public static void Display_RenderedWorld(object sender, RenderedWorldEventArgs e) { if (ModEntry.isUnderwater && SwimUtils.IsMapUnderwater(Game1.player.currentLocation.Name)) { if ((ticksUnderwater % 100 / Math.Min(100, Config.BubbleMult)) - bubbleOffset == 0) { Game1.playSound("tinyWhip"); ModEntry.bubbles.Add(new Vector2(Game1.player.position.X + Game1.random.Next(-24, 25), Game1.player.position.Y - 96)); if (ModEntry.bubbles.Count > 100) { ModEntry.bubbles = ModEntry.bubbles.Skip(1).ToList(); } bubbleOffset = Game1.random.Next(30 / Math.Min(100, Config.BubbleMult)); } for (int k = 0; k < ModEntry.bubbles.Count; k++) { ModEntry.bubbles[k] = new Vector2(ModEntry.bubbles[k].X, ModEntry.bubbles[k].Y - 2); } foreach (Vector2 v in ModEntry.bubbles) { e.SpriteBatch.Draw(bubbleTexture, v + new Vector2((float)Math.Sin(ticksUnderwater / 20f) * 10f - Game1.viewport.X, -Game1.viewport.Y), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(132, 20, 8, 8)), new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.001f); } ticksUnderwater++; } else { ticksUnderwater = 0; } }
public static void GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Postfix(GameLocation __instance, ref bool __result, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle position, xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle viewport, bool isFarmer, int damagesFarmer, bool glider, Character character, bool pathfinding, bool projectile = false, bool ignoreCharacterRequirement = false) { try { IEnumerable <Farmer> farmers = Game1.getAllFarmers(); if (!farmers.Any()) { return; } foreach (Farmer farmer in farmers) { if (farmer.currentLocation == null || farmer == null || !Game1.displayFarmer || farmer.position == null) { return; } if (!__result || !isFarmer || !character.Equals(farmer) || !farmer.swimming || ModEntry.swimmerData[farmer.uniqueMultiplayerID].isUnderwater) { return; } Vector2 next = SwimUtils.GetNextTile(farmer); //Monitor.Log($"Checking collide {SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(, (int)next.X, (int)next.Y, "Water", "Back") != null}"); if ((int)next.X <= 0 || (int)next.Y <= 0 || __instance.Map.Layers[0].LayerWidth <= (int)next.X || __instance.Map.Layers[0].LayerHeight <= (int)next.Y || SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(, (int)next.X, (int)next.Y, "Water", "Back") != null) { __result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Postfix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); } }
public static void Input_ButtonReleased(object sender, ButtonReleasedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.player == null) { ModEntry.myButtonDown = false; return; } SwimUtils.CheckIfMyButtonDown(); }
public bool AddContentPack(IContentPack contentPack) { try { Monitor.Log($"Reading content pack: {contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} from {contentPack.DirectoryPath}"); DiveMapData data = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <DiveMapData>("content.json"); SwimUtils.ReadDiveMapData(data); return(true); } catch { Monitor.Log($"couldn't read content.json in content pack {contentPack.Manifest.Name}", LogLevel.Warn); return(false); } }
public static void Display_RenderedHud(object sender, RenderedHudEventArgs e) { if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "ScubaAbigailCave") { if (abigailTicks > 0 && abigailTicks < 80000 / 16) { SwimUtils.MakeOxygenBar((80000 / 16) - abigailTicks, 80000 / 16); } e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.OxygenBarTexture, new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Game1.viewport.Width * 0.13f), 100), Color.White); return; } int maxOx = SwimUtils.MaxOxygen(); if (ModEntry.oxygen < maxOx) { SwimUtils.MakeOxygenBar(ModEntry.oxygen, maxOx); e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.OxygenBarTexture, new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Game1.viewport.Width * 0.13f), 100), Color.White); } }
public static void GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Postfix(GameLocation __instance, ref bool __result, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle position, xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle viewport, bool isFarmer, int damagesFarmer, bool glider, Character character, bool pathfinding, bool projectile = false, bool ignoreCharacterRequirement = false) { try { if (__result == false || !isFarmer || !character.Equals(Game1.player) || !Game1.player.swimming || ModEntry.isUnderwater) { return; } Vector2 next = SwimUtils.GetNextTile(); //Monitor.Log($"Checking collide {SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(, (int)next.X, (int)next.Y, "Water", "Back") != null}"); if ((int)next.X <= 0 || (int)next.Y <= 0 || __instance.Map.Layers[0].LayerWidth <= (int)next.X || __instance.Map.Layers[0].LayerHeight <= (int)next.Y || SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(, (int)next.X, (int)next.Y, "Water", "Back") != null) { __result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Postfix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); } }
