        //Find the price for a Model 200 wall
        public static float PriceModel200Wall(Wall aWall)
            float             wallPrice          = 0.0f;
            float             lengthOfStandard   = 0.0f;
            float             lengthOfSolidWall  = 0.0f;
            float             lengthOfOpen       = 0.0f;
            float             lengthOfFixedVinyl = 0.0f;
            List <LinearItem> listOfMods         = (List <LinearItem>)aWall.LinearItems;

            if (aWall.Orientation != "N" && aWall.Orientation != "S" && aWall.Orientation != "E" && aWall.Orientation != "W")
                wallPrice = PricingConstants.MODEL_200_45_DEGREE_WALLS;

            //Loop through linear items
            foreach (LinearItem aLinearItem in listOfMods)
                if (aLinearItem.ItemType == "Electrical Chase")
                    wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_VERTICAL_ELECTRICAL_CHASE;
                //Linear item is a mod
                else if (aLinearItem.ItemType == "Mod")
                    * NEED SOMETHING FOR PRICING TRANSOMS    *
                    * ****************************************/
                    //Cast linear item as a mod
                    Mod aMod = (Mod)aLinearItem;
                    //Mod is a door
                    if (aMod.ModType == "Door")
                        Door aDoor = (Door)aMod.ModularItems[0];
                        //Non door add linear length to lengthOfOpen
                        if (aDoor.DoorType == "Patio")
                            //Cast the window within the door to a window object
                            Window aDoorWindow = aDoor.DoorWindow;
                            //Must be a glass window
                            if (aDoorWindow.WindowStyle.Contains("Glass") || aDoorWindow.WindowStyle == "Single Slider" || aDoorWindow.WindowStyle == "Horizontal Roller")
                                //Cast window item to vinyl window item
                                VinylWindow aVinylDoorWindow = (VinylWindow)aDoorWindow;
                                //If glass window tint is grey or bronze, additional pricing occurs
                                if (aVinylDoorWindow.VinylTint.Contains("Grey") || aVinylDoorWindow.VinylTint.Contains("Bronze"))
                                    wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_TINTED_GLASS_IN_PATIO_DOOR;
                        else if (aDoor.DoorType == "NoDoor")
                            //Add length to open door length
                            lengthOfOpen += aLinearItem.Length;
                            //Add length to standard pricing
                            lengthOfStandard += aLinearItem.Length;

                        * BLOCK TO HANDLE ENTRY DOOR PRICING *
                        * ************************************/
                        if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Vertical Four Track" && aDoor.DoorType != "French")
                            //Add length to standard pricing
                            lengthOfStandard += aLinearItem.Length;
                        else if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Vertical Four Track" && aDoor.DoorType == "French")
                            //Add length to standard pricing
                            lengthOfStandard += aLinearItem.Length;

                        if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Full View" && aDoor.DoorType != "French")
                        else if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Full View" && aDoor.DoorType == "French")

                        if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Full View Colonial" && aDoor.DoorType != "French")
                        else if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Full View Colonial" && aDoor.DoorType == "French")
                    //Mod is a window
                    else if (aMod.ModType == "Window")
                        Kneewall aKneewall = (Kneewall)aMod.ModularItems[0]; //Kneewall
                        Window   aWindow   = (Window)aMod.ModularItems[1];
                        if (aKneewall.FLength > 20)
                            //Add pricing for custom kneewall height

                        //Add length for fixed vinyl
                        if (aWindow.WindowStyle.Contains("Fixed")) //Possibilities: Fixed Vinyl, Fixed Glass 2", Fixed Glass 3"
                            lengthOfFixedVinyl += aLinearItem.Length;

                        if (aWindow.ScreenType == "No See Ums 20 x 20 Mesh")
                            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_NO_SEE_UMS * aLinearItem.Length;
                        else if (aWindow.ScreenType == "Solar Insect Screening")
                            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_SOLAR_INSECT_SCREENING * aLinearItem.Length;
                        else if (aWindow.ScreenType == "Tuff Screen")
                            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_TUFF_SCREEN * aLinearItem.Length;
                    else if (aMod.ModType == "Open" && aLinearItem.Length >= 8)
                        lengthOfOpen += aLinearItem.Length;
                        lengthOfStandard += aLinearItem.Length;
                else //Check to see if everything else other than mods are included
                    if (aLinearItem.Length >= 8)
                        lengthOfSolidWall += aLinearItem.Length;
                        lengthOfStandard  -= aLinearItem.Length;

