public static void RegisterEngines(ViewEngineCollection engines) { Liquid.UseRubyDateFormat = true; Template.RegisterTag<Form>("form"); Template.RegisterSafeType(typeof(Tag), o => { return o; }); // Register custom contains condition Condition.Operators["contains"] = (left, right) => ContainsMethod(left, right); //Condition.Operators["contains"] = (left, right) => (left is ILiquidContains) ? ((ILiquidContains)left).Contains(right) : ((left is string) ? !(right == null || left == null) ? false : ((string)left).Contains((string)right) : false); var filters = new[] { typeof(ModelFilters), typeof(TranslationFilter) }; var themesPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ThemeCacheFolder"]; var viewLocator = new FileThemeViewLocator(themesPath); var viewParser = new LiquidTemplateParser(themesPath); engines.Add(new DotLiquidViewEngine(new DotLiquidFileSystemFactory(viewLocator), viewLocator, viewParser, filters)); }
public JsonResult ShipOrderByQty(string OrderNoStr, string SequenceStr, string CurrentShipQtyStr) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderNoStr)) { string[] orderNoArray = OrderNoStr.Split(','); string[] sequenceArray = SequenceStr.Split(','); string[] currentShipQtyArray = CurrentShipQtyStr.Split(','); IList<ScheduleLineInput> scheduleLineInputList = new List<ScheduleLineInput>(); int i = 0; foreach (string orderNo in orderNoArray) { ScheduleLineInput scheduleLineInput = new ScheduleLineInput(); scheduleLineInput.EBELN = orderNoArray[i]; scheduleLineInput.EBELP = sequenceArray[i]; scheduleLineInput.ShipQty = int.Parse(currentShipQtyArray[i]); scheduleLineInputList.Add(scheduleLineInput); i++; } IpMaster ipMaster = this.orderMgr.ShipScheduleLine(scheduleLineInputList); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format(Resources.ORD.OrderMaster.ScheduleLine_Shipped), IpNo = ipMaster.IpNo }; return Json(obj); } else { throw new BusinessException(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_ShippingDetailCanNotBeEmpty); } } catch (BusinessException ex) { Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.Write(ex.GetMessages()[0].GetMessageString()); return Json(null); } }
public JsonResult ShipOrder(string idStr, string qtyStr) { try { IList<OrderDetail> orderDetailList = new List<OrderDetail>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idStr)) { string[] idArray = idStr.Split(','); string[] qtyArray = qtyStr.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < qtyArray.Count(); i++) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(qtyArray[i]) > 0) { OrderDetail od = genericMgr.FindById<OrderDetail>(Convert.ToInt32(idArray[i])); OrderDetailInput input = new OrderDetailInput(); input.ShipQty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtyArray[i]); od.AddOrderDetailInput(input); orderDetailList.Add(od); } } } if (orderDetailList.Count() == 0) { throw new BusinessException(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_ShippingDetailCanNotBeEmpty); } IpMaster ipMaster = orderMgr.ShipOrder(orderDetailList); SaveSuccessMessage(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_ShipSuccessfully); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format(Resources.ORD.OrderMaster.ScheduleLine_Shipped), IpNo = ipMaster.IpNo }; return Json(obj); } catch (BusinessException ex) { Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.Write(ex.GetMessages()[0].GetMessageString()); return Json(null); } }
