        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an InstallSettings object and serializes into xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="incoming">An InstallSettings object</param>
        /// <returns>String containing the serialized objects xml</returns>
        public string Serialize(FullInstallSettings incoming)
            //To determine what dataObject to use for serialization based on the dhcp button selected
            bool useDHCP = (incoming.Dhcp.Equals("true")) ? true : false;

            //Resulting xml string
            var xmlResult = "";

            //Settings to remove namspaces from the xml
            XmlSerializerNamespaces xsn = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            xsn.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);

            //Create the custom stringWriter to use utf-8 instead of utf-16
            StringWriterWithEncoding utf8StringWriter = new StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding.UTF8);
            XmlWriterSettings        ws = new XmlWriterSettings()
                Indent = true, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

            //Create a serializer
            XmlSerializer serializer = null;

            if (useDHCP == true) //Serialize the DHCP version
                DHCPInstallSettings settings = new DHCPInstallSettings(incoming.CallSign, incoming.Dhcp, incoming.Updated);

                //Initialize the serializer and writer
                serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DHCPInstallSettings));
                XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(utf8StringWriter, ws);

                //Srialize and then save the output string to result and pass back
                serializer.Serialize(writer, settings, xsn);
                xmlResult = utf8StringWriter.ToString();
            else // Serialize the full installsettings version
                XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FullInstallSettings));

                //Initialize the serializer and writer
                serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FullInstallSettings));
                XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(utf8StringWriter, ws);

                //Srialize and then save the output string to result and pass back
                serializer.Serialize(writer, incoming, xsn);
                xmlResult = utf8StringWriter.ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// Looks for current settings in config.xml and deserializes into an object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>InstallSettings object</returns>
        /// <param name="fileName">file name of the file to deserialize</param>
        public FullInstallSettings Deserialize(string fileName)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            string callsignText, dhcpText, ipText, subnetText, gatewayText, preferredDnsText, alternateDnsText;

            callsignText = dhcpText = ipText = subnetText = gatewayText = preferredDnsText = alternateDnsText = "";

            XmlNodeList callsign;
            XmlNodeList dhcp;
            XmlNodeList ip;
            XmlNodeList subnet;
            XmlNodeList gateway;
            XmlNodeList preferredDns;
            XmlNodeList altDns;

            try // Check to make sure the callsign element is present, else assign empty string
                callsign     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("callsign");
                callsignText = callsign[0].InnerText;
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                callsignText = "";
            try // Check to make sure the dhcp element is present, else assign empty string
                dhcp     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("useDHCP");
                dhcpText = dhcp[0].InnerText;
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                dhcpText = "";

            if (dhcpText.Equals("false") || dhcpText.Equals("")) // if dhcp is set to manual gather all other fields
                try                                              // Check to make sure the ip element is present, else assign empty string
                    ip     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ip");
                    ipText = ip[0].InnerText;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    ipText = "";
                try // Check to make sure the subnet element is present, else assign empty string
                    subnet     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("subnet");
                    subnetText = subnet[0].InnerText;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    subnetText = "";
                try // Check to make sure the gateway element is present, else assign empty string
                    gateway     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("gateway");
                    gatewayText = gateway[0].InnerText;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    gatewayText = "";
                try // Check to make sure the preferredDns element is present, else assign empty string
                    preferredDns     = doc.GetElementsByTagName("dns1");
                    preferredDnsText = preferredDns[0].InnerText;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    preferredDnsText = "";
                try // Check to make sure the alternateDns element is present, else assign empty string
                    altDns           = doc.GetElementsByTagName("dns2");
                    alternateDnsText = altDns[0].InnerText;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    alternateDnsText = "";
            FullInstallSettings settings = new FullInstallSettings(callsignText, dhcpText, ipText, subnetText, gatewayText, preferredDnsText, alternateDnsText);

        public MainWizard()

            // Load existing xml settings if present
                //Retrieve and store the imported xml data
                InstallImporter importer = new InstallImporter();
                string          fileName = "config.xml";
                baseSettings = importer.Deserialize(fileName);
            catch (Exception x)
                baseSettings = new FullInstallSettings();

