public DiscountFather GetDis(string input) { DiscountFather df = null; switch (input) { case "1": df = new Discount1(); break; case "2": df = new DiscountByRate(0.9); break; case "3": df = new DiscountByRate(0.85); break; case "4": df = new DiscountMN(300, 50); break; case "5": df = new DiscountMN(500, 100); break; } return(df); }
public void ServeCus() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our supermarket, what would you like to buy?"); Console.WriteLine("We have Acer, SamSung, SoySauce, and Banana"); string strType = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to buy?"); int count = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); ProductFather[] pros = wh.SellPros(strType, count); double realMoney = GetMoney(pros); Console.WriteLine("Total amount is ${0}", realMoney); Console.WriteLine("Please choosee an discount method: 1--no discount 2--10% off 3--15% off 4--$50 off out of every $300 5--$100 off out of every $500"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); DiscountFather df = GetDis(input); double totalMoney = df.GetTotalMoney(realMoney); Console.WriteLine("Please pay ${0}", totalMoney); Console.WriteLine("This is your receipt"); foreach (var item in pros) { Console.WriteLine("Item:" + item.Name + "\t" + "Unit Price:" + item.Price + "\t" + "\t" + "Item ID:" + item.ID); } }