        public ColumnSchema Clone()
            var clone = new ColumnSchema
                ColumnName       = this.ColumnName,
                DataType         = this.DataType,
                DataTypeName     = this.DataTypeName,
                ColumnSize       = this.ColumnSize,
                NumericPrecision = this.NumericPrecision,
                NumericScale     = this.NumericScale,
                AllowNull        = this.AllowNull

        protected override void OnBeginReading()
            // Use Parquet.NET to do the heavy reading.
            var options = new Parquet.ParquetOptions();

            _pqReader     = new Parquet.ParquetReader(_reader.BaseStream);
            _pqDataFields = _pqReader.Schema.GetDataFields();

            // Extract the column names from the parquet file in a separate array for fast lookups.
            for (int i = 0; i < _pqDataFields.Length; i++)
                var columnSchema = new ColumnSchema()
                    ColumnName       = _pqDataFields[i].Name,
                    DataTypeName     = _pqDataFields[i].DataType.ToString(),
                    ColumnSize       = -1,
                    NumericPrecision = -1,
                    NumericScale     = -1,
                    AllowNull        = _pqDataFields[i].HasNulls

        protected override void OnBeginReading()
            // Even if no header is set, we still need to know how many columns there are.
            _firstLine = _reader.ReadLine();

            var matches = Regex.Matches(_firstLine, _regexParseExpression, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

            // Foreach of the extract columns from the first row
            for (var i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                // Even though we only support the string data type, we must generate a SchemaTable
                // to adhere to the IDataReader standard (and required by importers).
                var columnSchema = new ColumnSchema()
                    ColumnName   = _header ? matches[i].Groups[2].Value : i.ToString(),     // if no header, use the column ordinal
                    ColumnSize   = -1,
                    DataType     = typeof(System.String),
                    DataTypeName = "STRING",
                    AllowNull    = true
