internal static product Create(PriceItem item) { var result = new product { active = Convert.ToInt32(item.Active), ean13 = item.Ean13, reference = item.Reference, supplier_reference = item.SupplierReference, price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice), wholesale_price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.WholesalePrice), show_price = 1, redirect_type = "404", id_shop_default = 1, available_for_order = 1, advanced_stock_management = 0, id_tax_rules_group = 1, minimal_quantity = 1, weight = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Weight) ? Convert.ToDecimal(item.Weight) : 0, associations = new AssociationsProduct(), name = new List<language> { new language(1, item.Name) }, description = new List<language> { new language(1, item.Description) }, description_short = new List<language> { new language(1, item.ShortDescription) } }; return result; }
internal void FillOptions(PriceItem priceItem, product product) { foreach (var assort in priceItem.Assort) { GetOrCreateCombination(product, assort); } }
internal category GetCategoryValue(PriceItem priceItem) { var filter = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "name", priceItem.Category } }; var category = _apiFactory.CategoryFactory.GetByFilter(filter, null, null).FirstOrDefault(); if (category == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown category: {0}", priceItem.Category)); } return category; }
public void Update(product product, PriceItem item, PriceType processingPriceType) { _stockProcessor.UpdateStockValue(item, product); UpdateMetaInfo(item, product); if (processingPriceType == PriceType.Stock) { UpdateProductPriceAndActivity(item, product); } if (processingPriceType == PriceType.Discount) { UpdateDiscountInfo(item, product); } }
internal void UpdateStockValue(PriceItem priceItem, product product) { foreach (var assort in priceItem.Assort) { var stock = GetStockValue(product, assort); if (stock.quantity != assort.Balance) { Log.Info("Balance changed from {0} to {1}. Reference: {2}", stock.quantity, assort.Balance, priceItem.Reference); stock.quantity = assort.Balance; _apiFactory.StockFactory.Update(stock); } } }
private bool SameBalance(PriceItem item, PriceItem oldItem) { foreach (var assort in item.Assort) { var oldAssort = oldItem.Assort .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Size.Equals(assort.Size, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.Color.Equals(assort.Color, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if(oldAssort != null && oldAssort.Balance != assort.Balance) { return false; } } return true; }
private void UpdateProductPriceAndActivity(PriceItem item, product product) { // price of onSale products is updated by special file if (product.on_sale == 0 && ( != Convert.ToInt32(item.Active) || product.price != Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice) || product.wholesale_price != Convert.ToDecimal(item.WholesalePrice))) { = Convert.ToInt32(item.Active); product.price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice); product.wholesale_price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.WholesalePrice); Log.Debug("Updating price. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Update(product); } }
internal manufacturer GetManufacturerValue(PriceItem priceItem, product product) { var filter = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "name", priceItem.Manufacturer } }; var manufacturers = _apiFactory.ManufacturerFactory.GetByFilter(filter, null, null); if (manufacturers == null || !manufacturers.Any()) { var manufacturer = new manufacturer { name = priceItem.Manufacturer, active = 1, }; return _apiFactory.ManufacturerFactory.Add(manufacturer); } return manufacturers.First(); }
private void UpdateMetaInfo(PriceItem item, product product) { if (!SameMetaInfo(item, product)) { product = ProductsMapper.FillMetaInfo(item, product); if (product.on_sale == 1) { var specialPriceRule = GetSpecialPriceRule(product); if (specialPriceRule != null) { if (specialPriceRule.reduction_type != "percentage") { throw new NotImplementedException(); } product.price = product.price / specialPriceRule.reduction; } } Log.Debug("Updating meta info. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Update(product); } }
internal product_supplier GetProductSupplierValue(PriceItem priceItem, product product, supplier supplierFeature) { var filter = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "id_product", } }; var supplier = _apiFactory.ProductSupplierFactory.GetByFilter(filter, null, null).FirstOrDefault(); if (supplier == null) { supplier = new product_supplier { id_currency = 1, id_product =, id_product_attribute = 0, id_supplier =, product_supplier_reference = priceItem.SupplierReference, product_supplier_price_te = Convert.ToDecimal(priceItem.WholesalePrice) }; supplier = _apiFactory.ProductSupplierFactory.Add(supplier); } return supplier; }
public void UpdateDiscountInfo(PriceItem item, product product) { specific_price specialPriceRule = null; if (product.on_sale == 1) specialPriceRule = GetSpecialPriceRule(product); if ((product.on_sale == 1 || item.OnSale) && product.on_sale != Convert.ToInt32(item.OnSale)) { if (specialPriceRule != null) { if (!item.OnSale && product.on_sale == 1) { // remove special price Log.Info("Removing discount info. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.SpecialPriceFactory.Delete(specialPriceRule); } else { if (specialPriceRule.reduction != Convert.ToDecimal(item.DiscountValue) / 100) { specialPriceRule.reduction = Convert.ToDecimal(item.DiscountValue) / 100; Log.Info("Updating reduction info. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.SpecialPriceFactory.Update(specialPriceRule); } } } else { specialPriceRule = new specific_price { id_product =, reduction = Convert.ToDecimal(item.DiscountValue) / 100, reduction_type = "percentage", id_shop = 1, id_cart = 0, id_currency = 0, id_country = 0, id_group = 0, id_customer = 0, from_quantity = 1, price = -1, }; Log.Info("Adding discount price info. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.SpecialPriceFactory.Add(specialPriceRule); } } var productRetailPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice); if (specialPriceRule != null) { productRetailPrice = Math.Ceiling(productRetailPrice * specialPriceRule.reduction); } if (product.on_sale != Convert.ToInt32(item.OnSale) || product.price != productRetailPrice || product.wholesale_price != Convert.ToDecimal(item.WholesalePrice)) { product.on_sale = Convert.ToInt32(item.OnSale); product.price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice); product.wholesale_price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.WholesalePrice); Log.Debug("Updating discount info. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Update(product); } }
