         * Determines if a Sudoku puzzle is correct or not
         * Validation rules defined by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku
         * If any variant on the classic Sudoku puzzle is needed in the future:
         *   - Each puzzle type would need to have to override two methods for Processing and Validation
         *   - Would need to tell the machine what type of game we're playing, may be tough to decide if it's a 9x9 Classic or a 9x9 Classic with a slight variation in the rules
         * Notes:
         *  A .txt file must be used, several are included in the \bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 folder
         *  If a file has empty lines or spaces, but still has a 9x9 valid grid, it is considered valid
         *  It will consider a Sudoku puzzle invalid if:
         *   - One column contains more than 9 digits
         *   - One row contains more than 9 digits
         *   - Any entry is not a numeric value
         *   - Any numeric value is not between 1-9
         *  Implementation notes:
         *   - Used a byte 2 dimentional array because it's smaller in size (0-255) compared to  shorts or integers (32k or 2.1m)
         *   - Validated the file data before checking the individual regions
         *   - I considered adding a auto run for test files (anything in a folder) but I wanted to keep the main program simple
        static void Main()
            bool userIsTesting = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Current directory the text files must be in: " + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            while (userIsTesting)
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter file name:");
                string fileName = Console.ReadLine();
                string filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + fileName;

                ClassicSudoku classicSudoku = new ClassicSudoku(filePath);

                string[] rawData = classicSudoku.GetRawSudokuGrid(classicSudoku.FilePath);
                byte[,] sudokuGrid = classicSudoku.ProcessAndValidateRawSudokuGrid(rawData);
                Console.WriteLine(classicSudoku.ValidateGrid(sudokuGrid) ? "Yes, valid" : "No, invalid");
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit the console or any key to continue testing \n");
                var input = Console.ReadKey();

                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    userIsTesting = false;
        private void Solve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ClassicSudoku Sudoku = new ClassicSudoku(Grid.Value);

            if (Sudoku.Verify())
                MessageBox.Show("The sudoku could not be solved.");