public void deleteQuestion(Question question) { logger.Debug("deleteQuestion()"); MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); string query = "delete from question where id = " + question.Id + ";"; string answersIDs = ""; foreach (Answer answer in question.AnswerList) answersIDs += answer.Id.ToString() + ","; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(answersIDs)) answersIDs = answersIDs.Substring(0, answersIDs.Length - 1); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); query = "delete from answer where id in (" + answersIDs + ");"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(answersIDs)) using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); logger.Info("Question With ID " + question.Id + " Deleted"); }
private int getUserID() { MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); string query = "select id from account where username = '******'"; int userID = -1; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { userID = reader.GetInt32(0); } } } } mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); return userID; }
public void deleteQuestionaire(int question_id) { String query = "select * from questionaire"; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection); MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //Execute mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
public List<Answer> findAnswer(int question_id) { logger.Debug("findAnswer()"); string query = "select id,answer,correct,create_date,account_id from answer A " + " inner join question_answer QA on QA.answer_id = where QA.question_id = " + question_id; List<Answer> listAnswer = new List<Answer>(); Answer tempAnswer; int answer_id; string answer; bool correct; DateTime date_answer; int account_id; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) if (reader.HasRows) while (reader.Read()) { answer_id = reader.GetInt32(0); answer = reader.GetString(1); correct = reader.GetInt32(2) == 1 ? true : false; date_answer = reader.GetDateTime(3).Date; account_id = reader.GetInt32(4); tempAnswer = new Answer() { Id = answer_id, Answer_descr = answer, Correct = correct, Date = date_answer, Account = new Account() { Id = account_id } }; listAnswer.Add(tempAnswer); } mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); return listAnswer; }
public void deleteAnswer(Answer answer) { logger.Debug("deleteAnswer()"); MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); string query = "delete from answer where id = " + answer.Id + ""; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { mysql = new MysqlConnector("root", "Megastructures91", "", "3306", "gps_zero"); mysql.initializeConnection(); }
private bool usernameExist(string username) { bool usernameExist = false; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); string query = "select username from account where username = '******'"; mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) if (reader.HasRows) usernameExist = true; mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); return usernameExist; }
public List<Question> findQuestion(string usernameF,Subject subject, Department department) { logger.Debug("findQuestion()"); List<Question> questionList = new List<Question>(); string query = ""; if(usernameF != "all") query = "select as question_id,Q.question,Q.create_date, as user_id,Q.level_range,A.username from question Q " + "inner join account A on = Q.account_id " + "inner join subject_department SD on Q.subject_department_id = where SD.subject_id = " + subject.Id + " and SD.department_id = " + department.Id + " and A.username = '******'; "; else query = "select as question_id,Q.question,Q.create_date, as user_id,Q.level_range,A.username from question Q " + "inner join account A on = Q.account_id " + "inner join subject_department SD on Q.subject_department_id = where SD.subject_id = " + subject.Id + " and SD.department_id = " + department.Id + " ; "; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); //Question Fields int question_id; string question_descr; int level_question; DateTime date_question; //Account Fields int account_id; string username; //Questions using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { question_id = reader.GetInt32(0); question_descr = reader.GetString(1); date_question = reader.GetDateTime(2).Date; Debug.Write("NOWWWWWWWWWW"); Debug.Write(date_question.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); account_id = reader.GetInt32(3); level_question = reader.GetInt32(4); username = reader.GetString(5); questionList.Add(new Question() { Id = question_id, Question_descr = question_descr, Account = new Account() { Username = username }, Subject = subject, Department = department, Level = level_question, Date = date_question }); } } } // reader closed and disposed up here } // command disposed here mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); //Answer of Above Questions if (questionList.Any()) { mysql.openMysqlConnection(); setAnsersForIndividualQuestion(questionList, mysql); mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); } //Debug foreach (Question question in questionList) { Debug.WriteLine(question.Question_descr); foreach (Answer answer in question.AnswerList) Debug.WriteLine(answer.Answer_descr); } return questionList; }
public void updateQuestion(Question question) { string query = "select from subject_department SD where SD.subject_id=" + question.Subject.Id + " and SD.department_id=" + question.Department.Id + " "; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); int subjectdepartment_id = -1; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) while (reader.Read()) { subjectdepartment_id = reader.GetInt32(0); } } } string formatForMySql = question.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); query = "update question set question = '" + question.Question_descr + "',level_range=" + question.Level + ",create_date='" + formatForMySql + "',subject_department_id = " + subjectdepartment_id + " where id = " + question.Id + ""; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
