private void printprocedure_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DBManager c = new DBManager(); string query = "select * from [procedure] where idprocedure = '" + idprocedure_txt.Text + "'"; string tb = "Procedure"; string xml = "procedure.xml"; string rpt = "reportprocedure.rpt"; c.test_printreport(query, tb, xml, rpt); string query3 = "select insurance, affiliate from patient where idpatient = '" + pidpatient_txt.Text + "'"; string tb3 = "insuranceafi"; string xml3 = "insuranceafi.xml"; string rpt3 = "reportprocedure.rpt"; c.test_printreport(query3, tb3, xml3, rpt3); string query2 = "select * from [subprocedure] where idprocedure = '" + idprocedure_txt.Text + "'"; string tb2 = "SubProcedure"; string xml2 = "subprocedure.xml"; string rpt2 = "reportprocedure.rpt"; c.printreport(query2, tb2, xml2, rpt2); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Errror al cargar el reporte, Causa: " + ex, "Error"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBManager c = new DBManager(); string dt = "closing"; string xml = "closing.xml"; string rpt = "rclosing.rpt"; if (transall.Checked == true) { if (rankall.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction]"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where origin = '" + paytype.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } else if (rankdate.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where origin = '" + paytype.Text + "' and datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } } else if (transentry.Checked == true) { if (rankall.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where entry > 0"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where entry > 0 and origin = '" + paytype.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } else if (rankdate.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where entry > 0 and datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where entry > 0 and origin = '" + paytype.Text + "' and datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } } else if (transout.Checked == true) { if (rankall.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where expenses > 0"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where expenses > 0 and origin like '" + paytype.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } else if (rankdate.Checked == true) { if (paytype.Text == "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where expenses > 0 and datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } else if (paytype.Text != "Todos") { string query = "select idtransactions, ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses from [transaction] where expenses > 0 and origin like '" + paytype.Text + "' and datetran between '" + datestart.Text + "' and '" + dateend.Text + "'"; c.printreport(query, dt, xml, rpt); } } } }
private void addpay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typepay.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Debe de elegir un metodo de pago.", "Error"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qtypay.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Debe de elegir una cantidad de pago.", "Error"); } else { DBManager c = new DBManager(); string query = "INSERT INTO [transaction](ref, madebytran, reasontran, datetran, origin, entry, expenses) values('" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + datepay.Text + "', '" + typepay.Text + "', '" + qtypay.Text + "', '0')"; decimal ppay = Convert.ToDecimal(sppricepay_txt.Text); decimal qty = Convert.ToDecimal(qtypay.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nowpay_txt.Text)) { if (ppay >= qty) { c.command(query); //insertar en la tabla de pago a los doctores; if (Convert.ToInt32(iddoctor_txt.Text) == 1) { string querry2 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('" + iddoctor_txt.Text + "', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + qtypay.Text + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry2); } else { decimal gaindoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(gaindoctor_txt.Text) / 100; decimal gainfulldoctor = 1 - gaindoctor; decimal paygaindoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(qtypay.Text) * gaindoctor; decimal payfulldoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(qtypay.Text) * gainfulldoctor; string querry2 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('" + iddoctor_txt.Text + "', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + paygaindoctor + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry2); string querry3 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('1', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + payfulldoctor + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry3); } //Insertar en la tabla del historico del paciente string hquery = "insert into patienthistory(idpatient, tooth, activity, qtypay, date) values('" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + stooth_txt.Text + "', '" + sactivity_txt.Text + "', '" + qtypay.Text + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(hquery); loadbill(); string query2 = "Select top 1 * from [transaction] order by idtransactions desc"; string tablename = "entrybill"; string xml = "entrybill.xml"; string report = "entrybill.rpt"; c.printreport(query2, tablename, xml, report); sactivity_txt.Clear(); qtypay.Clear(); typepay.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("El monto ha abonar mas lo ya abonado sobrepasa el precio del procedimiento, favor verifique y reintente"); } } else { decimal nowpay = Convert.ToDecimal(nowpay_txt.Text); if (ppay > nowpay) { if (ppay >= (nowpay + qty)) { c.command(query); //insertar en la tabla de pago a los doctores; if (Convert.ToInt32(iddoctor_txt.Text) == 1) { string querry2 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('" + iddoctor_txt.Text + "', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + qtypay.Text + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry2); } else { decimal gaindoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(gaindoctor_txt.Text) / 100; decimal gainfulldoctor = 1 - gaindoctor; decimal paygaindoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(qtypay.Text) * gaindoctor; decimal payfulldoctor = Convert.ToDecimal(qtypay.Text) * gainfulldoctor; string querry2 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('" + iddoctor_txt.Text + "', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + paygaindoctor + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry2); string querry3 = "Insert into [payrolldoctors](iddoctor, idpatient, namepatient, idprocedure, reason, qty, date) values ('1', '" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + spnamepatient_txt.Text + "', '" + idsubprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + sprocedure_txt.Text + "', '" + payfulldoctor + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(querry3); } loadbill(); //Insertar en la tabla del historico del paciente string hquery = "insert into patienthistory(idpatient, tooth, activity, qtypay, date) values('" + sidpatient.Text + "', '" + stooth_txt.Text + "', '" + sactivity_txt.Text + "', '" + qtypay.Text + "', '" + datepay.Text + "')"; c.command3(hquery); string query3 = "Select top 1 * from [transaction] order by idtransactions desc"; string tablename = "entrybill"; string xml = "entrybill.xml"; string report = "entrybill.rpt"; c.printreport(query3, tablename, xml, report); sactivity_txt.Clear(); qtypay.Clear(); typepay.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("El monto ha abonar mas lo ya abonado sobrepasa el precio del procedimiento, favor verifique y reintente"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("NO puede abonar, debido a que el procedimiento ya esta pagado."); } } } } }