            //Add various wall pricing types to wall price based on length
            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_VINYL_HORIZONTAL_ROLLER * lengthOfStandard;
            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_SOLID_WALL_PANEL * lengthOfSolidWall;
            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_MANUFACTURED_OPEN_WALLS * lengthOfOpen;
            wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_FIXED_VINYL_WALL * lengthOfFixedVinyl;

            //Find wall height and set appropriate pricing
            if ((aWall.EndHeight > 96 && aWall.EndHeight < 120) || (aWall.StartHeight > 96 && aWall.StartHeight < 120))
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_NON_STANDARD_PANEL_HEIGHTS * aWall.Length;
            else if (aWall.EndHeight >= 120 || aWall.StartHeight >= 120)
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_NON_STANDARD_PANEL_HEIGHTS_HIGHER * aWall.Length;

            //Add pricing for fire protection
            if (aWall.FireProtection == true)
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_FP_HORIZONTAL_ROLLER * lengthOfStandard;
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_FP_MANUFACTURED_OPEN_WALLS * lengthOfOpen;
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_FP_SOLID_WALL_PANEL * lengthOfSolidWall;
                wallPrice += PricingConstants.MODEL_200_FP_FIXED_VINYL_WALL * lengthOfFixedVinyl;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            projectId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["project_id"].ToString());

            #region hit the DB

            using (SqlConnection aConnection = new SqlConnection(sdsDBConnection.ConnectionString))

                SqlCommand aCommand = aConnection.CreateCommand();
                SqlTransaction aTransaction;
                SqlDataReader aReader;

                // Start a local transaction.
                aTransaction = aConnection.BeginTransaction("SampleTransaction");

                // Must assign both transaction object and connection
                // to Command object for a pending local transaction
                aCommand.Connection = aConnection;
                aCommand.Transaction = aTransaction;

                    //get number of walls floors and roofs
                    aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT number_walls, number_floors, number_roofs FROM sunrooms WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "'";
                    aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (aReader.HasRows)

                        wallCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);
                        floorCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[1]);
                        roofCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[2]);

                    #region walls
                    //for each wall in the project

                    //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT wall_type, model_type, total_length, orientation, set_back, name, first_item_index, last_item_index, start_height, end_height, soffit_length, gable_peak, obstructions, fire_protection, wall_index "
                    //    + "FROM walls WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "'";

                    //SqlDataReader wallReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    //if (wallReader.HasRows)
                    //    while (wallReader.Read())
                    for (int i = 0; i < wallCount; i++)
                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT wall_type, model_type, total_length, orientation, set_back, name, first_item_index, last_item_index, start_height, end_height, soffit_length, gable_peak, obstructions, fire_protection, wall_index "
                            + "FROM walls WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND wall_index = '" + i + "'";

                            aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                            //create a new instance of a wall and set all its attributes from the db
                            Wall aWall = new Wall();
                            aWall.WallType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                            aWall.ModelType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                            aWall.Length = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);
                            aWall.Orientation = Convert.ToString(aReader[3]);
                            aWall.SetBack = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);
                            aWall.Name = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]);
                            aWall.FirstItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[6]);
                            aWall.LastItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[7]);
                            aWall.StartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[8]);
                            aWall.EndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[9]);
                            aWall.SoffitLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[10]);
                            aWall.GablePeak = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[11]);
                            aWall.FireProtection = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[13]);
                            int wallIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[14]);


                            List<LinearItem> listOfLinearItems = new List<LinearItem>();

                            //Get linear items
                            //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT linear_index, linear_type, start_height, end_height, length, frame_colour, sex, fixed_location, attached_to "
                            //                        + "FROM linear_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND last_item_index < '" + aWall.LastItemIndex + "' AND first_item_index > '" + aWall.FirstItemIndex + "'";
                            //aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                            //for each linear item/mod in the wall

                            //if (linearItemReader.HasRows)
                            //    while (linearItemReader.Read())
                            //    {
                        for (int j = aWall.FirstItemIndex; j < aWall.LastItemIndex; j++)
                                    //Get linear items
                                    aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT linear_index, linear_type, start_height, end_height, length, frame_colour, sex, fixed_location, attached_to "
                                                            + "FROM linear_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + j + "'";
                                    aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                    int linearIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);
                                    string linearItemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                    float startHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);
                                    float endHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]);
                                    float length = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);
                                    string frameColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]);
                                    string sex = Convert.ToString(aReader[6]);
                                    float fixedLocation = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[7]);
                                    bool attachedTo = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[8]);


