public static bool ApplyMaterialsPatch(this BflytFile f, MaterialPatch[] Patches) { if (Patches == null) { return(true); } var mats = f.GetMat; if (mats == null) { return(false); } foreach (var p in Patches) { var target = mats.Materials.Where(x => x.Name == p.MaterialName).First(); if (target == null) { continue; //Less strict patching } if (p.ForegroundColor != null) { target.ForegroundColor = new RGBAColor(p.ForegroundColor); } if (p.BackgroundColor != null) { target.BackgroundColor = new RGBAColor(p.BackgroundColor); } } return(true); }
public static bool PatchBgLayout(this BflytFile f, PatchTemplate patch) { #region DetectPatch if (f[patch.PatchIdentifier] != null) { return(true); } { var p = f["3x3lxBG"]; if (p != null) { f.RemovePane(p); f.GetTex.Textures[0] = "White1x1^r"; f.GetMat.Materials.RemoveAt(1); } } #endregion #region FindAndRemoveTargetBgPanels BasePane target = null; foreach (var t in patch.targetPanels) { var p = f[t]; if (p == null) { continue; } if (target == null) { target = p; } if (patch.DirectPatchPane) { ushort m = f.AddBgMat(patch.MaintextureName); var pe = p as Pic1Pane; pe.MaterialIndex = m; } else if (!patch.NoRemovePanel) { var pe = p as Pan1Pane; pe.Position = new Vector3(5000, 60000, 0); } } if (target == null) { return(false); } #endregion if (!patch.DirectPatchPane) { return(f.AddBgPanel(target, patch.MaintextureName, patch.PatchIdentifier)); } else { return(true); } }
public static bool PanePushBack(this BflytFile f, string paneName) { var target = f[paneName]; if (target == null) { return(false); } f.MovePane(target, target.Parent, target.Parent.Children.Count); return(true); }
public static bool PanePullToFront(this BflytFile f, string paneName) { var target = f[paneName]; if (target == null) { return(false); } f.MovePane(target, target.Parent, 0); return(true); }
static private bool AddBgPanel(this BflytFile f, BasePane target, string TexName, string Pic1Name) { #region add picture if (Pic1Name.Length > 0x18) { throw new Exception("Pic1Name should not be longer than 24 chars"); } var strm = new MemoryStream(); using (BinaryDataWriter bin = new BinaryDataWriter(strm)) { bin.ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian; bin.Write((byte)0x01); bin.Write((byte)0x00); bin.Write((byte)0xFF); bin.Write((byte)0x04); bin.Write(Pic1Name, BinaryStringFormat.NoPrefixOrTermination); int zerCount = Pic1Name.Length; while (zerCount++ < 0x38) { bin.Write((byte)0x00); } bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(1280f); bin.Write(720f); bin.Write((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF); bin.Write((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF); bin.Write((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF); bin.Write((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF); bin.Write((UInt16)f.AddBgMat(TexName)); bin.Write((UInt16)1); bin.Write((UInt32)0); bin.Write((UInt32)0); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write((UInt32)0); bin.Write((UInt32)0); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(1f); } #endregion BasePane p = new BasePane("pic1", 8); = strm.ToArray(); target.Parent.Children.Insert(target.Parent.Children.IndexOf(target), p); return(true); }
public static bool ClearUVData(this BflytFile f, string name) { var e = f[name] as Pic1Pane; if (e == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < e.UVCoords.Length; i++) { e.UVCoords[i].TopLeft = new Vector2(0, 0); e.UVCoords[i].TopRight = new Vector2(1, 0); e.UVCoords[i].BottomLeft = new Vector2(0, 1); e.UVCoords[i].BottomRight = new Vector2(1, 1); } return(true); }
public static bool PatchTextureName(this BflytFile f, string original, string _new) { bool patchedSomething = false; var texSection = f.GetTex; if (texSection == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < texSection.Textures.Count; i++) { if (texSection.Textures[i] == original) { patchedSomething = true; texSection.Textures[i] = _new; } } return(patchedSomething); }
