public async Task Run_should_populate_StartTime_and_EndTime_and_TotalRunTime() { // given var beforeStart = DateTime.UtcNow; var response = new HttpResponse(); response.ResponseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); HttpClientMock httpClient = new HttpClientMock(response); var runner = new TestFileRunner(httpClient, GetRepositoryFactory(), new JsonConfiguration(), _capturedVariableProviderFactory.Object, GetTestFileRunnerLoggerFactory()); var testFile = CreateTestFile(new[] { new Test() { Url = "foo1" }, }); // when TestFileResult session = await runner.RunAsync(testFile, "development", "bob"); // then Assert.That(session.StartTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(beforeStart)); Assert.That(session.EndTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(session.StartTime)); Assert.That(session.TotalRunTime, Is.EqualTo(session.EndTime - session.StartTime)); }
public void ToString_should_append_headers_and_response_body_and_empty_line() { // Arrange var response = new HttpResponse(); response.Headers = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>() { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Server", "Apache"), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Cache-Control", "private, s-maxage=0, max-age=0, must-revalidate"), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Date", "Sun, 12 Apr 2015 19:18:21 GMT"), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") }; response.Content = "<html><body></body></html>"; response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; // Act string content = response.ToString(); // Assert string[] lines = content.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); Assert.AreEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", lines[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Server: Apache", lines[1]); Assert.AreEqual("Cache-Control: private, s-maxage=0, max-age=0, must-revalidate", lines[2]); Assert.AreEqual("Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 19:18:21 GMT", lines[3]); Assert.AreEqual("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8", lines[4]); Assert.AreEqual("", lines[5]); Assert.AreEqual("<html><body></body></html>", lines[6]); }
public async Task should_fill_response_properties() { // given var httpLogWriter = GetHttpLogWriter(); var restResponseStub = new RestResponseStub(); restResponseStub.Content = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: Apache\n\n<html>some text </html>"; restResponseStub.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted; restResponseStub.Headers = new Parameter[] { new Parameter(), new Parameter() }; HttpClient httpClient = CreateClient(restResponseStub); string method = "get"; string url = ""; string postBody = ""; var headers = new List <HeaderItem>(); var restRequest = httpClient.CreateRestRequest(method, url, postBody, headers); // when HttpResponse response = await httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(restRequest, httpLogWriter); // then Assert.AreEqual(restResponseStub.StatusCode, response.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(restResponseStub.Content, response.Content); Assert.AreEqual(restResponseStub.Headers.Count, response.Headers.Count); }
public void Run_should_populate_StartTime_and_EndTime_and_TotalRunTime() { // Arrange var beforeStart = DateTime.UtcNow; var config = new Config(); var testCaseReader = new TestCaseReaderMock(); var stringReader = new StringReader(""); var response = new HttpResponse(); response.ResponseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); HttpClientMock httpClient = new HttpClientMock(response); IResultWriter resultWriter = new ResultWriterStub(); var runner = new TestSessionRunner(config, httpClient, resultWriter); var caseCollection = CreateCaseCollection(new[] { new Case() { Url = "foo1" }, }); // Act TestCaseSession session = runner.Run(caseCollection); // Assert Assert.That(session.StartTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(beforeStart)); Assert.That(session.EndTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(session.StartTime)); Assert.That(session.TotalRunTime, Is.EqualTo(session.EndTime - session.StartTime)); }
private TestFileRunner CreateRunner() { _httpResponse = new HttpResponse(); _httpClientMock = new HttpClientMock(_httpResponse); return(new TestFileRunner(_httpClientMock, GetRepositoryFactory(), new JsonConfiguration(), _capturedVariableProviderFactory.Object, GetTestFileRunnerLoggerFactory())); }
public void should_create_headers_in_ctor() { // Arrange var response = new HttpResponse(); // Act + Assert Assert.NotNull(response.Headers); Assert.NotNull(response.ResponseTime); }
public async Task Run_should_set_MinResponseTime_and_MaxResponseTime_from_http_response_times() { // given var response = new HttpResponse(); response.ResponseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); HttpClientMock httpClient = new HttpClientMock(response); httpClient.ResponseTimes = new List <TimeSpan>() { // Deliberately mixed up order TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(88), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) }; httpClient.Response = response; var runner = new TestFileRunner(httpClient, GetRepositoryFactory(), new JsonConfiguration(), _capturedVariableProviderFactory.Object, GetTestFileRunnerLoggerFactory()); var testFile = CreateTestFile(new[] { new Test() { Url = "foo1" }, new Test() { Url = "foo2" }, new Test() { Url = "foo3" }, new Test() { Url = "foo4" }, }); // when TestFileResult session = await runner.RunAsync(testFile, "development", "bob"); // then Assert.That(session.MinResponseTime, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); Assert.That(session.MaxResponseTime, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(88))); }