                                    switch (linearItemType)
                                        case "Mod":
                                            #region Mod

                                            List<ModuleItem> listOfModuleItems = new List<ModuleItem>();

                                            Mod aMod = new Mod();

                                            aMod.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aMod.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aMod.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aMod.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aMod.Length = length;
                                            aMod.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aMod.Sex = sex;
                                            aMod.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aMod.AttachedTo = attachedTo;

                                            //get number of mods
                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM module_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' "
                                                                                    + " AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "'";
                                            aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();
                                            int modCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); //get the number of walls in the project


                                            //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT module_index, item_type, start_height, end_height, length FROM moduleItems "
                                            //                    + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "'";

                                            //SqlDataReader moduleItemReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                            //for each modular item in the mod

                                            //if (moduleItemReader.HasRows)
                                            //    while (moduleItemReader.Read())
                                            for (int k = 0; k < modCount; k++)
                                                    //Get module items
                                                     aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT module_index, item_type, start_height, end_height, length FROM module_items "
                                                                    + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + k + "'";

                                                    aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                    int moduleIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);
                                                    string itemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                    float fStartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);
                                                    float fEndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]);
                                                    float fLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);


                                                    //different types of mods
                                                    switch (itemType)
                                                        case "Kneewall":
                                                        case "Window":
                                                            #region Window
                                                            //Get window
                                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT window_type, screen_type, start_height, end_height, length, window_colour, number_vents FROM windows "
                                                                                    + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                            aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                            //if (windowReader.HasRows)

                                                                string windowStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                                                                string screenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                                float windowStartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);
                                                                float windowEndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]);
                                                                float windowLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);
                                                                string windowColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]);
                                                                int numVents = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[6]);


                                                                //types of windows
                                                                switch (windowStyle)
                                                                    case "Double Slider": //glass model 300
                                                                    case "Single Slider": //glass model 400
                                                                    case "Horizontal Roller XX": //glass model 300
                                                                    case "Horizontal Roller":
                                                                    case "Horizontal 2 Track":
                                                                    case "H2T":
                                                                    case "Vertical 4 Track":
                                                                    case "Vertical Four Track":
                                                                    case "V4T":
                                                                    case "Vinyl":
                                                                        #region Vinyl Window

                                                                        VinylWindow aVinylWindow = new VinylWindow();
                                                                        aVinylWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.FLength = fLength;
                                                                        //aVinylWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by FrameColour
                                                                        aVinylWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.ScreenType = screenType;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.Width = windowLength;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; //
                                                                        aVinylWindow.VinylTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated
                                                                        //numVents = (numVents == 0) ? 1 : numVents;
                                                                        aVinylWindow.NumVents = numVents;
                                                                        List<float> listOfVentHeights = new List<float>();

                                                                        //Get vinyl item
                                                                        //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items "
                                                                        //                        + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                        //aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                        //if (vinylReader.HasRows)
                                                                            //while (vinylReader.Read())
                                                                            //for each vinyl item in the in the vinyl window
                                                                            for (int l = 0; l < numVents; l++)
                                                                                aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items "
                                                                                                + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "' AND vent_index = '" + l + "'";

                                                                        aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                                aVinylWindow.VinylTint += Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                                                aVinylWindow.SpreaderBar = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);



                                                                        aVinylWindow.VentHeights = listOfVentHeights;


                                                                    case "Screen":
                                                                        #region Screen Window

                                                                        Window aWindow = new Window();
                                                                        aWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                        aWindow.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                        aWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                        aWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                        aWindow.FLength = fLength;
                                                                        //aWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by FrameColour
                                                                        aWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle;
                                                                        aWindow.ScreenType = screenType;
                                                                        aWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight;
                                                                        aWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight;
                                                                        aWindow.Width = windowLength;
                                                                        aWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; //
                                                                        //aWindow.VinylTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated
                                                                        //aWindow.NumVents = numVents;


                                                                    case "Glass":
                                                                    case "Fixed Glass 2\"":
                                                                        #region Glass Window

                                                                        GlassWindow aGlassWindow = new GlassWindow();
                                                                        aGlassWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.FLength = fLength;
                                                                        //aGlassWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by frameColour
                                                                        aGlassWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.ScreenType = screenType;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.Width = windowLength;
                                                                        aGlassWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; //
                                                                        aGlassWindow.GlassTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated
                                                                        aGlassWindow.Operation = ""; // XX, XO, OX will be concatenated
                                                                        aGlassWindow.NumVents = numVents;