/** Graph update thread. * Async graph updates will be executed by this method in another thread. */ void ProcessGraphUpdatesAsync () { var handles = new [] { graphUpdateAsyncEvent, exitAsyncThread }; while(true) { // Wait for the next batch or exit event var handleIndex = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles); if (handleIndex == 1) { // Exit even was fired //Abort thread and clear queue graphUpdateQueueAsync.Clear (); asyncGraphUpdatesComplete.Set (); return; } while (graphUpdateQueueAsync.Count > 0) { GUOSingle aguo = graphUpdateQueueAsync.Dequeue (); try { if (aguo.order == GraphUpdateOrder.GraphUpdate) { aguo.graph.UpdateArea (aguo.obj); } else if (aguo.order == GraphUpdateOrder.FloodFill) { FloodFill (); } else { throw new System.NotSupportedException ("" + aguo.order); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError ("Exception while updating graphs:\n"+e); } } // Done asyncGraphUpdatesComplete.Set (); } }
/// <summary>Creates a damage-level version of a material that uses a shader with the _DamageLevel property.</summary> private Material GetDamagedVersion(Material sourceMat, int version) { if (sourceMat == null) return null; Material newMaterial = null; if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_DamageLevel")) { newMaterial = new Material(sourceMat); // Legacy Pre-Unity5 DestroyIt shader switch (version) { case 1: newMaterial.SetFloat("_DamageLevel", 0.2f); = + "_D1"; break; case 2: newMaterial.SetFloat("_DamageLevel", 0.4f); = + "_D2"; break; case 3: newMaterial.SetFloat("_DamageLevel", 0.6f); = + "_D3"; break; case 4: newMaterial.SetFloat("_DamageLevel", 0.8f); = + "_D4"; break; default: return null; } } else if (( == "standard" || == "standard (specular setup)") && sourceMat.HasProperty("_DetailMask")) { // Unity 5 PBR material newMaterial = Object.Instantiate(sourceMat); // Get the name of the detail mask this shader is using. Texture detailMask = sourceMat.GetTexture("_DetailMask"); if (detailMask == null) { //Debug.LogWarning("No DetailMask texture found on shader for Progressive Damage material \"" + + "\". You need to supply a DetailMask texture for progressive damage to work."); return newMaterial; } List<string> stringsToRemove = new[] { "_D0", "_D1", "_D2", "_D3", "_D4" }.ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(; foreach (string unwanted in stringsToRemove) sb = sb.Replace(unwanted, string.Empty); string detailMaskBaseName = sb.ToString().Trim(); Texture tex; switch (version) { case 1: tex = detailMasks.Find(x => == detailMaskBaseName + "_D1"); if (tex == null) Debug.LogWarning("[DestroyIt Progressive Damage] Could not find Detail Mask \"" + detailMaskBaseName + "_D1\" in Material Preloader. You need to put a detail mask for each damage level (0-4) in the Material Preloader component."); newMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMask", tex); = + "_D1"; break; case 2: tex = detailMasks.Find(x => == detailMaskBaseName + "_D2"); if (tex == null) Debug.LogWarning("[DestroyIt Progressive Damage] Could not find Detail Mask \"" + detailMaskBaseName + "_D2\" in Material Preloader. You need to put a detail mask for each damage level (0-4) in the Material Preloader component."); newMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMask", tex); = + "_D2"; break; case 3: tex = detailMasks.Find(x => == detailMaskBaseName + "_D3"); if (tex == null) Debug.LogWarning("[DestroyIt Progressive Damage] Could not find Detail Mask \"" + detailMaskBaseName + "_D3\" in Material Preloader. You need to put a detail mask for each damage level (0-4) in the Material Preloader component."); newMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMask", tex); = + "_D3"; break; case 4: tex = detailMasks.Find(x => == detailMaskBaseName + "_D4"); if (tex == null) Debug.LogWarning("[DestroyIt Progressive Damage] Could not find Detail Mask \"" + detailMaskBaseName + "_D4\" in Material Preloader. You need to put a detail mask for each damage level (0-4) in the Material Preloader component."); newMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMask", tex); = + "_D4"; break; default: return null; } } return newMaterial; }