public void setAnsersForIndividualQuestion(List<Question> questionList, MysqlConnector mysql) { if (questionList == null) return; List<Answer> answerList = new List<Answer>(); string query; //Answer Fields int answer_id; string answer_descr; DateTime date_answer; bool correct_answer; foreach (Question question in questionList) { query = "select id as answer_id,answer,create_date,correct from answer A inner join question_answer QA on = QA.answer_id and QA.question_id=" + question.Id + ";"; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { answer_id = reader.GetInt32(0); answer_descr = reader.GetString(1); date_answer = reader.GetDateTime(2).Date; correct_answer = (reader.GetInt32(3) == 0 ? false : true); answerList.Add(new Answer() { Id = answer_id, Answer_descr = answer_descr, Date = date_answer, Correct = correct_answer, Account = question.Account }); } question.AnswerList = answerList; answerList = new List<Answer>(); } } // reader closed and disposed up here } // command disposed here } }
public void saveQuestion(Question question) { string query = "select from subject_department SD where SD.subject_id=" + question.Subject.Id + " and SD.department_id=" + question.Department.Id + " "; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); long subjectdepartment_id = -1; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) while (reader.Read()) { subjectdepartment_id = reader.GetInt32(0); } } } string formatForMySql = question.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); query = "insert into question(question,level_range,create_date,account_id,subject_department_id) values('" + question.Question_descr + "'," + question.Level + ",'" + formatForMySql + "'," + question.Account.Id + "," + subjectdepartment_id + ")"; long new_questionId; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); new_questionId = cmd.LastInsertedId; } question.Id = (int)new_questionId; mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
public void saveAnswer(Answer answer, int question_id) { logger.Debug("saveAnswer()"); string formatForMySql = answer.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string query = "insert into answer(answer,create_date,correct,account_id) values('" + answer.Answer_descr + "','" + formatForMySql + "'," + (answer.Correct ? 1 : 0) + "," + answer.Account.Id + ")"; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); long new_answer_id; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); new_answer_id = cmd.LastInsertedId; } query = "insert into question_answer(question_id,answer_id) values(" + question_id + "," + new_answer_id + ")"; logger.Info("Answer iD " + new_answer_id); logger.Info("Question ID " + question_id); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); answer.Id = (int)new_answer_id; mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
public void updateAnswer(Answer answer) { logger.Debug("updateAnswer()"); MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); string formatForMySql = answer.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string query = "update answer set answer='" + answer.Answer_descr + "',create_date='" + formatForMySql + "',correct=" + (answer.Correct ? 1 : 0) + ",account_id=" + answer.Account.Id + " where id=" + answer.Id + ""; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, mysql.MysqlConnection)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mysql.closeMysqlConnection(); }
private void Login_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Login_username_textBox.Text.Equals("")) { Login_image_error_user_name.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else if (Login_passwordBox.Password.Equals("")) { Login_image_error_password.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { //Graph of processing. Login_Process.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Graph of errors Login_image_error_user_name.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Login_image_error_password.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //BY DEFALYT CONNECTION!!! MysqlConnector connector = new MysqlConnector(Login_username_textBox.Text, Login_passwordBox.Password, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); connector.initializeConnection(); try { connector.openMysqlConnection(); //Stop the graphics. Login_Process.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("Authentication Failed"); return; } //Retrive the connection string //WORKS //String connection = (new Model.RetriveStringConnection()).get_sc(); //Close the form. //take the username and the password from reg to make connection //this.Login_username_textBox.Text = reg.Registration_username_textBox.Text; CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME = Login_username_textBox.Text; CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD = Login_passwordBox.Password.ToString(); CurrentUserInfo.ID = getUserID(); CurrentUserInfo.CURENT_ACCOUNT = new Account() { Id = CurrentUserInfo.ID, Username = CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, Password = CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD }; NavigationService nav = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this); nav.Navigate(new Uri("MainMenu.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); //CALL the menu from Costas. pass the password and the username //this.Login_exit_button_Click(sender, e); MessageBox.Show("Authentication Succed"); } }
public List<Subject> findSubject() { List<Subject> subjectList = new List<Subject>(); List<Department> depList = new List<Department>(); String querySubjects = "select id,subject from subject"; String queryDepartments; MysqlConnector mysql = new MysqlConnector(CurrentUserInfo.USERNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PASSWORD, CurrentUserInfo.HOSTNAME, CurrentUserInfo.PORT, CurrentUserInfo.DATABASE); mysql.initializeConnection(); mysql.openMysqlConnection(); int subject_id, department_id; string subject, department; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(querySubjects, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { subject_id = Int32.Parse(reader.GetString(0)); subject = reader.GetString(1); subjectList.Add(new Subject() { Id = subject_id, Subject_descr = subject }); } } } // reader closed and disposed up here } // command disposed here foreach (Subject sub in subjectList) { queryDepartments = "select subject_id,department_id,department from subject_department SD inner join department S on " + "AND SD.subject_id = " + sub.Id + ";"; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(queryDepartments, mysql.MysqlConnection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { Debug.WriteLine(reader.GetString(1)); department_id = reader.GetInt32(1); department = reader.GetString(2); depList.Add(new Department() { Department_descr = department, Id = department_id }); } sub.DepList = depList; depList = new List<Department>(); } } // reader closed and disposed up here } // command disposed here } return subjectList; }