private static void CreateSQLite()
            SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection =
                    new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=SQLiteDatabase.sqlite;Version=3;");

            string sql = "CREATE TABLE taxes (productname NVARCHAR(100), tax INT)";
            SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);

            var context = new SupermarketChainContext();

            var products = context.Products.Select(p => p.ProductName).Distinct();

            var r = new Random();
            foreach (var item in products)
                string prodName = item;
                string insert = "insert into taxes (productname, tax) values ('" + prodName + "', '" + r.Next(10, 30) + "')";

                SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(insert, m_dbConnection);

            string taxReader = "select * from taxes order by tax desc";
            SQLiteCommand readCommand = new SQLiteCommand(taxReader, m_dbConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader reader = readCommand.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + reader["productName"] + "\tScore: " + reader["tax"] + "%");

        static void Main()
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now;
            var context = new SupermarketChainContext();
            var productData = context.SaleReports
                .Where(s => DateTime.Compare(s.SaleTime, startDate) > 0 && DateTime.Compare(s.SaleTime, endDate) < 0)
                .GroupBy(sl => sl.ProductId).Select(g => new
                sum = g.Sum(p => p.Quantity),
                productID = g.Select(p => p.ProductId),
                productName = g.Select(p => p.Product.ProductName),
                price = g.Sum(p => p.Product.Price),
                vendor = g.Select(p => p.Vendor.VendorName)

            foreach (var item in productData)
                decimal decNumber;
                double sum = Double.Parse(item.price.ToString());
                double mult = sum * item.sum;
                JSONObject JO = new JSONObject();
                JO.productID = item.productID.ElementAt(0);
                JO.productName = item.productName.ElementAt(0);
                JO.quantitySold = item.sum;
                JO.income = mult;
                JO.vendorName = item.vendor.ElementAt(0);
                var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var json = serializer.Serialize(JO);
                File.WriteAllText(@"..\..\..\Json-Reports\" + item.productID.ElementAt(0) + ".json", json);

        static void Main()
            MongoClient client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost");
            MongoServer server = client.GetServer();
            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("Reports");

            var saleReports = db.GetCollection<MongoDBObject>("SalesByProductReports");

            var context = new SupermarketChainContext();

            var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\..\Json-Reports");
            foreach (var item in filePaths)
                var des = serializer.Deserialize<SuperMarketChain.JSON.JSONObject>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(item));

                saleReports.Insert(new MongoDBObject()
                    Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(),
                    ProductID = des.productID,
                    ProductName = des.productName,
                    income = des.income,
                    QuantitySold = des.quantitySold,
                    Vendor = des.vendorName

        public static void GetVendorReport(DateTime firstDate, DateTime secondDate)
            var context = new SupermarketChainContext();
            var reportData = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<DateTime, decimal>>();

            var sales = context.SaleReports
                .Where(s => s.SaleTime >= firstDate && s.SaleTime <= secondDate)
                .Select(s => new
                    Vendor = s.Vendor,
                    Date = s.SaleTime,
                    Quantity = s.Quantity,
                    Product = s.Product

            foreach (var s in sales)
                string vendorName = s.Vendor.VendorName;
                if (reportData.ContainsKey(vendorName))
                    reportData[vendorName].Add(s.Date, (decimal)s.Quantity * s.Product.Price);
                    var dic = new Dictionary<DateTime, Decimal>();
                    dic.Add(s.Date, (decimal)s.Quantity * s.Product.Price);
                    reportData.Add(vendorName, dic);

            var xmlReport = new XElement("sales");
            foreach (var r in reportData)
                XElement sale = new XElement("sale",
                    new XAttribute("vendor", r.Key));
                for (int i = 0; i < r.Value.Keys.Count; i++)
                    sale.Add(new XElement("summary",
                        new XAttribute("date", r.Value.Keys.ElementAt(i).ToShortDateString()),
                        new XAttribute("sum", r.Value[r.Value.Keys.ElementAt(i)])));
            Console.WriteLine("XML Sales Report Created Check The Root Directory");
        public static void UploadVendorsToSQL(ICollection<Vendor> vendors, SupermarketChainContext context)
            foreach (var vendor in vendors)
                var vendorSQL = new SuperMarketChain.Model.Vendor()
                    VendorName = vendor.VendorName