private bool SameMetaInfo(PriceItem priceItem, product product) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceItem.Name)) return true; if (product.meta_title == null || !product.meta_title.Any() || !product.meta_title[0].Value.Equals(priceItem.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return false; if (product.meta_description == null || !product.meta_description.Any() || !product.meta_description[0].Value.Equals(string.Format("Купить {0} в Москве", priceItem.Name), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return false; if (product.meta_keywords == null || !product.meta_keywords.Any()) return false; if (!product.meta_keywords.Exists(s => s.Value.Equals(string.Format("Купить {0} в Москве", priceItem.Name), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) return false; return true; }
internal void RemoveDiscountInfo(PriceItem item, product product) { var specialPriceRule = GetSpecialPriceRule(product); if(specialPriceRule != null) { Log.Info("Removing special price. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.SpecialPriceFactory.Delete(specialPriceRule); } if (product.on_sale == 1) { product.on_sale = 0; product.price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.RetailPrice); Log.Debug("Removing discount. Reference: {0}", item.Reference); _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Update(product); } }
public void Create(PriceItem priceItem) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceItem.PhotoSmall) && (priceItem.Photos == null || !priceItem.Photos.Any())) { return; } var product = ProductsMapper.Create(priceItem); var category = _categoryProcessor.GetCategoryValue(priceItem); product = ProductsMapper.MapCategory(product, category); var supplier = _apiFactory.Suppliers.First(s =>, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); product = ProductsMapper.MapSupplier(product, supplier); var featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Material, _apiFactory.MaterialFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Country, _apiFactory.CountryFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Packing, _apiFactory.PackingFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Length, _apiFactory.LengthFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Diameter, _apiFactory.DiameterFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); featureValue = _featureProcessor.GetFeatureValue(priceItem.Battery, _apiFactory.BatteryFeature); product = ProductsMapper.MapFeature(product, featureValue); var manufacturerValue = _manufacturerProcessor.GetManufacturerValue(priceItem, product); product = ProductsMapper.MapManufacturer(product, manufacturerValue); product = ProductsMapper.FillMetaInfo(priceItem, product); // Добавление продукта product = _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Add(product); if (priceItem.Photos == null || !priceItem.Photos.Any()) { var image = _imageProcessor.GetImageValue(priceItem.PhotoSmall, product); product = ProductsMapper.MapImage(product, image); } else { foreach (var photo in priceItem.Photos) { var image = _imageProcessor.GetImageValue(photo, product); product = ProductsMapper.MapImage(product, image); } } if (product.associations.images == null || !product.associations.images.Any()) { Log.Warn("Unable to load product photos. Product will be deleted. Product reference: {0}", priceItem.Reference); _apiFactory.ProductFactory.Delete(; Log.Debug("Product deleted. Reference: {0}", priceItem.Reference); throw new PhotoLoadException(); } _supplierProcessor.GetProductSupplierValue(priceItem, product, supplier); _combinationsProcessor.FillOptions(priceItem, product); _stockProcessor.UpdateStockValue(priceItem, product); }
internal static product FillMetaInfo(PriceItem priceItem, product product) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceItem.Name)) return product; product.meta_title = new List<language> { new language(1, priceItem.Name) }; product.meta_description = new List<language> { new language(1, string.Format("Купить {0} в Москве", priceItem.Name)) }; product.meta_keywords = new List<language> { new language(1, string.Format("Купить {0} в Москве", priceItem.Name)) }; return product; }
public float Build(PriceItem priceItem) { float result; var elements = _multiplicators.Cast<MultiplicatorRuleElement>().ToList(); var referenceElement = elements.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ProductReference.Equals(priceItem.Reference, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if(referenceElement != null) { // 0 means leave supplier recommended price if (referenceElement.Value == 0) { result = priceItem.RetailPrice; } else { result = priceItem.WholesalePrice * referenceElement.Value; } } else { var categoryElement = elements.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Category.Equals(priceItem.Category, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || e.Category.Equals(priceItem.RootCategory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (categoryElement != null) { // 0 means leave supplier recommended price if (categoryElement.Value == 0) { result = priceItem.RetailPrice; } else { result = priceItem.WholesalePrice * categoryElement.Value; } } else { var minMaxPriceElement = elements.FirstOrDefault(e => e.MinPrice <= priceItem.WholesalePrice && priceItem.WholesalePrice <= e.MaxPrice); if (minMaxPriceElement != null) { // 0 means leave supplier recommended price if (minMaxPriceElement.Value == 0) { result = priceItem.RetailPrice; } else { result = priceItem.WholesalePrice * minMaxPriceElement.Value; } } else { // 0 means leave supplier recommended price if (_multiplicators.Default == 0) { result = priceItem.RetailPrice; } else { result = priceItem.WholesalePrice * _multiplicators.Default; } } } } result = (float)Math.Ceiling(result); return result; }