public JsonResult FlowPrint(string checkedOrders) { string[] checkedOrderArray = checkedOrders.Split(','); string selectStatement = string.Empty; IList<object> selectPartyPara = new List<object>(); foreach (var para in checkedOrderArray) { if (selectStatement == string.Empty) { selectStatement = "from Hu where HuId in (?"; } else { selectStatement += ",?"; } selectPartyPara.Add(para); } selectStatement += ")"; IList<Hu> huList = base.genericMgr.FindAll<Hu>(selectStatement, selectPartyPara.ToArray()); foreach (var hu in huList) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = base.genericMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } string template = systemMgr.GetEntityPreferenceValue(Entity.SYS.EntityPreference.CodeEnum.DefaultBarCodeTemplate); string reportFileUrl = PrintHuList(huList, template); object obj = new { SuccessMessages = string.Format(Resources.INV.Hu.Hu_HuCreatedByOrder), PrintUrl = reportFileUrl }; return Json(obj); }
public JsonResult CreateHuFX80(string ItemCode, string HuUom, decimal HuUnitCount, string LotNo, decimal HuQty, string ManufactureParty, bool isExport, string supplierLotNo) { var user = SecurityContextHolder.Get(); Item item = genericMgr.FindById<Item>(ItemCode); item.HuUom = HuUom; item.HuUnitCount = HuUnitCount; // item.supplierLotNo = supplierLotNo; item.HuQty = HuQty; item.ManufactureParty = user.Code; item.LotNo = LotNo; item.supplierLotNo = supplierLotNo; IList<Hu> huList = huMgr.CreateHu(item); string huTemplate = this.systemMgr.GetEntityPreferenceValue(Entity.SYS.EntityPreference.CodeEnum.DefaultBarCodeTemplate); foreach (var hu in huList) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = base.genericMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } if (isExport) { IList<PrintHu> printHuList = Mapper.Map<IList<Hu>, IList<PrintHu>>(huList); IList<object> data = new List<object>(); data.Add(printHuList); data.Add(CurrentUser.FullName); reportGen.WriteToClient(huTemplate, data, huTemplate); return Json(null); } else { string printUrl = PrintHuList(huList, huTemplate); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format("条码打印成功,共打印了{0}张条码", huList.Count), PrintUrl = printUrl }; return Json(obj); } }
public JsonResult _PrintHus(string checkedOrders) { string[] checkedOrderArray = checkedOrders.Split(','); string selectStatement = string.Empty; IList<object> selectPartyPara = new List<object>(); foreach (var para in checkedOrderArray) { if (selectStatement == string.Empty) { selectStatement = "from Hu where HuId in (?"; } else { selectStatement += ",?"; } selectPartyPara.Add(para); } selectStatement += ")"; IList<Hu> huList = genericMgr.FindAll<Hu>(selectStatement, selectPartyPara.ToArray()); foreach (var hu in huList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hu.ManufactureParty)) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = queryMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } } //string template = "BarCodePurchase2D.xls";//systemMgr.GetEntityPreferenceValue(Entity.SYS.EntityPreference.CodeEnum.DefaultBarCodeTemplate); List<string> reportFileUrls = new List<string>(); var huGroups = huList.GroupBy(p => p.HuTemplate); foreach (var huGroup in huGroups) { string reportFileUrl = PrintHuList(huGroup.ToList(), huGroup.Key); reportFileUrls.Add(reportFileUrl); } object obj = new { SuccessMessage = Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_BarcodePrintedSuccessfully, PrintUrl = reportFileUrls }; return Json(obj); }
public JsonResult CreateHuByOrderDetail(string OrderDetailidStr, string OrderDetailucStr, string OrderDetailsupplierLotNoStr, string OrderDetailqtyStr, bool OrderDetailisExport, string OrderDetailimanufactureDateStr) { try { IList<OrderDetail> nonZeroOrderDetailList = new List<OrderDetail>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderDetailidStr)) { string[] manufactureDateArray = OrderDetailimanufactureDateStr.Split(','); string[] idArray = OrderDetailidStr.Split(','); string[] ucArray = OrderDetailucStr.Split(','); string[] supplierLotNoArray = OrderDetailsupplierLotNoStr.Split(','); string[] qtyArray = OrderDetailqtyStr.Split(','); OrderMaster orderMaster = null; if (idArray != null && idArray.Count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < idArray.Count(); i++) { //string lotNo = manufactureDateArray[i].Replace("-", ""); OrderDetail orderDetail = genericMgr.FindById<OrderDetail>(Convert.ToInt32(idArray[i])); if (orderMaster == null) { orderMaster = genericMgr.FindById<OrderMaster>(orderDetail.OrderNo); //orderMaster.HuTemplate = orderMaster.HuTemplate.Trim(); } orderDetail.UnitCount = Convert.ToDecimal(ucArray[i]); orderDetail.SupplierLotNo = supplierLotNoArray[i]; orderDetail.ManufactureDate = Convert.ToDateTime(manufactureDateArray[i]); orderDetail.LotNo = Utility.LotNoHelper.GenerateLotNo(orderDetail.ManufactureDate); orderDetail.ManufactureParty = orderMaster.PartyFrom; orderDetail.HuQty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtyArray[i]); nonZeroOrderDetailList.Add(orderDetail); } } this.genericMgr.CleanSession(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderMaster.HuTemplate)) { orderMaster.HuTemplate = this.systemMgr.GetEntityPreferenceValue(Entity.SYS.EntityPreference.CodeEnum.DefaultBarCodeTemplate); } if (orderMaster != null) { IList<Hu> huList = huMgr.CreateHu(orderMaster, nonZeroOrderDetailList); foreach (var hu in huList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hu.ManufactureParty)) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = queryMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hu.Direction)) { hu.Direction = this.genericMgr.FindById<HuTo>(hu.Direction).CodeDescription; } } if (OrderDetailisExport) { IList<PrintHu> printHuList = Mapper.Map<IList<Hu>, IList<PrintHu>>(huList); IList<object> data = new List<object>(); data.Add(printHuList); data.Add(CurrentUser.FullName); reportGen.WriteToClient(orderMaster.HuTemplate, data, orderMaster.HuTemplate); return Json(null); } else { string printUrl = PrintHuList(huList, orderMaster.HuTemplate); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_BarcodePrintedSuccessfully_1, huList.Count), PrintUrl = printUrl }; return Json(obj); } } } return Json(null); } catch (BusinessException ex) { Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.Write(ex.GetMessages()[0].GetMessageString()); return Json(null); } }
public JsonResult CreateHuByIpDetail(string IpDetailidStr, string IpDetailucStr, string IpDetailsupplierLotNoStr, string IpDetailqtyStr, bool IpDetailisExport, string FlowremarkStrn, string IpDetailmanufactureDateStr, bool IpDetailisCheckExport) { try { IList<IpDetail> nonZeroIpDetailList = new List<IpDetail>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IpDetailidStr)) { string[] manufactureDateArray = IpDetailmanufactureDateStr.Split(','); string[] idArray = IpDetailidStr.Split(','); string[] ucArray = IpDetailucStr.Split(','); string[] supplierLotNoArray = IpDetailsupplierLotNoStr.Split(','); string[] qtyArray = IpDetailqtyStr.Split(','); string[] remarkArray = FlowremarkStrn.Split(','); IpMaster ipMaster = null; FlowMaster flowMaster = null; if (idArray != null && idArray.Count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < idArray.Count(); i++) { IpDetail ipDetail = genericMgr.FindById<IpDetail>(Convert.ToInt32(idArray[i])); if (ipMaster == null) { ipMaster = genericMgr.FindById<IpMaster>(ipDetail.IpNo); //ipMaster.HuTemplate = ipMaster.HuTemplate.