            //Auto populate the network fields.
            txtCallsign.Text = baseSettings.CallSign;

            //Split the pulled data on the dot and populate the ip textboxes
                string[] ipArray = baseSettings.IpAddress.Split('.');
                ipMi1.Text = ipArray[0];
                ipMi2.Text = ipArray[1];
                ipMi3.Text = ipArray[2];
                ipMi4.Text = ipArray[3];

                string[] subnetArray = baseSettings.SubnetMask.Split('.');
                subnetMi1.Text = subnetArray[0];
                subnetMi2.Text = subnetArray[1];
                subnetMi3.Text = subnetArray[2];
                subnetMi4.Text = subnetArray[3];

                string[] gatewayArray = baseSettings.DefaultGateway.Split('.');
                gatewayMi1.Text = gatewayArray[0];
                gatewayMi2.Text = gatewayArray[1];
                gatewayMi3.Text = gatewayArray[2];
                gatewayMi4.Text = gatewayArray[3];

                string[] prefDns = baseSettings.PreferredDns.Split('.');
                prefDnsMi1.Text = prefDns[0];
                prefDnsMi2.Text = prefDns[1];
                prefDnsMi3.Text = prefDns[2];
                prefDnsMi4.Text = prefDns[3];

                string[] altArray = baseSettings.AlternateDns.Split('.');
                altDnsMi1.Text = altArray[0];
                altDnsMi2.Text = altArray[1];
                altDnsMi3.Text = altArray[2];
                altDnsMi4.Text = altArray[3];
            catch (Exception)

            rdbManualIP.Checked = (baseSettings.Dhcp.Equals("false")) ? true : false;
        private void wizardControl1_Finished(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Collect all input settings and prepare for xml serialization
            finalSettings          = new FullInstallSettings();
            finalSettings.CallSign = txtCallsign.Text;
            finalSettings.Dhcp     = (rdbAutoIP.Checked == true) ? "true" : "false";
            finalSettings.Updated  = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm");

            string          xmlResult = "";
            InstallImporter importer  = null;

            if (rdbAutoIP.Checked) //Discard any old imported network settings
            else // Use new settings
                // Concat all the boxes for each field together and then remove all whitespace just as a safety measure
                finalSettings.IpAddress = ipMi1.Text + "." + ipMi2.Text + "." + ipMi3.Text + "." + ipMi4.Text;
                finalSettings.IpAddress.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                finalSettings.SubnetMask = subnetMi1.Text + "." + subnetMi2.Text + "." + subnetMi3.Text + "." + subnetMi4.Text;
                finalSettings.SubnetMask.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                finalSettings.DefaultGateway = gatewayMi1.Text + "." + gatewayMi2.Text + "." + gatewayMi3.Text + "." + gatewayMi4.Text;
                finalSettings.DefaultGateway.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                finalSettings.PreferredDns = prefDnsMi1.Text + "." + prefDnsMi2.Text + "." + prefDnsMi3.Text + "." + prefDnsMi4.Text;
                finalSettings.PreferredDns.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                string altdns = altDnsMi1.Text + "." + altDnsMi2.Text + "." + altDnsMi3.Text + "." + altDnsMi4.Text;

                //If alternate dns is only 3 characters ("..."), save it as an empty string, else, use the inputed altDns
                if (altdns.Length == 3)
                    finalSettings.AlternateDns = "";
                    finalSettings.AlternateDns = altdns;
                    finalSettings.AlternateDns.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

                importer = new InstallImporter();
                //Serialize the object to xml
                xmlResult = importer.Serialize(finalSettings);
            catch (Exception)

            //Write the xml to the file
                MessageBox.Show("Safely remove the thumb drive and insert into the Syncbox. It should stay in the Syncbox while it's in use.", "Configuration Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Drive removed. Reinsert the syncbak drive and try again. Application now closing", "Drive removed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);