public static void Display_RenderedHud(object sender, RenderedHudEventArgs e) { if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "ScubaAbigailCave") { if (abigailTicks > 0 && abigailTicks < 30 * 5) { e.SpriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width, Game1.viewport.Height) / 2 - new Vector2(78, 31) / 2, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(353, 1649, 78, 31)), new Color(255, 255, 255, abigailTicks > 30 * 3 ? (int)Math.Round(255 * (abigailTicks - 90) / 60f) : 255), 0f, Vector2.Zero, 3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.99f); } if (abigailTicks > 0 && abigailTicks < 80000 / 16) { SwimUtils.MakeOxygenBar((80000 / 16) - abigailTicks, 80000 / 16); } e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.OxygenBarTexture, new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Game1.viewport.Width * 0.13f), 100), Color.White); return; } int maxOx = SwimUtils.MaxOxygen(); if (ModEntry.oxygen < maxOx) { SwimUtils.MakeOxygenBar(ModEntry.oxygen, maxOx); e.SpriteBatch.Draw(ModEntry.OxygenBarTexture, new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Game1.viewport.Width * 0.13f), 100), Color.White); } }
public static void RemoveWaterTiles(GameLocation l) { if (l == null || == null) { return; } Map map =; string mapName = l.Name; for (int x = 0; x < map.Layers[0].LayerWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.Layers[0].LayerHeight; y++) { if (SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(map, x, y, "Water", "Back") != null) { Tile tile = map.GetLayer("Back").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { tile.TileIndexProperties.Remove("Water"); } } } } }
public static void SwitchToLandTiles(GameLocation location) { string mapName = location.Name; Map map = location.Map; for (int x = 0; x < map.Layers[0].LayerWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.Layers[0].LayerHeight; y++) { if (SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(map, x, y, "Water", "Back") != null) { Tile tile = map.GetLayer("Back").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { tile.TileIndexProperties["Passable"] = "F"; } } tile = map.GetLayer("Buildings").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { tile.TileIndexProperties["Passable"] = "F"; } else { tile.TileIndexProperties.Add("Passable", "F"); } } } } } }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { config = Helper.ReadConfig <ModConfig>(); if (!config.EnableMod) { return; } SMonitor = Monitor; myRand = new Random(); SwimPatches.Initialize(Monitor, helper, config); SwimDialog.Initialize(Monitor, helper, config); SwimMaps.Initialize(Monitor, helper, config); SwimHelperEvents.Initialize(Monitor, helper, config); SwimUtils.Initialize(Monitor, helper, config); helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += SwimHelperEvents.GameLoop_UpdateTicked; helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed += SwimHelperEvents.Input_ButtonPressed; helper.Events.Input.ButtonReleased += SwimHelperEvents.Input_ButtonReleased; helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += SwimHelperEvents.GameLoop_DayStarted; helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += SwimHelperEvents.GameLoop_GameLaunched; helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += SwimHelperEvents.GameLoop_SaveLoaded; helper.Events.Display.RenderedHud += SwimHelperEvents.Display_RenderedHud; helper.Events.Display.RenderedWorld += SwimHelperEvents.Display_RenderedWorld; helper.Events.Player.InventoryChanged += SwimHelperEvents.Player_InventoryChanged; helper.Events.Player.Warped += SwimHelperEvents.Player_Warped; var harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create(this.ModManifest.UniqueID); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(FarmerRenderer), nameof(FarmerRenderer.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch), typeof(FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame), typeof(int), typeof(Rectangle), typeof(Vector2), typeof(Vector2), typeof(float), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(float), typeof(float), typeof(Farmer) }), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.FarmerRenderer_draw_Prefix)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.FarmerRenderer_draw_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(FarmerSprite), "checkForFootstep"), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.FarmerSprite_checkForFootstep_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.startEvent)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_StartEvent_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Event), nameof(Event.exitEvent)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Event_exitEvent_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Farmer), "updateCommon"), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_updateCommon_Prefix)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_updateCommon_Postfix)), transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_updateCommon_Transpiler)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Farmer), nameof(Farmer.setRunning)), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_setRunning_Prefix)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_setRunning_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Farmer), nameof(Farmer.changeIntoSwimsuit)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Farmer_changeIntoSwimsuit_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Toolbar), nameof(Toolbar.