigo += tabla.Columns[0].ColumnName + @"_Enum {" ; int i = 0; foreach (System.Data.DataRow fila in tabla.Rows) { codigo += ObtieneEnumeracion(fila[1].ToString()) + " = " + i + ",\n"; i++; } codigo += "}"; } } codigo += "}}"; return(codigo); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GooglePageBase google = Page as GooglePageBase; DataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Ids = "ga:" + google.Settings.Current.Id; query.Metrics = "ga:visits"; query.Dimensions = "ga:visitorType,ga:date"; query.Sort = "ga:date"; query.GAStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); query.GAEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (google.Referringpage != null) { query.Filters = "ga:pagePath==" + google.Referringpage; } DataFeed actual = google.Analytics.Query(query); System.Data.DataTable nvsr = new System.Data.DataTable("New vs Returning"); nvsr.Columns.Add("visitorType", typeof(string)); nvsr.Columns.Add("Visits", typeof(int)); System.Collections.SortedList visitors = new System.Collections.SortedList(); System.Data.DataTable nandr = new System.Data.DataTable("New and Returning"); nandr.Columns.Add("Date"); nandr.Columns.Add("New Visitor", typeof(int)); nandr.Columns.Add("Returning Visitor", typeof(int)); System.Collections.SortedList newvisitors = new System.Collections.SortedList(); System.Collections.SortedList returningvisitors = new System.Collections.SortedList(); foreach (DataEntry entry in actual.Entries) { try { int visits = int.Parse(entry.Metrics[0].Value); string visitorType = entry.Dimensions[0].Value.ToString(); DateTime datetime = new DateTime(int.Parse(entry.Dimensions[1].Value.Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(entry.Dimensions[1].Value.Substring(4, 2)), int.Parse(entry.Dimensions[1].Value.Substring(6, 2))); string date = datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { visitorType,visits }); if (visitorType.StartsWith("New")) { if (newvisitors.ContainsKey(date)) { int current = int.Parse(newvisitors[date].ToString()); current += visits; newvisitors[date] = current; } else { newvisitors.Add(date, visits); } } else { if (returningvisitors.ContainsKey(date)) { int current = int.Parse(returningvisitors[date].ToString()); current += visits; returningvisitors[date] = current; } else { returningvisitors.Add(date, visits); } } if (visitors.ContainsKey(visitorType)) { int current = int.Parse(visitors[visitorType].ToString()); current += visits; visitors[visitorType] = current; } else { visitors.Add(visitorType, visits); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } } foreach (String key in visitors.Keys) { nvsr.Rows.Add(new object[] { key, int.Parse(visitors[key].ToString()) }); } ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); keys.AddRange(newvisitors.Keys); keys.AddRange(returningvisitors.Keys); foreach (object key in keys) { int _newvisitors = 0; int _returningvisitors = 0; if (newvisitors.ContainsKey(key)) { _newvisitors = int.Parse(newvisitors[key].ToString()); } if (returningvisitors.ContainsKey(key)) { _returningvisitors = int.Parse(returningvisitors[key].ToString()); } nandr.Rows.Add(new object[] { key, _newvisitors, _returningvisitors }); } this.pie_newvsreturning.GviEnableEvents = true; this.pie_newvsreturning.ChartData(nvsr); this.area_newvsreturning.GviEnableEvents = true; this.area_newvsreturning.ChartData(nandr); }
private TreeMap determineDiffs( TreeMap resultSide, TreeMap lhs, TreeMap rhs, bool ascending) { IEnumerator lhsEnum = lhs.Values.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator rhsEnum = rhs.Values.GetEnumerator(); bool lhsHasNext = lhsEnum.MoveNext(); bool rhsHasNext = rhsEnum.MoveNext(); while (lhsHasNext || rhsHasNext) { MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel lhsLevel = null; MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel rhsLevel = null; double lhsPrice = double.MinValue; double rhsPrice = double.MinValue; long lhsSize = 0; long rhsSize = 0; if (lhsHasNext) { lhsLevel = (MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel)lhsEnum.Current; lhsPrice = lhsLevel.getPrice().getValue(); lhsSize = lhsLevel.getSize(); } if (rhsHasNext) { rhsLevel = (MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel)rhsEnum.Current; rhsPrice = rhsLevel.getPrice().getValue(); rhsSize = rhsLevel.getSize(); } // Compare two doubles using an epsilon if ((doubleEquals(lhsPrice, rhsPrice)) && (lhsSize == rhsSize)) { // Usual scenario: both levels are the same lhsHasNext = lhsEnum.MoveNext(); rhsHasNext = rhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } if (doubleEquals(lhsPrice, rhsPrice)) { // Same price, different size. Need to determine the // different entries. MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel diffLevel = new MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel(); diffLevel.setAsDifference(lhsLevel, rhsLevel); resultSide.Add(lhsLevel.getPrice(), diffLevel); lhsHasNext = lhsEnum.MoveNext(); rhsHasNext = rhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } if (ascending) { if (((lhsPrice > rhsPrice) && (rhsPrice != double.MinValue)) || (lhsPrice == double.MinValue)) { // RHS has an additional price level MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel diffLevel = new MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel(rhsLevel); resultSide.Add(rhsLevel.getPrice(), diffLevel); rhsHasNext = rhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } else { // RHS does not have a price level that is on the LHS. // Copy the LHS level and mark all as deleted. MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel diffLevel = new MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel(lhsLevel); resultSide.Add(lhsLevel.getPrice(), diffLevel); lhsHasNext = lhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } } else { if (((lhsPrice > rhsPrice) && (lhsPrice != double.MinValue)) || (rhsPrice == double.MinValue)) { // LHS has an additional price level MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel diffLevel = new MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel(lhsLevel); resultSide.Add(lhsLevel.getPrice(), diffLevel); // CHECK: use indexer? lhsHasNext = lhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } else { // LHS does not have a price level that is on the RHS. // Copy the RHS level and mark all as deleted. MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel diffLevel = new MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel(rhsLevel); resultSide.Add(rhsLevel.getPrice(), diffLevel); // CHECK: use indexer? rhsHasNext = rhsEnum.MoveNext(); continue; } } } return(resultSide); }
public void Populate() { #region Types of Keywords FieldPublicDynamic = new { PropPublic1 = "A", PropPublic2 = 1, PropPublic3 = "B", PropPublic4 = "B", PropPublic5 = "B", PropPublic6 = "B", PropPublic7 = "B", PropPublic8 = "B", PropPublic9 = "B", PropPublic10 = "B", PropPublic11 = "B", PropPublic12 = new { PropSubPublic1 = 0, PropSubPublic2 = 1, PropSubPublic3 = 2 } }; FieldPublicObject = new StringBuilder("Object - StringBuilder"); FieldPublicInt32 = int.MaxValue; FieldPublicInt64 = long.MaxValue; FieldPublicULong = ulong.MaxValue; FieldPublicUInt = uint.MaxValue; FieldPublicDecimal = 100000.999999m; FieldPublicDouble = 100000.999999d; FieldPublicChar = 'A'; FieldPublicByte = byte.MaxValue; FieldPublicBoolean = true; FieldPublicSByte = sbyte.MaxValue; FieldPublicShort = short.MaxValue; FieldPublicUShort = ushort.MaxValue; FieldPublicFloat = 100000.675555f; FieldPublicInt32Nullable = int.MaxValue; FieldPublicInt64Nullable = 2; FieldPublicULongNullable = ulong.MaxValue; FieldPublicUIntNullable = uint.MaxValue; FieldPublicDecimalNullable = 100000.999999m; FieldPublicDoubleNullable = 100000.999999d; FieldPublicCharNullable = 'A'; FieldPublicByteNullable = byte.MaxValue; FieldPublicBooleanNullable = true; FieldPublicSByteNullable = sbyte.MaxValue; FieldPublicShortNullable = short.MaxValue; FieldPublicUShortNullable = ushort.MaxValue; FieldPublicFloatNullable = 100000.675555f; #endregion #region System FieldPublicDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); FieldPublicTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 10, 40); FieldPublicEnumDateTimeKind = DateTimeKind.Local; // Instantiate date and time using Persian calendar with years, // months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds FieldPublicDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(1387, 2, 12, 8, 6, 32, 545, new System.Globalization.PersianCalendar(), new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)); FieldPublicIntPtr = new IntPtr(100); FieldPublicTimeZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; FieldPublicTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Utc; FieldPublicTuple = Tuple.Create <string, int, decimal>("T-string\"", 1, 1.1m); FieldPublicType = typeof(object); FieldPublicUIntPtr = new UIntPtr(100); FieldPublicUri = new Uri(""); FieldPublicVersion = new Version(1, 0, 100, 1); FieldPublicGuid = new Guid("d5010f5b-0cd1-44ca-aacb-5678b9947e6c"); FieldPublicSingle = Single.MaxValue; FieldPublicException = new Exception("Test error", new Exception("inner exception")); FieldPublicEnumNonGeneric = EnumTest.ValueA; FieldPublicAction = () => true.Equals(true); FieldPublicAction2 = (a, b) => true.Equals(true); FieldPublicFunc = () => true; FieldPublicFunc2 = (a, b) => true; #endregion #region Arrays and Collections FieldPublicArrayUni = new string[2]; FieldPublicArrayUni[0] = "[0]"; FieldPublicArrayUni[1] = "[1]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo = new string[2, 2]; FieldPublicArrayTwo[0, 0] = "[0, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[0, 1] = "[0, 1]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[1, 0] = "[1, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[1, 1] = "[1, 1]"; FieldPublicArrayThree = new string[1, 1, 2]; FieldPublicArrayThree[0, 0, 0] = "[0, 0, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayThree[0, 0, 1] = "[0, 0, 1]"; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo = new string[2][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo[0] = new string[5] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo[1] = new string[4] { "a1", "b1", "c1", "d1" }; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree = new string[1][][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0] = new string[1][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0] = new string[2]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0][0] = "[0][0][0]"; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0][1] = "[0][0][1]"; FieldPublicMixedArrayAndJagged = new int[3][, ] { new int[, ] { { 1, 3 }, { 5, 7 } }, new int[, ] { { 0, 2 }, { 4, 6 }, { 8, 10 } }, new int[, ] { { 11, 22 }, { 99, 88 }, { 0, 9 } } }; FieldPublicDictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key1", "Value1"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key2", "Value2"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key3", "Value3"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key4", "Value4"); FieldPublicList = new System.Collections.Generic.List <int>(); FieldPublicList.Add(0); FieldPublicList.Add(1); FieldPublicList.Add(2); FieldPublicQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <int>(); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(10); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(11); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(12); FieldPublicHashSet = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <string>(); FieldPublicHashSet.Add("HashSet1"); FieldPublicHashSet.Add("HashSet2"); FieldPublicSortedSet = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet <string>(); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet1"); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet2"); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet3"); FieldPublicStack = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <string>(); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack1"); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack2"); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack3"); FieldPublicLinkedList = new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList <string>(); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddFirst("LinkedList1"); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddLast("LinkedList2"); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddAfter(FieldPublicLinkedList.Find("LinkedList1"), "LinkedList1.1"); FieldPublicObservableCollection = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <string>(); FieldPublicObservableCollection.Add("ObservableCollection1"); FieldPublicObservableCollection.Add("ObservableCollection2"); FieldPublicKeyedCollection = new MyDataKeyedCollection(); FieldPublicKeyedCollection.Add(new MyData() { Data = "data1", Id = 0 }); FieldPublicKeyedCollection.Add(new MyData() { Data = "data2", Id = 1 }); var list = new List <string>(); list.Add("list1"); list.Add("list2"); list.Add("list3"); FieldPublicReadOnlyCollection = new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(list); FieldPublicReadOnlyDictionary = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(FieldPublicDictionary); FieldPublicReadOnlyObservableCollection = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection <string>(FieldPublicObservableCollection); FieldPublicCollection = new Collection <string>(); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection1"); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection2"); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection3"); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(1); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add("a"); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(10.0m); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)); FieldPublicBitArray = new System.Collections.BitArray(3); FieldPublicBitArray[2] = true; FieldPublicSortedList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key1", 1); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key2", 2); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key3", 3); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key4", 4); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key1", 1); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key2", 2); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key3", 3); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key4", 4); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Queue(); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric1"); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric2"); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric3"); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Stack(); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric.Push("StackNonGeneric1"); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric.Push("StackNonGeneric2"); FieldPublicIEnumerable = FieldPublicSortedList; FieldPublicBlockingCollection = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection <string>(); FieldPublicBlockingCollection.Add("BlockingCollection1"); FieldPublicBlockingCollection.Add("BlockingCollection2"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag1"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag2"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag3"); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary <string, int>(); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd("ConcurrentDictionary1", 0); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd("ConcurrentDictionary2", 0); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue.Enqueue("ConcurrentQueue1"); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue.Enqueue("ConcurrentQueue2"); FieldPublicConcurrentStack = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentStack.Push("ConcurrentStack1"); FieldPublicConcurrentStack.Push("ConcurrentStack2"); // FieldPublicOrderablePartitioner = new OrderablePartitioner(); // FieldPublicPartitioner; // FieldPublicPartitionerNonGeneric; FieldPublicHybridDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary(); FieldPublicHybridDictionary.Add("HybridDictionaryKey1", "HybridDictionary1"); FieldPublicHybridDictionary.Add("HybridDictionaryKey2", "HybridDictionary2"); FieldPublicListDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary(); FieldPublicListDictionary.Add("ListDictionaryKey1", "ListDictionary1"); FieldPublicListDictionary.Add("ListDictionaryKey2", "ListDictionary2"); FieldPublicNameValueCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); FieldPublicNameValueCollection.Add("Key1", "Value1"); FieldPublicNameValueCollection.Add("Key2", "Value2"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary(); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add(1, "OrderedDictionary1"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add(2, "OrderedDictionary1"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add("OrderedDictionaryKey2", "OrderedDictionary2"); FieldPublicStringCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); FieldPublicStringCollection.Add("StringCollection1"); FieldPublicStringCollection.Add("StringCollection2"); #endregion #region Several PropXmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); PropXmlDocument.LoadXml("<xml>something</xml>"); var tr = new StringReader("<Root>Content</Root>"); PropXDocument = XDocument.Load(tr); PropStream = GenerateStreamFromString("Stream"); PropBigInteger = new System.Numerics.BigInteger(100); PropStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("StringBuilder"); FieldPublicIQueryable = new List <string>() { "IQueryable" }.AsQueryable(); #endregion #region Custom FieldPublicMyCollectionPublicGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionPublicGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsPublicGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionInheritsPublicGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionExplicitGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionExplicitGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsExplicitGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionInheritsExplicitGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsTooIEnumerable = new MyCollectionInheritsTooIEnumerable("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicEnumSpecific = EnumTest.ValueB; MyDelegate = MethodDelegate; EmptyClass = new EmptyClass(); StructGeneric = new ThreeTuple <int>(0, 1, 2); StructGenericNullable = new ThreeTuple <int>(0, 1, 2); FieldPublicNullable = new Nullable <ThreeTuple <int> >(StructGeneric); #endregion }
private Image _PIC_Image; //照片 public clsEDZ() { lstMZ.Add("01", "汉族"); lstMZ.Add("02", "蒙古族"); lstMZ.Add("03", "回族"); lstMZ.Add("04", "藏族"); lstMZ.Add("05", "维吾尔族"); lstMZ.Add("06", "苗族"); lstMZ.Add("07", "彝族"); lstMZ.Add("08", "壮族"); lstMZ.Add("09", "布依族"); lstMZ.Add("10", "朝鲜族"); lstMZ.Add("11", "满族"); lstMZ.Add("12", "侗族"); lstMZ.Add("13", "瑶族"); lstMZ.Add("14", "白族"); lstMZ.Add("15", "土家族"); lstMZ.Add("16", "哈尼族"); lstMZ.Add("17", "哈萨克族"); lstMZ.Add("18", "傣族"); lstMZ.Add("19", "黎族"); lstMZ.Add("20", "傈僳族"); lstMZ.Add("21", "佤族"); lstMZ.Add("22", "畲族"); lstMZ.Add("23", "高山族"); lstMZ.Add("24", "拉祜族"); lstMZ.Add("25", "水族"); lstMZ.Add("26", "东乡族"); lstMZ.Add("27", "纳西族"); lstMZ.Add("28", "景颇族"); lstMZ.Add("29", "柯尔克孜族"); lstMZ.Add("30", "土族"); lstMZ.Add("31", "达翰尔族"); lstMZ.Add("32", "仫佬族"); lstMZ.Add("33", "羌族"); lstMZ.Add("34", "布朗族"); lstMZ.Add("35", "撒拉族"); lstMZ.Add("36", "毛南族"); lstMZ.Add("37", "仡佬族"); lstMZ.Add("38", "锡伯族"); lstMZ.Add("39", "阿昌族"); lstMZ.Add("40", "普米族"); lstMZ.Add("41", "塔吉克族"); lstMZ.Add("42", "怒族"); lstMZ.Add("43", "乌孜别克族"); lstMZ.Add("44", "俄罗斯族"); lstMZ.Add("45", "鄂温克族"); lstMZ.Add("46", "德昂族"); lstMZ.Add("47", "保安族"); lstMZ.Add("48", "裕固族"); lstMZ.Add("49", "京族"); lstMZ.Add("50", "塔塔尔族"); lstMZ.Add("51", "独龙族"); lstMZ.Add("52", "鄂伦春族"); lstMZ.Add("53", "赫哲族"); lstMZ.Add("54", "门巴族"); lstMZ.Add("55", "珞巴族"); lstMZ.Add("56", "基诺族"); lstMZ.Add("57", "其它"); lstMZ.Add("98", "外国人入籍"); }