                                                                        //Get glass item
                                                                        //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_type, glass_tint, tempered, operation FROM glass_items "
                                                                        //                        + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                        //SqlDataReader glassReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                        for (int l = 0; l < numVents; l++)
                                                                        //if (glassReader.HasRows)
                                                                        //    while (glassReader.Read())
                                                                        //    {

                                                                             aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_type, glass_tint, tempered, operation FROM glass_items "
                                                                                                + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "' AND vent_index = '" + l + "'";

                                                                            aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();
                                                                                aGlassWindow.GlassType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                                                                                aGlassWindow.GlassTint += Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                                                aGlassWindow.Tempered = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[2]);
                                                                                aGlassWindow.Operation += Convert.ToString(aReader[3]);




                                                                    case "Open":
                                                                        #region Open Window
                                                                        Window openWindow = new Window();
                                                                        openWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                        openWindow.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                        openWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                        openWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                        openWindow.FLength = fLength;
                                                                        openWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle;
                                                                        openWindow.ScreenType = screenType;
                                                                        openWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight;
                                                                        openWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight;
                                                                        openWindow.Width = windowLength;
                                                                        openWindow.FrameColour = windowColour;

                                                                        listOfModuleItems.Add(openWindow); //add the modular item to the list
                                                                    case "Panel":
                                                                    case "Solid Wall":
                                                                        #region Open Window
                                                                        Window panel = new Window();
                                                                        panel.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                        panel.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                        panel.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                        panel.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                        panel.FLength = fLength;
                                                                        panel.WindowStyle = windowStyle;
                                                                        panel.ScreenType = screenType;
                                                                        panel.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight;
                                                                        panel.RightHeight = windowEndHeight;
                                                                        panel.Width = windowLength;
                                                                        panel.FrameColour = windowColour;

                                                                        listOfModuleItems.Add(panel); //add the modular item to the list

                                                        case "Door":
                                                            #region Door
                                                            //Get door
                                                            //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_type, door_style, screen_type, height, length, door_colour, kick_plate FROM doors "
                                                            //                        + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                            //SqlDataReader doorReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                            //if (doorReader.HasRows)
                                                            //    while (doorReader.Read())

                                                                    aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_type, door_style, screen_type, height, length, door_colour, kick_plate FROM doors "
                                                                                    + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                    aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                    string doorType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                                                                    string doorStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                                    string doorScreenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]);
                                                                    float doorFrameHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]);
                                                                    float doorFrameLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);
                                                                    string doorColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]);
                                                                    float doorKickPlate = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[6]);


                                                                    //get the window in this door
                                                                    aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_index, window_type, screen_type, start_height, end_height, length, window_colour, number_vents FROM windows "
                                                                                            + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                    aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                    VinylWindow aDoorWindow = new VinylWindow();

                                                                    if (aReader.HasRows)
                                                                        while (aReader.Read())
                                                                            //int doorIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.WindowStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.LeftHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.RightHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.Width = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[5]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.FrameColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[6]);
                                                                            aDoorWindow.NumVents = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[7]);

                                                                    switch (aDoorWindow.WindowStyle) //door/window style
                                                                        case "Full Screen": //screen
                                                                        case "Vertical Four Track": //vinyl
                                                                            #region V4T
                                                                            List<float> listOfV4TVentHeights = new List<float>();

                                                                            //for each vinyl item in the in the vinyl window
                                                                            //for (int l = 0; l < aDoorWindow.NumVents; l++)
                                                                            //Get vinyl item
                                                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items "
                                                                                                    + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                            SqlDataReader vinylReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                            if (vinylReader.HasRows)
                                                                                while (vinylReader.Read())
                                                                                    aDoorWindow.VinylTint += Convert.ToString(vinylReader[1]);
                                                                                    aDoorWindow.SpreaderBar = Convert.ToSingle(vinylReader[2]);

                                                                            aDoorWindow.VentHeights = listOfV4TVentHeights;
                                                                        case "Full View": //glass
                                                                        case "Full View Colonial": //glass
                                                                        case "Half Lite": //glass
                                                                        case "Half Lite Venting": //glass
                                                                        case "Half Lite with Mini Blinds": //glass
                                                                        case "Full View with Mini Blinds": //glass
                                                                        case "Aluminum Storm Screen": //screen
                                                                        case "Aluminum Storm Glass": //glass
                                                                        case "Vinyl Guard": //vinyl
                                                                    //types of doors
                                                                    switch (doorType)
                                                                        case "Cabana":
                                                                        case "Cabana Door":
                                                                            #region Cabana Door