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Toolbar_draw_Prefix)) ); /* * * harmony.Patch( * original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Wand), nameof(Wand.DoFunction)), * transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.Wand_DoFunction_Transpiler)) * ); * */ harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.draw)), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_draw_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.UpdateWhenCurrentLocation)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_UpdateWhenCurrentLocation_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.resetForPlayerEntry)), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_resetForPlayerEntry_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.isCollidingPosition), new Type[] { typeof(Rectangle), typeof(xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle), typeof(bool), typeof(int), typeof(bool), typeof(Character) }), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.performTouchAction)), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_performTouchAction_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.checkAction)), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_checkAction_Prefix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.isCollidingPosition), new Type[] { typeof(Rectangle), typeof(xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle), typeof(bool), typeof(int), typeof(bool), typeof(Character), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) }), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_isCollidingPosition_Postfix)) ); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameLocation), nameof(GameLocation.sinkDebris)), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SwimPatches), nameof(SwimPatches.GameLocation_sinkDebris_Postfix)) ); }
/// <summary>Edit a matched asset.</summary> /// <param name="asset">A helper which encapsulates metadata about an asset and enables changes to it.</param> public void Edit <T>(IAssetData asset) { Monitor.Log("Editing asset: " + asset.AssetName); string mapName = asset.AssetName.Replace("Maps/", "").Replace("Maps\\", ""); if (false && changeLocations.ContainsKey(mapName)) { IAssetDataForMap map = asset.AsMap(); for (int x = 0; x < map.Data.Layers[0].LayerWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.Data.Layers[0].LayerHeight; y++) { if (SwimUtils.doesTileHaveProperty(map.Data, x, y, "Water", "Back") != null) { Tile tile = map.Data.GetLayer("Back").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null && (((mapName == "Beach" || mapName == "UnderwaterBeach") && x > 58 && x < 61 && y > 11 && y < 15) || mapName != "Beach")) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { tile.TileIndexProperties.Remove("Passable"); } } tile = map.Data.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { //tile.TileIndexProperties.Remove("Passable"); } } if (map.Data.GetLayer("AlwaysFront") != null) { tile = map.Data.GetLayer("AlwaysFront").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { //tile.TileIndexProperties.Remove("Passable"); } } } tile = map.Data.GetLayer("Buildings").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { if ( ((mapName == "Beach" || mapName == "UnderwaterBeach") && x > 58 && x < 61 && y > 11 && y < 15) || (mapName != "Beach" && mapName != "UnderwaterBeach" && ((tile.TileIndex > 1292 && tile.TileIndex < 1297) || (tile.TileIndex > 1317 && tile.TileIndex < 1322) || (tile.TileIndex % 25 > 17 && tile.TileIndex / 25 < 53 && tile.TileIndex / 25 > 48) || (tile.TileIndex % 25 > 1 && tile.TileIndex % 25 < 7 && tile.TileIndex / 25 < 53 && tile.TileIndex / 25 > 48) || (tile.TileIndex % 25 > 11 && tile.TileIndex / 25 < 51 && tile.TileIndex / 25 > 48) || (tile.TileIndex % 25 > 10 && tile.TileIndex % 25 < 14 && tile.TileIndex / 25 < 49 && tile.TileIndex / 25 > 46) || tile.TileIndex == 734 || tile.TileIndex == 759 || tile.TileIndex == 628 || tile.TileIndex == 629 || (mapName == "Forest" && x == 119 && ((y > 42 && y < 48) || (y > 104 && y < 119))) ) ) ) { if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { tile.TileIndexProperties["Passable"] = "T"; } else { tile.TileIndexProperties.Add("Passable", "T"); } } else if (mapName == "Beach" && tile.TileIndex == 76) { if (x > 58 && x < 61 && y > 11 && y < 15) { Game1.getLocationFromName(mapName).removeTile(x, y, "Buildings"); } if (tile.TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("Passable")) { tile.TileIndexProperties.Remove("Passable"); } } } } } } } }