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipMaster.Flow)) { flowMaster = genericMgr.FindById<FlowMaster>(ipMaster.Flow); } } if (flowMaster != null && flowMaster.UcDeviation >= 0) { var ucDeviation = flowMaster.UcDeviation; ipDetail.MaxUc = ipDetail.UnitCount * Convert.ToDecimal(((ucDeviation / 100) + 1)); ipDetail.MinUc = ipDetail.UnitCount * Convert.ToDecimal((1 - (ucDeviation / 100))); } else { ipDetail.MaxUc = decimal.MaxValue; ipDetail.MinUc = 0; } //string lotNo = manufactureDateArray[i].Replace("-", ""); ipDetail.UnitCount = Convert.ToDecimal(ucArray[i]); ipDetail.SupplierLotNo = supplierLotNoArray[i]; ipDetail.ManufactureParty = ipMaster.PartyFrom; ipDetail.ManufactureDate = Convert.ToDateTime(manufactureDateArray[i]); ipDetail.LotNo = Utility.LotNoHelper.GenerateLotNo(ipDetail.ManufactureDate); ipDetail.Remark = remarkArray[i]; //ipDetail.HuQty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtyArray[i]); var qtys = qtyArray[i].Split(' '); if (qtys.Length == 1) { decimal qty = decimal.Parse(qtys[0]); if (qty / ipDetail.UnitCount > 500) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_PrintedBarcodeQuantityCanNotExceedFiveHundred)); } for (decimal j = 0; j < qty; j += ipDetail.UnitCount) { var newIpDetail = Mapper.Map<IpDetail, IpDetail>(ipDetail); newIpDetail.HuQty = (qty - j) < newIpDetail.UnitCount ? (qty - j) : newIpDetail.UnitCount; if (newIpDetail.HuQty > ipDetail.MaxUc || newIpDetail.HuQty < ipDetail.MinUc) { SaveWarningMessage(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_QuantityInputError, newIpDetail.Item, ipDetail.MaxUc.ToString("0.##"), ipDetail.MinUc.ToString("0.##"))); object fail1 = new { Fail = "True" }; return Json(fail1); } nonZeroIpDetailList.Add(newIpDetail); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < qtys.Length; j++) { if (qtys[j].Length > 0) { var newIpDetail = Mapper.Map<IpDetail, IpDetail>(ipDetail); newIpDetail.HuQty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtys[j]); if (newIpDetail.HuQty > ipDetail.MaxUc || newIpDetail.HuQty < ipDetail.MinUc) { SaveWarningMessage(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_QuantityInputError, newIpDetail.Item, ipDetail.MaxUc.ToString("0.##"), ipDetail.MinUc.ToString("0.##"))); object fail = new { Fail = "True" }; return Json(fail); } nonZeroIpDetailList.Add(newIpDetail); } } } } } this.genericMgr.CleanSession(); if (ipMaster != null) { if (IpDetailisCheckExport) { var ipDetailisCheckExport = string.Format("OK"); return Json(new { IpDetailisCheckExport = ipDetailisCheckExport }); } IList<Hu> huList = huMgr.CreateHu(ipMaster, nonZeroIpDetailList); foreach (var hu in huList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hu.ManufactureParty)) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = queryMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hu.Direction)) { hu.Direction = this.genericMgr.FindById<HuTo>(hu.Direction).CodeDescription; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipMaster.HuTemplate)) { ipMaster.HuTemplate = this.systemMgr.GetEntityPreferenceValue(Entity.SYS.EntityPreference.CodeEnum.DefaultBarCodeTemplate); } if (IpDetailisExport) { IList<PrintHu> printHuList = Mapper.Map<IList<Hu>, IList<PrintHu>>(huList); IList<object> data = new List<object>(); data.Add(printHuList); data.Add(CurrentUser.FullName); reportGen.WriteToClient(ipMaster.HuTemplate, data, ipMaster.HuTemplate); return Json(null); } else { string printUrl = PrintHuList(huList, ipMaster.HuTemplate); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_BarcodePrintedSuccessfully_1, huList.Count), PrintUrl = printUrl }; return Json(obj); } } } return Json(null); } catch (Exception ex) { SaveErrorMessage(ex); return Json(null); } }
public JsonResult CreateHuByFlow(string FlowidStr, string FlowucStr, string FlowsupplierLotNoStr, string FlowqtyStr, bool FlowisExport, string FlowmanufactureDateStr, string FlowremarkStr, bool FlowCheckExport) { try { IList<FlowDetail> nonZeroFlowDetailList = new List<FlowDetail>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FlowidStr)) { string[] manufactureDateArray = FlowmanufactureDateStr.Split(','); string[] idArray = FlowidStr.Split(','); string[] ucArray = FlowucStr.Split(','); string[] supplierLotNoArray = FlowsupplierLotNoStr.Split(','); string[] qtyArray = FlowqtyStr.Split(','); string[] remarkArray = FlowremarkStr.Split(','); FlowMaster