                                                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, hinge, swing, hardware_type, screen_type FROM cabana_doors "
                                                                                            + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                            SqlDataReader cabanaReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                            if (cabanaReader.HasRows)

                                                                                CabanaDoor aCabanaDoor = new CabanaDoor();
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.FLength = fLength;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.DoorType = doorType;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Length = doorFrameLength;
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Colour = doorColour; //
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; //
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[0]);
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Hinge = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[1]);
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[2]);
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[3]);
                                                                                aCabanaDoor.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[4]);

                                                                                aCabanaDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow;

                                                                                listOfModuleItems.Add(aCabanaDoor); //add the modular item to the list

                                                                        case "French":
                                                                        case "French Door":
                                                                            #region French Door

                                                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, swing, operator, hardware_type, screen_type FROM french_doors "
                                                                                            + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'";

                                                                            SqlDataReader frenchReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                            if (frenchReader.HasRows)


                                                                                FrenchDoor aFrenchDoor = new FrenchDoor();
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.FLength = fLength;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.DoorType = doorType;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.Length = doorFrameLength;
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.Colour = doorColour; //
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; //
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[0]);
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[1]);
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.OperatingDoor = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[2]); ///this needs to be fixed, operator in db is bool and C# is string
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[3]);
                                                                                aFrenchDoor.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[4]);

                                                                                aFrenchDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow;

                                                                                listOfModuleItems.Add(aFrenchDoor); //add the modular item to the list

                                                                        case "Patio":
                                                                        case "Patio Door":
                                                                            #region Patio Door

                                                                            aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, moving_door FROM patio_doors "
                                                                                            + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; //change k to moduleIndex. Couldn't compile other pages.

                                                                            SqlDataReader patioReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                                            if (patioReader.HasRows)

                                                                                PatioDoor aPatioDoor = new PatioDoor();
                                                                                aPatioDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.FLength = fLength;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.DoorType = doorType;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.Length = doorFrameLength;
                                                                                aPatioDoor.Colour = doorColour; //
                                                                                aPatioDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; //
                                                                                aPatioDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(patioReader[0]);
                                                                                aPatioDoor.MovingDoor = Convert.ToString(patioReader[1]); ///this needs to be fixed, operator in db is bool and C# is string

                                                                                aPatioDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow;

                                                                                listOfModuleItems.Add(aPatioDoor); //add the modular item to the list

                                                                        case "Half Lite":
                                                                        case "Half Lite Venting":
                                                                        case "Half Lite With Mini Blinds":
                                                                        case "Full View With Mini Blinds":
                                                                        case "NoDoor":
                                                                        case "No Door":
                                                                            #region No Door

                                                                            Door aDoor = new Door();
                                                                            aDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                                            aDoor.ItemType = itemType;
                                                                            aDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                                            aDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                                            aDoor.FLength = fLength;
                                                                            aDoor.DoorType = doorType;
                                                                            //aDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle;
                                                                            //aDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType;
                                                                            aDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight;
                                                                            aDoor.Length = doorFrameLength;
                                                                            //aDoor.Colour = doorColour; //
                                                                            //aDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; //

                                                                            listOfModuleItems.Add(aDoor); //add the modular item to the list



                                                        case "Box Header": //
                                                            #region H BoxHeader
                                                            HBoxHeader hBoxHeader = new HBoxHeader();
                                                            hBoxHeader.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                            hBoxHeader.ItemType = itemType;
                                                            hBoxHeader.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                            hBoxHeader.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                            hBoxHeader.FLength = fLength;

                                                            listOfModuleItems.Add(hBoxHeader); //add the modular item to the list
                                                            break; //
                                                        case "Receiver": //
                                                            #region H Receiver
                                                            HReceiver hReceiver = new HReceiver();
                                                            hReceiver.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                            hReceiver.ItemType = itemType;
                                                            hReceiver.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                            hReceiver.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                            hReceiver.FLength = fLength;

                                                            listOfModuleItems.Add(hReceiver); //add the modular item to the list
                                                        case "Panel": // same as open wall window
                                                            #region Solid Wall Window
                                                            Window solid = new Window();
                                                            solid.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;
                                                            solid.ItemType = itemType;
                                                            solid.FStartHeight = fStartHeight;
                                                            solid.FEndHeight = fEndHeight;
                                                            solid.FLength = fLength;