public static void GameLocation_sinkDebris_Postfix(GameLocation __instance, bool __result, Debris debris, Vector2 chunkTile, Vector2 chunkPosition) { try { if (__result == false || !Game1.IsMasterGame || !SwimUtils.DebrisIsAnItem(debris)) { return; } if (ModEntry.diveMaps.ContainsKey(__instance.Name) && ModEntry.diveMaps[__instance.Name].DiveLocations.Count > 0) { Point pos = new Point((int)chunkTile.X, (int)chunkTile.Y); Location loc = new Location(pos.X, pos.Y); DiveMap dm = ModEntry.diveMaps[__instance.Name]; DiveLocation diveLocation = null; foreach (DiveLocation dl in dm.DiveLocations) { if (dl.GetRectangle().X == -1 || dl.GetRectangle().Contains(loc)) { diveLocation = dl; break; } } if (diveLocation == null) { Monitor.Log($"sink debris: No dive destination for this point on this map"); return; } if (Game1.getLocationFromName(diveLocation.OtherMapName) == null) { Monitor.Log($"sink debris: Can't find destination map named {diveLocation.OtherMapName}", LogLevel.Warn); return; } foreach (Chunk chunk in debris.Chunks) { if (chunk.position == chunkPosition) { Monitor.Log($"sink debris: creating copy of debris {debris.debrisType} chunk {chunk.debrisType} item {debris.item != null} on {diveLocation.OtherMapName}"); if (debris.debrisType != Debris.DebrisType.ARCHAEOLOGY && debris.debrisType != Debris.DebrisType.OBJECT && chunk.debrisType % 2 != 0) { Monitor.Log($"sink debris: non-item debris"); break; } Debris newDebris; Vector2 newTile = diveLocation.OtherMapPos == null ? chunkTile : new Vector2(diveLocation.OtherMapPos.X, diveLocation.OtherMapPos.Y); Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(newTile.X * Game1.tileSize, newTile.Y * Game1.tileSize); if (debris.item != null) { newDebris = Game1.createItemDebris(debris.item, newPos, Game1.random.Next(4)); Game1.getLocationFromName(diveLocation.OtherMapName).debris.Add(newDebris); } else { Game1.createItemDebris(new StardewValley.Object(chunk.debrisType, 1), newPos, Game1.random.Next(4), Game1.getLocationFromName(diveLocation.OtherMapName)); } break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(GameLocation_sinkDebris_Postfix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); } }
public static void Input_ButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.player == null || Game1.player.currentLocation == null) { ModEntry.myButtonDown = false; return; } if (false && e.Button == SButton.Q) { SwimUtils.SeaMonsterSay("The quick brown fox jumped over the slow lazy dog."); } if (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null && Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "ScubaCrystalCave" && Game1.player.currentLocation.lastQuestionKey.StartsWith("SwimMod_Mariner_")) { IClickableMenu menu = Game1.activeClickableMenu; if (menu == null || menu.GetType() != typeof(DialogueBox)) { return; } int resp = (int)typeof(DialogueBox).GetField("selectedResponse", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(menu); List <Response> resps = (List <Response>) typeof(DialogueBox).GetField("responses", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(menu); if (resp < 0 || resps == null || resp >= resps.Count || resps[resp] == null) { return; } Game1.player.currentLocation.lastQuestionKey = ""; SwimDialog.OldMarinerDialogue(resps[resp].responseKey); return; } if (false && e.Button == SButton.Q) { var v1 = Game1.game1; return; //Game1.player.currentLocation.overlayObjects[Game1.player.getTileLocation() + new Vector2(0, 1)] = new Chest(0, new List<Item>() { Helper.Input.IsDown(SButton.LeftShift) ? (Item)(new StardewValley.Object(434, 1)) : (new Hat(ModEntry.scubaMaskID)) }, Game1.player.getTileLocation() + new Vector2(0, 1), false, 0); } if (e.Button == Config.DiveKey && ModEntry.diveMaps.ContainsKey(Game1.player.currentLocation.Name) && ModEntry.diveMaps[Game1.player.currentLocation.Name].DiveLocations.Count > 0) { Point pos = Game1.player.getTileLocationPoint(); Location loc = new Location(pos.X, pos.Y); if (!SwimUtils.IsInWater()) { return; } DiveMap dm = ModEntry.diveMaps[Game1.player.currentLocation.Name]; DiveLocation diveLocation = null; foreach (DiveLocation dl in dm.DiveLocations) { if (dl.GetRectangle().X == -1 || dl.GetRectangle().Contains(loc)) { diveLocation = dl; break; } } if (diveLocation == null) { Monitor.Log($"No dive destination for this point on this map", LogLevel.Debug); return; } if (Game1.getLocationFromName(diveLocation.OtherMapName) == null) { Monitor.Log($"Can't find destination map named {diveLocation.OtherMapName}", LogLevel.Warn); return; } Monitor.Log($"warping to {diveLocation.OtherMapName}", LogLevel.Debug); SwimUtils.DiveTo(diveLocation); return; } if (e.Button == Config.SwimKey && (!Game1.player.swimming || !Config.ReadyToSwim) && !isJumping) { Config.ReadyToSwim = !Config.ReadyToSwim; Helper.WriteConfig <ModConfig>(Config); Monitor.Log($"Ready to swim: {Config.ReadyToSwim}"); return; } if (e.Button == Config.SwimSuitKey) { Config.SwimSuitAlways = !Config.SwimSuitAlways; Helper.WriteConfig <ModConfig>(Config); if (!Game1.player.swimming) { if (!Config.SwimSuitAlways) { Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); } else { Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); } } return; } }
