        // Handle the 'turn-on' timer tick condition
        private void Timer_Tick_On(object sender, object e)
            // Turn on the SSR
            channelValue = GpioPinValue.Low;

            // Change the screen color to signify the SSR is on
            LED.Fill = redDot;

            // Calculate the Sunrise/Sunset times for tomorrow
            sunCheck tomorrow = new sunCheck();
            tomorrow.checkDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            tomorrow.lat = this.latLocal;
            tomorrow.lon = this.lonLocal;
            bool tomorrowok = tomorrow.checkTime();

            // Set up the timer for tomorrow's turn-on timer
            DispatcherTimer timerOn = (DispatcherTimer)sender;
            DateTime dton1 = tomorrow.sunset;
            DateTime dton2 = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan tson = dton1.Subtract(dton2);
            if (tomorrow.isSunset)
                timerOn.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(tson.TotalMilliseconds);
                timerOn.Interval = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);

            // Update the screen times
            IoTTime.Text = "Last Action Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            DelayCalcOn.Text = "Next Sunset: " + tomorrow.sunset.ToString();
        public MainPage()

            DateTime date = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime sunrise = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime sunset = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime sunriseToday = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime sunsetToday = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime sunriseTomorrow = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime sunsetTomorrow = DateTime.Now;
            bool isSunrise;
            bool isSunset;

            bool initStatus = false;

            // Calculate Sunrise/Sunset Times for today
            sunCheck today = new sunCheck();
            today.checkDate = date;
            today.lat = latLocal;
            today.lon = lonLocal;
            bool todayok = today.checkTime();

            // Calculate Sunrise/Sunset Times for tomoorow
            sunCheck tomorrow = new sunCheck();
            tomorrow.checkDate = date.AddDays(1);
            tomorrow.lat = latLocal;
            tomorrow.lon = lonLocal;
            bool tomorrowok = tomorrow.checkTime();

            // If today's sunrise has already passed, use tomorrows
            if (today.sunrise < DateTime.Now)
                sunrise = tomorrow.sunrise;
                isSunrise = tomorrow.isSunrise;
                sunrise = today.sunrise;
                isSunrise = today.isSunrise;

            // If today's sunset has already passed, use tomorrows
            if (today.sunset < DateTime.Now)
                sunset = tomorrow.sunset;
                isSunset = tomorrow.isSunset;
                sunset = today.sunset;
                isSunset = today.isSunset;

            // Set the initial condition for the light
            if ((!isSunrise)|(!isSunset))
            { // Set the initial condition for 'no sunrise or sunset' (near the poles)
                if (today.lat > 0) { // Northern Hemisphere
                    if ((DateTime.Now.Month < 3) | (DateTime.Now.Month > 9))
                    { // Winter
                        initStatus = true;
                        LED.Fill = redDot;
                } else { // Southern Hemisphere
                    if ((DateTime.Now.Month >= 3) & (DateTime.Now.Month <= 9))
                    { // Winter
                        initStatus = true;
                        LED.Fill = redDot;
            } else { // Set the initial condition for 'normal sunrise-sunset'
                if ((today.sunset < DateTime.Now) | (today.sunrise > DateTime.Now))
                { // Sun is currently down
                    initStatus = true;
                    LED.Fill = redDot;

            // initialize the GPIO, and set the output to the proper value

            // Display the times...
            DelayCalcOn.Text = "Next Sunset: " + sunset.ToString();
            DelayCalcOff.Text = "Next Sunrise: " + sunrise.ToString();
            IoTTime.Text = "Last Action Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            // Setup the on timer
            timerOn = new DispatcherTimer();
            DateTime dton1 = sunset;
            DateTime dton2 = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan tson = dton1.Subtract(dton2);
            if (isSunset)
            { // normal locations
                timerOn.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(tson.TotalMilliseconds);
            } else
            { // near the poles (no sunrise/sunset)
                timerOn.Interval = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
            timerOn.Tick += Timer_Tick_On;

            // Setup the off timer
            timerOff = new DispatcherTimer();
            DateTime dtoff1 = sunrise;
            DateTime dtoff2 = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan tsoff = dtoff1.Subtract(dtoff2);
            if (isSunrise)
            { // normal locations
                timerOff.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(tsoff.TotalMilliseconds);
            { // near the poles (no sunrise/sunset)
                timerOff.Interval = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
            timerOff.Tick += Timer_Tick_Off;

            // Let the timers begin!!!
            if (channel != null)
        // Handle the 'turn-off' timer tick condition
        private void Timer_Tick_Off(object sender, object e)
            // Turn off the SSR
            channelValue = GpioPinValue.High;

            // Change the screen color to signify the off condition
            LED.Fill = blackDot;

            // Calculate sunrise/sunset times for tomorrow
            sunCheck tomorrow = new sunCheck();
            tomorrow.checkDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            tomorrow.lat = this.latLocal;
            tomorrow.lon = this.lonLocal;
            bool tomorrowok = tomorrow.checkTime();

            // Set up timer for tomorrows turn-off time
            DispatcherTimer timerOff = (DispatcherTimer)sender;
            DateTime dtoff1 = tomorrow.sunrise;
            DateTime dtoff2 = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan tsoff = dtoff1.Subtract(dtoff2);
            if (tomorrow.isSunrise)
                timerOff.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(tsoff.TotalMilliseconds);
                timerOff.Interval = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);

            // Update the screen times
            IoTTime.Text = "Last Action Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            DelayCalcOff.Text = "Next Sunrise: " + tomorrow.sunrise.ToString();