                                                            listOfModuleItems.Add(solid); //add the modular item to the list
                                                    aMod.ModularItems = listOfModuleItems;
                                                listOfLinearItems.Add(aMod);//add the linear item to the list

                                        case "Receiver":
                                        case "Receiever":
                                            #region Receiver
                                            BoxHeader aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader();
                                            aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.Length = length;
                                            aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aBoxHeader.Sex = sex;
                                            aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "2 Piece Receiver":
                                        case "2PieceReceiver":
                                            #region 2 Piece Receiver
                                            aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader();
                                            aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.Length = length;
                                            aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aBoxHeader.Sex = sex;
                                            aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = true;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "BoxHeader": //
                                        case "Box Header": //
                                            #region Box Header
                                            aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader();
                                            aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.Length = length;
                                            aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aBoxHeader.Sex = sex;
                                            aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = false;
                                            //aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "BoxHeaderReceiver":
                                        case "Box Header Receiver": //
                                            #region Box Header Receiver
                                            aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader();
                                            aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aBoxHeader.Length = length;
                                            aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aBoxHeader.Sex = sex;
                                            aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo;
                                            aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true;
                                            //aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "Filler":
                                            #region Filler
                                            Filler aFiller = new Filler();
                                            aFiller.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aFiller.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aFiller.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aFiller.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aFiller.Length = length;
                                            //aFiller.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aFiller.Sex = "MM";
                                            aFiller.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aFiller.AttachedTo = attachedTo;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aFiller);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "Corner Post":
                                        case "Corner":
                                            #region Corner Post
                                            Corner aCorner = new Corner();
                                            aCorner.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aCorner.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aCorner.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aCorner.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aCorner.Length = length;
                                            aCorner.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aCorner.Sex = sex;
                                            aCorner.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aCorner.AttachedTo = attachedTo;
                                            //aCorner.AngleIs90 = true; //hard coded, because I don't know where its coming from
                                            //aCorner.OutsideCorner = true; // hard coded because I don't know where its coming from

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aCorner); //add the linear item to the list
                                        case "ElectricalChase":
                                        case "Electrical Chase":
                                            #region ElectricalChase
                                            ElectricalChase aElectricalChase = new ElectricalChase();
                                            aElectricalChase.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aElectricalChase.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aElectricalChase.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aElectricalChase.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aElectricalChase.Length = length;
                                            //aElectricalChase.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aElectricalChase.Sex = "MM";
                                            aElectricalChase.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aElectricalChase.AttachedTo = attachedTo;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aElectricalChase);//add the linear item to the list
                                        case "HChannel":
                                        case "H Channel":
                                            #region H Channel
                                            HChannel aHChannel = new HChannel();
                                            aHChannel.LinearIndex = linearIndex;
                                            aHChannel.ItemType = linearItemType;
                                            aHChannel.StartHeight = startHeight;
                                            aHChannel.EndHeight = endHeight;
                                            aHChannel.Length = length;
                                            aHChannel.FrameColour = frameColour;
                                            aHChannel.Sex = sex;
                                            aHChannel.FixedLocation = fixedLocation;
                                            aHChannel.AttachedTo = attachedTo;

                                            listOfLinearItems.Add(aHChannel);//add the linear item to the list

                                aWall.LinearItems = listOfLinearItems;

                                listOfWalls.Add(aWall); //add the wall to the list


                    #region floors
                    if (floorCount != 0)


                    #region roofs
                    //if there is a roof in the project

                    if (roofCount != 0)
                        for(int i = 0; i < roofCount; i++)
                        aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_type, interior_skin, exterior_skin, thickness, fire_protection, thermadeck, acrylic, gutter, gutter_pro, gutter_colour, number_supports, stripe_colour, projection, width, roof_index "
                                + "FROM roofs WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' roof_index = '" + i + "'";

                        aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                        //if (roofReader.HasRows)
                        //    while (roofReader.Read())
                        //    {

                                //create a new instance of a wall and set all its attributes from the db
                                aRoof = new Roof();
                                aRoof.Type = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                                aRoof.InteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]);
                                aRoof.ExteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]);
                                aRoof.Thickness = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[3]);
                                aRoof.FireProtection = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[4]);
                                aRoof.Thermadeck = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[5]);
                                aRoof.Acrylic = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[6]);
                                aRoof.Gutters = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[7]);
                                aRoof.GutterPro = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[8]);
                                aRoof.GutterColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[9]);
                                aRoof.NumberSupports = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[10]);
                                aRoof.StripeColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[11]);
                                aRoof.Projection = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[12]); //how do we deal with obstructions
                                aRoof.Width = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[13]);
                                int roofIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[14]);