static ushort AddBgMat(this BflytFile f, string TexName) { var MatSect = f.GetMaterialsSection(); #region AddTextures var texSection = f.GetTexturesSection(); if (!texSection.Textures.Contains(TexName)) { texSection.Textures.Add(TexName); } int texIndex = texSection.Textures.IndexOf(TexName); #endregion #region Add material { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); using (BinaryDataWriter bin = new BinaryDataWriter(mem)) { bin.ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian; bin.Write("P_Custm", BinaryStringFormat.ZeroTerminated); bin.Write(new byte[0x14]); bin.Write((Int32)0x15); bin.Write((Int32)0x8040200); bin.Write((Int32)0); bin.Write((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF); bin.Write((UInt16)texIndex); bin.Write((UInt16)0x0); bin.Write(new byte[0xC]); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(1f); bin.Write(new byte[0x10]); MatSect.Materials.Add(new BflytMaterial(mem.ToArray(), bin.ByteOrder, f.Version)); } } #endregion return((ushort)(MatSect.Materials.Count - 1)); }
public static bool AddGroupNames(this BflytFile f, ExtraGroup[] Groups) { if (Groups == null || Groups.Length == 0) { return(true); } if (f.RootGroup == null) { return(false); } var PanesWithNames = f.EnumeratePanes().Where(x => x is INamedPane).Cast <INamedPane>(); var GroupNames = PanesWithNames.Where(x => x is Grp1Pane).Select(x => ((Grp1Pane)x).name).ToArray(); var PaneNames = PanesWithNames.Where(x => !(x is Grp1Pane)).Select(x => x.PaneName); foreach (var g in Groups) { if (GroupNames.Contains(g.GroupName)) { continue; } foreach (var s in g.Panes) { if (!PaneNames.Contains(s)) { return(false); } } f.RootGroup.Children.Add(new Grp1Pane(f.Version) { GroupName = g.GroupName, Panes = g.Panes.ToList() }); } return(true); }
public static bool ApplyLayoutPatch(this BflytFile f, PanePatch[] Patches) { for (int i = 0; i < Patches.Length; i++) { var p = Patches[i]; var e = f[Patches[i].PaneName] as Pan1Pane; // The layout patching has been made less strict to allow some 8.x layouts to work on lower firmwares, not sure if this is a good idea in the layout editor as a way to detect layout incompatibilities may be desiderable. if (e == null) { continue; } if (p.Visible != null) { e.Visible = p.Visible.Value; } #region ChangeTransform if (p.Position != null) { e.Position = new Vector3( p.Position.Value.X ?? e.Position.X, p.Position.Value.Y ?? e.Position.Y, p.Position.Value.Z ?? e.Position.Z); } if (p.Rotation != null) { e.Rotation = new Vector3( p.Rotation.Value.X ?? e.Rotation.X, p.Rotation.Value.Y ?? e.Rotation.Y, p.Rotation.Value.Z ?? e.Rotation.Z); } if (p.Scale != null) { e.Scale = new Vector2( p.Scale.Value.X ?? e.Scale.X, p.Scale.Value.Y ?? e.Scale.Y); } if (p.Size != null) { e.Size = new Vector2( p.Size.Value.X ?? e.Size.X, p.Size.Value.Y ?? e.Size.Y); } #endregion #region Change other prperties if (p.OriginX != null) { e.originX = (Pan1Pane.OriginX)p.OriginX.Value; } if (p.OriginY != null) { e.originY = (Pan1Pane.OriginY)p.OriginY.Value; } if (p.ParentOriginX != null) { e.ParentOriginX = (Pan1Pane.OriginX)p.ParentOriginX.Value; } if (p.ParentOriginY != null) { e.ParentOriginY = (Pan1Pane.OriginY)p.ParentOriginY.Value; } #endregion #region ColorDataForPic1 if ( == "pic1") { var ee = e as Pic1Pane; if (p.PaneSpecific0 != null) { ee.ColorTopLeft = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific0); } if (p.PaneSpecific1 != null) { ee.ColorTopRight = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific1); } if (p.PaneSpecific2 != null) { ee.ColorBottomLeft = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific2); } if (p.PaneSpecific3 != null) { ee.ColorBottomRight = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific3); } } #endregion #region ColorForTextPanes if ( == "txt1") { var ee = e as Txt1Pane; if (p.PaneSpecific0 != null) { ee.FontTopColor = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific0); } if (p.PaneSpecific1 != null) { ee.ShadowTopColor = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific1); } if (p.PaneSpecific2 != null) { ee.FontBottomColor = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific2); } if (p.PaneSpecific3 != null) { ee.ShadowBottomColor = new RGBAColor(p.PaneSpecific3); } } #endregion #region usdPane if (e.UserData != null && p.UsdPatches != null) { Usd1Pane usd = e.UserData; foreach (var patch in p.UsdPatches) { var v = usd.FindName(patch.PropName); if (v == null) { usd.Properties.Add(new Usd1Pane.EditableProperty() { Name = patch.PropName, value = patch.PropValues, type = (Usd1Pane.EditableProperty.ValueType)patch.type }); } if (v != null && v.ValueCount == patch.PropValues.Length && (int)v.type == patch.type) { v.value = patch.PropValues; } } //usd.ApplyChanges(); } #endregion } return(true); }