public async Task should_ignore_null_headers() { // given var httpLogWriter = GetHttpLogWriter(); HttpClient httpClient = CreateClient(new RestResponse()); string method = "get"; string url = ""; string postBody = ""; var headers = new List <HeaderItem>(); var restRequest = httpClient.CreateRestRequest(method, url, postBody, headers); // when HttpResponse response = await httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(restRequest, httpLogWriter); // then Assert.IsNotNull(response); }
public async Task should_record_response_times() { // given var httpLogWriter = GetHttpLogWriter(); HttpClient httpClient = CreateClient(new RestResponse()); _restClientMock.ResponseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); string method = "get"; string url = ""; string postBody = ""; var headers = new List <HeaderItem>(); var restRequest = httpClient.CreateRestRequest(method, url, postBody, headers); // when HttpResponse response = await httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(restRequest, httpLogWriter); // then Assert.That(response.ResponseTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))); }
private static void ProcessResponse(Test test, ICapturedVariableProvider variables, AssertionsMatcher assertionMatcher, TestResult testResult, HttpResponse response, HttpLogWriter httpLogWriter, ITestFileRunnerLogger logger) { testResult.ResponseTime = response.ResponseTime; testResult.HttpResponse = response; testResult.HttpLog = httpLogWriter.StringBuilder.ToString(); testResult.HttpContent = response.Content; if (response.StatusCode == test.ExpectedHttpStatusCode) { testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = true; string content = response.ToString(); // Put the captured variables regex values in the current variable set foreach (var capturedVariable in test.CapturedVariables) { capturedVariable.Regex = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(capturedVariable.Regex); } List <Variable> parsedVariables = CapturedVariableProvider.MatchVariables(test.CapturedVariables, content, logger); variables.AddOrUpdateVariables(parsedVariables); logger.WriteLine("{0} captured variable(s) parsed.", parsedVariables.Count); // Verify assertions testResult.AssertionResults = assertionMatcher.MatchVerifications(test.Assertions, content); logger.WriteLine("Verifying {0} assertion(s)", testResult.AssertionResults.Count); foreach (Assertion item in testResult.AssertionResults) { logger.AppendTextLine(item.Log); } // Store the log testResult.Log = logger.GetLog(); } else { testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = false; testResult.Log = $"No verifications run - the response code {response.StatusCode} did not match the expected response code {test.ExpectedHttpStatusCode}."; } }
public async Task should_return_expected_html_content() { // given var httpLogWriter = GetHttpLogWriter(); var restResponse = new RestResponseStub() { Content = "<html>some text </html>" }; HttpClient httpClient = CreateClient(restResponse); string method = "get"; string url = ""; string postBody = ""; var headers = new List <HeaderItem>(); var restRequest = httpClient.CreateRestRequest(method, url, postBody, headers); // when HttpResponse response = await httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(restRequest, httpLogWriter); // then Assert.NotNull(response); Assert.AreEqual(restResponse.Content, response.Content); }
internal async Task <TestResult> RunTestAsync(Test test, int position, ICapturedVariableProvider variables, AssertionsMatcher assertionMatcher, string environment) { var testResult = new TestResult { Position = position, SessionId = SessionId, Test = test, ResultState = TestResultState.Failed }; if (test.TestConditions.RequiredEnvironments.Any()) { bool inEnvironment = test.TestConditions.RequiredEnvironments .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) .Any(x => x.Equals(environment, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (!inEnvironment) { testResult.ResultState = TestResultState.Skipped; return(testResult); } } try { string resolvedUrl = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(test.Url); testResult.ActualUrl = resolvedUrl; string postBody = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(test.PostBody); foreach (HeaderItem header in test.Headers) { header.Value = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(header.Value); } var logger = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger(); IRestRequest request = _httpClient.CreateRestRequest(test.Method, resolvedUrl, postBody, test.Headers); // Scripting part if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.ScriptSnippets?.BeforeExecuteFilename)) { logger.WriteLine("Evaluating C# script"); try { var snippetReader = new SnippetFileReader(_configuration); var evaluator = new TestFileScriptEvaluator(_configuration, snippetReader); bool success = evaluator.EvaluateBeforeExecute(test, request); if (success) { request = evaluator.RequestGlobals.Request; test = evaluator.RequestGlobals.Test; logger.WriteLine("Compilation successful."); } } catch (Exception ex) { testResult.ScriptCompilationSuccess = false; testResult.ExceptionMessage = "The script failed to compile - see the log file for a stack trace."; logger.WriteLine("Compilation failed: {0}", ex); } } var httpLogWriter = new HttpLogWriter(); HttpResponse response = await _httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(request, httpLogWriter); ProcessResponse(test, variables, assertionMatcher, testResult, response, httpLogWriter, logger); } catch (Exception ex) { testResult.Log = "An exception occured: " + ex; testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = false; testResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; } if (testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess && testResult.AssertionsSuccess && testResult.ScriptCompilationSuccess) { testResult.ResultState = TestResultState.Success; } return(testResult); }