                                List<RoofModule> listOfRoofModules = new List<RoofModule>();

                                aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'";
                                aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();
                                int roofModCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);

                                //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT projection, width, interior_skin, exterior_skin, roof_view "
                                //+ "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'";

                                //SqlDataReader moduleReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                //if (moduleReader.HasRows)
                                //    while (moduleReader.Read())
                                    for(int j = 0; j < roofModCount; j++)

                                        aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT projection, width, interior_skin, exterior_skin, roof_view "
                                                    + "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'";

                                         aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                        RoofModule aModule = new RoofModule();
                                        aModule.Projection = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[0]);
                                        aModule.Width = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[1]);
                                        aModule.InteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]);
                                        aModule.ExteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[3]);
                                        int roofView = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[4]);


                                        List<RoofItem> listOfRoofItems = new List<RoofItem>();

                                        aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "'";
                                        aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();
                                        int roofItemCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]);

                                        //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_item, projection, width, item_index "
                                        //+ "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "'";

                                        //SqlDataReader itemReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                        //if (itemReader.HasRows)
                                        //    while(itemReader.Read())
                                            for (int k = 0; k < roofItemCount; k++)

                                                aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_item, projection, width, item_index "
                                                    + "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index = '" + k + "'";

                                                aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                // store in an object
                                                RoofItem aRoofItem = new RoofItem();
                                                aRoofItem.ItemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]);
                                                aRoofItem.Projection = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[1]);
                                                aRoofItem.Width = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]);
                                                int itemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[3]);


                                                ///different types of roof items
                                                switch (aRoofItem.ItemType)
                                                    case "Receiver": //no class.. what to do .. same as panel receiver?
                                                    case "Awning Track": //no class.. what to do
                                                    case "I-Beam": //no class.. what to do
                                                    case "Pressure Cap I-Beam": //no class.. what to do
                                                    case "T-Bar": //no class.. what to do
                                                    case "Acrylic Panel": //no class.. no class ... where is colour, width, setback, projection being stored?
                                                    case "Foam Panel": //no class ... where is colour, width, setback, projection being stored?
                                                        //accordding the to db, this is the only item in which you can have fanbeams and skylight
                                                        //check for skylight in this roof item

                                                        //are all skylights the same? length/width etc? ..
                                                        //there is no skylight object.. roof item should have a attribute for a skylight object

                                                        aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT skylight_type, set_back, operator "
                                                        + "FROM skylights WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index '" + itemIndex + "'";

                                                        SqlDataReader skylightReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                        if (skylightReader.HasRows)
                                                            while (skylightReader.Read())
                                                                //Skylight aSkylight = new Skylight(); //create object and set attribute if required
                                                                aRoofItem.SkyLight = Convert.ToSingle(skylightReader[1]);

                                                            aRoofItem.SkyLight = -1;

                                                        //check for fanbeams in this roof item
                                                        //no info in the db or in C#
                                                        aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT skylight_type, set_back, operator "
                                                        + "FROM fanbeams WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index = '" + itemIndex + "'";

                                                        SqlDataReader fanbeamReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                                                        if (fanbeamReader.HasRows)
                                                            while (fanbeamReader.Read())
                                                                //Skylight aSkylight = new Skylight(); //create object and set attribute if required
                                                                aRoofItem.FanBeam = Convert.ToSingle(skylightReader[1]);

                                                            aRoofItem.FanBeam = -1;



                                        aModule.RoofItems = listOfRoofItems;



                                aRoof.RoofModules = listOfRoofModules;




                    hidJsonObjects.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfWalls);

                 catch (Exception ex)
                    //lblError.Text = "Commit Exception Type: " + ex.GetType();
                    //lblError.Text += "  Message: " + ex.Message;

                    // Attempt to roll back the transaction.
                    catch (Exception ex2)
                         //This catch block will handle any errors that may have occurred
                         //on the server that would cause the rollback to fail, such as
                         //a closed connection.
                        //lblError.Text = "Rollback Exception Type: " + ex2.GetType();
                        //lblError.Text += "  Message: " + ex2.Message;


            hidJsonObjects.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfWalls);
            PopulateDropdown(floorCount, roofCount);
            //lnkUpdateSunroom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateSunroom()");
            //lnkSubmitSunroom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "submitSunroom()");
            //lnkEditorNavMods.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('.overlayContainer').slideToggle()");
            //lnkEditorNavTools.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#saveButtons').fadeToggle(); $('.btnTools').slideToggle();");
            lnkEditorNavSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateSunroom()");
            lnkEditorNavUndo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "undo()");
            lnkEditorNavRedo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "redo()");

