         * /// Because the growBranches() is called although no data is left after the last speech frame, the ordering of the
         * /// active-list might depend on the transition probabilities and (penalty-scores) only. Therefore we need to undo the last
         * /// grow-step up to final states or the last emitting state in order to fix the list.
         * /// @return newly created list
        protected ActiveList UndoLastGrowStep()
            var fixedList = ActiveList.NewInstance();

            foreach (var token in ActiveList)
                var curToken = token.Predecessor;

                // remove the final states that are not the real final ones because they're just hide prior final tokens:
                while (curToken.Predecessor != null && (
                           (curToken.IsFinal && curToken.Predecessor != null && !curToken.Predecessor.IsFinal) ||
                           (curToken.IsEmitting && curToken.Data == null) ||      // the so long not scored tokens
                           (!curToken.IsFinal && !curToken.IsEmitting)))
                    curToken = curToken.Predecessor;


         * /// Clears emitting list in manager
        public override void ClearEmittingList()
            ActiveList list = CurrentActiveLists[CurrentActiveLists.Length - 1];

            CurrentActiveLists[CurrentActiveLists.Length - 1] = list.NewInstance();