public static void GameLoop_DayStarted(object sender, DayStartedEventArgs e) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DiveMap> kvp in ModEntry.diveMaps) { GameLocation location = Game1.getLocationFromName(kvp.Key); if (location == null) { Monitor.Log($"GameLocation {kvp.Key} not found in day started loop"); continue; } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("OceanTreasure") || kvp.Value.Features.Contains("OceanResources") || kvp.Value.Features.Contains("Minerals")) { Monitor.Log($"Clearing overlay objects from GameLocation {location.Name} "); location.overlayObjects.Clear(); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("OceanTreasure")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding ocean treasure to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddOceanTreasure(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("OceanResources")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding ocean forage to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddOceanForage(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("Minerals")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding minerals to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddMinerals(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("SmolFishies") || kvp.Value.Features.Contains("BigFishies") || kvp.Value.Features.Contains("Crabs")) { Monitor.Log($"Clearing characters from GameLocation {location.Name} "); location.characters.Clear(); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("SmolFishies")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding smol fishies to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddFishies(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("BigFishies")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding big fishies to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddFishies(location, false); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("Crabs")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding crabs to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddCrabs(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("WaterTiles")) { Monitor.Log($"Adding water tiles to GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.AddWaterTiles(location); } if (kvp.Value.Features.Contains("Underwater")) { Monitor.Log($"Removing water tiles from GameLocation {location.Name} "); SwimMaps.RemoveWaterTiles(location); } } if (Game1.getLocationFromName("ScubaCave") != null && !Game1.player.mailReceived.Contains("ScubaMask")) { SwimMaps.AddScubaChest(Game1.getLocationFromName("ScubaCave"), new Vector2(10, 14), "ScubaMask"); } ModEntry.marinerQuestionsWrongToday = false; ModEntry.oxygen = SwimUtils.MaxOxygen(); }
public static void GameLoop_SaveLoaded(object sender, SaveLoadedEventArgs e) { // load scuba gear ids if (ModEntry.JsonAssets != null) { ModEntry.scubaMaskID = ModEntry.JsonAssets.GetHatId("Scuba Mask"); ModEntry.scubaTankID = ModEntry.JsonAssets.GetClothingId("Scuba Tank"); if (ModEntry.scubaMaskID == -1) { Monitor.Log("Can't get ID for Swim mod item #1. Some functionality will be lost."); } else { Monitor.Log(string.Format("Swim mod item #1 ID is {0}.", ModEntry.scubaMaskID)); } if (ModEntry.scubaTankID == -1) { Monitor.Log("Can't get ID for Swim mod item #2. Some functionality will be lost."); } else { Monitor.Log(string.Format("Swim mod item #2 ID is {0}.", ModEntry.scubaTankID)); } try { ModEntry.scubaFinsID = Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/Boots", ContentSource.GameContent).First(x => x.Value.StartsWith("Scuba Fins")).Key; } catch { Monitor.Log("Can't get ID for Swim mod item #3. Some functionality will be lost."); } if (ModEntry.scubaFinsID != -1) { Monitor.Log(string.Format("Swim mod item #3 ID is {0}.", ModEntry.scubaFinsID)); if ( != null && != null && == "Scuba Fins" && != ModEntry.scubaFinsID) { = new Boots(ModEntry.scubaFinsID); } } } // load dive maps foreach (IContentPack contentPack in Helper.ContentPacks.GetOwned()) { try { Monitor.Log($"Reading content pack: {contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} from {contentPack.DirectoryPath}"); DiveMapData data = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <DiveMapData>("content.json"); SwimUtils.ReadDiveMapData(data); } catch { Monitor.Log($"couldn't read content.json in content pack {contentPack.Manifest.Name}", LogLevel.Warn); } } Monitor.Log($"Reading content pack from assets/swim-map-content.json"); try { DiveMapData myData = Helper.Data.ReadJsonFile <DiveMapData>("assets/swim-map-content.json"); SwimUtils.ReadDiveMapData(myData); } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log($"assets/swim-map-content.json file read error. Exception: {ex}", LogLevel.Warn); } if (!SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear() && Config.SwimSuitAlways) { Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); } bubbleTexture = Helper.Content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites/temporary_sprites_1", ContentSource.GameContent); }