            //Add list of all objects to session, for use by other pages accessed through project editor
                Session.Add("listOfWalls", listOfWalls);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session["listOfWalls"] = listOfWalls;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates a VinylWindow object and stores the
        /// information entered on the page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>VinylWindow aWindow</returns>
        protected VinylWindow getVinylWindowFromForm()
            VinylWindow aWindow = new VinylWindow();
            //moduleitem attributes
            aWindow.FEndHeight = aWindow.FStartHeight = 0;
            aWindow.FLength = 0;
            aWindow.Colour = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowColourVinyl"];
            aWindow.ItemType = "Vinyl Window";

            //base attributes
            //aWindow.WindowStyle = "Vinyl";
            aWindow.WindowStyle = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowStyleVinyl"];
            //aWindow.Kickplate = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowKickplateVinyl"]);

            //vinyl attributes
            if (aWindow.WindowStyle == "Vinyl Trapezoid")
                aWindow.LeftHeight = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowLeftHeightVinyl"]);
                aWindow.RightHeight = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowRightHeightVinyl"]);
                aWindow.LeftHeight =
                    aWindow.RightHeight = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowHeightVinyl"]);

            aWindow.Width = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowWidthVinyl"]);

            if (Request.Form["ctl100$MainContent$lblWindowDLOLBLVinyl"] == "DLO")
                aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.RightHeight + 2;
                aWindow.LeftHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight + 2;
                aWindow.Width = aWindow.Width + 2;

            if (Request.Form["ctl100$MainContent$lblWindowDeductionsLBLVinyl"] == "Deduct 1/8\"")
                aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.RightHeight - 0.125F;
                aWindow.LeftHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight - 0.125F;
                aWindow.Width = aWindow.Width - 0.125F;
            else if (Request.Form["ctl100$MainContent$lblWindowDeductionsLBLVinyl"] == "Deduct 1/4\"")
                aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.RightHeight - 0.25F;
                aWindow.LeftHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight - 0.25F;
                aWindow.Width = aWindow.Width - 0.25F;
            else if (Request.Form["ctl100$MainContent$lblWindowDeductionsLBLVinyl"] == "Deduct 3/8\"")
                aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.RightHeight - 0.375F;
                aWindow.LeftHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight - 0.375F;
                aWindow.Width = aWindow.Width - 0.375F;
            else if (Request.Form["ctl100$MainContent$lblWindowDeductionsLBLVinyl"] == "Deduct 1/2\"")
                aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.RightHeight - 0.5F;
                aWindow.LeftHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight - 0.5F;
                aWindow.Width = aWindow.Width - 0.5F;

            //aWindow.GlassTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowGlassTintVinyl"];
            //if (aWindow.WindowStyle == "Vertical 4 Track")
            aWindow.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowVinylTintVinyl"];
                //aWindow.WindowWindow = new Window();

            aWindow.NumVents = (aWindow.WindowStyle == "Vertical 4 Track") ? int.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowV4TNumberOfVentsVinyl"]) :
                               (aWindow.WindowStyle == "Horizontal 4 Track") ? int.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowH4TNumberOfVentsVinyl"]) :
                               (aWindow.WindowStyle == "Horizontal 2 Track") ? 2 : 0;

            if (aWindow.VinylTint == "Mixed")
                if (aWindow.NumVents == 2)
                    aWindow.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint0Vinyl"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint1Vinyl"];
                else if (aWindow.NumVents == 3)
                    aWindow.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint0Vinyl"]
                        + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint1Vinyl"]
                        + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint2Vinyl"];
                else if (aWindow.NumVents == 4)
                    aWindow.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint0Vinyl"]
                        + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint1Vinyl"]
                        + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint2Vinyl"]
                        + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowTint3Vinyl"];
            aWindow.ScreenType = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowScreenOptionsVinyl"];
            //aWindow.Hinge = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$WindowHingeVinyl"];
            //aWindow.Swing = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$SwingInOutVinyl"];
            //aWindow.HardwareType = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlWindowHardwareVinyl"];
            //aWindow.SpreaderBar = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$chkWindowHardwareVinyl"];

            return aWindow;