flowMaster = null; if (idArray != null && idArray.Count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < idArray.Count(); i++) { //string lotNo = manufactureDateArray[i].Replace("-", ""); FlowDetail flowDetail = genericMgr.FindById<FlowDetail>(Convert.ToInt32(idArray[i])); if (flowMaster == null) { flowMaster = genericMgr.FindById<FlowMaster>(flowDetail.Flow); } if (flowMaster != null && flowMaster.UcDeviation >= 0) { var ucDeviation = flowMaster.UcDeviation; flowDetail.MaxUc = flowDetail.UnitCount * Convert.ToDecimal((ucDeviation / 100) + 1); flowDetail.MinUc = flowDetail.UnitCount * Convert.ToDecimal(1 - (ucDeviation / 100)); } else { flowDetail.MaxUc = decimal.MaxValue; flowDetail.MinUc = 0; } flowDetail.ManufactureDate = Convert.ToDateTime(manufactureDateArray[i]); flowDetail.SupplierLotNo = supplierLotNoArray[i]; flowDetail.LotNo = Utility.LotNoHelper.GenerateLotNo(flowDetail.ManufactureDate); flowDetail.ManufactureParty = flowMaster.PartyFrom; flowDetail.UnitCount = Convert.ToDecimal(ucArray[i]); flowDetail.Remark = remarkArray[i]; var qtys = qtyArray[i].Split(' '); if (qtys.Length == 1) { decimal qty = decimal.Parse(qtys[0]); if (qty / flowDetail.UnitCount > 500) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_PrintedBarcodeQuantityCanNotExceedFiveHundred)); } for (decimal j = 0; j < qty; j += flowDetail.UnitCount) { var newFlowDetail = Mapper.Map<FlowDetail, FlowDetail>(flowDetail); bool isLastHu = (qty - j) <= flowDetail.MaxUc && (qty - j) >= flowDetail.MinUc; if (isLastHu) { newFlowDetail.HuQty = (qty - j); } else { newFlowDetail.HuQty = (qty - j) < flowDetail.UnitCount ? (qty - j) : flowDetail.UnitCount; } if (newFlowDetail.HuQty > flowDetail.MaxUc || newFlowDetail.HuQty < flowDetail.MinUc) { SaveWarningMessage(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_QuantityInputError, newFlowDetail.Item, flowDetail.MaxUc.ToString("0.##"), flowDetail.MinUc.ToString("0.##"))); object fail1 = new { Fail = "True" }; return Json(fail1); } nonZeroFlowDetailList.Add(newFlowDetail); if (isLastHu) break; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < qtys.Length; j++) { if (qtys[j].Length > 0) { var newFlowDetail = Mapper.Map<FlowDetail, FlowDetail>(flowDetail); newFlowDetail.HuQty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtys[j]); if (newFlowDetail.HuQty > flowDetail.MaxUc || newFlowDetail.HuQty < flowDetail.MinUc) { SaveWarningMessage(string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_QuantityInputError, newFlowDetail.Item, flowDetail.MaxUc.ToString("0.##"), flowDetail.MinUc.ToString("0.##"))); object fail = new { Fail = "True" }; return Json(fail); } nonZeroFlowDetailList.Add(newFlowDetail); } } } } } this.genericMgr.CleanSession(); if (flowMaster != null) { if (FlowCheckExport) { var flowCheckExport = string.Format("OK"); return Json(new { FlowCheckExport = flowCheckExport }); } IList<Hu> huList = huMgr.CreateHu(flowMaster, nonZeroFlowDetailList); if (FlowisExport) { foreach (var hu in huList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hu.ManufactureParty)) { hu.ManufacturePartyDescription = queryMgr.FindById<Party>(hu.ManufactureParty).Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hu.Direction)) { hu.Direction = this.genericMgr.FindById<HuTo>(hu.Direction).CodeDescription; } } IList<PrintHu> printHuList = Mapper.Map<IList<Hu>, IList<PrintHu>>(huList); IList<object> data = new List<object>(); data.Add(printHuList); data.Add(CurrentUser.FullName); reportGen.WriteToClient(flowMaster.HuTemplate, data, flowMaster.HuTemplate); return Json(null); } else { string printUrl = PrintHuList(huList, flowMaster.HuTemplate); object obj = new { SuccessMessage = string.Format(Resources.EXT.ControllerLan.Con_BarcodePrintedSuccessfully_1, huList.Count), PrintUrl = printUrl }; return Json(obj); } } } return Json(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(ex.Message); } }