public static void AddMinerals(GameLocation l) { List <Vector2> spots = new List <Vector2>(); for (int x = 0; x <[0].LayerWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <[0].LayerHeight; y++) { Tile tile ="Back").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size); if (tile != null &&"Buildings").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size) == null &&"Front").PickTile(new Location(x, y) * Game1.tileSize, Game1.viewport.Size) == null) { spots.Add(new Vector2(x, y)); } } } int n = spots.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = Game1.random.Next(n + 1); var value = spots[k]; spots[k] = spots[n]; spots[n] = value; } int mineralNo = (int)Math.Round(Game1.random.Next(Config.MineralPerThousandMin, Config.MineralPerThousandMax) / 1000f * spots.Count); List <Vector2> mineralSpots = spots.Take(mineralNo).ToList(); foreach (Vector2 tile in mineralSpots) { double chance = Game1.random.NextDouble(); if (chance < 0.2 && !"Back").Tiles[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y].Properties.ContainsKey("Treasure") && !"Back").Tiles[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y].Properties.ContainsKey("Diggable")) {"Back").Tiles[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y].TileIndex = 1299;"Back").Tiles[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y].Properties.Add("Treasure", new PropertyValue("Object " + SwimUtils.CheckForBuriedItem(Game1.player)));"Back").Tiles[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y].Properties.Add("Diggable", new PropertyValue("T")); } else if (chance < 0.4) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 751, "Stone", true, false, false, false) { MinutesUntilReady = 2 }; } else if (chance < 0.5) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 290, "Stone", true, false, false, false) { MinutesUntilReady = 4 }; } else if (chance < 0.55) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 764, "Stone", true, false, false, false) { MinutesUntilReady = 8 }; } else if (chance < 0.56) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 765, "Stone", true, false, false, false) { MinutesUntilReady = 16 }; } else if (chance < 0.65) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 80, "Stone", true, true, false, true); } else if (chance < 0.74) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 82, "Stone", true, true, false, true); } else if (chance < 0.83) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 84, "Stone", true, true, false, true); } else if (chance < 0.90) { l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, 86, "Stone", true, true, false, true); } else { int[] gems = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 40 }; int whichGem = gems[Game1.random.Next(gems.Length)]; l.overlayObjects[tile] = new StardewValley.Object(tile, whichGem, "Stone", true, false, false, false) { MinutesUntilReady = 5 }; } } }
public static void GameLoop_UpdateTicked(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.player.currentLocation == null || Game1.player == null || !Game1.displayFarmer || Game1.player.position == null) { return; } ModEntry.isUnderwater = SwimUtils.IsMapUnderwater(Game1.player.currentLocation.Name); if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "ScubaAbigailCave") { AbigailCaveTick(); } if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) { if (ModEntry.isUnderwater) { if (ModEntry.oxygen >= 0) { if (!SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear()) { ModEntry.oxygen--; } else { if (ModEntry.oxygen < SwimUtils.MaxOxygen()) { ModEntry.oxygen++; } if (ModEntry.oxygen < SwimUtils.MaxOxygen()) { ModEntry.oxygen++; } } } if (ModEntry.oxygen < 0 && !surfacing) { surfacing = true; Game1.playSound("pullItemFromWater"); DiveLocation diveLocation = ModEntry.diveMaps[Game1.player.currentLocation.Name].DiveLocations.Last(); SwimUtils.DiveTo(diveLocation); } } else { surfacing = false; if (ModEntry.oxygen < SwimUtils.MaxOxygen()) { ModEntry.oxygen++; } if (ModEntry.oxygen < SwimUtils.MaxOxygen()) { ModEntry.oxygen++; } } } if (SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear()) { ticksWearingScubaGear++; if (Config.BreatheSound && breatheEffect != null && (lastBreatheSound == 0 || ticksWearingScubaGear - lastBreatheSound > 6000 / 16)) { Monitor.Log("Playing breathe sound"); lastBreatheSound = ticksWearingScubaGear; breatheEffect.Play(0.5f * Game1.options.soundVolumeLevel, 0f, 0f); } } else { if (breatheEffect != null && lastBreatheSound != 0) { breatheEffect.Dispose(); LoadBreatheSound(); } lastBreatheSound = 0; ticksWearingScubaGear = 0; } if (isJumping) { float difx = endJumpLoc.X - startJumpLoc.X; float dify = endJumpLoc.Y - startJumpLoc.Y; float completed = Game1.player.freezePause / (float)Config.JumpTimeInMilliseconds; if (Game1.player.freezePause <= 0) { Game1.player.position.Value = endJumpLoc; isJumping = false; if (ModEntry.willSwim) { Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("waterSlosh", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); Game1.player.swimming.Value = true; } else { if (!Config.SwimSuitAlways) { Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); } } return; } Game1.player.position.Value = new Vector2(endJumpLoc.X - (difx * completed), endJumpLoc.Y - (dify * completed) - (float)Math.Sin(completed * Math.PI) * 64); return; } // only if ready to swim from here on! if (!Config.ReadyToSwim || !Context.IsPlayerFree) { return; } if (Game1.player.swimming) { if (!SwimUtils.IsInWater() && !isJumping) { Monitor.Log("Swimming out of water"); ModEntry.willSwim = false; Game1.player.freezePause = Config.JumpTimeInMilliseconds; Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("dwop", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("waterSlosh", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); isJumping = true; startJumpLoc = Game1.player.position.Value; endJumpLoc = Game1.player.position.Value; Game1.player.swimming.Value = false; if (Game1.player.bathingClothes && !Config.SwimSuitAlways) { Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); } } DiveMap dm = null; Point edgePos = Game1.player.getTileLocationPoint(); if (ModEntry.diveMaps.ContainsKey(Game1.player.currentLocation.Name)) { dm = ModEntry.diveMaps[Game1.player.currentLocation.Name]; } if (Game1.player.position.Y > Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.viewport.Height - 16) { Game1.player.position.Value = new Vector2(Game1.player.position.X, Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.viewport.Height - 17); if (dm != null) { EdgeWarp edge = dm.EdgeWarps.Find((x) => x.ThisMapEdge == "Bottom" && x.FirstTile <= edgePos.X && x.LastTile >= edgePos.X); if (edge != null) { Point pos = SwimUtils.GetEdgeWarpDestination(edgePos.X, edge); if (pos != Point.Zero) { Monitor.Log("warping south"); Game1.warpFarmer(edge.OtherMapName, pos.X, pos.Y, false); } } } } else if (Game1.player.position.Y < Game1.viewport.Y - 16) { Game1.player.position.Value = new Vector2(Game1.player.position.X, Game1.viewport.Y - 15); if (dm != null) { EdgeWarp edge = dm.EdgeWarps.Find((x) => x.ThisMapEdge == "Top" && x.FirstTile <= edgePos.X && x.LastTile >= edgePos.X); if (edge != null) { Point pos = SwimUtils.GetEdgeWarpDestination(edgePos.X, edge); if (pos != Point.Zero) { Monitor.Log("warping north"); Game1.warpFarmer(edge.OtherMapName, pos.X, pos.Y, false); } } } } else if (Game1.player.position.X > Game1.viewport.X + Game1.viewport.Width - 32) { Game1.player.position.Value = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.X + Game1.viewport.Width - 33, Game1.player.position.Y); if (dm != null) { EdgeWarp edge = dm.EdgeWarps.Find((x) => x.ThisMapEdge == "Right" && x.FirstTile <= edgePos.Y && x.LastTile >= edgePos.Y); if (edge != null) { Point pos = SwimUtils.GetEdgeWarpDestination(edgePos.Y, edge); if (pos != Point.Zero) { Monitor.Log("warping east"); Game1.warpFarmer(edge.OtherMapName, pos.X, pos.Y, false); } } } if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "Forest") { if (Game1.player.position.Y / 64 > 74) { Game1.warpFarmer("Beach", 0, 13, false); } else { Game1.warpFarmer("Town", 0, 100, false); } } } else if (Game1.player.position.X < Game1.viewport.X - 32) { Game1.player.position.Value = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.X - 31, Game1.player.position.Y); if (dm != null) { EdgeWarp edge = dm.EdgeWarps.Find((x) => x.ThisMapEdge == "Left" && x.FirstTile <= edgePos.X && x.LastTile >= edgePos.X); if (edge != null) { Point pos = SwimUtils.GetEdgeWarpDestination(edgePos.Y, edge); if (pos != Point.Zero) { Monitor.Log("warping west"); Game1.warpFarmer(edge.OtherMapName, pos.X, pos.Y, false); } } } if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "Town") { Game1.warpFarmer("Forest", 119, 43, false); } else if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "Beach") { Game1.warpFarmer("Forest", 119, 111, false); } } if (Game1.player.bathingClothes && SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear() && !Config.SwimSuitAlways) { Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); } else if (!Game1.player.bathingClothes && (!SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear() || Config.SwimSuitAlways)) { Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); } if ( != null && ModEntry.scubaFinsID != -1 && == ModEntry.scubaFinsID) { int buffId = 42883167; Buff buff = Game1.buffsDisplay.otherBuffs.FirstOrDefault((Buff p) => p.which == buffId); if (buff == null) { BuffsDisplay buffsDisplay = Game1.buffsDisplay; Buff buff2 = new Buff(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, "Scuba Fins", Helper.Translation.Get("scuba-fins")); buff2.which = buffId; buff = buff2; buffsDisplay.addOtherBuff(buff2); } buff.millisecondsDuration = 50; } } else { if (SwimUtils.IsInWater() && !isJumping) { Monitor.Log("In water not swimming"); ModEntry.willSwim = true; Game1.player.freezePause = Config.JumpTimeInMilliseconds; Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("dwop", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); isJumping = true; startJumpLoc = Game1.player.position.Value; endJumpLoc = Game1.player.position.Value; Game1.player.swimming.Value = true; if (!Game1.player.bathingClothes && !SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear()) { Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); } } } SwimUtils.CheckIfMyButtonDown(); if (!ModEntry.myButtonDown || Game1.player.millisecondsPlayed - lastJump < 250 || SwimUtils.IsMapUnderwater(Game1.player.currentLocation.Name)) { return; } if (Helper.Input.IsDown(SButton.MouseLeft) && !Game1.player.swimming && (Game1.player.CurrentTool is WateringCan || Game1.player.CurrentTool is FishingRod)) { return; } List <Vector2> tiles = SwimUtils.GetTilesInDirection(5); Vector2 jumpLocation = Vector2.Zero; double distance = -1; int maxDistance = 0; switch (Game1.player.FacingDirection) { case 0: distance = Math.Abs(Game1.player.position.Y - tiles.Last().Y *Game1.tileSize); maxDistance = 72; break; case 2: distance = Math.Abs(Game1.player.position.Y - tiles.Last().Y *Game1.tileSize); maxDistance = 48; break; case 1: case 3: distance = Math.Abs(Game1.player.position.X - tiles.Last().X *Game1.tileSize); maxDistance = 65; break; } if (Helper.Input.IsDown(SButton.MouseLeft)) { try { int xTile = (Game1.viewport.X + Game1.getOldMouseX()) / 64; int yTile = (Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.getOldMouseY()) / 64; bool water = Game1.player.currentLocation.waterTiles[xTile, yTile]; if (Game1.player.swimming != water) { distance = -1; } } catch { } } //Monitor.Log("Distance: " + distance); bool nextToLand = Game1.player.swimming && !Game1.player.currentLocation.isTilePassable(new Location((int)tiles.Last().X, (int)tiles.Last().Y), Game1.viewport) && !SwimUtils.IsWaterTile(tiles[tiles.Count - 2]) && distance < maxDistance; bool nextToWater = false; try { nextToWater = !Game1.player.swimming && !SwimUtils.IsTilePassable(Game1.player.currentLocation, new Location((int)tiles.Last().X, (int)tiles.Last().Y), Game1.viewport) && (Game1.player.currentLocation.waterTiles[(int)tiles.Last().X, (int)tiles.Last().Y] || SwimUtils.IsWaterTile(tiles[tiles.Count - 2])) && distance < maxDistance; } catch { //Monitor.Log($"exception trying to get next to water: {ex}"); } //Monitor.Log($"next passable {Game1.player.currentLocation.isTilePassable(new Location((int)tiles.Last().X, (int)tiles.Last().Y), Game1.viewport)} next to land: {nextToLand}, next to water: {nextToWater}"); if (Helper.Input.IsDown(Config.SwimKey) || nextToLand || nextToWater) { //Monitor.Log("okay to jump"); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++) { Vector2 tileV = tiles[i]; bool isWater = false; bool isPassable = false; try { Tile tile ="Buildings").PickTile(new Location((int)tileV.X * Game1.tileSize, (int)tileV.Y * Game1.tileSize), Game1.viewport.Size); isWater = SwimUtils.IsWaterTile(tileV); isPassable = (nextToLand && !isWater && SwimUtils.IsTilePassable(Game1.player.currentLocation, new Location((int)tileV.X, (int)tileV.Y), Game1.viewport)) || (nextToWater && isWater && (tile == null || tile.TileIndex == 76)); //Monitor.Log($"Trying {tileV} is passable {isPassable} isWater {isWater}"); if (!SwimUtils.IsTilePassable(Game1.player.currentLocation, new Location((int)tileV.X, (int)tileV.Y), Game1.viewport) && !isWater && nextToLand) { //Monitor.Log($"Nixing {tileV}"); jumpLocation = Vector2.Zero; } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log("" + ex); } if (nextToLand && !isWater && isPassable) { Monitor.Log($"Jumping to {tileV}"); jumpLocation = tileV; } if (nextToWater && isWater && isPassable) { Monitor.Log($"Jumping to {tileV}"); jumpLocation = tileV; } } } if (jumpLocation != Vector2.Zero) { lastJump = Game1.player.millisecondsPlayed; //Monitor.Log("got swim location"); if (Game1.player.swimming) { ModEntry.willSwim = false; Game1.player.swimming.Value = false; Game1.player.freezePause = Config.JumpTimeInMilliseconds; Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("dwop", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("waterSlosh", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); } else { ModEntry.willSwim = true; if (!SwimUtils.IsWearingScubaGear()) { Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); } Game1.player.freezePause = Config.JumpTimeInMilliseconds; Game1.player.currentLocation.playSound("dwop", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); } isJumping = true; startJumpLoc = Game1.player.position.Value; endJumpLoc = new Vector2(jumpLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, jumpLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize); } }