private TestSessionRunner CreateRunner(Config config) { _httpResponse = new HttpResponse(); _httpClientMock = new HttpClientMock(_httpResponse); _resultWriterStub = new ResultWriterStub(); return new TestSessionRunner(config, _httpClientMock, _resultWriterStub); }
public void Run_should_set_MinResponseTime_and_MaxResponseTime_from_http_response_times() { // Arrange var config = new Config(); var stringReader = new StringReader(""); var testCaseReader = new TestCaseReaderMock(); var response = new HttpResponse(); response.ResponseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); HttpClientMock httpClient = new HttpClientMock(response); httpClient.ResponseTimes = new List<TimeSpan>() { // Deliberately mixed up order TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(88), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) }; httpClient.Response = response; IResultWriter resultWriter = new ResultWriterStub(); var runner = new TestSessionRunner(config, httpClient, resultWriter); var caseCollection = CreateCaseCollection(new[] { new Case() { Url = "foo1" }, new Case() { Url = "foo2" }, new Case() { Url = "foo3" }, new Case() { Url = "foo4" }, }); // Act TestCaseSession session = runner.Run(caseCollection); // Assert Assert.That(session.MinResponseTime, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); Assert.That(session.MaxResponseTime, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(88))); }
internal async Task <TestResult> RunTestAsync(Test test, int position, ICapturedVariableProvider variables, AssertionsMatcher assertionMatcher) { var testResult = new TestResult { Position = position, SessionId = SessionId, Test = test }; try { string resolvedUrl = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(test.Url); testResult.ActualUrl = resolvedUrl; string postBody = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(test.PostBody); foreach (HeaderItem header in test.Headers) { header.Value = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(header.Value); } IRestRequest request = _httpClient.CreateRestRequest(test.Method, resolvedUrl, postBody, test.Headers); var logger = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger(); // Scripting part if (test.ScriptSnippets != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.ScriptSnippets.BeforeExecuteFilename)) { logger.WriteLine("Evaluating C# script"); try { var snippetReader = new SnippetFileReader(_configuration); var evaluator = new TestFileScriptEvaluator(_configuration, snippetReader); bool success = evaluator.EvaluateBeforeExecute(test, request); if (success) { request = evaluator.RequestGlobals.Request; test = evaluator.RequestGlobals.Test; logger.WriteLine("Compilation successful."); } } catch (Exception ex) { testResult.ScriptCompilationSuccess = false; testResult.ExceptionMessage = "The script failed to compile - see the log file for a stack trace."; logger.WriteLine("Compilation failed: {0}", ex); } } var httpLogWriter = new HttpLogWriter(); HttpResponse response = await _httpClient.ExecuteRequestAsync(request, httpLogWriter); testResult.ResponseTime = response.ResponseTime; testResult.HttpResponse = response; testResult.HttpLog = httpLogWriter.StringBuilder.ToString(); testResult.HttpContent = response.Content; if (response.StatusCode == test.ExpectedHttpStatusCode) { testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = true; string content = response.ToString(); // Put the captured variables regex values in the current variable set foreach (var capturedVariable in test.CapturedVariables) { capturedVariable.Regex = variables.ReplacePlainTextVariablesIn(capturedVariable.Regex); } List <Variable> parsedVariables = CapturedVariableProvider.MatchVariables(test.CapturedVariables, content, logger); variables.AddOrUpdateVariables(parsedVariables); logger.WriteLine("{0} captured variable(s) parsed.", parsedVariables.Count); // Verify assertions testResult.AssertionResults = assertionMatcher.MatchVerifications(test.Assertions, content); logger.WriteLine("Verifying {0} assertion(s)", testResult.AssertionResults.Count); foreach (Assertion item in testResult.AssertionResults) { logger.AppendTextLine(item.Log); } // Store the log testResult.Log = logger.GetLog(); } else { testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = false; testResult.Log = $"No verifications run - the response code {response.StatusCode} did not match the expected response code {test.ExpectedHttpStatusCode}."; } } catch (Exception ex) { testResult.Log = "An exception occured: " + ex; testResult.ResponseCodeSuccess = false; testResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; } return(testResult); }
public HttpClientMock(HttpResponse response) { Response = response; }