        public static void CopyChangesFromOneSubscriptToAnother(string originalSubScriptPath, string modifiedSubScriptPath, string subScriptToPortToPath, string outputScriptPath)
            const string marker = "|||ADDED_LINE";

            //Do a diff between "originalSubScriptPath" and "modifedSubScriptPath". Lines with a "+" are added lines.
            //Convert lines with a "+" to "|||ADDED_LINE" (if there are any '-' lines it is an error). Trim the first character of every line of the diff
            List <string> origToModifiedDiff = Differ.RunDiffToolNoHeader(originalSubScriptPath, modifiedSubScriptPath);

            List <string> fixedLines = new List <string>();

            foreach (string line in origToModifiedDiff)
                char   c          = line[0];
                string restOfLine = line.Substring(1);
                if (c == '+')
                    fixedLines.Add(marker + "+" + restOfLine);
                else if (c == '-')
                    fixedLines.Add(marker + "-" + restOfLine);
                else if (c == ' ')
                    throw new Exception("Diff resulted in a removed or other type of line!");

            //Write out the diff to a temp file so it can be consumed by the differ
            string tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

                File.WriteAllLines(tempFilePath, fixedLines);

                //Do a diff that takes you FROM the less censored script TO the more censored script.
                List <string> modifiedToSubScriptToPortDiff = Differ.RunDiffToolNoHeader(subScriptToPortToPath, tempFilePath);
                List <string> outputScript = new List <string>();

                //Keep all " "  and "-" lines. Throw away any "+" lines, unless they start with "|||ADDED_LINE". Save to outputScriptPath
                foreach (string line in modifiedToSubScriptToPortDiff)
                    char   c          = line[0];
                    string restOfLine = line.Substring(1);

                    if (restOfLine.StartsWith(marker))
                        // If a line is marked, apply the changes in the payload (don't obey the outer level change type)
                        char   payloadType = restOfLine[marker.Length];
                        string payload     = restOfLine.Substring(marker.Length + 1);

                        if (payloadType == '+')
                            //new line to be added
                            outputScript.Add(payload); //"SHOULD ADD:" + payload);
                        else if (payloadType == '-')
                            if (outputScript[outputScript.Count - 1] == payload)
                                outputScript.RemoveAt(outputScript.Count - 1);
                                throw new Exception("Couldn't port change from censored to uncensored script?");

                            //previous line to be removed if identical
                            //outputScript.Add("REMOVED:" + payload);
                            throw new Exception($"Unexpected payload diff type for line {line}");
                        // If a line is not marked, "undo" the changes by keeping original
                        if (c == '+')
                            //Console.WriteLine($"Throwing away {line}");
                        else if (c == '-' || c == ' ')
                            throw new Exception($"Unexpected diff type for line {line}");

                File.WriteAllLines(outputScriptPath, outputScript);
        /// <summary>
        /// processes a single mangagamer script, attempting to merge the matching ps3 instructions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pS3DialogueInstructionsPreFilter"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="mgInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="guessedInputInfos"></param>
        static List <PartialSubScriptToMerge> ProcessSingleFile(
            List <PS3DialogueInstruction> pS3DialogueInstructionsPreFilter,
            MergerConfiguration config,
            InputInfo mgInfo,
            List <InputInfo> guessedInputInfos,
            Counter counter)
            string fullPath  = Path.Combine(config.input_folder, mgInfo.path);
            string pathNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath);

            string debug_side_by_side_diff_path_MG = Path.Combine(config.output_folder, pathNoExt + "_side_by_side_debug.html");
            string debug_alignment_statistics      = Path.Combine(config.output_folder, pathNoExt + "_statistics_debug.txt");

            List <PS3DialogueInstruction> pS3DialogueInstructions = GetFilteredPS3Instructions(pS3DialogueInstructionsPreFilter, mgInfo.ps3_regions);

            //load all the mangagamer lines from the mangagamer file
            List <MangaGamerDialogue> allMangaGamerDialogue = MangaGamerScriptReader.GetDialogueLinesFromMangaGamerScript(fullPath, out List <string> mg_leftovers);

