public Contestant PrintContestantInfo(Contestant contestant) { UserInterface.DisplayInline(contestant.firstName); UserInterface.DisplayInline(contestant.lastName); UserInterface.DisplayInline(; UserInterface.DisplayInline(contestant.registrationNumber); return(contestant); }
private void WorkOnColleciton() { SweepStakes working = sweepstakescolleciton.GetSweepStakes(); UserInterface.DisplayOnly("you are now working on " +; UserInterface.DisplayInline("what would you like to do?"); UserInterface.DisplayInline("1.Continue to add contestants."); string input = UserInterface.GetInputInline("Choose your selection, invalid input returns to previous menu."); if (input.Trim() == "1") { working.ContinueAddContestants(); } sweepstakescolleciton.insertSweepstakes(working); }
private void SetupHandler() { bool correctinput = true; string message = "What type of sweepstakes management will your company use? stack or queue"; do { if (!correctinput) { message = "Invalid handler, please try again. Stack or queue, s/q"; } UserInterface.DisplayInline(message); correctinput = ChooseHandler(Console.ReadLine()); } while (!correctinput); UserInterface.Clear(); }
public void Notify(string[] company, string body, SmtpClient smtpClient) { MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage() { Sender = new MailboxAddress(company[0], company[1]), Subject = "A winner has been chosen", Body = new TextPart(TextFormat.Plain) { Text = body } }; message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(email)); smtpClient.Send(message); UserInterface.DisplayInline("Message was sent to " + email); }
private void Runsweepstakes() { do { bool baduser = true; UserInterface.DisplayOnly("Welcome to the " + name + " Sweepstakes management portal"); UserInterface.DisplayInline("Here you can create and manage sweepstakes."); UserInterface.DisplayInline("1.Create a new sweepstakes."); if (sweepstakescolleciton.Getcount() > 0) { UserInterface.DisplayInline("2.Work on a previous sweepstake"); UserInterface.DisplayInline("3.Finalize and choose winner of next sweepstake"); } do { string input = UserInterface.GetInputInline("Enter choice."); baduser = RunSweepstakesInput(input); } while (baduser); }while (true); }
private bool ConfigEmail() { bool output = false; string input = UserInterface.GetinputClear("Will your company send emails to all contestants?"); if (input.Trim() == "y" || input.Trim() == "yes") { string badinput = ""; do { output = true; company[0] = name; company[1] = UserInterface.GetEmail("Enter the address the gmail address your company sends email from. This account must have less secure application acess enabled."); company[2] = UserInterface.GetInputInline("enter the password associated with this acocunt. Get it right, or you will be mad later."); UserInterface.DisplayInline(""); UserInterface.DisplayInline(company[0]); UserInterface.DisplayInline(company[1]); UserInterface.DisplayInline(company[2]); badinput = UserInterface.GetInputInline("are these values correct?"); } while (badinput.Trim().ToLower() != "y" && badinput.Trim().ToLower() != "yes"); } return(output); }