                if (context.Vendors.Where(v => v.VendorName.Equals(vendorSQL.VendorName)).Count() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Vendor " + vendorSQL.VendorName + " will be uploaded to SQL db." + vendorSQL.VendorName.Count());
                    Console.WriteLine("Vendor " + vendorSQL.VendorName + "  is already in SQL db and will not be uploaded.");

            if (context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
        public static void UploadProductsToSQL(ICollection<Product> products, SupermarketChainContext context)
            foreach (var product in products)
                var vendorName = GetVendorName("EVGENI-PC", "admin", "1111", product.VendorId);
                var vendorId = context.Vendors.Where(v => v.VendorName.Equals(vendorName)).Select(v => v.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                var productSQL = new SuperMarketChain.Model.Product()
                    VendorId = vendorId,
                    ProductName = product.ProductName,
                    MeasureID = product.MeasureId,
                    Price = product.Price
                if (context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductName.Equals(productSQL.ProductName)).Count() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product " + productSQL.ProductName + " will be uploaded to SQL db");
                    Console.WriteLine("Product " + productSQL.ProductName + " is already in SQL db and will not be uploaded.");

            if (context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
        public static void UploadMeasuresToSQL(ICollection<Measure> measures, SupermarketChainContext context)
            foreach (var measure in measures)
                var measureSQL = new SuperMarketChain.Model.Measure()
                    ID = measure.Id,
                    MeasureName = measure.MeasureName

                if (context.Measures.Where(m => m.MeasureName.Equals(measureSQL.MeasureName)).Count() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Measure " + measureSQL.MeasureName + " will be uploaded to SQL db.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Measure " + measureSQL.MeasureName + " is already in SQL db and will not be uploaded.");
            if (context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
        private int productId(string title, SupermarketChainContext cont)
            var names = cont.Products.Where(v => v.ProductName == title).Select(v => v.Id);

            foreach (var item in names)
                return item;
            return 0;
 private bool productExist(string name, decimal price, int vendId)
     var cont = new SupermarketChainContext();
     return cont.Products.Any(p => p.ProductName == name && Decimal.Equals(p.Price, price) && p.VendorId == vendId);
        private int vendorId(string title, SupermarketChainContext cont)
            var names = cont.Vendors.Where(v => v.VendorName == title).Select(v => v.ID);

            foreach (var item in names)
                return item;
            return 0;
 private bool vendorExist(string title, SupermarketChainContext cont)
     return cont.Vendors.Any(v => v.VendorName == title);
 private bool saleExist(int productId, double quantity, DateTime time, int vendId)
     var cont = new SupermarketChainContext();
     return cont.SaleReports.Any(s => s.ProductId == productId && s.Quantity == quantity && s.VendorId == vendId && DateTime.Compare(s.SaleTime, time) == 0);
        private void readExcell(string path)
            decimal decNumber;
            double doubNumber;
            var context = new SupermarketChainContext();

            string title = "";
            bool isTitle = false;
            bool isProd = false;
            string conString =
                               @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + ";" +
                               @"Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;'";

            using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(conString))
                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("select * from [Sales$]", connection);
                using (var dbContextTransaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        using (OleDbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
                            isTitle = false;
                            isProd = false;
                            int counter = 0;
                            while (dr.Read())

                                var row1Col0 = dr[counter];
                                var row1Col1 = dr[counter + 1];
                                var row1Col2 = dr[counter + 2];
                                var row1Col3 = dr[counter + 3];

                                if (isTitle == false)

                                    title = dr[counter].ToString();
                                    isTitle = true;
                                    if (vendorExist(dr[counter].ToString(), context) == false)
                                        context.Vendors.Add(new Vendor
                                            VendorName = title

                                else if (dr[counter].ToString() == "Total sum:")

                                if (isProd == false)
                                    isProd = true;

                                Decimal.TryParse(dr[counter + 2].ToString(), out decNumber);
                                int id = vendorId(title, context);
                                if (productExist(dr[counter].ToString(), decNumber, id) == false)
                                    context.Products.Add(new Product
                                        ProductName = dr[counter].ToString(),
                                        MeasureID = 1,
                                        Price = decNumber,
                                        VendorId = id
                                Double.TryParse(dr[counter + 1].ToString(), out doubNumber);
                                if (saleExist(productId(dr[counter].ToString(), context), doubNumber, date, id) == false)
                                    context.SaleReports.Add(new SaleReport
                                        ProductId = productId(dr[counter].ToString(), context),
                                        Quantity = doubNumber,
                                        SaleTime = date,
                                        VendorId = id
                    catch (Exception ex)