            //PS3 Dialogue fragments
            List <PS3DialogueFragment> ps3DialogueFragments = new List <PS3DialogueFragment>();
            int ps3DialogueIndex = 0;

            foreach (PS3DialogueInstruction ps3Dialogue in pS3DialogueInstructions)
                List <string>       splitDialogueStrings        = PS3DialogueTools.SplitPS3StringNoNames(ps3Dialogue.data);
                PS3DialogueFragment previousPS3DialogueFragment = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < splitDialogueStrings.Count; i++)
                    //dummy instructions index into the ps3DialogueList (for now...)
                    PS3DialogueFragment ps3DialogueFragment = new PS3DialogueFragment(ps3Dialogue, splitDialogueStrings[i], i, previousPS3DialogueFragment);
                    previousPS3DialogueFragment = ps3DialogueFragment;

            //If no ps3 regions specified, scan for regions, then print and let user fill in?
            if (mgInfo.ps3_regions.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine($"The file [{mgInfo.path}] does not have the PS3 region marked in the conf.toml file!");
                Console.WriteLine($"Scanning for PS3 region...");

                //print the first few and last mangagamer instructions
                //skip if length too small?
                Console.WriteLine("------- Finding first 5 entries -------");
                int?startResult = AnalyseEntries(ps3DialogueFragments, allMangaGamerDialogue, amount: 10, isStart: true);
                if (startResult.HasValue)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Best guess at start PS3 ID: {startResult.Value}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Not sure about start PS3 ID. Please inspect manually.");

                Console.WriteLine("------- Finding last 5 entries -------");
                int?endResult = AnalyseEntries(ps3DialogueFragments, allMangaGamerDialogue, amount: 10, isStart: false);
                if (endResult.HasValue)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Best guess at last PS3 ID: {endResult.Value}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Not sure about last PS3 ID. Please inspect manually.");

                string result_start_id = "<START_REGION>";
                string result_end_id   = "<END_REGION>";

                if (startResult.HasValue && endResult.HasValue)
                    Console.WriteLine("AUTOREGION SUCCESS: You can copy this into the conf.toml file\n\n");
                    result_start_id = startResult.Value.ToString();
                    result_end_id   = endResult.Value.ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine($"AUTOREGION FAIL: Region couldn't be determined confidently. Please use the above information and the ps3 script" +
                                      $"to determine the PS3 region manually, then place the results in the conf.toml file as per below");

                Console.WriteLine($@"path = ""{mgInfo.path}""");
                Console.WriteLine($"ps3_regions = [[{result_start_id}, {result_end_id}]]");
                Console.WriteLine("No output will be generated for this script until the program is run again.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to move to the next script...");

                return(new List <PartialSubScriptToMerge>());

            //Diff the dialogue
            List <AlignmentPoint> allAlignmentPoints = Differ.DoDiff(config.temp_folder, allMangaGamerDialogue, ps3DialogueFragments, debugFilenamePrefix: pathNoExt);

            //Sanity check the alignment points by making sure there aren't missing any values
            SanityCheckAlignmentPoints(allAlignmentPoints, allMangaGamerDialogue, ps3DialogueFragments);

            //trim alignment points to reduce output
            List <AlignmentPoint> alignmentPoints = config.trim_after_diff ? TrimAlignmentPoints(allAlignmentPoints) : allAlignmentPoints;

            //Write statistics on how well matched the alignment points are
            WriteAlignmentStatistics(alignmentPoints, debug_alignment_statistics);

            //DEBUG: generate the side-by-side diff
            DifferDebugUtilities.PrintHTMLSideBySideDiff(alignmentPoints, debug_side_by_side_diff_path_MG);

            //Insert PS3 instructions
            string mergedOutputPath = Path.Combine(config.output_folder, pathNoExt + "_merged.xml.txt");

            SaveMergedMGScript(alignmentPoints, mergedOutputPath, mg_leftovers);

            // >>>> UnMerge ModCallScriptSection: Before using the results, we need to reverse the step we did earlier, by unmerging any merged files back into multiple files.

            //Use the inserted instructions
            string finalOutputWithMergedForkedScripts = Path.Combine(config.output_folder, pathNoExt + ".txt");

            MergedScriptPostProcessing.PostProcessingMain.InsertMGLinesUsingPS3XML(mergedOutputPath, finalOutputWithMergedForkedScripts, config, counter);

            List <PartialSubScriptToMerge> partialSubScriptsToMerge = ForkingScriptMerger.GetForkedScriptContentFromMergedScript(config.pre_input_folder, finalOutputWithMergedForkedScripts);