public static bool ApplyLayoutPatch(this BflytFile f, PanePatch[] Patches) { for (int i = 0; i < Patches.Length; i++) { var p = Patches[i]; var e = f[Patches[i].PaneName] as Pan1Pane; if (p.Visible != null) { e.Visible = p.Visible.Value; } #region ChangeTransform if (p.Position != null) { e.Position = new Vector3( p.Position.Value.X ?? e.Position.X, p.Position.Value.Y ?? e.Position.Y, p.Position.Value.Z ?? e.Position.Z); } if (p.Rotation != null) { e.Rotation = new Vector3( p.Rotation.Value.X ?? e.Rotation.X, p.Rotation.Value.Y ?? e.Rotation.Y, p.Rotation.Value.Z ?? e.Rotation.Z); } if (p.Scale != null) { e.Scale = new Vector2( p.Scale.Value.X ?? e.Scale.X, p.Scale.Value.Y ?? e.Scale.Y); } if (p.Size != null) { e.Size = new Vector2( p.Size.Value.X ?? e.Size.X, p.Size.Value.Y ?? e.Size.Y); } #endregion #region Change other prperties if (p.OriginX != null) { e.originX = (Pan1Pane.OriginX)p.OriginX.Value; } if (p.OriginY != null) { e.originY = (Pan1Pane.OriginY)p.OriginY.Value; } if (p.ParentOriginX != null) { e.ParentOriginX = (Pan1Pane.OriginX)p.ParentOriginX.Value; } if (p.ParentOriginY != null) { e.ParentOriginY = (Pan1Pane.OriginY)p.ParentOriginY.Value; } #endregion #region ColorDataForPic1 if ( == "pic1") { var ee = e as Pic1Pane; if (p.ColorTL != null) { ee.ColorTopLeft = new RGBAColor(p.ColorTL); } if (p.ColorTR != null) { ee.ColorTopRight = new RGBAColor(p.ColorTR); } if (p.ColorBL != null) { ee.ColorBottomLeft = new RGBAColor(p.ColorBL); } if (p.ColorBR != null) { ee.ColorBottomRight = new RGBAColor(p.ColorBR); } } #endregion #region usdPane if (e.UserData != null && p.UsdPatches != null) { Usd1Pane usd = e.UserData; foreach (var patch in p.UsdPatches) { var v = usd.FindName(patch.PropName); if (v == null) { usd.Properties.Add(new Usd1Pane.EditableProperty() { Name = patch.PropName, value = patch.PropValues, type = (Usd1Pane.EditableProperty.ValueType)patch.type }); } if (v != null && v.ValueCount == patch.PropValues.Length && (int)v.type == patch.type) { v.value = patch.PropValues; } } //usd.ApplyChanges(); } #endregion } return(true); }
public static bool ApplyMaterialsPatch(this BflytFile f, MaterialPatch[] Patches) { if (Patches == null) { return(true); } var mats = f.Mat1; if (mats == null) { return(false); } foreach (var p in Patches) { var target = mats.Materials.Where(x => x.Name == p.MaterialName).FirstOrDefault(); if (target == null) { continue; //Less strict patching } if (p.ForegroundColor != null) { target.ForegroundColor = new RGBAColor(p.ForegroundColor); } if (p.BackgroundColor != null) { target.BackgroundColor = new RGBAColor(p.BackgroundColor); } if (p.Refs == null && p.Transforms == null) { continue; } Dictionary <string, int> texToMadId = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < target.Textures.Length; i++) { var id = target.Textures[i].TextureId; texToMadId.Add(f.Tex1.Textures[id], i); } foreach (var rp in p.Refs) { if (!texToMadId.ContainsKey(rp.Name)) { continue; } var tex = target.Textures[texToMadId[rp.Name]]; if (rp.WrapS != null) { tex.WrapS = (BflytMaterial.TextureReference.WRAPS)rp.WrapS.Value; } if (rp.WrapT != null) { tex.WrapT = (BflytMaterial.TextureReference.WRAPS)rp.WrapT.Value; } } foreach (var tp in p.Transforms) { if (!texToMadId.ContainsKey(tp.Name)) { continue; } var tf = target.TextureTransformations[texToMadId[tp.Name]]; tf.Rotation = tp.Rotation ?? tf.Rotation; tf.ScaleX = tp.ScaleX ?? tf.ScaleX; tf.ScaleY = tp.ScaleY ?? tf.ScaleY; tf.X = tp.X ?? tf.X; tf.Y = tp.Y ?? tf.Y; } } return(true); }